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Old 02-20-03, 10:50 AM  
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The Everything-Joyce-Vedral thread :-)

Hi everyone

There has been a lot of discussion (and confusion) lately regarding Joyce Vedral and her workouts, so I thought it might be helpful to compile all the info. We have into one central thread where we could refer people for more information. I’m going to try and answer as many Joyce questions as I can here, pulling info from other Joyce threads where I can, then others can add their comments below and hopefully we will end up with one giant thread that will lay it all out without confusing the newbies.

1: What kind of workouts does Joyce Vedral have? How are they different from other similar workouts? Do I need a book or a video? What about DVD? Where can I buy the videos and how much do they cost?

Joyce Vedral does gym-style weight training workouts. What does this mean? It means that her workout style is a little more utilitarian than something like The Firm, which tries to choreograph the moves both for effectiveness and to keep your interest. Joyce is very no-nonsense---all moves get the same number of reps, in the same structure of sets, which will vary slightly depending on the workout. None of the moves are especially different or innovative---it’s pretty much basic, old-fashioned weight work.

Joyce’s workouts differ from other gym-style weight workouts in two ways: structure and speed. As I mentioned above, the structure is very rigid: she explains a pattern at the outset (for example, 3 sets of 12-12-12 using the same weights in Dynamic Tension) then sticks to this pattern for every single body part worked. This is wonderful if you like having structure and knowing exactly what’s coming. It’s less wonderful if you get bored very easily and need to always feel surprised. The second key difference is in speed: all of her video workouts proceed at a rapid clip that some find disconcerting. She tends to go slightly slower in workouts where she has another person counting, such as the Fast Forward set which involves her daughter Marthe. Even so, you’ll need to use lighter weights in these tapes than you might otherwise---there are a lot of reps, and you won’t have much time to relax here.

It is the lightning speed that prompts many to use Joyce’s books, instead of her videos. The videos offer almost no instruction at all on form: most times, the cueing is limited to ‘okay, now biceps curls’ followed by an immediate launch into the move in question. If you are familiar with weight training basics and enjoy the motivation of having someone work out alongside you in video form, this might now be a problem, but a beginner would definitely need to read at least one of the books first. I would not recommend Joyce as a first video for someone, but that is my personal opinion. As for whether you “need” the videos, my answer is: not really. IF you can keep yourself motivated with just a book, her routines are so structured and utilitarian that you can get the same workout from them as you could from the videos. Some people do complain that the book workouts take them longer. If you find that is the case, you really might need the videos to keep the pacing on for you.

The videos average $25 each, and the dvd’s average about $60---but most of them are compilations of at least 3 tapes, so they wind up costing about the equivalent. Joyce offers weekly sales of between 10 and 30 per cent, and informs people via email of what the sales are. The books are available via any bookseller, e.g.,, etc. and retail, but the videos and dvd’s are only available via her website (except a select few of her older vhs tapes, which you MAY find at Collage). None of her newer programs are available anywhere except for her website. Note: this means all prices are in American dollars. If you are not American, plan accordingly. And plan, as well, for somewhat high shipping costs.

As for the dvd’s, the chaptering is adequate, but not stellar. She splits them by day, e.g. workout day 1, workout day 2, and she usually splits them by section as well, e.g. chest. Back. What she does NOT do is pre-program anything beyond that. Most of her books offer a minimum plan, a slightly more intense plan ad a maximum plan. In an ideal world, you should be able to simply select one of these as options. Not so. In the Weight Training Made Easier dvd, for example, you’re doing the maximum plan. If you want to do less, you are instructed to simply hit ‘skip’ when you’ve done as many exercises as you care to. The extras vary by DVD. Some of them, such as Definition, have only the workout itself (the three-tape compilation). Others combine more than one routine, such as Non-Stop and Dynamic tension on one dvd, or including the Gut Busters routine on the Fast Forward dvd.

I'll be back in a bit with Part 2---What is Joyce's background? What is her personality like? What else do I need to know about her?

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Old 02-20-03, 11:00 AM  
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2: What is Joyce's background? What is her personality like? What else do I need to know about her?

Joyce’s background is in writing. She has a PhD in English Literature, and says she got into body-building when she was writing for Joe Weider’s magazines and interviewing champion bodybuilders. She was writing fitness books for years before she made the move to videos, and nearly all of her videos are simply digitized retreads of her books. Of the videos, the following have book counterparts: Fat Burning Workout, Definition, Bottoms Up, Bottoms Up Gold Plus, Dynamic Tension, Bone-Building Workout, Gut Busters, Weight Training Made Easier, Bathing Suit Workout. The following are only available in DVD/Video form: Fast Forward, Non-Stop, Interval Aerobics, Easy Stretch. She also has a series of motivational audio tapes, several self-help books (Get Rid of Him, a ‘non-man-hating’ book and Look In, Look Up, Look Out, an autobiography/motivation book). I believe she does have a certification of some kind---it might be AFAA, although I am not 100% certain.

Her personality is a little on the goofy side, and her workout form is generally atrocious. Again, please be sure you are aware of proper form before you start. The better of her tapes are the ones where other people count for her: she tens to forget reps and lose her pacing a little when she’s on her own. Bottoms Up Gold, fat-Burning Workout, Fast Forward and most of her newer ones all have others counting. Look for any video with Marthe in it, and you should be fine.

Take care to keep copies of any order conformations or correspondences from Joyce. Her customer service is a bit sketchy sometimes :-)

Back soon with Part 3---Explain to me the difference between each of her workouts.

:-) Joanna
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Old 02-20-03, 11:03 AM  
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Very cool, Joanna!

How about I help you out a little bit... Anyone can click on the links below to explore past threads!

Joyce Blew Me Away Thread

Mixing & Matching with Firm Thread

Worth the Money Thread

Customer Service Woes

Bone Building Workout part 1

Bone Building Workout part 2

Book Recommendations

Why does Joyce work? thread

Joyce Lower Body Results thread

Should I try Joyce? thread

To be continued!!!

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Old 02-20-03, 11:19 AM  
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and more!

Definition Chaptering

Fast Foward Chaptering

Weight Training Made Easier Chaptering

Another Joyce/Cathe comparison!

New Joyce Videos Thread

Okay, that gets us from mid-January! Joanna, I think we really DO need an organization thread. No wonder we're all spinning with Joyce info!

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Old 02-20-03, 11:23 AM  
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LOL Deanne, you're good! I wish I could hire you to help us with some of our online research!

You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. — Maya Angelou
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Old 02-20-03, 11:50 AM  
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Thanks, Deanne!

Moving on, as promised...

3: Explain to me the difference between each of her workouts.

Joyce lists them in order from easiest to hardest in the FAQ on her website at, so I’ll do the same:

Workout 101- this is a very basic introduction to Joyce’s workout style. It takes 20 minutes from start to finish, and works the entire body. You do one exercise per body part, for 3 sets each. Kathy G. says: “I don't know if I'll ever use the Workout 101 section,'s a full body workout that only does one exercise (three sets) per body part. It's only about 23 minutes long but I like more exercises per body part.”

Dynamic Tension- this is one of the slower-paced workouts. You do two exercises per body part, for 3 sets each. You can do this in two ways: using one weight for all sets, as Joyce does, or performing it pyramid-style with 3 sets of weights. You’ll need to keep your own count if you do this, as Joyce will be following option A, but the reps are slow enough that you can do so without falling behind. Cynthia says: “I still have the book. It was how I learned to weight-train. I got it when it first came out -- 1988 maybe? Years later, I bought the video. Traded it here 2 years ago, at a sacrifice, considering how expensive it was. I hated it. Joyce kept saying "dynamic tension" every other word. Plus, about half the book's workouts didn't appear. Instead of 6 different workout as in the book, I think the vid only has 3.” (Note: it has 5 sections).

Bone-Building Workout- this is a split routine, where you work different parts of the body over two days. It has more rests than most of her other tapes. Bebop says: “Bone Building - the book - It is one of her easier workouts - but you can make it advanced by lifting heavier - in fact - I did the workout yesterday and lifted heavier than I had all week. The workout is set up as follows: a couple of stretches before each exercise - then 2 - 3 exercises per body part. You don't superset or giant set - for example - chest - you do presses - you do 12 with the light - have the option of resting 15 to 30 seconds, then you do your next set of 10 reps with medium - rest 15 - 30 sec. then you do the last set of 8 reps with the heaviest. Rest 15 - 30 seconds move on to the next chest exercise - etc. etc. In the book you can do the total body - 30 min. - split workout 18 min. or a couple of body parts per day 8 min. I always do total body. Yesterday I chose it because I was feeling lazy and didn't have the energy for other programs - but - because you only do one exercise at a time and our given more rests - I actually was able to heavy up. So, should you get it? It depends - I have the book and have no intention of getting it on tape.” Mandy says: “I like the Bone Building DVD. It's a nice slow pace with 15 seconds in between exercises. It has a customize your own workout on the DVD so if you want to you can pick and choose what you want. Sometimes I want to do just Bone Upper body so I customize it to my workout that I want to do.”

Fast-Forward- this is Joyce’s only 3-day split, which might annoy some of you. Marthe is counting, so the pace is manageably slower. Joyce chops up the body parts here---you work three of them in each set, doing one move for each. Susan P. says: “I got the Fast Forwards in trade and have to say that I really LIKE Joyce! She's such a hoot! She reminds me of Emeril Lagasse somehow. Just the way she talks and is kind of flamboyant.”

Bottoms Up- this video set has recently been re-filmed and released as Bottoms Up Gold Plus. It is a split routine, working half the body on each day. You superset between body parts, meaning each part is paired with another, and you alternate exercises between them during each set. The new Bottoms Up is much slower-paced than most of her tapes and slightly longer too. Bebop says: “I highly recommend BU for anyone who wants to try Joyce but doesn't like to lift fast - or for Joyce fans who want to try something different.”

Weight Training Made Easier- this set also supersets between body parts, but it uses different ones than Bottoms Up, and is much faster-paced.

Fat-Burning Workout- there are two different tapes here: volume 1 is 20 minutes per day and is the basic plan, and volume 2 is the maximum plan, at double the length. You superset within body parts here: i.e. you have x number of exercises per body part depending on the tape, and you do one set of each of them with your lightest weight, then rest, then do another set of each of them with slightly heavier weights, then rest, then do one final set with your heaviest weight.

Definition- this is Joyce’s only true pyramid, meaning, you do 5 sets of each exercise in the pattern lightest weight-middle-weight-heavy weight-middle weight-light weight. The workout moves at a VERY fast pace---take extra caution to prevent injury, even if it means slowing down and doing less repetitions. It would be very easy to hurt yourself here if you are not careful. Leela says: “However, the book workout for Definiton is arranged differently than the video. In the book, the exercises for each body part are grouped together, and, if you're doing the Minimum plan (which is called something else in the book), you just do the first two exercises out of four. On the videos, the Minimum plan is done first, then, if you're doing the Maximum plan, you do the next section, which is composed of the rest of the exercises for each body part. I actually like the video arrangement better, because each body part gets a bit of a rest before getting worked again. i know that Bebop (for example) like the book arrangement better.” Videogirl says: “Today I did upper body and I was amazed to get such a great workout. It just doesn't look like it can be that challenging. I think it's because you move along so quickly. I just dont' get this fried feeling with Cathe, except with Powerhour. And I was done in about 25 minutes or so. I even had time to do some cardio.” Martha says: “I have several of Joyce's workouts, and Definition always toasts whatever body part I'm working. I like Joyce's personality, too--very real, very unrehearsed, very funny!” Bebop says: “I Always feel like I get a great workout with definition! I'm not that crazy about the lower body workout - I guess I get bored doing 5 sets of 15 reps - but I love how you can get a fantastic 15 min upper body work - that leaves plenty of time to add on any lower body workout you want!” Deanne says: “I know the Definition upper body toast all too well. It's all I can do to put the weights away (I'm so busy trying to unflex my biceps!) when I'm done. But then, 10 minutes later, I feel great! I like the whole set - upper, middle & lower. I tend to use only a minimum plan for upper & max for the rest”

Non-Stop- this workout is a split routine, and there is no maximum or minimum---each cycle takes 20 minutes. The exercises in this tape are arranged in a much less organized and at times random fashion---a bit of this, a bit of that, here and there. You are doing giant sets here: one set of every exercise in the workout, not just the body part. Then set 3, set 3 etc. A good workout for those with short attention spans, who enjoyed the format of the bathing suit tape but want upper body too.

Gut Busters- an all-ab workout that moves at a lightening pace.

Bathing Suit Workout- a mostly floor work tape that moves in rounds of three exercises---one each for hip/butt, thighs and abs. In the book version, she does 3 sets of each, then moves on to the next set, etc. In the video, she does ONE set of every round, then repeats the entire sequence again---and using the same video footage, no less :-)

Interval Aerobics- a circuit tape where Joyce performs one minute of cardio followed by 3 lower body moves performed with weights, in intervals to fill the time allotted. Marthe uses a bike for the cardio, and Joyce does other basic aerobic moves. For a basic workout, do it once through for 28 minutes. The 48-minute option, as in the bathing suit tape, is merely the same footage repeated. Bebop says: “it's a hoot - she is having so much fun - again, nothing fancy - 30 second aerobic cycles - do whatever - literally you want - than 3 sets of lower body, non weight work.” Mandy says: “Joyce is just as silly as ever but I had fun. I just like her goofy style and plain old having fun. She is always going"hoo-hoo" alot in the Interval workout.”

Easy Stretch- Joyce’s new stretch workout. Bebop says: “This is a nice stretch tape for beginners but anyone can use it - I will alternate it with my "fancier - pilates/yoga - type stretches). This is also a nice add on to any Joyce tape - the upper body stretches are a good add on to any of Joyce's upper workouts.” Mandy says: “The easy Does it stretch video is wonderful! Finally an athletic stretch video that holds the stretches and uses a towel! The music is really relaxing and Joyce's New York accent is pleasant to listen to as she is stretching. She does alot of nice standing stretches and then floor stretching for each muscle…even the forearms and wrists. This is my favorite stretch video now.”

Up later: How would you compare the different tapes in terms of results/effect? How does Joyce compare to other tapes on the market?

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Old 02-20-03, 12:23 PM  
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4: How would you compare the different tapes in terms of results/effect? How does Joyce compare to other tapes on the market?


From Deanne: “There are one or two exercises that Joyce does that I am not familiar with, so I don't do them b/c I can't guarantee that Joyce is doing them properly! Tracie's Maximum Body Sculpting or a Cathe strength tape wouldn't hurt as a base for your sister. Even Tamilee's I Want That Body (dvd) would be a great start. Tamilee has great form & instruction.”

From Helen: “Def. U.B. uses the full pyramid system. I also like it because she super-sets two exercises on the same body part. I don't like her workouts as much when she super-sets an exercise for one body part with an exercise for a different body part. This is because I can sometimes lift more weight with one body part versus another and she doesn't give enough time to switch weights.”

From Ghira: “I would definitely suggest that, if you should choose to go with Vedral, you choose a DVD where Marthe does the counting, as those appear to be slower paced. That's Fast Forward or Bottom's Up.”

From Mandy: “It's hard to narrow down which is my favorite Joyce. That is like saying what is your favorite Firm or favorite Cathe. If I had to pick just one, it would be Definition because it uses the full pyramid system and has given and still gives me the best results. I also love Fat Burning DVD which has both Fat Burning workout 1 and 2 on it. Not for the set, not for the music, not for the DVD but for the workout. I love using the giant set within the same body part using the pyramid system. IT also has great butt work.”

From Felicia: “My favorite is Definition, followed by Dynamic Tension. I love Definition because I like using the full pyramid system, and I feel like I get a great workout in a short amount of time. Dynamic Tension only uses 3 lbs., but if done right you'll feel it. My least favorite is Non Stop. It moves way too fast and I can't use anything heavier than 3 lbs. I'd rather do a pure cardio tape.”

From Patricia: “As for tapes with reps as high as Joyce's, I can think of one: Standing Legs. There are at least 250 tall box climbs per leg on that tape, plus over 200 lunges per leg. The difference is that the reps are not all sequential.”

From Mandy: “I own all Joyce's DVDs. My favorites are Definition and Fat Burning and Gut love handle pooch busters. Although I like all Joyces workouts, I see faster results rotating Fat Burning with Definition.”

From Mandy: “Bone Building has good slow controlled upper body but like the Dynamic tension, I felt the lower body and ab work wasn't enough. If I had Bone Building come up in my rotation, I would do the upper body Bone Building one day and then either Cathe's Pyramid lower body or another Joyce lower body workout that is tougher.”

From Jane P: “I'm not a Joyce expert so others will have to give you information on her workouts, but you might consider Margaret Richard for the upper body. She uses light weights and lots of repetitions, which really builds definition.”


From Mollie F: “I've been doing Cathe's Pyramids for the last two weeks (of course, I was sick for most of the first week), and I felt as if I was losing the results that I'd been getting with Joyce. Now that I'm back to Fast Forward, I can see that I've made strength gains; I'll be raising my weights tomorrow.”

From Mandy: “She does go much faster in the reps than Cathe. And it took me a while to get used to it. But now that I have started using Cathe's newest Pyramid tapes in my rotation, I don't like going slow that much.I like Joyce's way of lifting better. I like the pace Joyce does. And I did Muscle Endurance lower body yesterday and my knee is really hurting today where I never had knee trouble with Joyce. I guess the high rep type of weight lifting with the same weight doesn't appeal to me anymore and my body is telling me that. I already knew about good form from Firm instructors and Cathe so when I see Joyce's form isn't that good(even she admits to having non perfect form), I just do form the correct way.”

From Deanne: re. Cathe’s Pyramid Upper Body vs. Definition: “My two cents: they're both worth having. I'm pretty sure that Definition Minimum Plan does two supersets for each body part, but Definition Maximum Plan has two more for a total of four supersets per body part. Also, the Minimum UB takes a mere 15 minutes. Joyce goes faster & you use lighter weights than you could with Cathe. Sometimes 15 minutes is all you can get in!” And from Mollie F. on same: “I did PUB this morning for the first time, and the two workouts are very different. Cathe goes more slowly, but that means that you do get fewer exercises per body part in more time. Definition will give you four exercises per body part in about a half hour; PUB will give you two per body part in 40 minutes. My arms didn't feel quite as toasted with PUB, but I can always use heavier weights (or try to!). I'm going to be glad to have both. The ab work in the two workouts is very different, so I can add that on to another workout any time I like and not risk boredom. Cathe's DVD also has a premix for modified pyramids, and I may wind up using this DVD for that more often than for the full pyramid.”

From Mandy: “I'm loving Cathe's Pyramid Lower and Upper body DVD AND I highly recommend getting this DVD because its like the best of Firm and Joyce. Firm leg press using the pyramid system and like the Definition pyramid system min plan. It is awesome. Slow controlled with awesome music.”


From Mandy: “Joyce gave me definition without bulk. A lean look. She doesn't use ankle weights. Except she does recommend them for front leg extensions in Definition for a substitute exercise. At first, being a Firmie, I thought this was blasphemy to not use ankleweights…really! I had to force myself to do Joyce's floorwork because I was used to killing my lower body doing Firm 1, 2 and Firm 4 and other Firm floorwork with ankleweights and using dumbbells on my hips for bridge.”

From Bebop: “One rotation that I have done in the past used both Joyce and the firm. What I did was do the equivalent of two total body routines using Joyce's programs - then on a third day I would do a firm. I liked this because it added variety and different exercises - the leg presses, but Joyce was my main strength training workout. If you do this - just make sure that the day you do your firm does not come after a weight day since you will be doing total body. You probably could do the Firm after a Joyce leg day since you don't heavy up on weights.”

From Jez: “I usually can get over a video quality problem if the workout is good, but IMHO Joyce is too "homemade" feeling, her form is bad, and her reps are WAY to fast. Maybe her newer videos are better though. (I have Fat Burning 2 and the original Bottoms Up Series.) I will say her books are very good. As far as the Firm 6-pack goes, the quality is good and the workouts are very versatile. Great for mixing and matching and they can be modified to make them easy or hard.”

From Kimberly: “I like the Firm videos a lot, and I only have one Joyce DVD that I'm lukewarm about, so I'm biased. However, since you say that you are an advanced beginner, I vote for the Firm. Joyce has TERRIBLE form on the exercises, and unless you are really comfortable with your form, I think the temptation to do what she does at the speed she does it might be too great. I would get the six pack, use it for a while, and then determine whether you want to try the Joyce.”

And finally, up in a second: I don’t have time to read so many threads! Can you give me some highlights?

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Old 02-20-03, 12:23 PM  
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5: I don’t have time to read so many threads! Can you give me some highlights?


From Pilar: “I love my Joyce workouts, and your question of whether they would be safe and effective for a beginner is a good one. IMO, they would not be as safe or as effective as they could be. I think it is worth loaning her a Tracie Long or Cathe tape to learn form before she begins with Joyce. I think Joyce is very effective, but I have been using weights for over twenty years. Nothing kills motivation faster than an injury or limited results, though, and I think a raw beginner would have to have great luck to avoid either situation if Joyce is her first introduction.”

From Steph B: “I don't think they're safe for a beginner either. I think Joyce is effective, but if I'd never done weights before and followed her form, I'd be setting myself up for injury - big time.”


From Swissmom: “I justify the costs of her videos bc I do not like working out in a gym, I am a true blue home excerciser so since I don't spend money on a gym membership, I can splurge on her videos.”

From Deanne: “Really, tho, I USE them. I use them A LOT. That justifies it for me. Plus the results, those are extra nice.”

From Rockette: “I bought two of her dvds last fall at a buy one get one free discount. I've considered bying the BUG dvd but as others have said the prices are too steep, especially for what you get. I'll use her books until there's another deal like that one.”

From Mollie F: “For me, length is definitely one of the major attractions. I also find the almost-instant results very motivating. And, of course, that makes me want to keep doing them, and the results get better, and some day I'll be at my goal! I'm certainly not there now.”

From Ghira: “I just bought my third Joyce workout. She's real. No breast implants, face lifts, pre-video starvation diets, glamor lighting, etc. She obviously says what she thinks rather than being carefully scripted. She's as short as I am and older. I could never look like a cute young thing, but with work, I could look as good as Joyce. She's reasonable. I don't want to out-step Michael Flatley or be able to bench press my husband. I just want to be healthy and look good. She reached me first. Waaaay back when I bought Perfect Parts (book) and she absolutely made sense. No silly fad workout and even stupider diets. She's not perky. She's got a sense of humor but not a plastic smile stuck on her face. She's not above saying that sometimes working out sucks but it's gotta be done. And no matter how busy my day is and how much I don't want to workout, I have to admit that I can at least manage 15 Definition minutes with Joyce.


From Mollie F: “I have noticed that my thighs are slimmer, and my butt is higher. But, you know, Joyce does use weights for nasty things like squats, lunges, and leg curls, as well as for working the calves. So my results might be due to those, rather than to the unweighted hip/butt exercises. I have no idea what kinds of results I'd have gotten if I had used only the unweighted exercises. My unscientific perception is that they help, but I really couldn't say how much.”

From Noleygirl: “I too was leery of using no weights for lower body- I have done the thighblaster rotation 2x and had good results but not the lean-ness I wanted. In the few weeks I have used the jv tapes, my legs have leaned up considerably (and you can see my muscle tone a lot better). I ahd planned to add ankle weights if I wasn’t seeing results, but since I am seeing what I want, I dont think I am going to add them!”

From Mandy: “Joyce has given me a new love for exercise. Her floorwork like in Fat Burning and Weight training made easier is a pleasure to do. She does more reps and in designed perfect sets so you reshape the muscle. I felt the burn with the Firm but it really didn't give me enough reps. The only thing that I noticed that was different in my body that i didn't like was that my butt wasn't as high as it was when I did the Firm. I knew it was because I stopped doing the Fanny lifter/Tall box. Now I added that back into my Joyce rotations. When I go back to the Firm for variety and use ankle weights, I actually got stronger doing joyce workouts and could go heavier. But when I go back to using ankle weights, my knee always hurts the next day. So I agree with Joyce that ankle weights do injure. I also have more toned calves, more defined inner thighs, no saddle bags.”


From Mollie F: “And, ridiculous though this may sound, I always feel as if my workout clothes must match when I work out with Cathe. With Joyce, I can look like a slob. Now there's a highly subjective comment for you!”

And on that happy note...I'm done :-)

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Old 02-20-03, 12:24 PM  
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