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Old 05-30-11, 07:00 PM  
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RKS breakdowns in one handy thread!

there original thread is so long and the breakdowns are mixed in, in the middle... so i thought i'd make it easier for anyone interested in the breakdowns of all the RKS dvd's!

Originally Posted by counterclockwise View Post
Instructional DVD:

Warm up
Instructional Exercise Menu (gives you the menu below)
Cool Down
Play All

Instructional Exercise Menu (you can choose each of these individually!):

Goblet squat
Squat thrust and jump
Abdominal exercises (leg lift, window wipers, plank, russian twist)
One hand swing
Single leg deadlift
Tactical lunge
Push press
Overhead lunge
High pull

Owen teaches all of these and his form is excellent! He has a great personality. However, he does not go into much technical detail during the instructions of the exercises that take more finesse (clean, snatch for example). He literally shows the clean from side and front, says "use the hips, the kb stays in close, and it should rotate around your wrist". Then he says something like "if you feel like it is banging you, play around with it. Go ahead and practice". Not much help at all on that, lol!

His instructions on other things like the two hand swing are good.

Originally Posted by Fit Mommy View Post


This workout was 20 minutes in length minus the warm up and cool down...And all it consisted of was SWINGS..that's it...just 2 handed swings. 30 seconds of two handed swings with 45 seconds of rest for 16 circuits. It's great if you are a beginner, but i was bored out of my mind...but was sweating like crazy because I used a 26 pound bell. Great workout if you play your own music, as they don't talk in this's just their background music.


I decided to go for this workout along with workout 1, because the advanced level exerciser in me craved more...WAY MORE! So here is a breakdown of the second workout...

20 minute circuit workout consisting of 5 exercises...

Goblet Lunge

You do each exercise for 30 sec and take 30 seconds rest..when the circuit is over you take a 1 minute break and then back for your next circuit.

Again, this workout was a voiceover with their bacground music...if you don't need instruction, I suggest listeing to your ipod, it would be more fun!

I don't doubt the effectiveness of these workouts if you use a challenging size kettlebell. I was drenched after doing both workouts consecutively!

BTW...the warm-up and cool downs in both workouts were identical, when they said there was no repeat footage.... Just sayin...

I do look forward to see what the Doug Challenge workouts have to offer as I'd like to see more variety, but I'll save those for tomorrow...I'm pretty wiped at this point and I need a shower!

Originally Posted by Fit Mommy View Post
Ok, Another update for all you guys...I previewed both workouts 3 and 4 to breakdown for everyone to get a better idea of what this system truly offers...I was IMPRESSED to say the it is...


28 minutes in length minus warm-up and cool down..This workout consisted of 3 Supersets roughly around 10 minutes or so in length.

Superset 1...

3x half get ups each sie
5x Goblet Squats
30 seconds rest
repeat this set as many times as you can within 10 minutes with good form

Superset 2...

Suitcase Deadlifts 5x right side 5x left side
10x alternating reverse goblet lunge
30 seconds or so of rest or whatever you need
repeat as many times as you can within 10 minutes with good form

Superset 3...

Window Wipers 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Alternating leg lifts 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat 3 times


DOUG Challenge Workout 10 minutes in length

5x Row right hand
5x Row Left Hand
10x Squat thrust w/jump
15x Pushups on toes or knees
20x two-handed swings

NO Rest...repeat as many times as you can with good form for 10 minutes. This workout is meant to see how you've progressed over the weeks. It looks like a killer sweat-feast. I can't wait to do this!

So there ya go! The first week is covered for all of you to decide if you will like it or not...So far, this system looks really promising as long as you challenge yourself with the proper size kettlebell.

Originally Posted by Fit Mommy View Post
Ok, here is another update...

I am totally LOVING this system so far...why? ....because it is so varied....i decided to revisit workout 1 this morning which is comprised of just two handed swing for 16 circuits. I played my iPod during this while swing a 12 kg KB and enjoyed it thoroughly! Yesterday I was bored listening to their background music and rare voice-over tidbits. Today was much more enjoyable!

After my workout, I decided to preview workout 5 on this set...see my previous reviews and breakdowns on this thread regarding the first 4 workouts.

Workout 5:

This workout is a strength ladder set that is 31 minutes in length and it's nothing but overhead presses in what they call ladders of 1,2,3 repeat for the first 15 minutes and then the last 15 minutes consists of conditioning with one handed swings on each side. It looks simple, but awesome if you use a challenging weight!

This set seems awesome so far for drilling the basic movements while gaining strength and adding cardio with the supersets and swing workouts. So far, so good I say!
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Old 05-30-11, 07:04 PM  
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workout 6... sorry if i missed it.. but if not... here it is:

it's a circuit workout for 17 minutes....

two hand swings, 40 sec
push press, 20 sec per side
alternating side lunges
rows, 5 per side
squat thrust with jump

rest 1 minute

repeat for a total of 3 circuits

Originally Posted by counterclockwise View Post
Workout 7/8 disc:

Workout 7
Workout 8
Cool Down

You can choose full training (spoken instructions and music) or just music

When you choose a workout, I don't think the warmup automatically plays, but the cool down automatically plays after the workout. I think this is so you can do your own WU if you want. I think the WU/CD is the same on all the DVDs.

Workout 7: 24 min (without WU/CD), each superset/part is a chapter

Part 1: superset 1, 10 minutes
1 x squat & press per side
2 x single leg deadlift per side
2 x squat & press per side
4 x single leg deadlift per side
repeat as many times as possible

Rest 1 minute

Part 2: superset 2, 7 minutes
Tactical lunge: 30 sec.
Swings of your choice: 30 sec.
Rest: 30 sec.
repeat as many times as possible

Rest 1 minute

Part 3: 3 timed sets of abdominals, 5 minutes
Russian twists: 30 sec.
Planks: 30 sec.
Rest: 30 sec.

The breakdown of the set stays on the screen so you have nothing to remember, and you get to go at your own pace. I also love how you get a countdown timer of not only the exercise you are doing at the side (if applicable), but also a countdown of the overall workout at the top.

Workout 8: Doug Challenge, 15 minutes

10 x pushups
20 x squat jumps
15 x rows each side (30 total reps)
40 x alternating leg lifts
50 x two hand swing

No rests (unless you need them ), repeat as many times as possible in 15 min. WOW, looks killer!
workout 9 strength ladders

clean &press ladders - 15 minutes

1 right, 1 left
2 right, 2 left
3 right, 3 left
4 right, 4 left
repeat (as many times as you can in 15 minutes)

rest 1 minute

swings - 8 minutes

right hand swings 45 sec, rest 30 sec

left hand swings 45 sec, rest 30 sec

two hand swings 45 sec, rest 20 sec

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Old 05-30-11, 07:05 PM  
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workout 10 5 exercises... done in sets of 8 before moving on to the next... 20 secs, 10 sec rest.

push ups 20 sec, rest 10 sec
(total 8 sets)

two hand swings 20 sec, rest 10 sec
(total 8 sets)

rows 20 sec each side
(total 8 sets)

(total 8 sets)

(total 8 sets)

workout 11

complex 1 - 10 min
clean, press, overhead lunge, right then left
2 cleans, 2 presses, 2 overhead lunges, right then left
3 cleans, 3 presses, 3 overhead lunges, right then left

repeat starting at 1 each, do as many complexes as you can in 10 min

rest 1 min

complex 2 - 15 min
5 right hand swings
5 right hand high pulls
hand-to-hand switch
5 left hand swings
5 left hand high pulls

repeat as many times as possible for 1 min, then rest 30 sec

complete 10 total sets

workout 12 challenge

10 push ups
20 right hand swings
rack squats, 5 per side
20 left hand swings
rows, 5 per side
20 two hand swings

complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes
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Old 05-30-11, 07:06 PM  
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workout 13

clean & press ladders - 15 min

1 right, 1 left
2 right, 2 left
3 right, 3 left
4 right, 4 left
5 right, 5 left
repeat (as many times as you can in 15 minutes)

rest 1 minute

swings - 11 in

swings (any style you choose) 30 sec
rest 15 sec
repeat for 15 rounds
(try to complete 20 swings in each 20 sec set)

workout 14

perform each exercise for 30 sec per side. no rest between exercises.

clean & squat
single leg deadlift
push press
overhead lunges
high pull or swings

rest 1 min
repeat for a total of 4 circuits

Originally Posted by counterclockwise View Post
Ok, here's 15 and 16, and that's all of 'em:

Workout 15: Doug Challenge - 15 minutes

Alternating clean & press - 10 total
10 x row per arm
15 swings per arm

as many rounds as possible

This is just Doug and the girls, and their form could really bother people in this one. Those cleans they do...they really just flip the bells over and bang the heck out of themselves!

Workout 16: 30 minutes

Snatches - 15 sec right/15 sec left (they tell you to do swings or a high pull if not comfy doing snatches)
30 sec. rest

This one is Owen and the girls, and he does snatches while the girls do swings, so form is ok. That's all for 16, you do snatches like that for 30 rounds This reminds me a lot of some max VO2 classes I took.

I looked at all of the breakdowns side by side to see if there were similarities between the workouts from week to week, and besides the 3 workouts that have clean & press ladders and swings, there really are lots of different types of workouts in this series. It really is varied, while still keeping the exercises basic.
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Old 05-30-11, 07:45 PM  
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here's a link to a suggested schedule from RKS:
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Old 05-30-11, 08:19 PM  
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caligurl- Do you love this set? Is it a great purchase? I want this and Rushfit but I'm leaning to this this because I'm loving the KB's as of late and i'm a sucker for a set! I'm trying to find the negative but there dosn't seem to be any
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Old 05-30-11, 08:35 PM  
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Marika, so far for me, it's

That said, I've only done the first three workouts, but reading through all the breakdowns just now (THANK YOU!, THANK YOU!), I'm very excited about it!!
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Old 05-30-11, 08:56 PM  
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Originally Posted by bee View Post
Marika, so far for me, it's

That said, I've only done the first three workouts, but reading through all the breakdowns just now (THANK YOU!, THANK YOU!), I'm very excited about it!!
Well, I do have a Birthday coming up! It does sound really awesome. It really is great that all these Extreme workouts are available
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Old 05-31-11, 06:43 AM  
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Thanks...this looks like the paper workouts I'm presently using Here a Link
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Old 05-31-11, 07:23 AM  
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Originally Posted by bee1forfitness View Post
Thanks...this looks like the paper workouts I'm presently using Here a Link
oh! i have that... i've never done it though as i don't do paper workouts
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