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Old 09-27-23, 12:06 PM  
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: IL
Arrow JUST THE WORKOUTS~~OCTOBER, 2023~~*Everyone is Welcome!*

October, 2023

My rotation this month will be what workouts I wish but trying not to lose any strength gains I've made. Hopefully, I can still keep in as many walks as possible, since I love them but know they will decrease with the cooler weather eventually. Keeping in mobility/yoga/recovery mostly on days I watch babies.

1 - Charlie Follows (20 Min. Rest Day Yoga Flow/Active Recovery Yoga For All Levels)

2 - 2.53 Mile Walk; Cathe Fit Split PUSH; Cathe XTRAIN Burn Sets (Back, Bi's, & Tris) = 103 total w/o min. I have a blister on my heel so i didn't want to chance a longer walk - it doesn't seem any worse now. Thought I'd pull out FS - ugh, she goes SO fast!! I am now totally spoiled with STS 2.0's pace!! Cut down 1 set of the chest and shoulder work and added on the rest of the UB with XT so I wouldn't feel obligated to do FS' PULL later this week, LOL!! I was reminded how much I love Burn Sets (not as many cleavage shots as other XT workouts! and a slower pace). I may have to revisit this workout again soon. UB was accomplished today in a very mish mosh kind of way! haha
3 - Julia Reppel (15 Min. Mobility For Better Posture w/ Resistance Bands...); Julia R (15 Min Full Body Mobility with Resistance Bands...); Mady (SFLBR) I liked the first w/o better than the last one, as it uses door anchors for the band. I improvised with the band or used none since I was upstairs and not in my w/o area. These both are effective, however, and focus on upper body.
4 - 3.65 Mile Walk; Five Parks Yoga (Intense Flow with No Planks or Chats (wrist free yoga = 49 min.); Mady (BPR) Great temps out there but may be changing in a couple days with rain & chillier temps. I had a great pace today and listened to Chalene's newest upload./I like to do Erin's class every so often for posture holds, a fabulous balance sequence, as well as a never ending core sequence...I improved since last time I did the core work by almost making it to the end & break when she does….must be all those STS 2 core workouts - so, I MUST get back to them!!
5 - STS 2.0 Mish Mosh Standing Abs=20 min.; Perfect Pump (UB & LB Mish Mosh Premix =54 min.); Mady (BPR) I slowed down the pace of PP (again, STS 2 has me so spoiled or just not getting into position quick enough!), and missed probably 2-3 reps but I used heavier weights than last time I did this one. Really like the mish mosh abs premix---like a new workout!
6 - Julia Reppel (15 Min. Hip Mobility Flow/Interm.-Advanced Ankle Mobility...); Olivia Lawson (30 Min. Metabolic Walking Exercises for Weight Loss...4/20/23) Loved revisiting an Olivia workout! This one was a lot of fun too...great way to get in extra steps.
7 - STS 2.0 (Standing Abs Metabolic Core W/U); XTrain Legs (Standing/Ball/Chair Premix =39 min.); 2 Mile TM Walk; stretch from XT; Mow Max (another 2 mile walk! Yard Work=2.75 hours) Soooo fun to visit XT Legs again!!! It's been so long I had no clue what the workout even was!! Very easy to use heavier weight than Cathe and on some, I added weight where she doesn't & used my gray heavy FW band. Awesome mostly BW leg workout with major burn!! I thought I would walk on my TM to figure out the Zone 2, I walk A LOT faster outside!!! I had to crank up the incline and lower speeds to get into zone 2. Doing these XT workouts now have me wanting to do an STS 2.0/XT rotation!!! I probably haven't done an XT rotation since it came out!!!
8 - Rest Day

Starting STS 2.0/XT 8 Week Rotation but may be subbing with walks and will include my mobility/stretches and core workouts.

9 - STS 2.0 Standing Metabolic Core W/U; XTRAIN Super Cuts (No Sit up/Push up Combo, minus Icy Core Premix =42 min.); Finisher: 100 Rep Challenge (Hip Thrusts--50 Reps); Five Parks Yoga (Zen Unwind Seated Flow & Stretch Yoga Class=25 min.) It was great revisiting SC! I used 5's-10's# with 1.5# weighted gloves and a 60# BB for the hip thrusts. I was done at 50 reps, though and was a good enough finisher! This may not have been such a great idea since I have horrendous booty DOMS STILL from Sat.'s workout!!! Don't know if it was XT Legs or my TM incline workout or both, but man, oh man, they are SORE!!/FANTASTIC all seated yoga stretch is Erin's newest...loved it! And, funny, at the exact time her doggie came to see her on the mat, my kitty came downstairs to see me, LOL!!! How cute is that?! Great workout today!
10- Julia Reppel (15 Min. Morning Mobility Routine/Full Body Wake Up Flow..); Mady (SFLBPR); (later)Kat Gates-Buettner (Walking Workout 2=19 min.); Olivia Lawson (30 Min. Boosted Walking Workout For Weight Loss..)
11- 3.15 Mile Walk; Five Parks Yoga (Quick Core Yoga =14 min.); Mady (BPR) Brrr, waay too early to be this cold already! :/ Got to get used to guessing of the layer thing again. I didn't actually need my tech shirt on underneath.../Erin's core workout packs a punch in 14 min.! Liked including plough again, but lots of plank variations for 1/2 of the class and could be hard on happy wrists. But a good alternative to not having to go downstairs to find a core dvd!
12- STS 2.0 TriSets Total Body (Mish Mosh #2 =60 min.); Perfect 30 (Mobility -- 10 Min. Strength Premix); SB PHA 3 (Extended Lying Stretch) Another great premix - the sequence is: Legs, Back, Bi's, Legs, Chest, Tri's, & Shoulders. So you get some rest for the legs before the last leg segment, LOL. I used 20's this time for the step ups but kept my 4 risers so it was still hard! I utilized my 40# DB for the sumo squats and weighted bridge (in place of D/L's). But with this premix, following the 2 sets of chest work are the close grip bench presses for tricep work, so the arms are majorly fatigued. Progress: I actually could finish out the bench presses with 20's (24# w/ wrist wts) but just barely made it to 8 reps, ha! But still progress as I usually had to switch back to 15's. I pretty much matched my weights on the other exercises from last time. This one is SO GOOD!!! I never get tired of these TB workouts and scoping out the premixes (namely, the Mish Mosh premixes) make it feel different and yet I feel so accomplished afterward for each way I was worked!
Note: I was looking at the rotation and just noticed I goofed! I was supposed to do Super SETS on Monday and not Super CUTS, LOL!!! Oops! Oh well, I had fun revisiting Super Cuts, hahaha!! I guess I'm changing up this rotation more than I thought!
13- 3.86 Mile Walk; Winsor Buns & Thighs; Mady (SFLBR) No Zone 2 here today! I was trying to beat the rain (and did) so I hoofed it with 2 13 min. miles which is good for me. Of course, my 14 min. mile included the big hill (twice), LOL, and I saw 4 deer as I was going up the hill which I stopped to take a pic. Thankfully, the car coming saw them and could stop to let them cross the street. Tis the season./ I hadn't done B&T forever and was good to get back to it! I forgot it has some good mobility exercises as well. Forecast calls for strong storms today...a good day to get the basement cleaned which I only got to the upstairs yesterday. :0)
14- STS 2.0 Standing Abs: Core & More; STS 2.0 Giant Sets Total Body (65 min. Premix of mine: Bilateral/Unilateral/Bilateral x2); STS 2.0 Total Body Stretch I was set to try the Mish Mosh #3 premix but I was dreading the repeated unilateral grouping and thought I could do exta bilateral work, so I did my premix I did back in July. It is GSTB as is, then Group 3 repeated again. There is a Bilateral / Double Unilateral premix, I don't know why Cathe doesn't include this premix too? LOVE this premix as it allows me to go heavier for Group 3 the 2nd time meant as a finisher knowing there are only 8 Cathe says in this w/o, you find extra energy knowing there are only 8 reps---so true!! And basically, it's only a few more minutes which I had today. In the last set of Group 3 exercises, I did change up bicep curls with hammers and chest presses with close grip presses since the wrist angles with these exercises allow for heavier weights for my wrists. Thought I'd do TBS again...don't know why, as it always seems so long and I change up all the hundreds of forward bend variations and replace with Mady's exercises, LOL. But other than that, a great feeling of accomplishment feeling strong and knowing I could do more sets!
15- Rest Day

16- 3.47 Mile Walk; STS 2.0 Lower Body 1 (Express #2 2 Sets Maximum + LB Bonus =56 min.); Michelle Goldstein (Yin Yoga) My energy was low on my walk so it was closer to Zone 2 than 4! I found it easy to add on some weight work, so 2 sets of LB 1 seemed doable. I skipped 1 set of Step Ups and 1 set of Elevated Lunges of the Bonus, but added 50 pulses to the beat of the music of the Forward Hinged Hip Abductions using the Stability Ball and Blue Band as a finisher. Using LB 1 as an add on worked well when short of energy today and with my walk, it was waay better than doing Tabatacize, LOL!! ;0)
17- Julia Reppel (10 Min. Shoulders Mobility Routine...); Julia (10 Min. Hip Opener Mobility-Unlock Your Hips...); 4.20 Hours Yard Work at DS' and my house; Mow Max (2 mile walk) Early Hair Appt...but then was outside most of the day...gorgeous weather today and got all the perennials cut back - yay!! Just left to do at my house of my flower beds are my (still) beautiful red/white flowers in my pots....awaiting the first frost to seal their demise. :0( I am so ready for that couch tonight, LOL!
18- STS 2.0 Upper Body 1 (Express #1: One Set Only =45 min.); My UB Finisher; stretches Early this morning, I went to Urgent Care during my workout time and got meds for my sinus infection/ear pain...turns out I do indeed have a sinus infection which turned into an ear infection. So glad I went! Then came home and thought I could do an express premix of UB 1. I "nexted" to the next exercise quite often since I was only doing one set so I don't need all that rest/explanation time. PLUS, I wasn't feeling the best and just wanted to get done as I had lunch plans with a friend! I shaved off about 4 min. of the workout but using up the time, I did a finisher of 8 U/O grip pull downs @ 69#. Perfect choice today, but this workout is still, by far, my least favorite of the set and wouldn't you know it, Cathe is wearing my favorite outfit from any of the workouts! :/
19- Yvette Fit #271 (60 Min. BOSU Combos/Medicine Ball/Triceps =63 min.); Mady (BPR); Five Parks Yoga (Zen Unwind Seated Flow =25 min.) This Yvette may be one of my favorites on the site and what a fantastic finale as I'm putting her sub on hold for awhile. Using the BOSU for cardio and weight training all the while balancing on the BOSU was really tough, especially those overhead triceps! You automatically have to focus to balance and is such a great challenge as well as core challenge. I was all set to stop halfway but my ear has improved from only 2 pills, so was feeling good. I'm really going to miss Yvette's BOSU workouts - they're simply the BEST! Erin's class is such a good mobility stretch and one I really kitty came to see me today...too busy napping on this dreary, rainy day, LOL. 500+ cal burn for my bday dinner a day early! :0)
20- Julia Reppel (30 Min. Mobility Workout - No Repeats... 10/18/23); 2.11 Mile Walk Julia's class is among her newest...very sweaty! I had to turn on the fan, LOL. Instead of quad stretches at the end, I did HB, spinal twists and bridge. Good one!/After watching babies, I took a short walk since it was such gorgeous weather today.
21- STS 2.0 Standing Abs: Metabolic Core W/U; STS 2.0 Super Sets (Express #5 Premix Total Body w/ no rest =44 min.); XT Hard Strikes (Premix 16 TS - No Conditioning =34 min., minus what I considered the w/u ;0) =24 min.); Mady (BPR) (I changed up GS to SS since I didn't do it as intended last week and had just done GS). This premix has zilch rest time between gives "no time for down time" a very literal translation, LOL!! It was tough to grab my intended weights quick enough once I knew which exercise we were doing and sometimes had to quicken the pace to fit in all the reps! I loved it though, since it just sailed by soooo fast! Even had time to add on Hard Strikes...forgot how fun this one is but I did shave off about 10 min. of the intended w/u and kept it more low impact. I did do all the horizontal jumps and the pop squats (love). At one point, one of my 1.5# weighted gloves flew off (velcro came loose! thankfully, my kitty wasn't nearby!) so I picked up my 2# wrist weights (held around my knuckles) for the duration. Fun workout to revisit (it's been since '19). Finished with a 541 cal burn - I'm sure that was mostly due to Super Sets as my HR never did tend to come down!!
22- Rest Day

23- A trip to ER resulted in inner ear issues caused by my ear infection?...which in turn, caused vertigo!! :/ I halfway wonder, too, if it is sinus related since this is the time of year I always have sinus issues? Oh my, this is terrible - can't even walk a straight line and all the spinning!!
24- Mady (BPR) I had to do some stretching...can't function just lying around. Still really dizzy.
25- Julia Reppel (15 Min. Morning Mobility Flow/Daily Body Routine...); Mady (SFLBPR); Mady (BPR) Stretching never felt so good! Still really dizzy but getting better.
26- XTrain Chest, Back & Bi's (TS Rounds 1-6 Premix =40 min.); STS 2.0 Foam Rolling UB workout; Five Parks Yoga (Zen Unwind: Seated Flow & Stretch) I had to do something today...CB&B was a great choice and nothing moving too quick with my vertigo still present. I did as many exercises that I could on my (sturdy) step instead of my stability ball. ;0) The stretch workouts felt heavenly after laying around so much. I was going stir crazy and had to get out of the house, so I ran some errands and wanted to see how I would do driving. I made it home but after I stopped the car and got out, I had to get acclimated to the stillness....yikes, this stuff is AWFUL!! When will it go away???
27- STS 2.0 Standing Abs: Metabolic Core W/U; XTrain Bi's & Tri's (TS Rounds 1-7 Premix =37 min...); P30 Mobility; 40 Min. Yard Work -Raking Leaves Unsteadiness still prevails, but the Vertigo is gone, thankfully./I hope my neighbors didn't think I was drunk trying to rake my leaves, LMAO!
28- 1 Mile TM Walk: Zone 2 Cardio; ICE To The Mat (TS #2 No Stability Ball: only Bands & Floor Work -35 min.); Michelle Goldstein (Yin Yoga) Thought I'd try the TM today and hung on w/ one hand for the duration...unsteadiness still prevails. :/ I wanted to work my legs this week but w/ no weights and TTM was a good dust bunny to revisit. I add the FW band or green stretchie to the floor exercises Cathe doesn't use any...this w/o is really easy to up the intensity if you wish. This was the perfect choice for me to work legs but still remain seated.
29- 1.6 Mile TM Walk: Zone 2 Cardio; Five Parks Yoga (25 min. Balanced Flow Yoga Class =14/25 min.); Five Parks Yoga (Zen Unwind: Seated Flow & Stretch ) We watched online church today...still feeling unsteady, but thought I could do something workout related. I feel the TM is better than an outdoor walk right now in case I need to stop quickly, but it went ok. The Balanced Flow Yoga Class was another story! I picked a bad choice of Erin's classes, as this one had lots of one legged balance work and I was falling all over the place!! So her Zen class has become an essential in my life at this point since it is a fantastic combo of stretch and mobility...a real gem! (LOVE!)

30- STS 2.0 Body Parts Back & Body Parts Bi's (Mish Mosh #2 =45 min.) Finisher of 2 sets of 10 U/O Grip Pull Downs @ 69#; Mady (SFLBPR) Yay, back to STS 2! Once again, I wasn't feeling well today and my HR was elevated throughout my workout (more than one point, it reached 152 during a weighted exercise!! Yikes!) Sometimes, I had to just rest till it came down before I started the next weighted exercise. So, this shorter premix was good in this situation. There are only 8 back exercises (1 band) and 10 bicep exercises so this would never work me hard enough on a good day, AND the back workout is fabulous (and my favorite) so I like to do that one in its’ entirety (plus my pull down additions) to really feel worked. So when I was done with the stretch, my HRM said I burned 406 ya, my HR was way out of whack!! Thinking about all these lingering symptoms, I can't help but think my thyroid has something to do with all this dizziness and "off" feeling. ?
31- Julia Reppel (15 Min. Bedtime Mobility/Relaxing Stretches & Movements Before Bed) This is her most current stretch, but I think it's a good one to do at any time of day...I feel she has more relaxing stretches for bedtime. *What I noticed of her newer offerings, she only flashes the words on the screen to change sides; whereas during her older offerings, she used audio notifications when to change sides. I am not always looking at the screen and intend to stretch the "other" side when the beep sounds but then I see she's on to a new exercise. :/ Oh well, just need to look more often at screen, I guess. / I really got a lot accomplished today... not being able to chance holding babies while dizzy has its' advantages?? Ha
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Old 09-27-23, 01:06 PM  
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Old 09-27-23, 01:59 PM  
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Location: Connecticut
Thank you!

1 - Senior Shape Walking Workout for Beginners (18 minutes); Devi Daly 20 Minute Evening Yin Yoga; 6,936 steps.

2 - Express PT session; walked to library for qigong; 5,886 steps.

3 - Senior Shape Chair Workout, Cardio + Strength; yin yoga and meditation class; 6,484 steps.

4 - A 5 minute LWR walk/tone workout; 1.6 mile walk around neighborhood; mat PT; 7,042 steps.

5 - Senior Shape Weight Training // Compound Exercises for Strength; my own additional stretches; 3,679 steps.

6 - A Kassandra 15 minute morning yin; 1.45 mile walk around the neighborhood; YogiBethC Reclined Bound Angle Restorative Yoga; 6,828 steps.

7 - GYM for 15/40/15 of recumbent, 30 Minute Express and arc trainer; quick loop at beach; 6,274 steps.

8 - Brief stroll at beach; GYM for 10/55/10 of recumbent, weight machines and arc trainer; 5,899 steps.

9 - Restorative yoga class; 3,718 steps.

10 - Senior Shape Strength Training Barre Workout; a Kassandra 20 minute yin; 5,515 steps.

11 - Express AM stretch routine; one mile walk at beach; PT; 6,730 steps.

12 - Senior Shape 30 Minute Walking - Fun Low Impact Dance; my own deep stretch session; 8,104 steps.

13 - Walked around outdoor mall on my lunch break; 6,420 steps.

14 - GYM for 10 minutes recumbent and 80 minutes free and machine weights; 5,049 steps.

15 - Walked around zoo for several hours; otherwise rest day; 6,289 steps.

16 - Beauty to the Bone workout 2, lower body; my own stretch routine; 4,701 steps.

17 - A 10 minute Improved Health cardio; yin class at studio; 5,471 steps.

18 - Power cleaning; 4,430 steps.

19 - A 20 minute Kassandra morning yin; Senior Shape 5 minute warmup plus a stability ball workout; Senior Shape 10 minute full body stretch; 4,359 steps.

20 - 15 minute lunch walk; Senior Shape Balance, Strength & Core Workout; a Kassandra 10 minute bedtime yoga; 6,051 steps.

21 - 1.22 mile walk at beach; PT; 7,211 steps.

22 - Winsor 20 Minute Workout; short walk around beach parking lot; GYM for 15 recumbent and 45 weight machines and free weights; 4,110 steps.

23 - Restorative yoga class; 4,567 steps.

24 - 1.5 mile walk around neighborhood; my own post walk stretch routine; 7,251 steps.

25 -
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Old 09-27-23, 03:59 PM  
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: The Ocean State!

Fall is my favorite season!!!

1. Dean Pohlman Better Day Yoga #3, Miranda Esmonde-White Classical Stretch 1102 & 1103
2. Dean SFC #11, Miranda CS 1104, Mimi Kuo-Deemer QiGong Seasons (Autumn), Marisa Cranfill QiGong for Immune System Boost
3. Dean SFC #12, Miranda CS 1105, Vlad Blaj TM Bran Castle (Dracula's), Bran, Romania
4. Dean SFC #13, Dean Yoga Fix (Day 1)
5. Dean SFC #14, Miranda CS 1106, Outdoor Hike
6. Dean SFC #15, Kyle Horvath TM Rhyolite Ghost Town Walk, Rhyolite, Nevada
7. Dean (Restorative/Yin), Outdoor Walk
8. Dalen Spratt TM Abandoned Jazzland theme Park, New Orleans, LA
9. Dean Sore to Strong #1, Jenny Ford Step Across America 4/50 Mount Washington, Jackson, NH, John Peel TM Tew's Falls, Dundas, Ontario, Canada
10. Dean Sore to Strong #2, Dalen TM Olivier House Hotel, New Orleans, LA, Dalen TM Toulouse House, New Orleans, LA
11. Rest Day!
12. Dean Sore to Strong #3, Outdoor Hike, Dalen TM Beauregard Keyes, New Orleans, LA, Dalen TM St. Maurice Church & School, New Orleans, LA
13. Dean Sore to Strong #4, Dalen TM Fort McCombs, New Orleans, LA, Dalen TM Rodney, MS, Kathy Smith Slimdown Circuit (Upper Body)
14. Dean Sore to Strong #5, Dalen TM Steel Mill, Birmingham, AL, Dalen TM Rivers State Prison, Milledgeville, GA, Kelly Coffey-Meyer YT RAW Total Body 100 (Kettlebell)
15. Dean Sore to Strong #6, Dalen TM Delta Queen, New Orleans, LA, Dalen TM Georgia Middle Raceway, GA, David-Dorian Ross Tai Chi Flow
16. Dean Sore to Strong #1, Dalen TM Central State Hospital, Milledgeville, GA, David TM Freedom Trail Boston, MA, Miranda CS 1107, Kimberly Spreen 10 Minute Solution Fitness Ball (Upper Body)
17. Dean Sore to Strong #2, Outdoor Hike
18. Dalen TM Witch House, Salem, MA, Dalen TM John Proctor House, Salem, MA, Dalen TM Samuel Parris archaeological site Danvers, MA, Lara Hudson 10 Minute Solution Rapid Results Pilates (arms & shoulders)
19. Dean Sore to Strong #3, Jessica Smith Fusion Sculpt (Total Body + Core)
20. Dean Sore to Strong #4, Dalen TM Walnut Grove Cemetery, Danvers, MA, Marisa QiGong Flow for Stress & Anxiety, Lee Holden Qi Gong Upper Back & Neck, Tommy Kirchhoff Tai Chi Seated (Neck)
21. Dean Sore to Strong #5, Dalen TM Dark Woods walk, Danvers, MA, Marisa QiGong for Immune System Boost, David-Dorian Tai Chi for Cancer Prevention
22. Dean Sore to Strong #6, Dalen TM Rebecca Nurse, Danvers, MA, Graham McTavish Scottish Castle, Isle of Skye, Marisa QiGong for Happy Lungs, David-Dorian Tai Chi Over 60, Jerry Wright Neck Isolation #1
23. Dean Sore to Strong #1, Kyle TM Belmont Ghost Town, Nye County, NV, Cathe Push/Pull (Pull Premix), Marisa QiGong for Happy Liver
24. Dean Sore to Strong #2, Outdoor Hike
25. Dean Sore to Strong #3, Suzanne Deason Stress Relief Yoga, Lee QiGong for Depression, Suzanne Bowen 10 Minute Solution Pilates Perfect Body (Arms)
26. Dean Sore to Strong #4, Outdoor Hike
27. Dean Sore to Strong #5, Kyle TM Goldfield Ghost Town, Goldfield, NV, Jennifer Kries Pilates Target Specifics (Arms), Mari Winsor Pilates Upper Body Sculpt
28. Dean Sore to Strong #6, John Peel TM Bran Castle (Dracula's) Bran, Romania
29. Outdoor cemetery guided walk
30. Dean Sore to Strong #1, Robyn Stuhr and Cindy Joseph Keeping Fit in your 50s (Strength), Mimi Kuo-Deemer QiGong Seasons (Autumn)
31. Dean Sore to Strong #2, Outdoor Halloween Hike

May Focus:
Miranda Esmonde-White Classical Stretch Season 9 (All Standing)
Sahra Esmonde-White Body Sculpting Series, Toning for Beginners, Ultimate Stretch workouts

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Old 09-27-23, 04:58 PM  
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Texas
My favorite month!

1 Rest Day
2 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Pilates Basics Workout - 25 minutes
3 Outdoor Walk - 40 minutes
4 Jessica Valant Pilates - Quick Arms & Core Workout - 14 minutes
5 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Cardio Pilates Combo - Beginner - 25 minutes
6 Rest Day
7 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Chair Workout - Seated Pilates - 20 minutes; Ballet Based Movement: Bite-Size Program - Day 1 Strength & Balance - 6 minutes
8 Workout with Roxanne - 15 Minute Full Body Beginner Kettlebell Workout & 10 Minute Glute Bridge; Jessica Valant Pilates - Basic Full Body Stretching - 15 minutes
9 Jessica Valant Pilates - Dumbbells Plus Pilates - Beginner - 23 minutes; Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes
10 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Basic Thoracic Mobility Routine - 10 minutes
11 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Dumbbells Plus Pilates - Advanced - 30 minutes
12 Gentle Core Routine - 15 minutes
13 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Full Body Stretch & Release - 15 minutes
14 Rest Day
15 Senior Shape - Strength on the Mat - 40 minutes
16 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Kyphosis Workout - 10 minutes
17 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Full Body Workout for Women Over Fifty - 25 minutes
18 Jessica Valant Pilates - Arthritis Friendly Workout - 25 minutes
19 Outdoor Walk - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Best Scoliosis Exercises & Stretches - 20 minutes
20 Senior Shape - Chair Yoga Strength & Stretch - 30 minutes
21 Rest Day
22 Improved Health - 2600 Steps Metabolism Boosting Interval Walk, Balance & Strength Workout - 36 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Knee Friendly Pilates Workout - 15 minutes
23 Senior Shape - Full Body Strength Workout - Long & Lean with Light Weights - 40 minutes
24 Improved Health - Beginner Classic Rock Workout - 14 minutes; Flow with Mira - Challenge - Day 1 - 30 minutes
25 Jessica Valant Pilates - Active Aging Workout - 30 minutes
26 Rest Day
27 Rest Day
28 Senior Shape - Cardio & Strength Exercises with Dumbbells - 40 minutes
29 Improved Health - 20 Minute Hiit Workout for Beginners - 25 minutes; Senior Shape - Pilates Workout for Posture - 30 minutes
30 Senior Shape - Tabata Workout - Cardio & Strength - 30 minutes
31 Senior Shape - Cardio Kickboxing Hiit Workout - 24 minutes & 10 Minute Ab Workout - Osteo Friendly

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Old 09-27-23, 05:41 PM  
Tammie M
Join Date: Nov 2001

1 - Chris Pei Qi Gong for Beginners
2 - Keli Roberts Body Bar & BOSU: Burn
3 - Billy Blanks Jr. Dance Party Boot Camp + Jill Miller Yoga Tune Up Quickfix Rx KneeHab
4 - Pure Barre 16th Street 1
5 - Cathe STS 2.0: Active Recovery + Total Body Stretch + Jill Miller Yoga Tune Up Quickfix Rx KneeHab - PreHab and KneeHab 1
8 - Cathe 4 Day Split: Bootcamp - Triceps & Biceps + Cathe STS 2.0: Active Recovery + Total Body Stretch
9 - Cathe 4 Day Split: Lower Body Premix & Cathe 4 Day Split: Kickbox - Core + Classical Stretch Season 11: 1110
10 - Cathe 4 Day Split: Higher Intensity Step - Back & Chest + Classical Stretch Season 11: 1111
11 - Cathe 4 Day Split: Lower Intensity Step - Shoulders & Core + Classical Stretch Season 11: 1112
12 - Linda Stejskal Barlates Bounce 20 Plus: Lower + Dr. Jardine & Chris Nentarz Feeling Pretty Remarkable The Low Back Program Phase 4
13 - Pure Barre Pershing Square 2
16 - Mindy Mylrea Body Bar & BOSU: Explode!
18 - David Snively Custom Fit - Hi/Lo Aerobics & Mini-Trampoline
19 - Carrie Rezabek Pure Barre
20 - John Schlorholtz Ageless Yoga: Gentle 54 Minute Practice
22 - Cathe ICE Series: Metabolic Total Body
23 - Linda Stejskal Barlates Bounce 20 Plus: Total Body
24 - Pure Barre Lowry Lofts 1
25 - Hemalayaa Behl Yoga for Urban Living: Daily Connection
26 - David Snively Custom Fit - Stability Ball Boot Camp & Pilates Mat
28 - Pure Barre Pershing Square 2
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Old 09-28-23, 05:51 AM  
Join Date: Feb 2008
Week 4
30. HiiT: Double Wave Pyramid + CIZE: Hold Your Own. P.M. BELLYFIT ELEMENTS: Fire, 65m (v) + LHQG30DC - Day 30 .

october 2023...
mini goal - core work 2x/weekly

1. CIZE: HYO + ICE: Chiseled Upper Body + LES MILLS COMBAT: Kick Start.
2. ICE: Chiseled Lower Body Blast
3. MMA Kickbox
4. rest day...
5. ICE: Bootcamp Circuit Timesaver #4. P.M. Step Heat. It’s been years since I did Step Heat. Felt way more repetitive than I remembered and I’m so happy we don’t do the arm movements any more. I noticed that everyone had natural, round butts, from all the step work. No BBL’s in sight.
6. LES MILLS COMBAT: Extreme Cardio Fighter. I’m thisclose to signing up for Les Mills for a year. P.M. CIZE: HYO + Yv2: WISI (1st half)

7. P30: High Impact HiiT. I signed up for Les Mills 30 Day free trial. This afternoon, I did LES MILLS: Body Combat #94. The program will be half off, after 30 days, so I may roll with it for a year. #94 was a Live routine recorded in England with other talent assisting and I have to say some were annoying. Not a fan of all the affirmations, great music though. Oh, and I’m done with my rotation. Not sure what I’ll do next. I don’t want to use heavy weights just yet, I’m trying to find the right balance of boot camps and metabolic workouts. An XTRAIN rotation is still on the horizon.
8. LM: Body Pump #90, 30 mins + LM: Body Balance #93 Flexibility Mix, 15mins. I liked both workouts and I love that you have options of choosing the full workout or 10 - 30 minute premixes. Mid-morning I did, LM: Body Step #129, 30mins. Another winner. Yesterday, P.M. LES MILLS: Low Impact Cardio Kickboxing #2, 21mins + Sh'Bam #14, 30mins. Sh’bam is going to be my go to for an after work workout. It is more hi//lo cardio dance. The hi part is more moderate impact. I’m going to enjoy replacing my YOUv2 workouts with Sh’Bam workouts.
9. LM: BodyCombat #84, 55m P.M. CIZE: Get Into It
10. RWH: LIHI Legs + CIZE: Hold Your Own
11. Yv2: SS. Supposed to be a rest day but was well rested and feeling good.

12. LMOD: BodyPump #104, 45mins + Sh’Bam #15, 16mins. I used dumbbells during the warm up track and for legs. My shoulders burned so bad the first day I did a BodyPump workout, plus I had a crick in my neck later that day, lol. I need to work on shoulder mobility because having the barbell on my shoulders is not comfortable. I’m definitely curious as to how different these BodyPump workouts are, how many ways can you use a barbell to work the same body parts? I’m also not really a fan of high reps, in a body pump way. I ran out of time during Sh’Bam so may do it again this afternoon.
13. LES MILLS COMBAT: Shock Plyo Hiit 2 + CIZE: Turn It On
14. RWH: Circuit Lower Body + LMOD: Body Combat #95, 30mins. Great combo. I have no memory of doing Circuit Lower Body before. I wasn’t doing a lot of step workouts around the time that RWH was released. The music is great and I really enjoyed it, I noted that it will be a nice alternative to Cardio Leg Blast. Speaking of step, I bought a new Step Co step during Amazon’s recent Amazon Prime Day. The cover on my old step started to bubble and peel and was becoming a tripping hazard. I’ll keep that one set up as a bench.
15. LIS: Cardio Supersets + Step Premix, 63m + CIZE: Work Your Body, 33m.
16. P30 Perfect Pump Upper Body + CIZE: Hold Your Own. P.M. Yv2: SS + Yv2: MYB
17. LMC: Combat Power Kata + Yv2: MYB + CIZE: HYO
18. rest day…

19. XTRAIN: Tabatacise + CIZE: HYO
20. XTRAIN: Super Cuts + CIZE: HYO x2. P.M. LMOD: BodyCombat #88, 30mins
21. P30 Scrambled Premix #4 (1st Half of High Impact Hiit, 2nd Half of Low Impact Hiit + Pyramid Cardio Hiit Bonus + Extended Stretch), 50m + ICE: Low Impact Cardio 1, 28min. First time doing the Pyramid Cardio Bonus, it’s a nice little add on.
22. LITE: Stacked Sets Upper Body + LMC: Combat Kick Start
23. Cathe’s Low Impact Step, 40m
24. LITE: PHA2
25. rest day…
26. rest day…

27. P30: Low Impact Hiit + LMC: Combat Power Kata
28. TURBO FIRE: Fire 60
29. STS 2.O: Supersets Total Body - Premix 3, Single Superset + CIZE: HYO. P.M. Yv2: RIO.
30. TURBO FIRE: Fire 45

Week 1 - XRAIN 90 Day Undulating Rotation

31. Halloween!!! XTRAIN: Chest, Back & Shoulders. It felt great to revisit. I’ve done XTRAIN so often that I automatically know when to avert my eyes when the cameraman is being a douchebag and zooming in on Amanda’s body parts.

joy, love
peace and patience
kindness with goodness
faithfulness & gentleness
- Motivational Sticker

Now: XTRAIN 90 Day Undulating (Generic) 7/22/22 - 10/24/22
Peak Fit System: 6/3/22 - 7/21/22 *** STS/LIS 90 Day Undulating: 11/19/21 - 2/12/22 *** 6 Week Fusion XTRAIN: 5/17/21 - 6/27/21 *** Body Beast: 12/21/20 - 3/18/21 *** STS: 1/29/20 - 5/3/20 *** Fit Tower/LIS/ICE/ 90 Day: 10/29/19 - 1/19/20 *** XTRAIN 90 Day Undulating: 7/29/19 - 10/25/19
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Old 09-28-23, 07:26 AM  
Join Date: May 2010
October already?!

1. Ballet Beautiful Weightless Arms Workout, 20 min walk, PBL Spring into Summer Stretch and Release
2. BB Total Body workout
3. Barre3 Ballet Body Blast, PBL Kickstart your Day, BB Hip Stretch
4. BB Total Body workout, 30 min walk
5. Ballet Beautiful Sculpt and Burn Cardio - 30 min standing workout and Abs from DVD
6. PBL SIS Back, Butt and Triceps, Adore Your Core Lower Abs, SIS Sculpted Arms, 20 min walk, Essentrics PM Stretch
7. Essentrics Barre Tone and Release with Gail
8. Barre3 Total Body Lift DVD, 30 min walk
9. Essentrics Ultimate Leg Sculptor, Hike, PBL SIS Ab Burner and SIS Stretch and Flow
10. PBL Rapid Results Workout, 5 Min More Legs, Everyday Essentials Arms with Weights, Traveler's Stretch
11. PBL Beach Baby workout, Badlands Butt, 25 min walk, Central Park Stretch
12. PBL SIS Legs with Band, Poise and Strength Arm Workout, Traveler's Stretch
13. PBL SIS Core Heat, Butt Blaster Workout, SIS Side Slimmer Workout, 30 min walk, Essentrics Hip Stretch
14. PBL Spring Into Summer Leg Fix, New You Amazing Arms, Everyday Essentials Classic Abs, 30 min walk
15. PBL Sculpt and Firm Leg Workout, SIS Posture and Poise
16. PBL SIS Upper Body, Essentrics Express Butt Toning, Shoulder Release from Gail
17. Miranda Legs and Butt workout, Shoulder Release from Gail
18. Essentrics Butt Toning, Barre3 5 min abs, Karen Lord Arms/Abs workout, 30 min walk
19. Miranda's Legs/Butt workout, 40 min walk
20. Essentrics Express Leg Toning, Barre3 Lunch Hour Body Blast (20 min Abs only)
21. Rest Day
22. PBL Upper Back Stretch and Glow Stretch
23. BB Mat Stretch
24. Karen Lord Morning Pilates Workout
25. Karen Lord Legs/Butt workout
26. PBL Bikini Body Workout, Hit the Spot Lower Body workout
27. PBL Complete Body Firming
28. Barre3 Shape - 30 min mat portion only
29. PBL Target Your Trouble Zones Flexibility
30. PBL 360 Degree Leg workout
31. SICK - Rest day
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Old 09-28-23, 07:46 AM  
Join Date: May 2007
Location: The hot desert-aka AZ
Continuing with Chris and Edi's Summer Shred 1.0

1. Time to Train Let's Climb 45 min ride
2. Shoulders and Cardio (I opted to not do Chris and Edi's cardio and went with Zone 2 walking on t/m 25 min)
3. TreadChic Incline Intervals 60 min
4. Full Body
5. nothing
6. Glutes/Hamstrings/Core
7. Arms
8. Spin with Lars #23 60 min
9. Legs and Glutes
10. nothing
11. Full Body
12. IBX Running Hiit Intervals 30 min
13. Glutes and Hamstrings
14. Zone 2 cardio 30 min; UB
15. 4.89 mile walk
16. Full Body
17. Time 2 Train Seated and Standing Climbs 35 min ride
18. UB
19. Glutes
20. nothing
21. 4.91 mile walk
22. Bi's/Tri's/Shoulders/Core This concludes Summer Shred 1.0

Starting Summer Shred 2.0

23. 20 min Zone 2 walk; LB
24. Cycling Sophie Beginner ride 30 min
25. Zone 2 cardio 20 min; Full Body
26. IBEX Running Progressive Pyramids 60 min
27. Shoulders and Core
28. 2.5 mile hike among the Aspens at 10,000 ft
29. nothing
30. UB
31. Legs and Abs
"It's time to burn off some ice cream"-Coach Sean

C25K graduate 10/10

CLX grad 12/09
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Old 09-28-23, 08:10 AM  
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Maryland, USA

1 - Jessica Smith - Refresh Fusion; Body Groove - You Can Do it Challenge, Day 3; Therapeutic Movement - Lower back and Upper Back/Neck
2 - Jessica Valant - Pilates Basics; Outdoor Walk -20-25 min, Body Groove - Elevate Your Fitness "Awareness" Jazzy workout; Body Groove Toning - Hips/Glutes (10 min)
3 - Jessica Smith - Cardio Step Jam (from WS 3.0), Total Stretch (from WS 3.0); 15-20 min outdoor walk, Jessica Valant - 15 min Pilates for Beginners
4 - Jessica Valant - Double, Double; Outdoor walk 15-20 min; LWR - 15 min walk to reduce anxiety
5 - Jessica Valant - Pilates Cardio Combo - Advanced, 15-20 min outdoor walk
6 - Jessica Smith - LISS Feedback Flow; Jessica Valant - Basic Full Body Stretch
7 - Jessica Smith - Tone & Flow; Jessica Valant - 30 Min Full Body Pilates; dog walk
8 - Senior Shape w/ Lauren - Energizing Cardio Workout (Pilates/Fusion); 10 min stretch; walk outdoors - half w/ dog/half w/out
9 - LWR - 15 Min Low Impact Fat Burning (Week 41 Playlist); Jessica Valant - Dumbbells Plus Pilates Beginner; dog walk
10 - Jenny Ford - Step Across America - Rhode Island; Jane Adams - Gentle Yoga - Morning Yoga; dog walk
11 - Jessica Valant - Dumbbells Plus Pilates Advanced; outdoor walk and dog walk
12 - Senior Shape w/ Lauren - Low Impact Cardio Kickboxing (45 min), Jessica Valant - Thoracic Mobility (10 min); dog walk
13 - Jessica Valant - Gentle Core Workout, Outdoor walk (35ishi minutes), Jessica Valant - Full Body Stretch and Release
14 - Senior Shape - Cardio & Tone, Wall Pilates
15 - Jessica Valant - Contemporary Meets Classical Pilates; Jessica Smith - 21 Day Set - Walk & Stretch, short dog walk
16 - Jessica Valant - 12-12-12 Workout, Outdoor Walk (20 ish min), Dog walk
17 - Charlene Prickett - Season 18 - Episode 51 low Impact, Episode 8 - Step, Essentrics - 15 min stretch for hips and psoas, CS 1101
18 - Jessica Valant - Pilates w/ wash cloths, outdoor walk (15-20 min), dog walk, CS 1018
19 - Trifecta Pilates - Engage & Rewind Workout; short dog walk, CS 1001
20 - CS 1002; Outdoor walk - 30ish minutes; dog walk
21 - Senior Shape - Walking w/ Agility Drills; Jessica Valant - Standing Pilates, Gentle Hip Stretches, Pilates for the Neck; dog walk
22 - CS 1003; Margaret Richard - Triple Threat Lower Body- Segments 1 & 2 (no abs); Segment 4 & 5 (no bridge work), Segment 6, stretch; dog walk and outdoor walk
23 - Ellen - Yoga w/ Weights, Jessica Valant - Pilates for All Ages; dog walk
24 - Jenny Ford - Step Across America - Pennsylvania; Jessica Valant - Every Day Pilates; 2 dog walks
25 - Jessica Valant - Active Aging Workout; 2 outdoor dog walks
26 - Outdoor walk - 30-35 min, Trifecta Pilates - Pilates for Beginners, dog walk
27 - Jessica Smith - Walk On - Strength & Balance - Stride & Strength; Jessica Valant - Juicy Spine; dog walk
28 - Jessica Valant - Pilates for Abs; Outdoor walk 30-35min
29 - Ellen - Body Weight Sculpt; dog walk
30 - Jessica Smith - Fusion Sculpt Total Body & Concentrated Core; outdoor walk 15-20 min
31 - Gina B - Halloween Warm Up Mix; Happy Halloween Dance Workout, LWR 7 Min Fun Halloween Workout; Yoga w/ Adriene Yoga for Zombies; dog walk
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just the workouts

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