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Old 06-27-23, 12:56 PM  
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: IL
Arrow Just The Workouts~~JULY 2023~~*Everyone is Welcome!*

July 2023

26- 4.63 Mile Walk; Julia Reppel (12 Min. Functional Core Workout); Julia Reppel (15 Min Evening Stretch & Mobility Session)
27- STS 2.0 Mini Ball Abs; STS 2.0 Body Parts Chest + Bonus Chest; Mady (Stretches for Neck, Shoulders, & UB Pain Relief)
28- Yvette Fit #79 (35 Min. FUN Low Impact Cardio Kickboxing); Five Parks Yoga (Quick & Deep Stretch Relaxation Yoga Class =17 min.); Mady (BPR)
29- STS 2.0 Standing Abs Core + Floor; STS 2.0 Body Parts Legs + Bonus Legs; Mady (BPR)
30- 4.03 Mile Walk; 30 Min. Yard Work; Julia Reppel (15 Min. Spinal Mobility Routine/Back Pain Relief Stretches); Julia Reppel (10 Min. Hip Opener Mobility - Unlock Your Hips); Mady (SFLBPR)

Continuing on with STS 2.0 6 WEEK LOW IMPACT CARDIO ROTATION done with my change-ups.

1 - STS 2.0 Active Recovery; STS 2.0 Body Parts Triceps; Triceps Bonus; my finisher =48 min.); Five Parks Yoga (Neck & Shoulder Tension Release Yoga Class =22 min.) Another great workout! Your typical tricep exercises with good pacing, rests, etc., but I changed up the dips to pull-downs. I got my tubing figured out with the positioning and tension written down, so all was good in that respect. I actually used my BB for the laying overhead wrists allowed it today but I did have to lighten up. Short workout at 36 min., then the bonus which is only 6 min. and wasn't much only doing the exercises once, so I added on my finisher of wide grip pull-downs which work the triceps a little more. I did 2 sets of 12 @56.50#; and 1 set of 12 goal is to up that next time either in weight or reps. I got a little more back & bicep work in there too but an added bonus. Brenda is MIA in all the body parts workouts, I guess. I loved Al's faces, LOL, of course, he was using heavier weights, so he's allowed. :0) Erin's stretch felt fantastic after this upper body workout with tricep prayer stretch, shoulder stretches and fish pose. An older class but a goodie.
2 - Rest Day

3 - 3.41 Mile Walk; STS 2.0 (Mobility 1); Mady (SFLBPR); 1 Hour Yard Work @ DS' Great morning for a walk. DH has the day off so he and DS were able to help pull weeds and trim bushes. Goes so fast when they're available to help!
4 - HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!! STS 2.0 Standing Abs Metabolic Core Warm Up; STS 2.0 Body Parts Back; Back Bonus =48 min.; Mady (BPR) I loved this body part w/o the most so far, of course, back is my favorite area to be worked! Loved all the band variety in this one but it took me 60+ min. to complete with all the rewinding necessary to get the placement/tension correct but at least next time I'll know. (Maybe I will like UB 1 better next time knowing this!) My pull down machine got lots of use out of it (had it set on 56.50# but upped that for an added bonus at the end). I mostly matched Cathe but I used a 35.25# DB (oops, 36.50#, I forgot to add on the other plate-mate poundage) for the pullovers in place of the BB which may be a record...I don't think I'm quite ready yet for that 40#er, though, ha! I did regular rows in place of the Pendlay rows...just not sure my lower back would like those. For the banded pulldowns, I doubled up my tubing but the handles are so thick, I had to choke up on the bands for my grip--double bonus, LOL! Love the mobility exercises in these that Cathe adds a.k.a. the superman wrap at the was tough with my 2# wrist weights still on after the workout! The bonus was great...I used 4 risers for the gorilla row for my lower back happiness and loved the unilateral Pull Over with one DB. I used my JS bar for the inverted row drop set and added on my finisher of 12 pull downs under/over handed grip @69#...that got tough!!! I realized I don't need all her fancy equipment and with a little creativity on my end, I have everything I need to make it work! Great workout today!! Feeling very PUMPED and POWERFUL!!!! ETA: 2.96 Mile Walk DH wanted to go on a trail which does not happen often, if ever, LOL, so I jumped at the chance!! Starting at DS’ trail entrance and winding around and down a lonnng street and back…of course, I had to slow way down, LOL, but it felt good to go at a slower pace along with the heat! :0)
5 - 3.64 Mile Walk; Julia Reppel (15 Min. Hamstring Flexibility Routine/Fix Tight Hamstrings...); Julia Reppel (10 Min. Hip Opener Mobility - Unlock Your Hips...); Mady (BPR) Rather hot on my walk this morning, so no PR's! I'm out there, I guess that's all that matters! Julia's stretches felt awesome, as I felt a hamstring "catch" on my walk which I'm not sure what that was about but these classes made it feel a whole heck of a lot better. Still no issues now, hours later. :0)
6 - STS 2.0 Standing Abs - Metabolic Core Warm up (Mish Mosh Standing Abs Premix =20 min.); STS 2.0 Body Parts - Biceps; Biceps Bonus =43 min.; Cathe P30 Mobility; 2.25 Hours Yard Work (Mow Max = 2 mile walk) Loved this Mish Mosh premix for the standing abs!! Had to have my discs and plates ready to go cause sometimes no warning to grab them! It adds a little more core focus combining these as well as a little longer warm up. LOVED Biceps!!!! For a bicep workout, I really enjoyed it! Loved the kneeling exercises - totally puts another spin on them and I feel I get more out of them since you can't use momentum. There is only 1 tubing exercise in this (curls) along with light weight. Also Cathe does barbell wrist curls sitting on the stab. ball--haven't seen those for awhile. (They brought back lots of memories from Cory Everson's GHA&S--remember that one? and probably haven't done them since!!) A good way to strengthen the forearms & wrists for sure....maybe I need to do them more often? LOVED the Bonus - bicep curl drop sets - kneeling clutch curls - waiter curls. Loved the drop sets - but I did hammers and sweepers in place of the curls. Loved the kneeling clutch but 20's were too much...17's for me. As well as the waiter wrist was really complaining by then (was even popping with the motion!), so 19# for me. I know I've stated this before, but I'm so grateful for my 2# wrist weights in this series which add a little extra weight but not too much and can hang tough since there's not many reps! Mobility felt great - I still really love this one!/The temps could not be any greater today - I didn't want to come inside! Got some trimming done as well as picking up debris from the storm a significant amount of rain in the last several days and the grass is once again green--yay!!! So nice not to have to water for awhile!
7 - 4.33 Mile Walk; Cathe's Stretch Max #3 I really picked up the pace today (I can tell the air quality is so much better and really had a lot more energy). Great time today. I forget how much I like Stretch Max and #3 has wonderful IT band stretches.
8 - STS 2.0 Active Recovery; STS 2.0 Body Parts Legs + Legs Bonus; Lean Legs & Abs (Stretch); Mady (BPR) Legs is such a great workout! I pretty much matched my weights from last time but did use the blue fabric band in place of the green one for squats. I did weighted bridges again in place of the D/L's (55# BB) with different feet placement. Those Side Slide Lunges really get in those inner thighs good with the discs. Love those hamstring hip hinges in the bonus workout - those are a great addition and hamstrings focus. I used my gray heavy FW band for the FW Ladders...that was a much greater challenge...esp. having to do pizza presses after. It seemed all the exercises were a tad bit easier this time around but my HR was really up there throughout and I appreciated the rests...I think maybe b/c my w/o area was hotter without the A/C running due to the cooler temps and it seemed my fans didn't help too much. GREAT workout today!! Definitely ready for that recovery rest day tomorrow. One more body part to try...I really liked them all so far with my additions and mods.
9 - Five Parks Yoga (Yoga Flow w/ Spine Strength & Stretch Yoga Class =34 min.); Five Parks Yoga (Quick & Deep Stretch Relaxation Yoga Class =17 min.) The Spine class felt great but was a v/o so the cueing wasn't the best. The chats noticeably were a lot easier today! Love her Relaxation yoga class...just feels so great!

10-4.87 Mile Walk; Julia Reppel (8 Min. Cool Down Full Body Routine...); Julia Reppel (15 Min. Daily Mobility Routine...); Mady (BPR) I walked slower and farther today...made up a new route with 3 neighborhoods. Like this route! Side note: this summer I haven't run across any stray dogs that want to jump on me, LOL...or any stray dogs, period. Probably just jinxed myself!!
11- STS 2.0 No Equipment Abs; Mini Ball Abs Premix =21 min.; STS 2.0 Body Parts Shoulders + Shoulders Bonus; Foam Rolling Upper Body I knew Shoulders would be humbling with my wonky shoulder and I had to lower the weights frequently for that shoulder. That seated isometric hold with overhead press - WOWSA!!! Talk about HARD! Totally makes a big difference sitting but also holding that other arm in an isometric hold with the other arm doing shoulder presses with 12#!!! I had to drop to 3# for a couple reps on my wonky shouldered arm during the isometric hold but could hang tough with the 5 on the other arm. There are lots of front and lateral raises in this workout, be warned! I was so glad when the hip huggers came up, as I could have my arms DOWN for awhile! But... I kept getting my thumbs caught in the pockets of my shorts while raising and lowering my 25's!! :-D I must not have worn shorts before with pockets while doing hip huggers, LOL. And I got to use my 40#'er as an anchor for the band work during the rear delt flyes - yay! Those are really easy to accommodate the tension you want to use - much easier than using the door anchor and switching bands. I'll be using this method always. I added on the bonus but not until I tried Al's version of using the BB for the face pull, (holding the BB by the top of the two plates)....loved it and could really feel it in my delts - more so than using the band! (I'll do this exercise with the BB from now on). I used a 20# BB and you really can't (or shouldn't) go much heavier than that due to the wide grip. Super creative!! The bonus is horizontal press combos, kneeling single arm Arnold presses, double arm W press, and Around the clock, which forms a circle with the DB's. On a few, I had to drop to 3# for my shoulder issue, but could hang with the 5# for the other shoulder. I made a note NOT to wear my 2# wrist weights for this workout, just my 1# weighted gloves or NO added weight at all!! My shoulders were fried by the end and the foam roller helped to release some of the tension. Cathe is very creative in all these body part workouts with the variety used (but not TOO much to be overwhelming, LOL). I really enjoyed every one of them!!
12- 20 min. of a Yvette workout which I wasn't feeling; Yvette Fit #207 (30 Min. TM/Jump Rope/Weights Circuit--repeated = 54 min. sans w/u=3 mile walk); Mady's SFLBPR Raining today so I chose Yvette but there were too many j. jacks in the one I chose, LOL, so I knew I loved #207. I found my mojo after the 30 min., so repeated it but instead of doing core exercises and weighted burpees in the circuits, I did balance work on the BOSU holding a 10# DB raising and lowering into a squat and for the last interval, I did balance work on one leg. I did the jump rope circuits with her and ran and walked with inclines as she did. This TM is so doable when I know I can get off every so often and do other things! So fun and I was a sweaty mess burning 570+ calories. Feeling accomplished!
13- STS 2.0 Tri Sets TB; Julia Reppel (15 Min. Hamstring Flexibility Routine...); Mady (BPR); 1.75 Hours Yard Work/Mow Max =2.44 Mile Walk Wow, TS is so good and sooo sweaty!! I pretty much matched my weights from last time but did put my 40#'er to use. I was really dragging though today...I even had to take a longer rest before starting those last step ups!! The 25's were getting sooo heavy, LOL. Great stuff. Glad I got the yard work done yesterday, as it is much hotter today (Friday).
14- 3.26 Mile Walk; Five Parks Yoga (Get Your Second Wind/Energy Boost= 28 min.) Very humid out there but I had a good time considering the heat and my energy level lately! Erin's class was really a good one with a beautiful setting and a beautiful practice. I may take a rest day/recovery day tomorrow as I have a visitation to attend during my workout time. She was friends with my parents and a super sweet lady.
15- STS 2.0 Mobility 1; STS 2.0 Mobility 2; STS 2.0 Mat Yoga Feels good to just do mobility/stretching today--I think my body was trying to tell me to rest!/I got a nice compliment today...hadn't seen my sister for a little over a month, and she asked if I was losing weight again!! That was a nice surprise since the scale is way UP right now and I was feeling a bit fluffy lately. Could've been the black pants too, though, ha!
16- Rest Day

WEEK 7 Going to do my own thing with STS 2.0 incorporating all the workouts to finish out the month, at least.
17- STS 2.0 Giant Sets Total Body + Group 3 repeated as my finisher; STS 2.0 Total Body Stretch Second time doing GSTB - loved it even more today! I opted to not wear my 2# wrist weights today but did put them on for the Group 3 repeat. I don't know why they couldn't have added this premix...the premixes seem a little lax, IMO. I love the format of this workout with all the different groups making it just fly by and this time I didn't worry about writing down my weights until the breaks...worked a lot better, haha! I utilized my skinnier 20# barbell plates - work SO much better than trying to put 2-4 10# wide plates on!! Finding more mojo, I went back and added the 8 rep Group 3 again as a finisher which added on less than 15 min. I also went heavier with my weights on the finisher - but not sure I'll do 32.50's# (36.50 w/ wrist weights) again for bent over lower back has the idea they're too much like D/L's! I can probably match Cathe next time on the BB poundage for hip thrusts...(I used 60# BB), but no unilateral hip thrusts, as I didn't want to fiddle by taking off the plates, so I used both legs for that exercise. Great TB workout today!! 465 cal burn with 73 min. in the FB zone!
18- 4.81 Mile Walk; Mady (15 Min. Leg Stretch...) Had a great time of 55 min. for almost 5 miles...could have been b/c of my new Brooks runners! I've been putting on a lot of miles on my other runners, ha, and wanted to take advantage of the great deal on Amazon. Love 'em! Beautiful cooler weather this week, so want to get yard work accomplished too!
19- STS 2.0 Standing Abs: Metabolic Core Warm Up; STS 2.0 Mini Ball Abs; Yvette Fit #26 (60 Min. Cardio Kickboxing/Heavy Legs Workout sans w/u =49 min.); STS 2.0 (Lower Body 2 Bonus Step Ups--3 sets w/ 25#'s; Forward Hinged Hip Abduction--3 sets w/ blue band as finisher); Heather Robertson (Foam Rolling For Legs =10 min.); Mady (SFLBPR); later: 3 Hours Yard Work (pulling weeds/watering @ DS') Great workout + functional fitness workout today! Not feeling STS Legs again, I opted for Yvette's Heavy Leg workout which is more metabolic mixed with cardio k/b and major fun! It uses a heavy tubing band, and I used 20's-32.50#'s, sometimes going 5# heavier than Yvette. It seemed too easy to want to pick up those heavies. :0) She did 12 reps for all with lunges, D/L's (I did sumos), side lunges (I only did 10 at a slower pace), curtsy lunges, squats, and at the end, she does unweighted leg lifts but I strapped on my ankle weights for that segment. Of course the whole body is hit with the k/b and core and there are LOTS of kicks in this which I loved. It's been so fun working out with Yvette again and using the heavier weights seemed much easier!! Added on the finisher which finished off my legs! Heather's foam rolling workout was nice and I really felt it got in there good esp. in the quads which she stretches a little more than the other muscles. 2lazy4gym had reviewed this recently and I wanted to try it since I am looking for additional foam rolling w/o's. It was a good, short stretch but I felt sometimes I needed to hold the stretches would've been better if it was 10 min. longer, IMO. Added on Mady's stretch which felt super./Later, I got DS's yard work's amazing how many weeds popped up since we did it at the beginning of the month! Everything is blooming now and just so beautiful but if only he would just water them more often!!! :0( It's hard to get young guys to comply with stuff like that, LOL./I am thinking I will want to veg out on the couch tonite...what a workout today!!!
20- STS 2.0 Active Recovery; Five Parks Yoga (Yoga to Calm Your Nervous System =45 min.); 1.5 Hours Yard Work (Mow Max =2 mile walk) Loved Erin's class - it was amazing how calm and relaxed I was afterward. A slow paced flow and ends with legs up the relaxing! I was really needing a recovery day after yesterday!! Beautiful day to do yard work at my house too!
21- 4.07 Mile Walk; Five Parks Yoga (Weekend Warrior Yoga Class = 34 min.); Julia Reppel (10 Min. Hip Opener Mobility/Unlock Your Hips...) Great morning temps for a fantastic walk - I chose the very hilly route and it felt great. Not sure how many walks I'll get in next week as the 90's are predicted almost every day. I can't's unbelievable how great the temps have been this summer!/I've done Erin's class before - an energizing class with standing postures, 5 pointed star, warrior squats, warrior 2, reverse warrior etc. A really great hip opener with super stretches at the end; a good one to do any day of the week!
22- STS 2.0 Standing Abs: Metabolic Core Warm Up; STS 2.0 Upper Body 1; STS 2.0 Foam Rolling Upper Body; Mady (BPR) This time around UB 1 seemed to flow a little better knowing my challenging tubing and options. I did pull downs for the vertical chin-ups and horizontal chin-ups for the back with 56.50#...upped from last time which I feel made a real difference. The shoulder barbell presses were tough after those tricep press down pulses with the tubing!! And this time I could use my heavier tubing for those since I got smart and left all the different tubings in the door attachment instead of taking them out each time!! If one didn't work, I'd try the other (or both). That made a difference too. Cathe's "turning purple" comment cracked me up again! So all around, a better experience today but like last time, it seems to drag for me having so much noticeable down time with Cathe explaining all the options. Maybe a shorter premix would fix everything--the no bands premix?? My UB got stretched good with the roller, although I struggle to get in those lats to really feel it correctly. Cathe's prayer stretch I change up with keeping my elbows/upper arms on the roller with my hands in prayer, then sliding the roller out with forearms on roller and back to prayer...those get into my triceps where I like. Stretched it all out with Mady.
23- Rest Day We went and saw Mission Impossible for our upcoming anniversary….great movie! So much action, it seemed like, in this one!! Highly recommend.

24- 3.96 Mile Walk; 2 Hours watering @ my house; Yard Work/watering @ DS's & his neighbor's; Mady (15 Min. Morning Stretch...); Mady (SFLBPR) My walk was a good pace...had I known I was that close to 4 miles, I would've went around the block! ;0) Thought I'd get all the outside work done before the heat set in. Last time I was at DS's pulling weeds, his next door 87 yr. old neighbor was chatting with me and hinted around that it's hard for her to pull the weeds on her patio. ;0) That day I couldn't...I was just "done" doing all of DS's work and couldn't wait to be done since it was hot and I hadn't eaten anything yet that day. So today I was there anyway checking on DS's place since he's out of town, and thought I'd pull them for her...there weren't many and if it saved her from falling (they're kind of hard to get to being on a hill and the weeds are in lots of rocks and she could lose her footing). Glad to do it--she's really a nice lady and I'm sure she appreciated it.
25-30 Min. Yard Work @ DS'; STS 2.0 Lower Body 1 (Express #2-Two Sets Maximum =41 min.); STS 2.0 Standing Abs: Core Plus Floor; STS 2.0 Total Body Stretch =15 min. I had an early hair appt., ran an errand, home to change, then went over to DS' to trim a bush I didn't get to yesterday. By that time I was hot and tired, LOL, and not my normal time to work out but doing this premix was good when not wanting to do the whole thing. Hey, high fives to me to workout after my hair appt. which rarely happens!! There are two sets of each exercise that includes 3-4 sets originally. I went pretty heavy, upping poundage on BB exercises and close grip squats. My grip strength has really improved in these past 8 weeks (esp. noticeable with the calf raises using 30's...of course, my wrists have been cooperating with the summer temps which help with the inflammation, so that's a huge plus too). Those straight leg quad lifts at the end seemed pretty easy again...I think it's due to my PT I had for my L hip issue a few years ago in which PT made my leg strength so much stronger; (although the leg lifts are considerably easier on my R leg than my L leg, since I compensated using my R leg when my L leg was weak). No extra set or two like last time, though!! It was on to abs and a stretch, as it was lunch time! :-p
26- 3.11 Mile Walk; Five Parks Yoga (Strength & Stretch For Hips & Butt Yoga Class =32 min.); Mady (BPR) I got out there EARLY and it really wasn't that bad--there was a nice breeze and I had a great 5K time even, but I was ready to be done @ 3 miles cause that humidity level snuck up on me! I totally LOVED Erin's class - it was a great flow with a little balance work in there and it focused on strength for the glutes with hip openers that included fantastic mobility exercises as well!! She was very creative combining it all into one flow...awesome stuff!!! I did need to stretch out with Mady though, well, just b/c it was so strength focused and I needed more stretch!
27- STS 2.0 Mini Ball Abs; STS 2.0 Upper Body 2; Julia Reppel (10 Min. CARs Spine, Shoulders, Elbows, & Wrists...); Mady (Stretches for Neck, Shoulder & Upper Back Pain Relief); Mady (SFLBPR) I like this Upper Body workout a lot better than just seems to flow a lot better and was over before I knew it even though it's a whole hour. Another reason is I like the exercises more so than in #1 although I did change up some. I used a 40# BB for all the BB exercises except pullovers (32.5# DB + 4# wrist weights) and biceps at the end (12# DBs). So that was progress from last time for the BB exercises. (I am finding I really like close grip bench presses with the BB now when my wrists can comply). :0) I changed up the Arm Side Leaning Lat Raises to standing bent arm raises w/ 8's, probably could go 10's next time, and holding the other DB in a static horizontal position while working opposite arm. Those are joint friendlier with a less awkward positioning for me while still working shoulders. For dips, I did skull crushers for 1 set and 56.50# pull downs for the 2nd set. I really like the band work in this one so doing the shorter "No Band Premix" wouldn't be a #1 choice for me for this workout. All around great workout today!/I made note that Julia's mobility workout would be a good w/u for an upper body really is good for elbows and wrists. A loonnngggg workout today but I had the time./Our 38th anniversary today - pizza tonight and out to eat on Saturday, LOL!! Foodie anniversary presents are the best (when not needing a 2nd car)!! ;0)
28- Yvette Fit #210 (30 min. TM/BOSU/KB Circuits +extra w/u =42 min.=1.3 Mile Walk); 50 Fit Mish Mash Full Body Core Functional Workout... = 1 Round =15 min.); 50 Fit Booty Band Standing Core Workout...-sans w/u & stretch =25 min.; STS 2.0 Mobility 2 The heat index was awful at 7:00 a.m., so decided to take my workout inside. I did Yvette's workout before - just flys by with the circuit format and was fun using the BOSU again. Thought I'd try a new-to-me YT instructor...I like her demeanor, she reminds me a lot of Karen Voight's mannerisms but her constant comments were annoying with "awesome!", etc. said too many times. But her workouts seem solid - liked the 2nd workout a lot using the gray heavy FW band - that was a burner! I'd like to try some of her functional fitness workouts.
29- STS 2.0 No Equipment Abs; STS 2.0 Super Sets Total Body (Double Supersets Premix = 46 min.); STS 2.0 Mat Yoga Loved this premix!! Two sets of exercises instead of three but it was perfect for me at the end of my week...feeling the heat with less energy. I pretty well matched my poundages from before but I went heavier on the barbell exercises due to my new 20# plates and really felt well worked by the end. Love this workout and glad to know still doing 2 sets works me well in under an hour and I still had time to add on a nice stretch. (Mat Yoga is my favorite of her stretches from doing them all multiple times now).
30- 1.75 Mow Max/Yard Work - (2 mile walk); Caroline Jordan (Foam Roller Stretches for Recovery/Full Body...=31 min.) After church, I got motivated to mow the grass since it was a lot cooler today. 2lazy4gym mentioned a review by Caroline so I found this roller workout. (I had heard mention of Caroline before but never tried one of her workouts). I found her endearing and had good form pointers and she also mentioned that to really get into the tissues well, we need to foam roll each muscle group at least 2 minutes...that was interesting. She does talk a lot but once she got into the workout it was better. Side note: I've been having some leg/hip pain over the weekend...I noticed it after that FW band workout I did on Friday...the instructor was turning each leg multiple ways with the band on and I was using a heavier band than she did, and I think all the different angles with the heavier tension aggravated my hip. Caroline's foam roller seemed to help somewhat to really stretch out my hips and legs. This workout concentrates on the LB a little more than UB but glad it did as that was my focus.

31- 2.38 Mile Walk; Caroline Jordan (Foam Roller Stretches for Recovery/Full Body...=31 min.); Julia Reppel (15 Min. Feel Good Mobility Flow...) I thought I'd go for a short & slower walk today to test my hip/leg and it wasn't too bad but noticeable. Did Caroline's foam roller workout again which really felt good (minus the piriformis area!) but knew it needed to be done. Then when I was adding on my tricep prayer foam exercise, Julia's workout just started playing so I added that on too--that was a good one! May be taking things easy the next few days...this is maddening, as it wasn't even STS 2.0 related!!!!
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Old 06-27-23, 01:00 PM  
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Canada

1- Karen Voight: Energy Sprint (85 min./3,765 steps) ~virgin. I survived!!! It was doable while still challenging, with controlled impact and fun, I loved it! It is just soooo humid today! I had to pause here and there to grab a sip of water and wipe my sweat off. // 40 Min. Wii Fit Plus.
2- The Method: Dynamic Firming & Flexing (60 min.) // 42 Min. Wii Fit Plus.
3- Cathe: Rockout Knockout (55 min./4,233 steps) + SS: Cool It Off! Express (29 min.) // 60 Min. Wii Fit Plus.
4- Melt It Off: Melt in 10 (10 min.) + DVRT Anytime, Anywhere Real Fitness: Workout 4 (27 min.) + Turbo Fite: Hiit 15 Class ~virgin (17 min./1,437 steps) & Stretch 10 Class (13 min.) // 40 Min. Wii Fit Plus. Inspired by T2B, I gave one of the TB a try, I did the hiit on my rebounder, it was fun!
5- Cathe Classics Volume 1: Step Heat ~virgin (57 min./5,200 steps) + Back Work (3:10 min.) + Turbo Fire: Stretch 10 Class (13 min.). Step Heat was so much fun!!! And very doable, I got lose a few times, but not for long! I was able to catch her choreography without much trouble at all!! I loved it!!! Those walls though...
6- 10MS' Dance Your Body Thin: Ballet Sculpt + Element Ballet Conditioning (51 min.) + LSJW' Mix +Match Walk Blasters: Light Walk + Flexibility Walk (20 min.).
7- Cathe Classics Volume 1: Step Heat (57 min./5,358 steps) + Rejuvenation: Stretch & Flex (15 min.).
8- Joey Bull' Ballet Workout Total Body Toning (55 min./2,040 steps) + CSS10: 1029 Deep Full Body Flexibility (23 min.). I did the three cardio segment (which have a lot of ballet jumps and is 18 min. long) on my rebounder, it definitely made it less dreadful.
9- SS: Cool It Off! (57 min.).
10- JSWO' 3 Weight Loss Walks: 15-Min. Calorie Burst (1,707 steps) + Element Ballet Conditioning (50 min.) + Stretch & Joint Mobility Therapy: Static Stretch (11 min.).
11- Kari Anderson's Hot Steps ~virgin (58 min./6,314 steps) + Turbo Fire: Abs 10 Class (11 min.) & Stretch 10 Class (13 min.). Hot Steps was fun! I got lost a few times but again, not for long! It was easier than expected actually! I am surprised and proud of myself! TF abs is challenging!
12- LSJW' Mix + Match Walk Blasters: Brisk & Sready (1,242 steps) + Eric Zimmer's Dance Workout (40 min.).
13--16- Unexpected rest.
17- Just Dance 2023 (70 min./5,283 steps) + Stretch (10 min.). My DD did the first 30 min. with me.
18- Masala Bhangra: Bollywood Blast ~virgin (55 min./6,476 steps) + Si6: Slim & Limber (14 min.).
19- LSJW' Mix + Match Walk Blasters: Short & Swesty (1,200 steps) + Element Ballet Conditioning (50 min.) + Si6: Slim & Limber (14 min.).
20- Jump & Jacked: Beginner Rebounding Workout (27 min./2,500 steps) + ReboundFit: Relaxation & Stretching on Mini-Trampoline (18 min.).
21- Rest.
22- Ballet Boot Camp (60 min./1,444 steps) + Qinetic: The 16-Min. Stretch Flow to Open Up Tight Hips (YouTube).
23- Nada.
24- Masala Bhangra: Bollywood Blast (55 min./6,110 steps) + Si6: Slim & Limber (14 min.).
25- Gentle Bounce while watching TV (25 min./2,617 steps) + Urban Rebounding Comp # 5: Stretch Bound (22 min.).
26- Element Targeted Toning Pilates for Beginners (66 min.) + Foam Roll Stretch (14 min.).
27- Element Ballet Conditioning (50 min.).
28- Kari Anderson's Go Step Workout for Beginners (47:42 min./4,253 steps) + Turbo Fire: Stretch 10 Class (13 min.).
29- Rest. Headache.
30- Outdoor Walk (3,100 steps).
31- Kari Anderson's Hot Steps (aprox. 68 min./7,100 steps). I repeated the final with all combos a few times.
"There are seven days in the week and someday isn't one of them!"

LMP - Grad/Aug 13 * TheRack - Grad/Nov 13 * PowerFit H - Grad/Jan 14 * FIF: SB - Grad/ Feb 14 * Cage/Box/KB 6WR - Comp/Mar 14 * Ugi/Kb/Pilates 6WR - Comp/May 14 * ThunderBell - Comp/Sep 14 * Obsidian - Comp/Jan 15 * JNL - DO/Sept 15 * D2S - Grad/Feb 16 * KbKb/TBS - Grad/Jun 16 * FusionMixx - Com/Aug 16 * F8F - Grad/Oct 16

Sonríe a la vida y ella te sonreíra siempre!
AsSweetAsSugar is offline  
Old 06-27-23, 01:24 PM  
Join Date: May 2010

1. PBL May Makeover Booty Burn, Core Control Workout, 20 min walk, PBL New You Stretch with Band
2. PBL Glow Full Body, New You Butt Firmer, 25 min walk, Traveler's Stretch workout
3. PBL New You Abdominals, New You Redefining Upper Body, 20 min walk
4. PBL Fit And Focused Arm Workout, Glow Back, Essentrics Express Leg Toning
5. PBL Fit And Focused Legs With Band, Everyday Essentials: Classic Abs
6. Essentrics Live with Gail (7/6 ), PBL New You Redefining Upper Body, Everyday Essentials: The Clam
7. PBL New You Leg Toner, New You Abs With The Band, 25 min walk
8. Essentrics Live with Gail (7/6 ), PBL New You Flexibility Flow, Glow Legs
9. PBL Fit And Focused Arm Workout, New You Side Lying Leg Workout, 25 min walk, Essentrics PM Stretch
10. Essentrics Morning Routine with Ellyn, PBL New You Complete Body With Weights, Glow Stretch, 25 min walk, Essentrics Legs/Butt/Thigh Thinner
11. PBL New You Strong Abs, New You Amazing Arms, Lower Back Pain Tutorial, Upper Back Stretch
12. PBL Fit & Focused Leg Workout, Glow Abs Workout, 25 min walk, BB Inner Thighs and Arms from Total Body DVD, Mat Stretch
13. PBL Fit And Focused Legs With Band, Stress Free Stretch Routine
14. PBL Fit And Focused Back Butt And Triceps, Core With More Workout, 25 min walk
15. PBL New You Lower Body Workout, New You Stretch with Band, 25 min walk
16. PBL Fit & Focused Leg Workout, May Makeover Core Workout, Callanetics CD Level 1
17. PBL New You Arm Shaper Workout, Alaskan Triple A Workout, 25 min walk, Callanetics CD Level 1
18. PBL Fit And Focused Core Workout, Glow Back, 5 Min More Stretch, Callanetics CD Level 1 (no abs)
19. PBL Fit And Focused Arm Workout, New You Stretch Routine, Essentrics Leg Toning with Amanda
20. Essentrics Ultimate Leg Sculptor, PBL Glow Arms With Weights, 25 min walk, Glow Stretch
21. PBL Fit And Focused Back Butt And Triceps, Bend And Flex With The Band, BB Mat Stretch
22. PBL New You Upper Body Workout, BB Inner Thighs and Standing from Total Body DVD, Fit and Focused Stretch Routine
23. PBL Fit And Focused Back Butt And Triceps, Rapid Results Workout
24. PBL Fit and Focused Legs workout, Glow Obliques, Upper Back Stretch, BB Hip Stretch
25. PBL Fit And Focused Complete Body, Graceful Flow Stretching Routine
26. PBL Fit And Focused Abs, Glow Legs with Band, BB Mat Stretch
27. PBL Fit and Focused Legs With Band, Burn And Firm
28. PBL Fit And Focused Arm Workout, Crunch Time Workout, BB Hip Stretch
29. PBL Fit And Focused Stretch Routine, New You Strong and Defined Legs, BB Weightless Arms workout. Shower, 25 min walk
30. Ballet Beautiful Fit and Graceful Trimester 1/2 DVD, 25 min walk
31. Ballet Beautiful Bridge and Inner Thighs from Total Body DVD, BB 15 Min Abs, 10 min Stretch
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Old 06-27-23, 03:40 PM  
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Maryland, USA

1 - Lively Ladies - Energy Boosting Cardio w/ Weights (from 6/19); Trifecta Pilates - Engaged Stretch
2 - Leslie - Blast Belly Fat Walk (2 miles); Jessica Valant Pilates - Pilates Basics
3 - Jenny Ford - Mach Across America - Maryland; Trifecta Pilates - Mindful Strength
4 - Jessica Smith - 4 Mile Power Walk - Miles 1-3; Trifecta Pilates - Plank Kick Pilates; Jessica - Mile 4 and Jessica - Release Stretch
5 - Jessica Smith - Feel Good Fusion - Cardio Routine, Gentle Yoga & Pilates - Floor Routine
6 - Pahla B - Body Shaping for Women Over 50 - Day 1 - Push Day Strength, Trifecta Pilates - Feel Good Flow
7 - Jessica Valant - 30 Min Walking Workout; Gentle Core, Gentle Stretch
8 - Ellen - Mood Boosting Cardio, Jessica Valant - Pilates Gratitude Focus
9 - Ellen - Fresh Yoga;Short outdoor walk on trail
10 - Jessica Smith - Build Workout # 1 (Total Body # 1); Jessica Valant - Basic Hip Stretches; LWR - 15 Min walking Workout, 10 min Full Body, Yoga w/ Joelle - Hips & Low Back (10 min)
11 - Jessica Smith Build Workout # 2 (Interval Build IT), Yoga w/ Joelle - Yoga for Joint Health (Day 1 - 10 Day Morning Yoga Challenge)
12 - Jessica Smith - Build Workout # 3 (Total Body # 2); Jessica Valant - Thoracic Mobility Routine (10 min version); LWR 20 Min Full Body Workout, 7 Min Lose Belly Fat; Yoga w/ Kassandra - Day 4 - Remember
13 - Jessica Smith -Build Workout # 4 (MISS); Jessica Valant - Standing Hip Mobility; 10 min workout for stronger hips; Ellen - Bend & Extend
14 - Jessica Smith - Build Workout # 5 (Total Body # 3)
15 - Jessica Smith - Build Workout # 6 (Refresh Fusion)
16 - Essentrics - Stretch Series Volume # 1- Workout # 1 - Tension Release w/ Meg; Burpee Girl Short Workouts - 2000 Step Turbo Walk
17 - Jessica Smith - Build Series - Week 2 Day 1 - Hamstrings, Quads and Calves; Jenny Ford - March Across America - Michigan; Jessica Valant - Hip Flexor Workout
18 - Jessica Smith - Build Series - Week 2, Day 2 - Chest & Back; Ellen - Core Walk
19 - Jessica Smith - Build Series - Week 2, Day 3 - MISS Step, Improved Health - Floor Stretches, Essentrics Stretch Volume 1 - w/ Gail Garceau
20 - Ellen - One and Done
21 - Ellen - Barre Conditioning
22 - Rest day - back injury
23 - 30 Min walk -some stretching; Jessica Valant - Gentle Pilates for Beginners
24 - Improved Health - Gentle Motivational Walk; Jessica Valant - Seated Pilates/Pilates for Better Breathing; Improved Health - Gentle Walking workout - Music from the '50's-'80's
25 - Caroline Jordan - Back Injury Recovery Exercises, Level 1, Improved Health - Workout to the Oldies; Pilates for Endometriosis, outdoor walk
26 - Jessica Valant -Full Body Resistance Band; Improved Health 70's Disco Walk
27 - Improved Health - Low Impact Walk at Home, Jessica Valant - Gentle Core
28 - Improved Health - 15 Min Walking workout to boost mood; Jessica Valant - Juicy Spine
29 - Rest day
30 - Outdoor walk; Jessica Valant - Gentle Pilates for Beginners
donnamp is offline  
Old 06-27-23, 04:01 PM  
Tammie M
Join Date: Nov 2001

3 - Cathe STS 2.0 Body Parts Triceps + Cathe STS 2.0 Mini Ball Abs
4 - Cathe STS 2.0 Body Parts Back + Cathe STS 2.0 No Equipment Abs
5 - Suzanne Bowen BarreAmped Bounce - Thigh Bounce & Booty Bounce + Classical Stretch Season 4: 420
6 - Suzanne Bowen Slim & Toned - Lean Lower Body, Slim Upper Body & Core, and Aligned Stretch
8 - Cathe XTrain: Super Cuts
9 - Cathe XTrain: Hard Strikes - Timesaver Premix (w/o Conditioning section) + Classical Stretch Season 4: 421
10 - Suzanne Bowen BarreAmped - Light Weight Work & Seat Work + Cathe STS 2.0 Chair Yoga
11 - Cathe STS 2.0 Foam Roller - Lower Body & Upper Body Premix + Dr. Jardine & Chris Nentarz Feeling Pretty Remarkable: The Low Back Program - Phase 1
12 - Michelle Dozois Peak Fit: Pure Strength 1
13 - Michelle Dozois Peak Fit: Pure Cardio - Blocks 1 & 2 + Classical Stretch Season 4: 422
14 - Suzanne Bowen BarreAmped - Thigh Work & Mat Work
15 - Cathe STS 2.0 Mobility 2
17 - Michelle Dozois Peak Fit: Pure Strength 2
18 - Michelle Dozois Peak Fit: Pure Cardio - Blocks 3 & 4 + Classical Stretch Season 4: 423
19 - Suzanne Bowen BarreAmped FIRE Extreme Sculpt - Total Body Sculpt + Dr. Jardine & Chris Nentarz Feeling Pretty Remarkable: The Low Back Program - Phase 2
20 - Cathe STS 2.0 Active Recovery + Mat Yoga
21 - Michelle Dozois Peak Fit: Cardio Strength 1
22 - Michelle Dozois Peak Fit: Cardio Interval Burn - Blocks 1, 2 &3 + Classical Stretch Season 4: 424
23 - Suzanne Bowen BarreAmped FIRE Extreme Sculpt - "Sleek & Toned Shoulders", "Thigh & Seat", Abs Blast & Relaxation Stretch
24 - Michelle Dozois Peak Fit: Core Dynamics + Dynamic Flexibility
25 - Michelle Dozois Peak Fit: Cardio Strength 2
26 - Michelle Dozois Peak Fit: Cardio Interval Burn - Blocks 1, 4 &5 + Classical Stretch Season 4: 425
27 - Suzanne Bowen BarreAmped Boot Camp - Boot Camp Arm Work & Boot Camp Thigh Work + Classical Stretch Season 4: 426
29 - Cathe XTrain: Burn Sets - Chest, Back & Shoulders
30 - Cathe XTrain: Burn Sets - Bi's and Tri's
31 - Cathe XTrain: Cardio Leg Blast
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Old 06-27-23, 04:19 PM  
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txhsmom's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Texas

1 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Ellen Barrett - Pilates Strength - 30 minutes
2 Go Chlo Pilates - Pilates Workout for Beginners - 30 minutes
3 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes
4 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Ellen Barrett - Power Express - 15 minutes; Go Chlo Pilates - Learn the Basics with Pilates for Beginners - 30 minutes
5 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Ellen Barrett - Full Body Blast - 45 minutes; Trifecta Pilates - Core Connections - 15 minutes
6 Trifecta Pilates - Mindful Strength - 45 minutes
7 Trifecta Pilates - Pilates Arms - 15 minutes & Zip Up Pilates Flow - 15 minutes; Ellen Barrett - Gentle Sculpt - 20 minutes; Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes
8 Trifecta Pilates - Lower Body Pilates - 15 minutes & Posture Flow Pilates - 10 minutes; Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes
9 Jessica Valant Pilates - Strength & Stretch - 30 minutes & Workout for a Stronger Back - 15 minutes
10 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Beginner Weights: Lower Body Part 1 - 15 minutes & Knee Friendly Pilates Workout - 15 minutes
11 Unplanned Rest Day
12 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Kaleigh Cohen - 30 Minute Upper Body Resistance Training; Trifecta Pilates - Full Body Pilates - 15 minutes
13 Trifecta Pilates - Total Body Pilates - 15 minutes
14 Jessica Smith - Total Body Circuit #2 - 38 minutes
15 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Jessica Smith - The A.B.C. Routine - 30 minutes
16 Jessica Smith - Pilates Fusion Sculpt - 37 minutes
17 Jessica Smith - Dynamic Stretch (from the Total Stretch DVD) - 33 minutes
18 Jessica Smith - Total Body Tempo Mix - 42 minutes
19 Jessica Smith - Interval Cardio Kick - 33 minutes
20 Rest Day
21 Outside Walk - 40 minutes; Senior Shape - Yoga Stretch - 20 minutes
22 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Arthritis Friendly Workout - 25 minutes
23 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Senior Shape - Low Impact Cardio & Strength Osteoporosis Friendly - 25 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Balance Exercises - 15 minutes
24 Outdoor Walk - 25 minutes; Senior Shape - 10 Minute Cardio Warmup - 10 minutes & Strength Workout with One Dumbbell or Kettlebell - 20 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Best Scoliosis Exercises and Stretches - 15 minutes
25 Outdoor Walk - 25 minutes; Lift with Cee - 20 Minute Full Body Strength Workout #35 - 20 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Gentle Beginner Pilates Mat Workout - 20 minutes; Jessica Smith - 10 Minute Stretch and De-Stress
26 Improved Health - Dance Cardio & Toned Legs - 23 minutes; Faithful Workouts - Day 2 Healthy Back - Strength - 10 minutes; Jessica Smith - Express Stretch - 6 minutes
27 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Lift with Cee - 20 Minute Full Body Strength Workout #33 - 25 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Gentle Core Workout - 15 minutes
28 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; MVMT with Cailin - Balance Series Day 1: Breath & Movement - 20 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Go With the Flow Hip Stretch - 10 minutes
29 Pahla B - 2021 Walk Off the Weight - Day 1 - 25 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - 10 Minute Pilates Basics
30 Pahla B - 2021 Walk Off the Weight - Day 2 - 25 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Gentle Pilates - Gratitude Focus - 27 minutes
31 Be Healthy Enough - 30 Minute Strength - Abs First - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Standing Hip Mobility Workout - 10 minutes

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Old 06-27-23, 06:00 PM  
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Pam61's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: The Ocean State!
July already?!

1. Dean (MFY) Absolute Beginners (workouts 1-4), Morning yoga (workout 1)
2. Dean (MFY) Absolute Beginners (workouts 5-7)
3. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 6)
4. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 7), Cathe STS 2.0 (Upper Body 1)
5. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 8), Morning yoga (workout 2), Cathe STS 2.0 (Lower Body 1)
6. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 9), Cathe STS 2.0 (Upper Body 2)
7. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 10), Cathe STS 2.0 (Lower Body 2)
8. Dean (MFY) (deadlift recovery), (core strengthening), (lower body, back, core), Jessica Rise & Shine (Cardio Core Flow)
9. Dean (MFY) Morning Yoga (workouts 3-6)
10. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 11), Muscle/Sore to Strong (workout 1), Cathe STS 2.0 (Legs)
11. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 12), Muscle/Sore to Strong (workout 2), Outdoor Hike
12. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 13), Muscle/Sore to Strong (workout 3), Cathe STS 2.0 (Shoulders)
13. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 14), Muscle/Sore to Strong (workout 4), Strength Foundations Course (workout 13)
14. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 15), Muscle/Sore to Strong (workout 5) Cathe STS (Back), Jane Strength & Balance (Lower & Upper Body)
15. Outdoor Hike (Newport Cliff Walk)
16. Dean (MFY) Muscle/Sore to Strong (workout 5), Muscle/Sore to Strong (workout 6)
17. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 1), Muscle/Sore to Strong (workout 7) Cathe STS 2.0 (Chest)
18. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 2), Muscle/Sore to Strong (workout 8)
19. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 3), Muscle/Sore to Strong (workout 9), Cathe STS 2.0 (Biceps)
20. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 4), Muscle/Sore to Strong (workout 10) Cathe STS 2.0 (Triceps)
21. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 5), Muscle/Sore to Strong (workout 11) Cathe STS 2.0 (Legs)
22. Dean (MFY) Muscle/Sore to Strong (workout 12), Morning Yoga (workout 5 & 6)
23. Dean (MFY) Strength Foundations Course (workout 1), Beginner FUNdamentals (workout 1), Jessica "Snacks" (Stretch & De-stress), Lee QiGong (Neck & Shoulders), Cathe STS 2.0 (Shoulders)
24. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 6), Muscle/Sore to Strong (workout 1), Cathe STS 2.0 (Back), Original STS (Extended Stretch)
25. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 7), Muscle/Sore to Strong (workout 2), Cathe STS 2.0 (Chest), Original STS (Extended Stretch)
26. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 8), Deadlift Recovery Stretch, Cathe STS 2.0 (Biceps)
27. Dean (MFY) Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 9), Muscle/Sore to Strong, Cathe STS 2.0 (Triceps)
28. Dean (MFY) Morning Yoga (workout 1), Absolute Beginners (workout 1 & 2), Muscle/Sore to Strong Lee Holden Qi Gong (Upper Back & Neck) & (Depression)
29. Dean (MFY) Muscle/Sore to Strong, Cathe STS 2.0 Standing Abs: Metabolic Core, Standing Abs: Core Plus Floor
30. Dean MFY Absolute Beginners (workout 2 & 3), Yoga Fix (Day 3), Cathe STS (Legs)
31. Dean MFY Beginners FUNdamentals (workout 10)

May Focus:
Miranda Esmonde-White Classical Stretch Season 9 (All Standing)
Sahra Esmonde-White Body Sculpting Series, Toning for Beginners, Ultimate Stretch workouts

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Old 06-27-23, 06:56 PM  
Join Date: May 2007
Location: The hot desert-aka AZ
Continuing with STS 2.0 12 week rotation

1. SSoD Spin. Sweat. Repeat 50 min ride; Mobility 1
2. IBX Running Beat the Clock 40 min
3. Upper Body 1
4. iTread 25 35 min; Lower Body 1
5. Ride with Alina Hitt and Hills 2.0 30 min ride; Chair Yoga
6. Upper Body 2
7. nothing
8. "hiker" treadmill program I found on IG 35 min; Lower Body 2
9. Spin with Lars Tough Love Spin 60 min ride
10. Lower Body 1
11. Upper Body 1
12. IBX Running Beginner Hiit 30 min; Full Body Stretch
13. Lower Body 2
14. Upper Body 2
15. RI:ID Hiit 40 min ride
16. IBX Running 5-1-1 60 min
17. Legs
18. Shoulders
19. Spin with Lars #21 60 min ride
20. nothing
21. Back
22. IBX Running Beginner Intervals 15 min; Chest
23. SSoD Pop to the Top 20 min ride; Biceps
24. "hiker" t/m program 30 min; Triceps
25. IBX Running Hill Power Walk 40 min
26. Legs
27. Shoulders
28. SSoD Half a Happy Hour 30 min ride
29. IBX Running Speed Walk intervals 20 min; Back
30. Chest
31. IBX Running Summit Walk 30 min; Biceps
"It's time to burn off some ice cream"-Coach Sean

C25K graduate 10/10

CLX grad 12/09
allgirlsinaz is offline  
Old 06-27-23, 07:24 PM  
Join Date: Jan 2002
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Old 06-27-23, 08:43 PM  
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Australia

Sat 1 = long brisk dog walk + Leslie - 3-Mile Power Walk - Mile 3 Addon
Sun 2 = Cathe - STS - M3 - W3 - 31 Chest & Back (the END is in SIGHT!! I'm sighing with the thought - beginning to drag on....) + dog walk
Mon 3 = dog walk
Tue 4 = Cathe - STS - M3 - W3 - 32 Plyo Legs + dog walk
Wed 5 = dog walk
Thu 6 = Cathe - STS - M3 - W3 - 33 Shoulders, Biceps, & Triceps + dog walk
Fri 7 = Samantha Clayton & Garret Amerine - Be Fit In 90 - Phase 1 - Day 7 (Fat-Burning Cardio + Cardio MMA + Sports Stretch & Flexibility) + dog walk
Sat 8 = Cathe - STS - M3 - W4 - 34 Chest & Back + dog walk
Sun 9 = dog walk
Mon 10 = Cathe - High Step Circuit, on the Bosu
Tue 11 = Cathe - STS - M3 - W4 - 35 Plyo Legs + dog walk
Wed 12 = 2 hour dog walk, as it was SO lovely to be out. 60F & clear/sunny/still.
Thu 13 = Cathe - STS = M3 - W4 - 36 Shoulders, Biceps, & Triceps STS IS FINISHED!!!
Fri 14 = dog walk
Sat 15 = dog walk
Sun 16 = nothing (rain)
Mon 17 = couch-5k, week 2, x2 = ~6 miles, with Alice
Tue 18 = 3km dog walk
Wed 19 = 6km brisk walk + Cathe - STS2 - Tri Sets Total Body
Thu 20 =
Fri 21 =
Sat 22 =
Sun 23 = Cathe - STS2 - Giant Sets Total Body
Mon 24 =
Tue 25 = 6km brisk walk
Wed 26 =
Thu 27 =
Fri 28 =
Sat 29 = 60min dog walk with friends & their furries + Christi - Totally Cool Step 2
Sun 30 = 90min dog walk with DH + Cathe - STS2 - Super Sets Total Body - Express 4 (Double Supersets)
Mon 31 =
2024: 👏 STRIVE rather than settle.👏 💪STRONG rather than soft.💪
• No exercise can compensate for a poor diet. 😖
• Walking is phenomenally good for me. 😊
• Resistance training is critical. 💯

¹ Walk first
² Weights next
³ Cardio for fun
⁴ Add stretch & balance.
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just the workouts

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