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Old 04-28-23, 02:31 PM  
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: IL
Arrow Just The Workouts~~MAY, 2023~~*Everyone Is Welcome!*

May, 2023

Winging it this month and doing what I feel like while keeping yard work, walks, and mobility workouts in the mix.

1 - Yvette (w/u); Tiff & Dan (30 Min. Complete UB Push and Pull Workout =34 min.); My 10 Min. Finisher with tubing; Michelle Briehler (STEP to the BEAT Workout/MUSIC Move to the BEAT/Low Impact Fun =19 min.); Mady (BPR) I didn't know what I was going to do today and then saw these two new workouts, yay!! Dan's UB workout which was great with a :40/:20 format and focus on shoulders, biceps, triceps, back and chest. The finisher was tough with all the p/u variations. With all my yard work I've been doing, my wrists and hands aren't the best and couldn't go real heavy today. So it was nice I could add on my own finisher using Cathe's overhead door attachment with tubing and worked shoulders, biceps, triceps, and back (having attachment at top and side of door). Love this thing and it really finished off my arms! Michelle's workout may be one of my absolute favorites!! Low impact, steady state cardio moves to the BEAT with fantastic FUN music that includes ankle weights and 1# wrist weights which I used. I was happy she includes no jumping for possible joint injuries and was a really FUN cardio add-on after a weight workout.
2 - Michelle Briehler (STEP to the BEAT Workout/MUSIC Move to the BEAT/Low Impact Fun =19 min.) Early hair appt. I had so much fun yesterday, I wanted to do it again! Great workout when wanting to move a little but not wanting to mess your hair up for the rest of the day, LOL.
3 - 1.75 hours Mow Max/Yard Work (2 mile walk); Michelle Briehler (30 Min. Full Body Wall Workout/Low Impact/No Repeat) Finally warming up/the winds dying down, got my yard work caught up. Michelle’s w/o was harder than when previewed!
4 - 4.06 Mile Walk; Julia Reppel (15 Min. Morning Mobility Routine 5/1/23); Mady (BPR); 3.50 hours Yard Work at DS’ Hauling/putting down 13 bags of mulch…looks so much better! What a gorgeous day!
5 - 4.02 Mile Walk; Mady (SFLBPR); 2.25 hours cleaning windows outside/inside...which includes vacuuming off screens, etc. (Misc. Functional Fitness category!) Another gorgeous day! It's so nice to clean NEW windows (purchased '21)...don't mind it since the screens pop out so easily!
6 - Cathe Live #352 (Metabolic Weights & Loops = 56 min.); Mady (BPR); 2 hours planting flowers/pruning a bush I love Cathe's TB workout! I used 10's, 12's, 15's, and 25's with my 2# wrist weights and pink loop. Sometimes I went heavier than Cathe (but not on those lightning speed shoulder presses)!!! Jeesh, that was crazy but Cathe catches herself cueing them too fast later. Instead of the p/u & sit up frenzy, I did chest presses and close grips and skull crushers. Great class. I really wasn't planning to plant flowers today, but I was going to the store for some extra miracle grow soil, so I thought I'd just pick up my flowers as well. Yay, glad that's done! It's been a yard work marathon this week, LOL, and my lower back is telling me so!
7 - Rest Day

8 - Yvette (w/u); Michelle Briehler (30 Min. TB Workout/Strength & Cardio/6 Min Blast =34 min.); Mady (SFLBPR; BPR); 1.75 Hours Yard Work Michelle's class was a great 30 min. class to get in/out. It consisted of weighted UB and weighted LB moves with 3 blocks, 3 moves, :45/:15 format with 2 rounds. The exercises really kept up my HR and had good endurance work./I picked up lots of debris from the last 2 days of storms...other areas around were not so lucky and had power outages.
9 - 5.08 Mile Walk; YT (10 Min. Power Yoga "Detox" with Travis); Mady (BPR); 1.5 hours Yard Work Great walk with great weather today...I even jogged for a few intervals./I forget about these good 10 min. classes of Travis to just get in a few yoga poses and this one had lots of twists; however, my beef is he doesn't do spinal twists at the end (which you think was a given!), so I always add on mine./Planted a few more flowers and pulled weeds...another fabulous day!
10- Michelle Briehler (BARRE BURN & TONE - Full Body Definition Workout - No Repeat =54 min.); Mady (SFLBPR); Mady (BPR) I really enjoyed Michelle's class - awesome for a barre fusion class. It uses 5# weights for the UB work, a chair for traditional lower body barre working thighs, standing glutes, barre hamstrings, barre midsection work, barre core, and barre single leg bridge work with lots of reps. She hit it all! The stretch was incredible at the end. This is an excellent class (doesn't burn many calories, but just being in the FB zone for 55 min. (with my stretches), it rocked!
11- 4.73 Mile Walk; Cathe Perfect 30 (Mobility); 2 Hours Mow Max/2 Mile Walk; Yard Work Gorgeous day!
12- KCM 30 MTF Sculpting Rx (Workouts 1 & 2 Premix =60 min.); Cathe Lean Legs & Abs (TS #3 Chair/Firewalkers/Bonus Barre, sans w/u =29 min.); Mady (BPR) Felt great to do some dvd's today!! Kelly's workout is the best of both worlds...moderate/heavy weights at a reasonable pace + light weights high reps...wore my 2# wrist weights for all. Somehow this one never disappoints. Dust bunny in LL& the music in this one and was fun to just do this premix as an add on. For the leg lifts and barre work, I wore ankle weights for a little more burn....a great leg strengthening routine! Cedie & Amanda - Miss you!! /Thank goodness the rain came and I got some cleaning done as well!
13- 4.0 Mile Walk; Mady (BPR); 30 Min. Yard Work; 30 Min. Vacuuming out car (Misc. Functional Fitness category!) I went on a different route on my walk and it turned out to be 4 miles right on the nose! Great speed on my walk today. I swept up the flowers that were done blooming on my beautiful magnolia tree, but boy, are they messy! After vacuuming out my car, I went and had it washed. Very profitable morning!
14- Happy Mother's Day (& to fur baby moms as well!) Rest Day

15- Yvette Fit #127 (30 Min. Ankle Weight/Kickbox Combos with Biceps); Yvette Fit #142 (30 Min. All Barbell & Dumbbell Workout-Upper Body/Lower Body); My 10 Min. Finisher of floor work w/ ankle weights; Mady (BPR) These two workouts complement each other so well (2nd time combining them) since they incorporate weighted upper and lower body with a little cardio, core and weighted leg strengtheners. My finisher added the finishing touch with weighted leg lifts, clams, inner thigh lifts, etc./I find it incredibly cool that I am not being bothered with allergies this spring (esp. being outside doing all this yard work lately). Other than an occasional runny nose or occasional stuffiness, it hasn't been bad at all. Other years have been much worse for me. Probably just jinxed myself now, LOL.
16- 4.36 Mile Walk; 2 Hours Yard Work @ DS' pulling weeds; 1 Hour Yard Work @ my house A new PR 5K time today...woo hoo!! I had a 12 min. mile 3...that was a pretty good pace for me and it was a different route than I usually take.
17- 5.04 Mile Walk; Julia Reppel (9 Min. Bedtime Mobility...); Julia Reppel (15 Min. Evening Stretch & Mobility Session...); Mady (BPR) 2 Hours Yard Work (Mow Max/Mulch Max) Took advantage of being out there again with the great weather...lots of hills today in the neighborhood over. However, during mile 3, I got stopped by my 89 yr. old neighbor and he wanted to chat! Haven't chatted with him since 2020 at least, BPF (before plantar fasciitis), haha. It was nice to catch up but my momentum really took a nose dive when I walked the last miles home. Had a good 5K time again, though, albeit about a minute more than yesterday's time./I got motivated to start on the mulch after I about half done. That black mulch just makes my plants pop!
18- Cathe Muscle Max (TS Total Body Premix =56 min.); Cathe Boss Loops Glutes & Core (TS 3 Floor work & Glutes & Core, sans w/u & core =20 min.); 4 Hours Mulch Max (sans 30 min. to go get more mulch) Wow, it's been so long since I did MM that I didn't even have record of doing it!! Great workout that I forget about pulling out. Same with BLG&C...great lower body add-on using her green fabric band for all. I skipped the core since I did it in MM. The stretch is really nice in this workout but has annoying music which is not relaxing to me./Got done with the really, really looks so different with the black mulch along all the green & colorful foliage. Great weather to do this stuff - not hot at all and I wanted to get it done since rain is forecasted tomorrow.
19- Five Parks Yoga (Yoga for Intense Times =47 min.); Five Parks Yoga (Recovery & Strength for Swimmers =33 min.) Two great classes...the first one is a favorite with its' awesome flow. Felt so good to stretch my body from all the yard work!
20- 4.38 Mile Walk; Five Parks Yoga (Deep Stretch Yoga Class =15 min.); Mady (BPR) Awesome weather for a walk...I was dressed too warm though and had to wrap my jacket around my waist./I've been having trouble logging onto VF today...anyone else? It's taking forever to load.
21- Rest Day

22- 3.97 Mile Walk; Mady (15 Min. Leg Stretch); (BPR) I spent most of the day outside...just didn't want to come in! Watered my plants and sprinkled them with plant food, but other than that, just absorbing the beautiful sunshine and cool breeze! Felt nice to be outside and not have to do any work!
23- Cathe Live #251 (Total Body Giant Sets #3 =61 min.); Mady (15 Min. Full Body Stretch); (BPR) Cathe's workout is one of her BEST total body workouts on Live, IMHO! It's hard to top those TBGS and PHA workouts. Such a gem and it keeps up your HR almost for the whole class (before core). It is 2 rounds of lower body, 2 rounds of upper body, and core. That last set of core really has a big dread for me knowing I have to repeat it, ha, but I pulled through. I pretty much matched Cathe on the first half, but went heavier on the last half with my 20's, 25's, & 30. GOOD STUFF!
24- 3.74 Mile Walk; Julia Reppel (20 Min. Rest Day Mobility LB Recovery - Hip Opener and Ankle & Foot Care -5/22/23); Mady (SFLBPR) Another great day for a walk...and another new PR time!! Only 3 seconds shaved off, but I can't honestly believe it since I was struggling to go up a 90% hill at the time of my 5K peak, LOL! I'll take it though! Julia's class was nice and my hips felt really open's cool to have some focus on my feet too, since they get pretty beat up in the summer with all my walks. So far, no complaints of my Brooks Ghost runners.
25- Cathe S&S Ramped Up Upper Body (Scrambled Push/Pull Mish Mosh Premix =44 min.); Cathe PHA 3 (Extended Lying Stretch); 3.75 Hours Yard Work/Mow Max =2 mile walk Last time I did RUUB was in '19!! I can see why...Cathe is off to the races in this one--jeesh! Looking forward to the slower pace in STS 2.0. Got my beautiful case full of Cathe's goodies today!! So cool and so excited to check them out!!
26- 5.31 Mile Walk; STS 2.0 (Total Body Stretch); STS 2.0 (Mobility 1); 1.75 Hours Yard Work @ DS' (weeds/watering while he's away) Weather couldn't be any more perfect this morning!! Great walk even though my DS kept texting me about his great food he's having on his trip!! So I kept fidgeting with my phone to (audio) text him for 5 miles, LOL. TBS was ok...not much of a fan of standing stretches...Liked Mobility 1 better. TBS worked fine on one of my players but not the other. Interesting!
27- Michelle Briehler (STRENGTH to the BEAT workout/Standing Strength Low Impact FUN =33 min.); Cathe STS 2.0 (Active Recovery =11 min.); STS 2.0 Abs /Core Workouts (Standing Abs; Metabolic Core Warm up=10 min./Mini Ball Abs Premix=11 min. =21 min. total); Mady (BPR) Loved Michelle's Class!! FUN with fun music to the beat and my HR was up there throughout with no cardio. Loved all three STS workouts!! The AR workout is very similar to Julia Reppel's mobility workouts so everything seemed pretty easy. This would be great as a w/u too. So happy for some new standing ab workouts!! I used Cathe's Round yoga mat and was barefoot for all these workouts (Cathe & crew wear shoes for some). Loved the mini ball abs...the bear crawl move was the toughest. All seemed to just fly by cause they're so short....(which equals no dread factor for me!). So far, so good with these!!!!
28- Rest Day

29- HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!! Thank you to all who serve/served for our country!!!4.87 Mile Walk; STS 2.0 (Mobility 2 =17 min.); STS 2.0 Standing Abs: Core Plus Floor =16 min.; STS 2.0 (No Equipment Abs =10 min.); Mady (BPR) Beautiful morning but these great temps may be coming to a halt this week---90's predicted. I liked STS 2.0 Mobility 2...but could've done without so many wrist exercises and used more hip exercises but that's why Mady is a staple in my months! Core Plus More was ok...pretty creative with some moves. I didn't use the discs to place my weight plate slides on my puzzle mat without 'em. Did these all barefoot (wasn't a great idea with the discs for the standing work so may wear shoes next time). NEA is hardest of the bunch, but basically your crunches and plank variations make this one pretty tedious. So far of the abs workouts, I like the standing metabolic core w/o the most, mainly b/c I like standing ab work better than basic crunches/plank work! (That's where Yvette shines, IMO).
30- Michelle Briehler (Full Body Compound Workout/IGNITE Day 8 =50 min.); Mady (BPR) Early Hair appt. Wow, this was a sweaty one that hit every muscle group! Three rounds of compound exercises that were very metabolic with a :40/:15 format with focus on Upper Body. A 5 min. ab segment at end to make it completely total body! Pretty much matched Michelle on her weights. Great workout!
31- 4.51 Mile Walk; STS 2.0 Chair Yoga; Mady (BPR) Great walk today and I got out earlier than usual with a nice breeze. I liked Chair Yoga...aka Chair yoga involved. Very relaxing although I feel I can't thoroughly stretch out my hips without spinal twists, etc., so I added on Mady's hip stretch.**This one would be good on bad wrist days, though**
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Old 04-28-23, 02:40 PM  
Tammie M
Join Date: Nov 2001

1 - Kari Anderson {Go} Step
4 - Kathy Smith Weight Loss Workout
5 - Kathy Smith Ultimate Workout Video (with lots of modifications)
7 - Kathy Smith Ultimate Stomach and Thighs
8 - Kathy Smith New Yoga Basics
9 - Linda Stejskal Barlates Total 20 Series: Weights + Winsor Pilates Sculpting Circle Beginner
10 - Billy Blanks, Jr. DIO Get Up and Sweat
11 - Burr Leonard Bar Method Super Sculpting
13 - Linda Stejskal Barlates Total 20 Series: Ankle Weights + Gunnar Peterson Core Secrets FUNdamentals
15 - Linda Stejskal Barlates Bounce Sweat Series: Sweat 20 + Classical Stretch Season 4: 416
16 - Winsor Pilates Accelerated Fat Burning
17 - Linda Stejskal Barlates Mobility Series: Mobility Sculpt
18 - Linda Stejskal Barlates Total 20 Series: Band + Gunnar Peterson Core Secrets Give Me 20
19 - Desiree Rumbaugh Yoga to the Rescue for Back Pain
20 - Linda Stejskal Barlates Bounce Sweat Series: Sweat 25 + Classical Stretch Season 4: 417
21 - Burr Leonard Bar Method Change Your Body
22 - Jenna Belly Dance Basics & Beyond
23 - Linda Stejskal Barlates Total 20 Series: Body Weight + Winsor Pilates 20 Minute Circle Workout with Bonus
24 - Billy Blanks, Jr. DIO All in Workout
25 - Cathe STS 2.0 Total Body Giant Sets
26 - Linda Stejskal Barlates Mobility Series: Mobility Rotations + Cathe STS 2.0 Total Body Stretch
30 - Cathe STS 2.0 Total Body Super Sets
31 - Leslie Sansone Walk at Home: Walk Away Your Waistline!
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Old 04-28-23, 02:54 PM  
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Canada
1- Outdoor walk (30 min.) // Flexi-bar: Fatburner (61 min.). ~PM: 15 Min. Just Dance w/DD.
2- George Jones' Hip Hop Boxing Workout (49 min.) + Kettlebell Lightning: Bonus Indian Club Workout (9 min.) & JS' Walk Strong: Flexibility Training Workout (11 min.) // Outdoor walk (30 min.).
3- Johanna Fellner's Workout mit dem Schwingstab (61 min.) // Outdoor walk (30 min.). ~PM: 17 Min. Leslie's Walk w/DD.
4- Outdoor walk (20 min.). ~PM: LSJW' The Burn to the Beat Walk: All 3 miles (53 min./ 5,981 steps!!) + Bonus after the burn session (21 min.). My DD did the first 30 minutes with me.
5- FlexiBar: Stundenbild Toning Workout (YT 59 min.) + Get Fit With Rick: Walking Cardio Blast (YT 15 min.) + Jessica Smith: Breathe, Stretch & Relax (YT 21 min.).
6- LSJW' 5 Boosted Miles: All 5 miles (71 min./8,937 steps!) + Si6: Slim & Limber (14 min.).
7- Rest.
8- Flexi-bar: Fatburner (61 min./ 1,473 steps) // Outdoor walk (30 min.).
9- Outdoor walk (30 min.) // BL' Power Walk (72 min./7,358 steps). Good workout, but not as fun as Leslie, it had a lot of high impact, next time I will keep it low. I liked the use of hand weights and the medicine ball, and I'd have preferred that Bob leads the whole thing. I got a nice sweat on. 15,150 steps for the day! Wow, since I got my pedometer I have been trying to get 10,000 steps a day, sometimes I do a bit more, sometimes a bit less, but yesterday was the higher number I have got so far.
10- Johanna Fellner's Workout mit dem Schwingstab (61 min./ 1,124 steps) // Outdoor walk (30 min.). Good, challenging and sweaty workout, the scenery is beautiful.
11- LSJW' Walk to the Hits: Party Songs (45 min./5,114 steps) // Outdoor walk (30 min.). ~PM: 30 Min. Wii Sports w/DD.
12- FlexiBar: Stundenbild Toning Workout (YT 59 min.) + JS' Walk Strong: Flexibility Training Workout (11 min.) // Outdoor walk (30 min.). That FB workout is fun and sweaty, love it! ~PM: Walk with the family + 30 basketball relax.
13- LSJW' The Tone Every Zone Walk: Circuit 3 Fast Walk (21 min./2,687 steps) + Bodyblade: Power 10 (22 min.). ~PM: Quick Mobility Warm Up + FéFit: Stretch Flow 1 (20 min.) // Wii Sports with the family (bowling, tennis and baseball), around an hour.
15- LSJW' Mix + Match Walk Blasters: Brisk + Steady (1,283 steps) + FlexiBar: Back & Beauty (52 min.) // Outdoor walk (30 min.).
16- LSJW' 3 Mega Miles: All 3 miles (50 min./ 5,915 steps) + Stretch Max: Stability Ball Stretch (19 min.). ~PM: 45 Min. Wii Sports with my DD.
17- LSJW' 3 Mega Miles: 1st mile (14:22 min./ 1,774 steps) + Bodyblade: Triple Power Blast (39:30 min.). // Outdoor Walk (30 min.). ~PM: 15 Min. Just Dance with my DD.
18- Outdoor walk (20 min.). ~PM: LSWYWT' Walk It Off & Tone It Up (70 min./8,604 steps). This Leslie's walk was fun and sweaty! I wasn't sure I'd like her alone, but I really enjoyed it, there were some new to me combos that were very fun, I loved the band work too.
19- Outdoor walk (20 min.) // LSWYWT' Walk It Off & Tone It Up (70 min./8,492 steps) + Bodyblade: Yoga (26 min.) & Si6: Slim & Limber (14 min.).
20- Rest.
21- LSJW' Mix + Match Walk Blasters: Total Body Walk (52 min./5,412 steps) + Rejuvenation: Stretch & Flex (15 min.).
22- Bodyblade: Core Cardio Blast (34 min.) + HHA' DPS: Rockin' Abs (31 min./2,187 steps) + Madi Morrison: 15 Min. Full Body Stretch.
23- LSJW' Walk to the Hits: Radio Remixes (46 min./5,191 steps) + JS' Walk Strong: Flexibility Training Workout (11 min.) // Outdoor walk (30 min.).
24- TD' Total Body Challenge: Crosstrain (67 min.) + KS' PWFWL: Walk Segment II (13 min./1,608 steps) & Cool Down Stretch (9 min.) // Outdoor walk (30 min.).
25- Outdoor walk (30 min.) // LS'WATP Intensity Walk: Super Challenge - 4 Mile (58 min./6,558 steps) + Si6: Slim & Limber (14 min.).
26- Active rest. Outdoor walk (30 min.).
27- Gilad' Step & Tone Workout (70 min./4,369 steps) + Si6: Slim & Limber (14 min.).
28- Active rest. Outdoor walk w/the family.
29- FlexiBar: Stundenbild Toning Workout (YT 59 min. /1,183 steps) + Madi Morrison: 15 Min. Full Body Stretch // Outdoor walk (30 min.).
30- LS'WAH: 5-Mile Advanced (71 min./8,533 steps) + Si6: Slim & Limber (14 min.) // Outdoor walk (30 min.).
31- Gilad' Cuts & Curves (60 min.) // Outdoor walk (50 min.).
"There are seven days in the week and someday isn't one of them!"

LMP - Grad/Aug 13 * TheRack - Grad/Nov 13 * PowerFit H - Grad/Jan 14 * FIF: SB - Grad/ Feb 14 * Cage/Box/KB 6WR - Comp/Mar 14 * Ugi/Kb/Pilates 6WR - Comp/May 14 * ThunderBell - Comp/Sep 14 * Obsidian - Comp/Jan 15 * JNL - DO/Sept 15 * D2S - Grad/Feb 16 * KbKb/TBS - Grad/Jun 16 * FusionMixx - Com/Aug 16 * F8F - Grad/Oct 16

Sonríe a la vida y ella te sonreíra siempre!
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Old 04-28-23, 04:18 PM  
VF Supporter
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: TX

Should finish STS soon. Planning on the recovery week then some variety until 2.0 arrives.

1. Unplanned Rest Day. Woke up this morning to find my dog's paw badly swollen. Fortunately the vet was able to work him in. He has some sort of abrasion or possible spider bite. No walks for him until the swelling improves, poor boy. Stayed downstairs with him, to keep him from following me up to my gym.
2. Meso 3 Workout 35 Plyo Legs + Extended Stretch. Later mowed lawn (60 min)
3. Walk with friend (30 min.) Doggies paw much better, so he got a walk also. Later Meso 3 Workout 36 Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps
4. Dog walk + C Dorner Cardio HIIT Step Workout + C Dorner 30 Minute Core & Mobility
5. Dog walk early. Today was very hot and muggy, yuck! Meso 3 Workout 39 Squat Rack Legs. Warm up and stretch with Juice & Toya.
6. Morning Dog walk. Later, C Dorner Fat Burning Cardio Step Workout #37 + Stretch for After Step Aerobics Workout
7. Dog walk
8. Dog walk x 2 Lots of dog walks in the next few weeks. Family member is visiting with her very energetic dog.
9. Dog walk x 2
10. Dog walk x 2
11. Dog walk x 2
12. Dog walk x 2 + Meso 3 Workout 40 Squat Rack Legs. Finally done. I started the squat rack routines a week behind, so this was the straggler. Forearm grip for deadlifts much improved.
13. Dog walk x 2
14. Dog walk x 2
15. Dog walk x 2
16. Dog walk + Cathe ICE Metabolic Total Body: Mishmosh Scrambled #4.
17. Dog walk x 2 + C Dorner 80s Rock No Equipment HIIT Workout.
18. Dog walk + Cathe X10: X42 Premix
19. Dog walk + 60 min of mowing lawn. I was hot and worn out after mowing, so no other workout.
20. Dog walk x2. Running errands today, and helped DH shop for a suit. No energy after that
21. Dog walk x 3. Today was cool and nice for walking.
22. Dog walk x 2. Kind of out of my routine, as still have family and extra dog visiting. It is nice to have company on the dog walks
23. Dog walk x 2
24. Dog walk x2
25. Dog walk x 2
26. Dog walk x 2. Received the STS 2.0 set today. The case is nice. It looks like a pretty hand purse, lol. No time to preview anything. I'm not starting a rotation until the formal guide comes out. Total body workouts aren't my favorite. I respond best to splits. I'll look at the workouts, guides and decide how to use these. Why didn't the guide come out with the Dvds/downloads? It seems kind of dumb. Anyhow, I'm a big girl and can figure out how to use these.
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Old 04-28-23, 07:03 PM  
Join Date: May 2007
Location: The hot desert-aka AZ
This month I will be doing Caroline Girvan's original Beast Mode 10 day program and Calisthenics 5 day program from YT.

1. BM Legs; 40 min t/m walk
2. BM Shoulders & Arms; 35 min t/m walk
3. SSoD HIIT Sprints 20 min ride; BM Hamstrings & Glutes
4. IBX Running Minute Madness 40 min; 30 min t/m walk
5. nothing
6. IBX Running Beginner Hill Intervals 20 min; BM Total Body
7. SSoD Upbeat Treat 50 min ride
8. BM Back & Bi's; IBX Running Intervals 15 min
9. BM Lower Body; 30 min neighborhood walk
10. BM Chest & Tri's
11. nothing
12. BM DB Hiit
13. 3.36 mile hike
14. IBX Running 7000 Step walk 60 min
15. Calisthenics Legs
16. Calisthenics Upper Body & Core
17. SSoD Red Zone Rollers 60 min ride
18. Calisthenics Glutes & Hamstrings
19. iTread 15 45 min
20. nothing
21. IBEX Running Hill Climb Intervals 20 min; IBEX Running Walking Speed Progressions 20 min
22. Joe Alvarado Hitt and Hills 30 min ride; Calisthenics Full Body
23. TreadChic Beginner Incline walk 35 min; Michelle Briehler Upper Body with Finisher
24. SSoD Opposites Attract 40 min ride
25. nothing
26. IBEX Running Insane Intervals 20 min; CDorner Fitness Booty Band Burn Glutes and Abs
27. SSoD Power Walk and Talk 30 min
28. CDorner Fitness Total Body
29. Time2Train Hiit and Hills 45 min ride
30. nothing
31. iTread 15 45 min
"It's time to burn off some ice cream"-Coach Sean

C25K graduate 10/10

CLX grad 12/09
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Old 04-28-23, 07:12 PM  
Join Date: Feb 2008
Week 8
30. TURBO FIRE: Fire 40 + TURBO FIRE: Low Hiit 25

may 2023...

1. FIT|SPLIT: Low Impact Cardio|Metabolic Conditioning + Noon: CIZE: Hold Your Own+ P.M. Yv2: MYB
2. TURBO FIRE: Hiit 20 + Fire 30
3. FIT|SPLIT: Mixed Impact Cardio|Pull Day. Mid-day: CIZE: Hold Your Own + P.M. CIZE: Hold Your Own
4. TURBO FIRE: Fire 40 + Hiit 20. Still loving these workouts even though I’ve done Fire 40 a lot, 14 times already.
5. FIT|SPLIT: Cardio Shred|Push Day
6. FIT|SPLIT: Boxing Bootcamp|Legs & Glutes. P.M. Yv2: SS

Week 9
7. TURBO FIRE: Fire 55 + Fire 40. The rotation workouts are getting longer so I may have to adjust and not do double workouts. We shall see.
8. rest day…
9. FIT|SPLIT: Mixed Impact Cardio|Pull Day
10. TURBO FIRE: Fire 55 + Fire 30. I had to go into the office today so I got up at 4:45 so that I could do both workouts. I enjoyed both, again, I already had 10,000 steps by the time I arrived at work.
1. FIT|SPLIT: Shred Cardio|Push Day
12. FIT|SPLIT: Low Impact Cardio|Metabolic Conditioning + CIZE: Hold Your Own. I used 6# dumbbells for FS to keep it strictly cardio toning.
13. TURBO FIRE: Fire 55 + Low Hiit 20
14. FIT|SPLIT: Just Legs & Glutes Timesaver Premix + Yv2: WISI

Week 10
15. rest day…
16. FIT SPLIT: Mixed Impact Cardio|Push Day
17. TURBO FIRE: Fire 45 + Low Hiit 20
18. FIT|SPLIT: Just Push Day Timesaver Premix
19. TURBO FIRE: Fire 60 + Hiit 15
20. X10: Fat Burning Circuit. Stuck to a shorter workout because I wanted to make sure I arrived early at our city, semi annual, shred event. I may do my scheduled workout, FS: Just L&G later today, depending on my energy level. P.M. LIFT WITH CEE: Lower Body. I liked this. Straightforward, 3 sets, not an explosion of weights and short.
21. TURBO FIRE: Fire 55 + Low Hiit 25 + Stretch 10
22. FIT|SPLIT: Low Impact Cardio|Metabolic Conditioning

Week 11
23. rest day…
24. XTRAIN: Super Cuts.
25. TURBO FIRE: Fire 45 + Hiit 15. RIP to the fabulous Tina Turner. Chalene uses the song, Proud Mary, during a segment of Fire 45, even doing the Tina arms. ♥️ I received my Cathe DVDs. The case is beautiful. Still undecided if I will add them to a multi-disc case, depends on how easy they are to remove without scratching.
26. STS 2.0: Lower Body #1. 🔥 Loved this. Love the exercises, the # of reps/sets, rep speed and the rests. Rest periods are long enough that you can set up and change weights without feeling rushed. VIP 🚫VIExercise is that Stability Ball Quad Lift. My quads started cramping after 3 reps. It’s a burner. I love the new set, love the clothes. For hip thrusts, to quickly move my bench back so that I had enough room to do hip thrusts, I put furniture sliders under the end corners of the bench in order to slide it back easily, otherwise I would have had to remove the topper/risers and then pick up my risers and move everything back in place. I’m going to Walmart or Target sometime this weekend to see if I can find 25# dumbbells.
27. TURBO FIRE: Hiit 20 + Fire 40. P.M. Yv2: Sweat Sensation + Rock It Out!
28. STS 2.0: Total Body Tri-sets. 🔥 Excellent. Perfect pacing. I used lighter weights than I normally use, and I still had to drop my weights for the second set of tri-sets. Going at that pace really made the weights feel heavier. I used 6 - 21.25 # dumbbells. I have a hard time increasing my shoulder strength so the heaviest I’m willing to go for shoulders is 10#’s, and then add micro weights for progressive overloading. The last exercise, Lunge Double Tap, was a great finisher, and got in there good. I loved it! Love the set and everyone looks so healthy and fit. P.M. Yv2: Move Your Body + Work It, Shake It!.
29. TURBO FIRE: Fire 55 + Hiit 15 + Stretch 10
30. ICE: Metabolic Total Body.

Turbo Fire: Week 12 + STS 2.0: Week 1
31. rest day…
1. TURBO FIRE: Fire 45 + Hiit 25

joy, love
peace and patience
kindness with goodness
faithfulness & gentleness
- Motivational Sticker

Now: XTRAIN 90 Day Undulating (Generic) 7/22/22 - 10/24/22
Peak Fit System: 6/3/22 - 7/21/22 *** STS/LIS 90 Day Undulating: 11/19/21 - 2/12/22 *** 6 Week Fusion XTRAIN: 5/17/21 - 6/27/21 *** Body Beast: 12/21/20 - 3/18/21 *** STS: 1/29/20 - 5/3/20 *** Fit Tower/LIS/ICE/ 90 Day: 10/29/19 - 1/19/20 *** XTRAIN 90 Day Undulating: 7/29/19 - 10/25/19
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Old 04-28-23, 08:19 PM  
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txhsmom's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Texas
May Flowers!

1 Outside Walk - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Stronger Bones Osteoporosis Workout - 25 minutes
2 Outside Walk - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - 10 Minute Workout for Stronger Hips
3 Jessica Smith - Walk 'n Talk - Motivation - 15 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Full Body Workout with Resistance Band - 30 minutes
4 Outside Walk - 40 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Workout for a Stronger Back - 15 minutes
5 Outside Walk - 30 minutes
6 Rest Day
7 Improved Health - 11 Minute Walking with Weights & Stronger Core on the Floor - Level 1 - 8 minutes
8 Outside Walk - 30 minutes
9 Outside Walk - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Exercises for Hip Pain Relief - 12 minutes
10 Outside Walk - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Exercises for Hip Pain Relief - 12 minutes & 10 Minute Full Body Stretch
11 Improved Health - 2,000 Steps - Fast Walking Workout - 20 minutes & 5 Day Strength Program - Day 2 Chest, Triceps and Core - 15 minutes
12 Improved Health - Gentle All-in-One Workout - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Basic Hip Stretches - 10 minutes; Physical Therapy exercises
13 Rest Day
14 Improved Health - 1970s Music Workout - 22 minutes, Stronger Core on the Floor - Level 2 - 8 minutes, & 12 Minute Daily Stretch; Jessica Valant Pilates - 10 Minute Workout for Stronger Hips & some physical therapy exercises
15 Improved Health - All-in-One Workout - 51 minutes
16 Outside Walk - 30 minutes
17 Improved Health - 45 Minute All-in-One Workout
18 Outside Walk - 30 minutes; Jessica Smith - Total Body Circuit Workout #2 - 38 minutes
19 Jessica Smith - L.I.S.S. Feedback Flow - 30 minutes
20 Outside Walk - 30 minutes
21 Outside Walk - 30 minutes
22 Senior Shape - Cardio & Strength Workout with Weights - 24 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - Gentle Core Workout - 15 minutes
23 Outside Walk - 45 minutes
24 Jessica Smith - Barre: Total Body Conditioning - 32 minutes
25 Outside Walk - 30 minutes; Senior Shape - 20 Minute Strength Workout
26 Outside Walk - 30 minutes
27 Rest Day
28 Improved Health - 20 Minute Dance Workout - 20 minutes & Day One - Legs & Core
29 Jessica Smith - BUILD: Total Body 1 - 30 minutes & Outside Walk - 30 minutes
30 Jessica Smith - BUILD: Interval: Build I.T. - 30 minutes; Jessica Valant Pilates - 15 Minute Pilates Workout for Beginners & Intermediates - 15 minutes
31 Improved Health - Cardio, Strength & Balance All-in-One Beginners Workout - 41 minutes; Outside Walk - 30 minutes

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Old 04-29-23, 07:07 AM  
Join Date: May 2010

1. Barre3 Burner, lots of walking, YouTube Quad Stretch
2. Barre3 Standing Slim, PBL 5 Min More Upper Body and Stretch workouts
3. PBL Waist Trimming Workout with Weights, Butt and Thigh Firming Workout with Weights, 5 Min More Stretch
4. Barre3 Ballet Fit
5. Essentrics Ultimate Leg Sculptor and Shoulder Release with Gail, PBL Bedtime Stretch Routine
6. PBL Ten to Terrific Butt, Core Control Workout, Lake Como Upper Body, 25 min walk.
7. PBL May Makeover Complete Body, Total Trim Down Leg workout, Daily Stretch Yoga, 20 min walk
8. PBL Rapid Toning Booty Band, Bend and Flex with Band
9. Essentrics Live Class with Gail (5/8), PBL Glow Arms workout, 45 min walk, Essentrics Quad Stretch
10. Essentrics Live Class with Gail (5/8) - again, PBL Sculpt and Firm Leg Workout
11. Essentrics Dynamic Strength with Gail, PBL Strong and Trim Lower Body, Toned in 10 Flexibility, 25 min walk
12. PBL New You Strong And Supple Leg Workout, Toned & Defined Upper Body, 25 min walk
13. Barre3 On the Go, Karen Lord Butt and Thigh workout, PBL 5 Min More Stretch, 30 min walk
14. Essentrics Full Body Toning (no airplanes)
15. Essentrics Ultimate Leg Sculptor, Abs with Gail, walk outside, BB Mat Stretch
16. Karen Lord Pilates morning routine, 5 min Stretch, BB Mat Stretch
17. Karen Lord 30 minute Pilates, 20 min walk, PBL Glow Stretch
18. Barre3 Glow Prenatal, 25 min walk, Essentrics PM Stretch
19. Barre3 Instructor's Favorite, 20 min walk, PBL Toned in 10 Flexibility
20. Essentrics Live from Gail from May 15th, 30 min walk
21. Barre3 Lunch Hour Body Blast, 1 hour walk, PBL Upper Back Stretch and Glow Stretch
22. Karen Lord Pilates morning routine, Legs/Butt workout, 30 min walk
23. CS Legs/Butt with Miranda, Arm Toning with Meg, 30 min walk, Essentrics Quad Stretch with Amanda
24. Essentrics Arms/Abs/Waist Toner, Butt Toning with Meg, Barre3 Flow 30 min with Dana
25. SeniorShape: 30 Min Walking Cardio, PBL 5 Min More Stretch, Bedtime Stretch
26. SeniorShape: Barre Workout for Beginners & Seniors, two 25 minute walks, BB Mat Stretch
27. SeniorShape: Pilates with Mini Ball, 10k steps
28. SeniorShape: Pelvic Floor Strength and Stretch workout, 10 min Arm and Upper Body Strength
29. Rest Day, BB Mat Stretch
30. Barre3 30 Min Signature with Kelly (5/22), 30 min walk, BB Mat Stretch
31. Barre3 30 Min Signature with Trisha (5/29)
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Old 04-29-23, 10:44 AM  
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Pam61's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: The Ocean State!
May 2023!!!

1. iFIT treadmill John Peel (Ontario #4), Cathe Boss Bands Glutes & Core (Standing Glutes)
2. Outdoor Hike
3. iFIT treadmill May Challenge Elyse Miller (Nashville #1), Cathe Butts & Guts (Standing Glutes)
4. iFIT treadmill May Challenge John Peel (Hawaii #2), John Peel (Swiss Alps #1), Cathe High Step Circuit
5. iFIT treadmill John Peel (Swiss Alps #2), Chrissy Carter Yoga for Belly, Butt & Thighs (Butt)
6. Outdoor Arboretum Lilac walk
7. Outdoor Cemetery Walk
8. Leslie Sansone Belly, Buns & Thighs Slimdown (3 miles with Fit Cuff), Elizabeth Ordway Element Target Toning Pilates for Beginners (Lower Body Lift & Sculpt)
9. Outdoor Hike
10. iFIT treadmill May Challenge Stacie Clark (Aruba #3), Leslie Sansone Tone Every Zone Walk (Lower Body Circuit), Lisa Hubbard Element Total Body Pilates with Mini Ball (20 minute Total Body)
11. Outdoor Hike, Leslie Sansone Shortcuts Upper/Lower Body workouts (Lower Body)
12. iFIT treadmill May Challenge Sanya Richards Ross (Jamaica #4), Leslie Sansone Walk It Off in 30 Days (Firm 30), Chantal Donnelly Gaiam Strong Knees
13. Outdoor Beach & Lighthouse walk
14. Leslie Sansone Walk Away Your Hips & Thighs (2 miles plus Fit Cuff), Tamilee Webb Quick Toning Abs, Arms & Lower Body of Steel (Butt) & (Thighs)
15. iFIT treadmill May Challenge Adam Sinicki (Sparking Creativity#5), Debbie Siebers Firm It Up (Standing Lower Body 30 min.)
16. Outdoor Hike, Leslie Sansone Walk & Firm with Toning Band (Interval), Angie Stewart 10 Minute Solution Yoga for Beginners (Stress Relief Yoga)
17. Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds 7 Day Calorie Blast (Lower Body)
18. Outdoor Hike
19. Leslie Sansone Weight Loss Bootcamp Walk (2 miles with toning)
20. Rest Day
21. Rest Day
22. iFIT treadmill May Challenge Jarrod Spencer (Building Confidence #6), Leslie Sansone Firm Off Weight Walk (Lower Body floorwork)
23. Outdoor Hike
24. iFIT treadmill May Challenge Graham McTavish (Scottish Highlands #7), Cathe STS 2.0 Lower Body 1 (Express #1 Premix)
25. Kayaking, Cathe STS 2.0 Upper Body 1 (Express #1 Premix)
26. Cathe STS 2.0 Active Recovery + Total Body Stretch
27. Cathe STS 2.0 Lower Body 2 (Express #2 Premix)
28. iFIT treadmill May Challenge (Hawaii #8)
29. Cathe STS 2.0 Giant Sets Total Body, Outdoor walk (Happy Memorial Day!!!)
30. Cathe XTrain Low Impact High Intensity (Floor cardio Premix), Cathe STS 2.0 Mobility 1, Cathe Perfect 30 Perfect Flow Mobility, Jessica Gentle Yoga (Neck & Shoulders)
31. Cathe STS 2.0 Super Sets Total Body, Cathe STS 2.0 Chair Yoga

May Focus:
Miranda Esmonde-White Classical Stretch Season 9 (All Standing)
Sahra Esmonde-White Body Sculpting Series, Toning for Beginners, Ultimate Stretch workouts

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Old 04-29-23, 11:57 AM  
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Maryland, USA

1- LWR - Lower Blood Pressure Workout; Jessica Valant - Pilates Fun with Weights; Ellen - Gentle Sculpt
2 - Walk at Home - Run, Walk, Lift w/ Hit Songs (You Tube), Jessica Valant- 10 Min Basic Hip Stretches; LWR - 3,000 step workout
3 - Body Kind Fitness 20 Min Low Impact Walk, Jessica Valant - Seated Arm workout w/ Band; 10 Min Hip Strength workout, dog walk
4 - Jessica Valant - Standing Hip Mobility, Walk with a Step; Trifecta Pilates - Foundation Flow; dog walk, Ellen - 360 Stretch
5 - Senior Shape w/ Lauren - Walking Workout w/ Upper Body; Lower Body Strength on the Mat; dog walk
6 - Ellen - Sleek Sculpt Express, Jessica Valant - Stronger Back Workout
7 - Ellen - Fresh Yoga
8 - Lively Ladies - 20 Min Energetic Cardio (from 5/1); Jessica Valant - Strength & Stretch; dog walk
9 - Senior Shape w/ Lauren - 3,000 step walk; Yoga & Pilates Workout (w/ wrist weights); dog walk
10 - Senior Shape w/ Lauren Cardio & Strength w/ Resistance Band; Jessica Valant - Beginner Pilates Wall Workout
11 - Jessica Valant - Standing Hip Mobility, Basic HIIT (non-impact), workout for stronger hips; dog walk
12 - Senior Shape w/ Lauren - Cardio & Weight Training Workout
13 - Senior Shape w/ Lauren - Barre (less) Body Weight Workout
14 - Trifecta Pilates - Foundations Day # 1 (breathing) and Pilates For Beginner Day # 1 - Core Connection, outdoor walk (30 min)
15 - Trifecta Pilates - Foundations Day # 2 (Pelvic Clock), Pilates for Beginners Day # 2 - Abs and back, outdoor walk (30+ min)
16 - Trifecta Pilates - Foundations Day #3 (Pelvic Floor), Pilates for Beginners Day # 3 - Lower Body; outdoor walk (25 min)
17 - Trifecta Pilates - Foundations Day #4 (shoulder mobility), Pilates for Beginners Day # 4 - Arms/Upper body, outdoor walk (30+ min)
18 - Trifecta Pilates - Foundations Day # 5 (deep abs), Pilates for Beginners Day # 5 - Full Body Pilates Class
19 - Travel Day
20 - Ellen - Express Barre; Jessica Valant - Pilates Basics
21 - Ellen - Gentle Sculpt, Jessica Valant - Pilates/Yoga Fusion; outdoor dog walk
22 - Senior Shape w/ Lauren - Cardio & Strength w/ Weights; dog walk
23 - Ellen - Bend & Extend; Senior Shape w/ Lauren - Pilates with Mini Ball; dog walk, longer outdoor walk w/ DD
24 - Caroline Jordan - 10 Min workout to lower blood pressure, Senior Shape w/ Lauren - Weight Training for Beginners and Seniors -20 min workout; outdoor walk
25 - Senior Shape w/ Lauren - 30 Min Walking Workout at Home, long outdoor walk
26 - Senior Shape w/ Lauren - Barre Workout for Beginners & Seniors - Ballet Inspired
27 - Improved Health - Weight Loss Workout- Interval Program Day # 3, Strength Training Series - Day # 21 (lower body)
28 - Improved Health - Tina Turner Tribute Walk, Strength Training Series - Day # 22 (upper body)
29 - Improved Health - Weight Loss Workout - Interval Program Day # 5 (steady state workout); Strength Training Series - Day # 23 (core, lower body, shoulders), dog walk, Trifecta Pilates - Leg Circle
30 - Improved Health - 20 Min Walking Workout - Interval Program Day # 6 (20 Min workout); Strength Training Series - Day # 24 (upper body); dog walk, Trifecta Pilates - 15 min Ring workout; long evening walk
31 - Improved Health - 20 Min Walking Workout - Interval Program Day # 7, Strength Training Series Day # 25 (lower body)
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just the workouts

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