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Old 06-02-22, 11:20 AM  
Join Date: Nov 2005
Who Has Recovered from COVID and return to exercise?

Despite my best efforts (vaccinated and double boosted plus always wearing a mask and avoiding crowded events) I got COVID. I have no idea where or how. I've been sick for a week including one day in bed with a fever. I guess I've had a "moderate" case. I am taking the antiviral pills, but I really got started on them too late (Day 6) to do much good. This is Day 8, and I'm still tired, still have nasal congestion, and my head still doesn't feel right. It's hard to believe I'll ever be well. Has anyone else recovered from COVID recently (with Omicron)? How long did it take? When were you able to return to exercise? I've read all kinds of things about returning to exercise including taking 4-6 weeks off! How did you return? My doctor isn't much help on the exercise part (or any of the rest of it for that matter). She treated me with antibiotics for a sinus infection for 4 days, and it turned out I had COVID all of that time. It was only when I got really sick and went to urgent care on Memorial Day that I found out I had COVID.

Last edited by bfit; 06-02-22 at 11:21 AM. Reason: made a mistake
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Old 06-02-22, 11:47 AM  
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My boss came down with CoVid around the 18th or so of May. We figure it was one of the O variants since those are so common now. I believe he tested negative at least twice before he finally tested positive. Like you, he was vaccinated and boosted, but only once - he isn't quite 50, so he didn't qualify for the second booster.

He said he felt pretty awful for about a week, including a few days before he finally tested positive. He did recover fairly quickly though, and is now in Portugal doing one of those walking spiritual retreats where he will walk 200 miles over the next couple of weeks. I will be interested to see how that goes. He has a big advantage when it comes to CoVid - he's younger. I think, in general, that helps.

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Old 06-02-22, 12:06 PM  
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Location: Canada
I had Covid the 2nd week of April (as tested by several rapid tests in succession). It felt like a bad cold at the time; however, it is now June and I am still dealing with a chronic cough, some shortness of breath and a tiny bit of chest tightness. It was much worse a month ago. I have just returned to working out over the past 2 weeks but it is going to take some time to build up to the level I was at.

Also, a weird thing about it, I can't really predict when I will get short of breath. I was on the treadmill yesterday walking at a good clip and was fine but earlier in the week I was walking my dog, which was nothing more than a gentle stroll, and felt like I had run 5 miles nonstop and had to stop for a second. Thankfully, those moments are less and less frequent and I can say that I now feel that the worst of it is over. I have just been listening to my body.

ETA: I was also fully vaccinated.
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Old 06-02-22, 12:58 PM  
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Location: Cincinnati
I was vaccinated and boosted. Tested positive a few weeks ago. Got the antivirals day 5 (phew) and they turned it right around ( was pretty symptomatic in my lungs). I feel awesome now! I did experience post exercise hives and prickly heat which believe it or not is a thing with some a week or 2 after diagnosis as your body clears the virus but even that’s resolved. Listen to your body. We all respond to Covid different. Best wishes
have a fit day! joanna
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Old 06-02-22, 01:47 PM  
Join Date: Jun 2009
It seems to vary depending on the person. People older than me had it and were right back to working out normally after a couple of days. Others take several weeks or longer to feel normal again.

I had it quite a while ago and started exercising after just a few days off, but did take it easier for about two weeks, then back to normal. I did not feel the need to keep things at a lower level even at a week, but at the time there was still an idea floating around that if you did not rest enough, you might have a recurrence of fatigue and be more likely to struggle for longer. I don’t think there is any substantial proof for that idea, though.
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Old 06-02-22, 06:29 PM  
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*Knock wood* I have not had COVID - but I think like any other viral illness, you just have to listen to your body and start slow. Doing too much too soon almost always rebounds into a longer time off than if you just built back slowly. I would recommend starting out at 50% of what you were doing and see how that feels, then go from there. Be gentle with yourself - err on the side of doing less.

I have had the flu and have made the mistake of rushing back into exercise only to have rebound exhaustion.

It will get better, it just takes time....

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Old 06-03-22, 08:38 AM  
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I read that not taking it easy post-infection may trigger long covid. Of course just sitting around makes you feel terrible too.

I had 3 days of fever to start. I'm on day 20 and I still have congestion and cough. My energy came back on day 12. Every day is better than the previous day. I'm going to do easy walks and bike rides until I feel like I'm in the clear.

I got my 2nd booster during the week I was exposed. I don't know if that helped or hurt.

Based on joanna33's feedback, next time I'm going to ask for antivirals early on.

tlchello, that's scary about the random shortness of breath. I'm glad it's getting better!
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Old 06-03-22, 08:53 AM  
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Not exactly what you were asking, since I've been off the exercise wagon for almost a year, but I did just recently recover from Covid. Fully vaccinated, boosted in November, age 47. It's been three weeks since I first tested positive, and a little over a week since I tested negative again. Was sick for a week and then had a lingering sinus drip cough (not chest congestion).

I've been surprised by some heat and exercise intolerance in the last week. I took my first walk for an errand and was shocked at my heart rate on the minor hills (158). Then I was doing some yard work over the weekend in the sun in hot weather (80s), and my heart rate was SO disproportionately high at some points! In the mid-170s!! It was still in the high 150s after I came inside and sat down and checked my pulse with an oximeter to verify my Garmin watch.

All I was doing was weeding, leaning under bushes to use choppers on errant seedings, chopping things to put in yard bags, or using a little hand pruning saw. I had to take breaks, sit in the shade, get a hat. I was sweating and beet red in the face. I was also super exhausted afterwards. It was super strange. Just a few weeks before I had worked WAY harder digging out some massive root systems, and had nowhere near this sort of reaction, so I'm assuming it's a post-Covid thing.

As others have said, I think the key is to take it slowly, really listen to your body, and accept that you may have to ramp things up MUCH more gradually than you anticipated. Everyone's experience seems to be individual, so it's hard to know what yours will be ahead of time. For instance, my husband hasn't noticed anything except for some extra tiredness in the weeks since.

An encouraging note is that for most people who have some lingering effects, they go away over time. The key seems to be patience and moderation.
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Old 06-03-22, 12:03 PM  
Join Date: Sep 2016
I'm 65 so I had the initial 2 shots and 2 boosters but still managed to catch COVID over the Memorial day weekend. My husband had COVID first (we think he caught it at the dental clinic which is also a medical clinic) but we just thought it was allergies and post nasal drip at first. I think being fully vaxxed really helped because I had a very mild case. I felt a little feverish and had a sore throat one day but really just felt tired and off and I had a little cough. Basically I was sick Friday, Sat. and Sun and by Monday I felt well again but took it easy.
Tuesday I went hiking for about an hour but all flat terrain, Wednesday I went hiking on hilly terrain for about an hour and did about 35 minutes of exercise in the evening and on Thurs I went for a 2 mile run but had to take a few walk breaks so I am back to exercise but not up to full speed yet. I think it may take a little bit longer to be fully back on track, hopefully another week or so.
I am still testing positive so I am not able to return to my part time retail job.
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Old 06-04-22, 07:32 PM  
Join Date: Jun 2003
When I had COID it was a moderate case as well. This was a couple of years ago. The lasting effect I had for months was exhaustion. I went to work, came home and napped on the couch, got up and went to bed. I returned to exercise slowly and tried not to push myself too much. Your body and breathing will tell you what you can and can't do. Be kind to yourself and get plenty of rest for a full recovery.
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coronavirus, covid, covid-19, working out after illness

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