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Old 01-10-21, 10:02 AM  
Laura S.
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Getting to Know You! (New Year Edition)

It has been a while since one of these threads and it seems like a good time for one. Feel free to answer whichever of the questions below anyway you want:

1. What was the biggest lesson you learned in 2020?

2. What or whom are you most grateful for right now?

3. How would you describe your fitness life in 2020?

4. What are your top three priorities in 2021?

5. What is one change you want to make?

Laura's Workout Mantras:

Something is better than nothing
The best workout is the one you will DO
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Old 01-10-21, 10:11 AM  
Laura S.
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1. What was the biggest lesson you learned in 2020? Even when things get bad, there is a life to live and I need to figure out what it is/how to do it.

2. What or whom are you most grateful for right now? My husband and I celebrated 30 years of marriage in 2020 - in a low-key kind of way - and I'm grateful for how we share life.

3. How would you describe your fitness life in 2020? I started out great by creating a plan to increase my cardio capacity at the gym. When the gym closed, I worked out from home, something I hadn't been able to get myself to do for several years. And DH and I started walking most days. I ended the year by slacking off on my workouts and now I need to create a workout plan for 2021.

4. What are your top three priorities in 2021? Every day, I want to:

1. Clean something
2. Use my planner (to try to get myself back on track with plans)
3. Move/exercise somehow

5. What is one change you want to make? At some point in 2021, I want to go somewhere, travel somewhere. I have so missed travel and the planning that goes into it!

Laura's Workout Mantras:

Something is better than nothing
The best workout is the one you will DO
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Old 01-10-21, 04:03 PM  
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1. What was the biggest lesson you learned in 2020? How to be more patient (but still working on it!). With all the weirdness that happened I had to figure out a way to just say "OK, just go with it".

2. What or whom are you most grateful for right now?
I'm not grateful COVID happened obviously but I was let go from my job and at that point decided to just retire. It has been wonderful to have more time to do the things I want when I want.

3. How would you describe your fitness life in 2020?
Pretty much the same as previous years but have done more walking and began meditating which may have been what helped me become more patient!
4. What are your top three priorities in 2021? To continue to de-clutter the house, extend my meditation time, maintain strength and flexibility.

5. What is one change you want to make? I need to make healthier meals but don't really like to cook. Haha[/QUOTE]
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Old 01-11-21, 09:19 AM  
Laura S.
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Annette - Good luck with learning to cook when you don't like to do it. Hopefully, you can find some simple recipes.

Laura's Workout Mantras:

Something is better than nothing
The best workout is the one you will DO
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Old 01-11-21, 09:44 AM  
Join Date: Nov 2008
1. What was the biggest lesson you learned in 2020?

Finding some ways to manage my anxiety symptoms. Whew. I'm still learning, but my quality of life is WAY up now.

2. What or whom are you most grateful for right now?

Just now, a dear friend who's nearing the end of her life. I'm sorry she's going, but so very glad that she was part of my life. I'm not sure what I'd have done without her these past two decades. She is a great example of how to be a grown up and a wonderful, loving person. So very glad to have known her.

3. How would you describe your fitness life in 2020?
Currently? In hibernation.

4. What are your top three priorities in 2021?

Continuing on with my bullet journal, it's helping me track symptoms (anxiety, depression, sleep disruptions) and keep better records of other things. Plus it's just neat to be able to look back at all I've done.

Moving to a new home. It seems all but impossible in the midst of this pandemic, but I really think it needs to be done.

Organizing the household paperwork. Tedious, but it simplifies life when there are records to find (and use for some important purpose)

5. What is one change you want to make?

I'd like to move somewhere with a kinder climate. Getting away from the risk of hurricanes is a pretty good first step, I think.
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Old 01-11-21, 09:45 AM  
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: NE Pennsylvania
Laura, great thread! It takes some time to think about responses though.

1. What was the biggest lesson you learned in 2020?

That I can adapt. I had to work from home in the spring which was a huge adjustment for me. I do not like change. However, I was able to transition to working from home without too much angst. I am sort of proud of myself.

2. What or whom are you most grateful for right now?

I'm always most grateful for my husband. He is my best friend. That hasn't changed this year.

3. How would you describe your fitness life in 2020?

My fitness life in 2020 was GREAT!! I exercised more, I did harder workouts, I found new VF friends.

4. What are your top three priorities in 2021?

Top priorities are to continue to regularly exercise, try to eat healthy and enjoy life.

5. What is one change you want to make?

That one is tough for me. Not sure.
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Old 01-11-21, 12:24 PM  
Join Date: May 2011
1. What was the biggest lesson you learned in 2020?

That I cannot and should never take my way of life and health for granted because I never expected or anticipated the things that happened in 2020 and the carry over into 2021 that have been associated with the pandemic.

2. What or whom are you most grateful for right now?

My health and my wonderful husband.

3. How would you describe your fitness life in 2020?

Generally good, but not well rounded enough. My husband and I have been walking and hiking regularly. I've fallen off the wagon with strength and flexibility workouts.

4. What are your top three priorities in 2021?

Fitness wise: 1) Getting back to regular strength and flexibility like yoga, pilates or CS. 2) Maintaining and improving aerobic capacity. 3) Working through my extensive virgin workout collection.

5. What is one change you want to make?

Downsizing and getting rid of a lot of "stuff." We're planning on moving in a couple of years, and I need to start now getting rid of things I don't need or use and quit buying things I don't need or use.
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Old 01-11-21, 03:53 PM  
Join Date: May 2008
Location: On Canada 💗
1. What was the biggest lesson you learned in 2020?
I'm pretty strong! My dog who's my giant shadow died of cancer and my younger sister and only sibling died suddenly.. And well.. Covid. I've kept my spirits up and the spirit of my family and friends. Didn't crumble once... Yet..

2. What or whom are you most grateful for right now?
I'm grateful for my family and friends. My kids are the sunshine, they give me so much joy and they are fun. Also my husband, parents, my mother in and my sister in law.. I'm so lucky to have them. My friends.. It's been important to me to support all I can over these difficult times. Friends pulled together to support families and food banks around our city.

3. How would you describe your fitness life in 2020?
Pretty good. I had to close my business.. So had lots of free time. Lots of walks with my kids and girlfriends.. And had fun streaming and working out dailly.

4. What are your top three priorities in 2021?
1. Be the best wife, mother, daughter, friend I can be.
2. Continue to enjoy every single day of my precious life.
3. Charity, I help financially... But I want to do more and volunteer more.

5. What is one change you want to make?[/QUOTE]
Utilize my free time better. Schedule myself to be more productive. .. And to actually use a calendar!!
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Old 01-13-21, 07:45 AM  
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: MI
1. What was the biggest lesson you learned in 2020?
That I could work from home and deal with it. After 4-5 months straight of this I was finally able to go back to the office a couple days a week. Never thought I would last.

2. What or whom are you most grateful for right now?
My friends and family. My hubby, we celebrated 25 years in September, and we did travel in October to the Upper Pennisula (of Michigan) and it was great. Peaceful, relaxing and noone up there is in a hurry, which was so nice.

3. How would you describe your fitness life in 2020?
I actually was working out more due to being home, I was doing more walking. Started doing short yoga routines (10-20minutes) every day since December 1 and still going. This was a goal of mine and hope to continue it.

4. What are your top three priorities in 2021?
To continue to do my yoga; to cherish life as you don't know when your time will end; and enjoy everything that comes my way.

5. What is one change you want to make?
Downsizing my fitness DVD collection. I don't use a lot of them and they are just sitting on my shelves when I know others would enjoy them.
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Old 01-13-21, 01:07 PM  
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Great thread Laura!

1. What was the biggest lesson you learned in 2020? Life is short and so many things can change in an instant so must make the best of each day.

2. What or whom are you most grateful for right now? My two boys, DIL and my two grandchildren!!! Dad far away in FL, my brother and his partner, stepkids, and everyone has stayed covid-free!

3. How would you describe your fitness life in 2020? My workouts are what saved my sanity in 2020. After so much loss and upheaval, my workouts, meditation and Yoga practices kept me going. Other things changed but my workouts remained consistent.

4. What are your top three priorities in 2021? Stay healthy, see my kids and grandkids, be compassionate to and tolerant of others.

5. What is one change you want to make? Cleaning and downsizing my whole house. I have far too much "stuff" and I'm tired of cleaning it. I've already been donating and tossing a lot of junk.
Do your BEST and Forget the Rrrrest! Tony Horton

When your body screams, tell it to shut up! Body Pump

"Where I am today is where my mind put me. Where I'll be tomorrow is where my mind put me." - Billy Blanks

I'm a SHOCKING GRADUATE of STS!!!! Feb - May '09!
I did it again! I'm a SHOCKING GRADUATE of STS!!!! Feb - May 2018!
Beachbody On Demand 80 Day Obsession - Full Rotation June - September 2018
Third time's a charm! I'm a SHOCKING GRADUATE of STS!!!! July-Oct 2020!
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getting to know you, introductions

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