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Old 01-04-02, 03:29 PM  
Donna Marie
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Northern California - Wine Country
What Stands Out For You At VF? (A History Thread)

Not OT...there are certain things that stand out for me here at my favorite place and being among some of my favorite people.

There are three things that stand out in my mind about this place:

1. The time a member of our "community" lost everything in an apartment fire which included her prized collection of fitness videos, and another member sent out a plea to help out. If memory serves me right, the response was wonderful. We sent any number of items which included replacement fitness tapes.

2. Clare - don't hate me for this, but I still laugh until I hurt about the time your sports bra came unzipped during a workout and more than your feet became airborn.

3. The seasonal beauty tip threads....I miss those.

How about you? If you have been here awhile, what memories stand out for you?

Donna Marie
(Fit & Over 58)
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Old 01-04-02, 03:46 PM  
susan p
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ah, the memories

I remember that dreadful summer of the interim software when someone decided to take advantage of the anonymity and WWWendy's inability to moderate to spew hatred at a few VFers, of which I was one. Gosh, the spirited defenses that appeared on the board, and the supportive e-mails off the board both warmed my heart incredibly. People were SO supportive and generous!! I specifically remember a thread where that person tried to start up some nastiness and some bright VFer came up with the idea of telling how the weather was at her location, and the thread got to about 75 posts long, with everyone telling what weather they were experiencing and COMPLETELY ignoring the perp's attempts to start something! What wisdom and restraint and solidarity!! GO VF!!

Also, think of all we've been through together in our REAL lives. . . the death of a spouse, various cancers, injuries, pregnancies, surgeries, etc. Always VFers speak support and encouragement into those situations.

And, on a more frivolous note, I too LOVE the beauty tips threads (one of these years I'm going to have to resolve to really DO something about my lack of a beauty life! ). And all the excitement surrounding the road trips is always a blast! I got inspired to go on the fall 99 road trip to Cathe's, when she was every-so-cutely pregnant and kicked our butts anyway! Road trip excitement is always such a kick for us all, I think.

OH, and one of my favorite things at VF is the photo album! Both the albums of the road trips and the general album. If you don't have a picture there, you should send one to WWWendy! I'd love to see you!
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Old 01-04-02, 04:21 PM  
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Smile VF

Until recently VF stood for "Vicious Firewall"!!!!!!

I became a VFer 2 years ago, but due to change in jobs and no PC at home, I ended up behind a firewall with no VF....sniff
I was taken in by some kindly "Firmies" & "Cathe-ites", but I never stopped missing VFers. Just the "sight" of a VFer on those other forums would lift my firewalled spirits.

There's something special in the character and quality of people here that I think is rare in cyberspace, or anywhere for that matter, and a special thanks to WWWendy for upholding integrity at Video Fitness. Sure VF has had it's share of "flames" but good has always prevailed.

VF stands for "Class Act"!..... Okay it doesn't but I couldn't think of anything clever :rolleyes: ....Where's Rainy or Joan (Boadway)?
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Old 01-04-02, 04:43 PM  
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I've been around for almost 2 years--not nearly as long as many VFer's.

Well, the first thing that popped into my mind was Paulagate. How bizarre and almost incomprehenible all of that was.

The level of genuine caring and support among VFer's stands out above all else. We've got an amazing network of friends here. I'm very thankful to be a part of it.

The road trips I've been on have been tons of fun! I always look forward to reading about any, and all VF events, because I know first hand how much fun they are .

Race reports are always a highlight for me. Be they of the biking, running, or skating variety (did I miss any?).

Reading about VFer's encounters with instructors is always lots of fun. Especially those first time awe struck meetings .

I love hearing about the antics of our furry VF family members. I'm thoroughly enjoying all of the cat and dog avatars too. I wish I could get a photo of my kitties up too, but alas, I'm scannerless at the moment.
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Old 01-04-02, 04:47 PM  
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fraudulent member

I remember about a year or so ago, a certain poster being found out that she was not who she said she was. If I remember correctly she was claiming she was and ACE certified instructor and WWWendy discovered she wasn't. I believe she had even met several members here at get-togethers?
There was a huge uproar with everyone feeling very betrayed. (understandably)
Many people said from then on they would be much more guarded in the future. I was always curious if time ever healed those wounds.
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Old 01-04-02, 04:57 PM  
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Talking who can forget the "bite me" chick?

does anyone else remember her? Anytime anyone disagreed with her opinion, she would respond with "bite me." With the advantage of hindsight, it is pretty funny, but I remember it being annoying at the time.

I also remember when Oxyicize (sp?) was the big gimmick of the day ("alter your breathing patterns and lose X dress sizes), and VF was suddenly flooded with "members" who loved the Oxycize tapes. It seemed like they had a slight business interest in the whole thing....

I only mention those because they are funny. Other (happier) memories include working with Christine L. to put together a VF FAQ - that was so much fun, and I really enjoyed working with Christine, and a wonderful VFer who helped get me tickets to the White House when I visited DC. I am still very grateful for that.

Most common VF memory? My husband's voice: "Honey, you aren't on VF AGAIN, are you?"

Great thread! I can't wait to read the other responses.

Loleen (VFer since the first forum software, but rare poster)
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Old 01-04-02, 05:02 PM  
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Re: What Stands Out For You At VF? (A History Thread)

Originally posted by Donna Marie

2. Clare - don't hate me for this, but I still laugh until I hurt about the time your sports bra came unzipped during a workout and more than your feet became airborn.
Ah, yes.... My "Texas Two-Step" Chest! It hurts me also to remember it, but in such a different way! LOL!

There are so many memories for me- I remember waiting to hear that Mandy Lee had given birth to Lexie. And, of course, waiting for WWWendy to give birth to Lucas. We were all so excited!

I remember how anxious I felt hosting the first Chicago area VF get-together. And how much fun it was!

The Paula gate thing, of course- you have to remember the bad with the good!

All of the road trip reports- I love reading them. I was so thrilled when I went on my first Cathe Trip and met so many VFers.

I have a lot of fond memories of chat- we can really let our hair down there! (By the way, Chat is tonight at 9 pm ET. Alas, I can not be there tonight!)

I have so many more, but I have to go work out! (yes, I'm actually doing a afternoon workout! Surprise!)
Clare Remember......modify, modify, modify!
Breast Cancer Survivor!

“..Know the difference between an inconvenience & a problem. If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire- then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience. Life is inconvenient. Life is lumpy… And a lump in the oatmeal, and lump in the throat, and a lump in the breast are not the same lump. One should learn the difference.” Sigmund Wollman's Reality Test by Robert Fulghum
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Old 01-04-02, 05:04 PM  
susan p
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Deanna, thanks for reminding me, how could I forget the fur-friends we talk about?? I hope to be posting kitty pics soon myself (gosh I feel like I'm announcing a pregnancy or something! LOL!).
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Old 01-04-02, 05:21 PM  
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Been around since summer 1996.

It's hard to single out one thing. Memories include finding out about the forum after checking out VF reviews for months, watching threads flame up into conflict and watching the forum recover, reading about the road-trips, looking at the photo album, spending all those $$ on vids & equipment, getting to know VFers from all over the world in cyberspace and, of course, meeting some face to face. For some reason Daphne getting stuck in her sweaty sport bra after a run -- in the ladies room at work -- stays in my mind as a true VF moment.

VF made me go to yoga class and encouraged me to do stuff I thought I couldn't. Of course I don't agree with everything I read here, but no experience is perfect.
(You can get to my sketchblog through my profile page.)
I'm what I am, and what I am,
Is back on Boogie Street.

Leonard Cohen/Sharon Robinson "Boogie Street" 10 New Songs.

(I have a professional/personal relationship with an instructor who produces video and book material relevant to this site.)
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Old 01-04-02, 06:25 PM  
Debbie S.
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Susan, I will never forget

what happened to you. My heart was aching for you. I'll never ever forget how you handled the situation with PURE CLASS! I'm sure your family realizes what a great person you are.

I guess no one will ever forget Paula gate. I was in denial for quite a long time over this one. Arghhhh, it did make us keep our guard up.

One of my favorite threads was titled something like, "I'm married to an alien!" Lordy, was that thread funny.

How about when Mistress Satanic (sorry Joan, if I oops. I'm really known for messing up names in real life) started posting workouts. I learned real quickly not to be drinking anything when I read anything from Joan.

The care and support that VFers offer at this site is amazing. I know that I'll always be grateful for the VFers who posted and even sent cards or email when I posted about losing my beloved pet.

Daphne, you seriously should consider writing some type of column, if not in real life, here at VF. You never cease to amaze me with the humor in your posts.
Laughter is the best medicine. Have you had your daily dose?
Walking is Nature's Prozac!
Don't let anyone judge you! It's your workout. Sylwia
Don't Compare Yourself to somebody else. BE YOUR BEST! Chalene Johnson

A Spark of Hope

In memory of:
Michael Sparkman
October 11th, 2001-October 21st, 2008
Hope Fimiani
August 26th, 2006-October 13th, 2008
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