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Old 02-26-17, 03:54 PM  
Join Date: Feb 2002
1 Month Update...Slimming Thighs

There was another thread about how people don't post results and that is so true! So I wanted to take the time to post my 1 month results.

My goal is to slim my quads by doing less squats and plyo and incorporating more floor work which was a new thing for me, at least doing it consistently. I did not take measurements but I can tell by how my pants fit that my thighs are getting slimmer and I'm losing fat in the "thutt" area as well. I haven't changed my diet dramatically, just trying to not snack as much, but I honestly haven't done great in that dept!

I didn't have a specific rotation b/c I stink at following them. I also had just gotten some new dvds and wanted to take the month to familiarize myself with them.

The core of my workouts have been Ballet Beautiful using the Total Body, Blast and Backstage workouts as add-ons. I did the core and lower body segments. I tried the upper body work but it wasn't for me. I also have used the Butt Bible workout twice (did lower body level 1 once and lower body level 2 once), did the Supermodel Series workout once and Jen Galardi's Ballet Body once during the month. My cardio was mostly either walking or jog/walk intervals on the treadmill (total distance never over 3 miles), some kickboxing or a cardio burst like the short step section from Cathe's Athletic Training. I did the BB core sections at least once a week and for upper body I just did what I felt like which according to my workout calendar were the upper body segments from Xtrain, the timesavers from Gym Style, the upper body from KV's GWW and the upper body segments from Cathe's 4 Day Split. I also did push ups 2 days a week. For the pushups I did the 100 day Push Up challenge as my guide. It calls for pushups 3 days a week, but after the first week that bothered my wrists so I cut it back to twice a week.

The next month I want to fine tune my "rotation" a bit more. I also noticed that some of the weeks I didn't do as much cardio and the number on the scale was on the higher end of my range. For my body, even doing some short cardio bursts on my "non-cardio" days was helpful for burning cals/fat loss. Short for me is no more than 15 minutes.

I will try hard to give another update at the end of next month!
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Old 02-26-17, 04:42 PM  
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Tugger, thanks for posting your results! I'll be eagerly reading
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Old 02-26-17, 05:01 PM  
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Sounds interesting! So you are really just focusing on unweighted lower body work, mostly floorwork? There are times I start to do this, then I feel like I "should" be getting more weighted work in...maybe you are onto something!
Beth aka Toaster (she/her)

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Old 02-26-17, 05:17 PM  
Join Date: Feb 2002
Yep! The only time I used weights was for Butt Bible Level 2, I used one 8 lb weight that I held in front of me during the 3 sets of sumo squats only b/c I felt like I "should" be using weights. And, in the Supermodel Series floor work I used the wide resistance band that came with the workout. Nothing else I'm doing is new. I was jogging/walking on my treadmill way before I started adding in the floor work. The only thing different is more floor work and less everything else!

So far the toughest floor work segments for me have been the Supermodel Series and BB Butt Series #2.
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Old 02-26-17, 05:25 PM  
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Body weight training works so well for my upper body! Running worked the best for my lower body which is technically body weight training. I wonder if you are on to something Like Beth, I always start with unweighted lower body work then I feel like I "should" be getting more weighted work. My goal is bigger, more defined legs though. However, maybe I'm not getting them because I'm just not built that way? I was able to get rid of cellulite with Cathe's rock bottoms rotations and my legs were harder. Definitely more defined with Xtrain. But never bigger like I'd like.

Just thinking out loud here. Are you pear shaped by the way? Gain muscle easily?
"You humans have the potential to be the most wonderful beings there are - if you can get past all these enormous stupid spots you seem to have in your hearts. It's not your fault. You just don't know how to work your hearts right yet. That's why there are dogs." - Jim Butcher, Zoo Day
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Old 02-26-17, 05:30 PM  
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Bubbles, I don't know which one of us you are talking to, me or the OP, but I am definitely pear-shaped! (I don't necessarily gain muscle easily though) I probably should go back to hitting the upper body with weights, as I love when my arms are strong and toned, and doing mainly body weight for lower body.
Beth aka Toaster (she/her)

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Old 02-26-17, 05:36 PM  
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Oh Beth, I was talking to Tugger, but thanks for answering I know a few fellow pears on this board. I'm definitely a pear, so I was wondering if her workouts might work for a pear.
"You humans have the potential to be the most wonderful beings there are - if you can get past all these enormous stupid spots you seem to have in your hearts. It's not your fault. You just don't know how to work your hearts right yet. That's why there are dogs." - Jim Butcher, Zoo Day
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Old 02-26-17, 06:18 PM  
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For years I thought I was an endomorph/pear shape, because I was so lower body heavy, but now that I know more about these definitions, I'm not so sure.

When I look in the mirror, I definitely have a defined waist, but my shoulders and hips seem to be equal width, ie. I can make pretty much a straight line from shoulders to hips so "hourglass" I guess you'd say. But, I'm not sure if that's b/c I've put on more upper body muscle over the years and I look more even now. I'd say I definitely have a high mesomorph tendency. Whether I'm endo/meso/pear whatever, even though the line from shoulders to hips is straight, my thighs themselves are still massive both due to muscle and fat, and I believe alot of heavier weight training and plyo cardio. I've always hard large thighs and when I had a leaner upper body it looked more noticeable or more "pear".

I'm hoping that makes some sort of sense! I'm definitely NOT a slim, small framed ectomorph. That would be my husband
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Old 02-26-17, 06:25 PM  
Join Date: Feb 2002

Hoping the above link works. If so, I would describe my body as follows..

Lower body (thighs)--Somewhere between the pic of the 40% and 45% woman, like 42%
Waist and upper body--the woman in the 30% pic

My goal would be the 25% pic, anything thinner than that and I'd have to starve myself!
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Old 02-26-17, 06:35 PM  
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I think my lower body looks like the 25% pic, upper body a little closer to the 20%. I think I am a pear b/c if I lose weight, my torso can start to look really scrawny despite the lower body holding onto fat like there's no tomorrow!
Beth aka Toaster (she/her)

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ballet beautiful, bands lower body, thigh slimming

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