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Old 01-18-10, 11:51 PM  
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Post My Humble VF Lexicon

The reason there are some embedded links is simple: When I first did this list, I didn't know how to embed so I kept links to a minium. Now I will do embedded links on additions, but I haven't taken the time to go back and embed for the older entries.

If there is a full name it is on the list because they are often referred to just by their first name.
If there is a system, I did my best to put the right instructor on it.
I tried to be alphabetical, but I see I made some mistakes

I have added sites to order DVDs from just for general knowledge. It is at the very bottom of the listings, after the numbers. I am not recommending these sites per se. Please research all sites and their reputations for yourself so that you are comfortable ordering from them. General searches of the site name will be a help in that regard or a simple thread asking if VFers are familiar with particular sites. Remember YMMV .
Also keep in mind that individual instructors may have their own sites.

This lexicon was done as a help to new and old members alike. If you feel an opinion has creeped in that offends you, I am sorry. No offense/preference was intended.

If you are an instructor, try to stay away from workouts with SS abbreviations (I am looking at you, Ellen Barrett).
You may want to lay off BB as well.
If you are an instructor and your first name is Tracy/Tracie/Tracey or any other derivation, you may want to go with your middle name.


Abcentric portion of Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis that targets body type that gains weight in midsection/thick waist
Advanced Workouts DVD ordering site, run by Jen Advanced Workouts
AHB Action Hero Babe Valerie Waters
ALC/ALCI ALC2/ALCII Kari Anderson's Angles, Curves and Lines, Volumes I and II
Allaire Back Care Fitness
AoS Art of Strength Anthony Diluglio Kettlebells
ATRM All the Right Moves Grace Lazenby
Alta-Tude Fitness Alta indescribable, though many have tried
Amy - either Bento or Dixon
AMY4YW AM Yoga for Your Week
Ana - Brett, Caban, or Forrest
Andre Houle
Andrea Ambandos, prolific video producer
Anna Benson The FIRM
Anni Mars Force Workouts
Anthony Diluglio Kettlebells, AoS
APY 60 American Power Yoga 60-Day Challenge
A.S.A.P Abdominals, Spine and Posture Keli Roberts
ASC/ASC2/ASC3 Advanced Step Challenge, various iterations, Amy Bento
Asylum Shaun T
Asylum 2 Shaun T
AWT Aerobic Weight Training


Bar or Barre Ballet-Influenced Workouts
Ballet Beautiful Mary Helen Bowers
Ballet Body Leah Sarago
BB Barbara Benagh
BB Beachbody
BB Bootcamp Boogie Petra Kolber
BB Barry’s Bootcamp
BB Billy Blanks, Tae Bo franchise
BB Jr., Billy Blanks, Jr. Cardioke and others
BB Brook Benton
BBBB Better Burn…Better Buns
BBH Benson, Benson & Hendrickson, produced the original FIRMs
BBL Brazil Butt Lift Leandro Caravalho
BBPS Ballet Body Periodization System Leah Sarago
BC Boot camp (generic)
BC Barefoot Cardio Ellen Barrett
Beauty and the Beast Fitness, site run by VF's own roleez]
BF Body Fusion
BG Bernadette Giorgio
B&G Butts and Guts Cathe Friedrich
BFBM Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism Jillian Michaels
Billy Blanks Tae Bo
BiU Burn It Up Slim in 6 Debbie Siebers
Blissology Eoin Finn Yoga, vinyasa based program
BM Body Max Cathe Friedrich
BMax/BMax2 Body Max/Body Max 2 Cathe Friedrich
BM Bar Method Burr Leonard
BMA Bar Method Accelerated
BL Biggest Loser
Body Beast
BoS Buns of Steel
Bryan Kest
BSS Body Sculpting System The FIRM
Burr Leonard Bar Method


Callan Pinckney Callanetics
Cardio Coach Sean O’Malley
Carrie Rezabek Pure Barre
Cathe Friedrich
cave, to cave give in and purchase something, usually the result of peer pressure or bandwagon threads
CB Cardio Barre
CC Cardio Coach Sean O’Malley
CF Cardio Force Core Force Anni Mars
CF Cardio Fusion Cathe Friedrich
Chalene Johnson Turbo Jams Turbo Kicks ChaLEAN Extreme
Charlene Prickett
Chrisaerobics: Chris Kennedy, VFer who inspires. He has his own FB page and aspires to do his own videos and maybe even one day host a game show.
Chris Freytag
Christi Taylor
CIA Creative Instructors Aerobis by Greg Twombly's production company
CKBC/CKC Cardio Kickbox Challenge Tracey Staehle
CLX ChaLEAN Extreme Chalene Johnson
CS Classical Stretch Miranda Esmonde-White
CTX Cathe Friedrich
Cindy Crawford
Cindy Whitmarsh
Clare* is an extreme Joni O that includes a Joni O, then hacking said offending media, and then attempting to start a fire to save humanity from the offending media
Coach Sean O’Malley Cardio Coach
Collage Video a site for ordering DVDs. All DVDs are described by certified fitness instructors, sales listed Wednesdays, all DVDs offered have short clips available. Also has its own forum.
C25K Couch to 5 K program, various


D2S Drop 2 Sizes
Dana Pieper
DBF Dear Boyfriend Dear Best Friend (or darling or even darn, depending on tone)
DD Dear Daughter
DDP Yoga "Diamond" Dallas Page Yoga
Debbie Siebers Slim in Six Slim Series
Denise Austin
DH Dear Husband
DOMS Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
DOR Day of Rest, planned
Dork Dance, closing dance on an original FIRM that people feel is dorky
DOTI Dance Off the Inches Series of dance workouts with various instructors, including VF favorites Jennifer Galardi and Michelle Dozois, among others
DS Dear Son
DSD Dear Stepdaughter
DSO Dear Significant Other
DSS Dear Stepson
DVD-r A recordable disk, frowned upon by the VF community for its instability; its usage often suggests sloppy production, at least in the eyes of certain (many) vidiots
4DS Four Day Split Cathe Friedrich
30DS 30-Day Shred Jillian Michaels


Eoin Finn
Ellen Barrett
Enable/Enabler to encourage one to buy another DVD they don't need but desperately need/ one who enables
ETA Edited to Add In posts that the writer decides after hitting save that something needs to be clarified, spelled correctly, something was misunderstood, or you have to add more words to a lexicon. There is also a box at the bottom of the posting if you just want to add the reason for the edit there. See the bottom of this posting as an example
ETK Enter the Kettlebell book by Pavel Tsatsoline describing the basics of kettlebell usage
Evolution Production Company of Marcus Irwin


FB Fluidity Bar
Felicia Tomasko
FF Fusion Flow Ellen Barrett
FBF Fat Burning Fusion Ellen Barrett
FE, Firm Express System
FF Fitness Fix Denise Beatty
FFS Fun-Sucking Shrew Those who do not endorse/adore/condone Alta-Tude Fitness and its practices (or lack of practices)
FIRM, Branded workouts with a rich history. FIRM was purchased by Gaiam from the original producers. Gaiam introduced a lot of gadgets to go with the workouts and continues to do so today. Each season of FIRM's existence has its fans and foes. This thread has much more detailed information on both the history and various opinions of the various iterations: FIRM history as related by VFers
BBH FIRMS, Benson, Benson & Henrickson production. Includes but not limited to FIRM Classics 1-6
BSS, Body Sculpting System, various generations
BSS 1 Intro to Fanny Lifter (FL)
BSS 2 Intro to FIRM Sculpting Stick used alone and in conjunction with FL
BSS 3 Intro to "death box," a purportedly unstable step-style add on
BSS 4 Intro to Transfirms (TF)
BSS 5 Transfirmation set, includes Pink FIRMs
Pink FIRMs The DVD box has a pink band/stripe across the top
The WAVE The Wave is a curved bottom step that can be used in various ways to intensify the workout.
Limited number of workouts available for this device. There are non-FIRM versions of this device.
Most of the above systems also have stand alone workouts, meaning they didn't necessarily come with the device when it was introduced.
Fitbit Great activity monitor. No monthly fees. Many styles
Fitness Organica, DVD site, run by Anne
FT For trade; on the exchange list
FWIW For What It's Worth


Gay Gasper
GD General Discussion Thread
GGC Gold's Gym Cardio Wii game, generally refers to the first one which is kickboxing
GGD Gold's Gym Cardio Dance Wii game
Gin Miller
Gilad Janklowicz
Glutcentric portion of Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis that targets those with the dreaded droopy butt
Grace Lazenby ATRM
Granny panties, the style of choice among VFers in the know who don't go commando ;-)
Greg Twombly, video producer for his own company CIA as well as others' productions
GWW Great Weighted Workout Karen Voight


HHA Hip Hop Abs Shaun T.
Hi/Lo floor cardio that combines high and low impact.
High & Tight Workout on the Brazil Butt Lift system
HIIT High-Intensity Interval Training
Hipcentric portion of Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis that targets those with a small waist, big hips/thighs
Horizontal Conditioning, HoCo
HRM Heart Rate Monitor
HTH Hope That Helps
HWC Hard Work Conditioning Patrick Goudeau
HWC2 Hard Work Conditioning 2 Patrick Goudeau
HWC 24/7 Hard Work Conditioning 24/7 Patrick Goudeau


IDK I don't know
IIRC If I Recall Correctly
Insanity Beach Body System, lead by Shaun T
IRL In Real Life
IRW In the Real World
ISO In Search of, looking for a particular DVD, exchange list
ITA I Totally Agree
IWMBB I Want My Bikini Body Valerie Waters program


JF Jane Fonda
Jane Fonda
Jari Love Ripped Workouts
JD, JD2 Just Dance series for Wii Also have Just Dance Kids and Just Dance Broadway
Jeanette Jenkins
Jen, runs Advanced Workouts
Jennifer Galardi
Jessica Smith has retail videos, but she also has a fabulous FREE You Tube channel. Make sure you check her out.
Jillian Michaels
JM Jill Miller
JM Jillian Michaels
Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution
JMHO Just My Humble Opinion
JMO Just My Opinion
JM2C Just My 2 Cents
JNL Jennifer Nicole Lee
JW Jackie Warner
Joni O is performed by yanking a DVD/VHS out of the player "when one absolutely, positively cannot continue doing the workout for one more second without totally losing one's poise and dignity (and possibly one's mind)." Joni O The next step up is a Clare* See Clare*
Joannie Greggains
Joyce Vedral
Jules Benson Pilates


Kari Anderson
Kathy Smith
KB Kettlebells or Kickboxing
KBKB Kettlebell Kickboxing
KCM Kelly Coffey-Meyer
Keli Roberts
Kimberly Spreen
Kurt Johnse APY60
KV Karen Voight
KWIM Know What I Mean
KY Kundalini Yoga


Lalo Fuentes LaloFit
LAS " 'butt' Syndrome" Thank you, Kathryn
LB Lotte Berke
LB Lower Body
LB Lauren Brooks
LBB Lower Body Blast by Cathe
Leah Sarago Ballet Body Ballet Body Periodization System
Leandro Carvalho Brazel Butt Lift
Les Mills Pump
Leslie Sansone, Walker Extradinaire
LF Looking for, on the exchange list
L&G Legs and Glutes Cathe
LIS Low Impact Series by Cathe. Joint friendlier than most of her offerings (YMMV), this has ten workouts, including high intensity aerobics, Step, yoga, barre, circuit workouts, strength training and cycling.
LL and LL2 Lowry Loft Series from Pure Barre, barre workouts
LLB Lean Legs and Buns Karen Voight
LM Low Max Cathe Friedrich
LOTA Lord of the Abs by Gilad
LS Leslie Sansone


MaDonna Grimes
Marcos Prolo
Marcus Irwin
Margaret Richard Body Electric
Mari Winsor Winsor Pilates
Mary Total Fitness owner
Mary Helen Bowers Ballet Beautiful
Meso 1, 2, 3 Cathe Friedrich
Metamorphosis Tracy Anderson program with various "targets." Has Omnicentric, Hipcentric, Abcentric and Glutecentric choices
Mindy Mylrea
Minna Lessig
Miranda Esmonde-White, Classical Stretch
MMA Mixed Martial Arts
Moira Stott Merrithew
MR Margaret Richard
10MS 10 Minute Solutions, various


NMTZ No More Trouble Zones Jillian Michaels
Nancy Tucker
NROL New Rules of Lifting, book by Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove
NROLW/NROL4W New Rules of Lifting for Women, book by Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove
NSFW Not Safe For Work, usually spewable or graphic
NYC New You Coming Kelly Coffey-Meyer


Omnicentric portion of Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis that targets those who gain weight all over
OOP Out of Print refers to workouts that are no longer being made
OP Original Poster, the one who started the thread
OT Off Topic
OTOH On the Other Hand


Patrick Goudeau
Pavel Tsatsouline Russian who brought kettlebells to US
Petra Kolber
Ped pedometer
PB Pure Barre Carrie Rezabek
Pershing Square Pure Barre Carrie Rezabek
PM Personal Message Preferred method of corresponding with fellow VFers on topics not allowed on the boards, including diets, supplements, instructors' personal lives/bodies.
Power X-Train Biggest Loser workout
PT Personal Trainer
PT Physical Therapy
Pulling a Clare*: See Clare*
Pulling a Joni O: See Joni O
PY Project: You Kathy Smith
PY4H Power Yoga for Happiness Eion Finn
PY4H2 Power Yoga for Happiness 2 Eion Finn
P57 Physique 57


QF Quick Fix Various, Cardio
QF Quick Fit Gilad
QF Rx/QF Rx Jill Miller's Quick Fit RX


RiU Ramp It Up Slim in 6 Debbie Siebers
Rapidfire Susan Chung
Rachel Cosgrove
Ravi Singh
RaviAna Ravi Singh and Ana Brett's Kundalini Yoga Practices
RCR Red Carpet Ready Valerie Waters
Richard Simmons
RL Real Life
RKC Russian Kettlebell Challenge Pavels' Kettlebell certification (and my initials, throws me every time)
Rob Glick
Rodney Yee
Romana K Romana Kryzanowska, major heir to Joseph Pilates' teachings
Rudy Mettia
RW Real World


S Squeeze Tracy Effinger
Sandahl Bergman The FIRM
SASE Self-Addressed Stamped Envelop for Share the Wealth Booty
SC Shock Cardio Cathe Friedrich
Sean O’Malley Cardio Coach Coach Sean
Seasun Zieger
Share the Wealth Generous VFers offer their excesses to the masses in return for SASEs
Shaun T. Hip Hop Abs Insanity Asylum Asylum 2
Shelly Blanks Billy's Daughter who counts for him in Tae Bo
Shiva Rea
Sin6 Slim in 6 Debbie Siebers
S&6 Slim and 6-Pack Slim in 6 Debbie Siebers
SiU Start It Up Slim in 6 Debbie Seibers
S&L Slim and Limber Slim in 6 Debbie Siebers
SLBC Squeeze Lower Body Challenge Tracy Effinger
SMR/SMRF self-myofascial release
SNM Step 'n Motion Early name for Cathe's workouts. Used to refer to the Cathe business organization
SP Supreme Pilates
Sq Squeeze Tracy Effinger
SqS Squeeze Stronger Tracy Effinger
SS Slim Series Debbie Siebers
SS Skinny Sculpt Ellen Barrett
SS Slim Sculpt Ellen Barrett
STS Shock Training System Cathe Friedrich
Step360 Exercise Platform put out by the FIRM. Beware of buying FIRM equipment as they don't produce many workouts to go with them, for example, The Wave, The Transfirmer.
Stephanie Huckabee Powerfit
Stephanie Vitorino
Susan Chung Rapidfire
S90 Supreme 90 Day 90-day program, featuring muscle confusion workouts a la P90X. Produced by Cal Pozo, instructed by Tom Holland. 10 workouts. Offered by Telebrands which doesn't have a great reputation for CS, but also available at Bed, Bath and Beyond, Walgreen and other brick and mortar venues. Reasonably priced.
Sura Flow Yoga
SYB Shape Your Body Cindy Crawford
Sylwia Wiesenberg Tonique
SZ Strike Zone Tracey Staehle


TA Tracy Anderson
TAM Tracy Anderson Method or Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis, depending on context
Tamilee Webb
Tanja Djelevic
Tanya Becker Physique 57
TapouT XT
TBM The Bar Method
TF TurboFire Chalene Johnson/Beachbody product
TGU Turkish Getup Kettlebell Move
Thutt That 2-inch area between thigh and butt
TIA Thanks In Advance
TIFT/TIFTT, TIFTing/TIFTTing Take It from the Top; Taking it from the Top
Tilak Pyle
TJ Turbo Jam Chalene Johnson
TK Turbo Kick Chalene Johnson
TLF Tracie Long Fitness
TNTC Too numerous to count
TLP Tracie Long Productions
TLT Tracie Long Training
TM Treadmill
TMI Too Much Information
TTM To the Max by Cathe
TTOM, TTM, or TOM That Time of the Month
Tom Holland Instructor for Supreme 90 Day workout system, a muscle confusion based program, as well as other workouts. Bills himself as a lifestyle and fitness expert.
Tonique Sylwia Wiesenberg
Tony Horton P90X, assorted BeachBody systems/stand-alone workouts
Total Fitness popular VF site for DVDs, run by Mary, 10off discount code
TTD Jiller Miller's Tension Tune Down
TTFN Ta Ta For Now
TBL Total Body Lift Kathy Smith Barre Workout
Tracey Mallett
Tracey Staehle
Tracie Long
Tracy Anderson
Tracy Effinger
Trish Muse
Trudie Styler
TRX Suspension Training System
TTOM That Time of the Month
Twerking Urban Dictionary
TURD Totally Unexpected Rest Day, when things just don't go as planned (shout out to the Everydayers)


UB Upper Body
UR Urban Rebounder
UY Ultimate Yogi


Valerie Waters Action Hero Babe Red Carpet Ready
VCD Video Compact Disk a lesser quality than DVD, can be played on DVD player. Buyer Beware, VCDs made offshore are often bootleg and of poor quality.
Venus Index A 12-week strength program by John Barban and Brad Pilon. Paper only workout. They give a strength component only. DawnP did a great job describing it here.
VF Video Fitness
VFer One who habitually/obsessively visits VF
VI, Venus Index, 12-week, 36-workout e-book rotation, strength training
Violet Zaki
Vidiot One who habitually/obsessively collects workouts AND visits VF
VPL Visible Panty Line how one knows that another is not a commando


WATP Walk Away the Pounds Leslie Sansone Walking Systems
WDNY World Dance New York Bellydancing
WHFN Women's Health and Fitness Network, produced by Anna and Cynthia Benson, original of The FIRM
WIO Walk It Out Wii Walking game
WW Weight Watchers
WWWendy Beloved founder and site owner of Video


XTrain Cathe
(Power) X-Train Biggest Loser workout


YBB Yoga Beauty Body
YBB Your Best Body Michelle Dozios
YBB Your Body Breakthrough Michelle Dozois
YBB Yoga Booty Ballet
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary, meaning you may not get the same results
YogaGlo Felicia Tomasko
Yoga Warrior
Yogini Ellen Barrett
YTU Jill Miller's Yoga Tuneup
YZ Yoga Zone
Y4SR Yoga for Stress Relief Relief Barbara Benagh


4DS Four-Day Split Cathe
30DS 30-Day Shred, Jillian Michaels
10 MS 10 Minute Solutions, various

Sites for ordering DVDs

Advanced Workouts
Beauty and the Beast Fitness
Collage Video
Fitness Organica
Fitness Fly
Total Fitness 10off is the discount code
Total Fitness for Beach Body products discount code does not apply. There are no discounts on Beach Body products.
If you need a hug today, consider yourself hugged.

"Moderation is remembered only after the deed is done." Mirabelle Watkinson, fabulous writer in residence.

"I am patient with stupidity but not those who are proud of it." Edith Sitwell

Words matter.

I thought I had seen it all. Then I tried on my bathing suit. (Unknown sage at craft show)

Last edited by paideiamom; 01-19-10 at 05:53 AM. Reason: To add more
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Old 01-19-10, 12:09 AM  
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: on my yoga mat
WOW. That's good!
(I learned stuff too!)

Okay - so under B's you'd want to add

BG: Bernadette Giorgi
BB: Brook Benten

N: Nancy Tucker

S: Squeeze, SqS: Squeeze Stronger, SLBC: Squeeze Lower Body Challenge
(there are more but I am tired).
Set your intention and go for it! Tracy Effinger

...right now you're saying, no i can't do this. you should know by now i don't train that way - Dasha Libin

offering the two tracey mallet dance workouts, pm me.
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Old 01-19-10, 12:29 AM  
sophie kat
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Pennsylvania
I thought of a few more:

30DS= 30 Day Shred (Jillian Micheals)

CKBC= Cardio Kickbox Challenge (Tracey Staehle)

PY4H= Power Yoga for Happiness (Eion Finn)

PY4H2= Power Yoga for Happiness 2 (Eoin Finn)
"How do you know what you can do if you don't give yourself a chance?"--Billy Blanks

I my VF friends!

Last edited by sophie kat; 01-19-10 at 12:52 PM. Reason: changed Eion to Eoin, (sheepish giggle)
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Old 01-19-10, 12:41 AM  
Susan G.
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Y4SR--Barbara Benagh's Yoga For Stress Relief. (will be on lookout for others. )
TTOM--That time of month
TIFTing --Taking it from the top
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Old 01-19-10, 05:55 AM  
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Thanks for the help, ladies.

I knew there had to be ones for the Squeezes, but they weren't immediately identifiable.
I don't do yoga/pilates so I wasn't familiar with those at all. I kept seeing the PY4H and never could figure it out.

I will add things as I can.
If you need a hug today, consider yourself hugged.

"Moderation is remembered only after the deed is done." Mirabelle Watkinson, fabulous writer in residence.

"I am patient with stupidity but not those who are proud of it." Edith Sitwell

Words matter.

I thought I had seen it all. Then I tried on my bathing suit. (Unknown sage at craft show)
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Old 01-19-10, 07:53 AM  
sciencelady's Avatar
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Please make your edits in your first post and have Wendy sticky this to the top of the forum! Thanks for your work - it's really helpful, especially for newcomers!
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Old 01-19-10, 08:26 AM  
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Baxter, MN
Thanks for posting this! It really helps a lot!!

P.S. What does STS stand for? I see that one a lot. I know it's one of Cathe's workouts, but what does it stand for?
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Old 01-19-10, 08:30 AM  
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Originally Posted by sciencelady View Post
Please make your edits in your first post and have Wendy sticky this to the top of the forum! Thanks for your work - it's really helpful, especially for newcomers!
Thanks. Where were you last night when I was wondering how to do that.

After trying to figure out how to do that, it hit me at 5:30 this morning, look, rocket scientist, just edit.

I have put a lot more in this morning, believe it or not. Up to date with new ones posted as of now.

ETA: I am not putting reason for editing on this every time just because I don't want a stack of "add on" at the bottom, but do you think I should be doing that to show its evolution/timeline? Just curious
If you need a hug today, consider yourself hugged.

"Moderation is remembered only after the deed is done." Mirabelle Watkinson, fabulous writer in residence.

"I am patient with stupidity but not those who are proud of it." Edith Sitwell

Words matter.

I thought I had seen it all. Then I tried on my bathing suit. (Unknown sage at craft show)
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Old 01-19-10, 08:31 AM  
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Originally Posted by trishthedish View Post
P.S. What does STS stand for? I see that one a lot. I know it's one of Cathe's workouts, but what does it stand for?

I have no idea. Anybody? Anybody? Anybody?
(Channeling my inner Ben Stein.)

Couldn't tell from her site, everything just says STS on her site that I found.

Chime in.
If you need a hug today, consider yourself hugged.

"Moderation is remembered only after the deed is done." Mirabelle Watkinson, fabulous writer in residence.

"I am patient with stupidity but not those who are proud of it." Edith Sitwell

Words matter.

I thought I had seen it all. Then I tried on my bathing suit. (Unknown sage at craft show)
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Old 01-19-10, 08:47 AM  
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Baxter, MN
And what about DOMS? I gathered it has to do with muscle soreness, but whats the DO part?
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