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Old 09-08-07, 03:45 PM  
Debbie S.
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I came up with a modification for renegade rows:

While doing a renegade row on my right side, I am gripping my push up bar with my left hand, and I'm using the kettlebell that is next to the push up bar on the right side, and I do the opposite for my left side.

You can also use one kettlebell.

This really helps if you have hand pain or wrist pain during renegade rows. This
Laughter is the best medicine. Have you had your daily dose?
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Don't let anyone judge you! It's your workout. Sylwia
Don't Compare Yourself to somebody else. BE YOUR BEST! Chalene Johnson

A Spark of Hope

In memory of:
Michael Sparkman
October 11th, 2001-October 21st, 2008
Hope Fimiani
August 26th, 2006-October 13th, 2008
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Old 09-08-07, 03:46 PM  
Debbie S.
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A Tip for Mastering the Swing

This article is from Dragon Door:

also enables you to use lighter kettlebells.
Laughter is the best medicine. Have you had your daily dose?
Walking is Nature's Prozac!
Don't let anyone judge you! It's your workout. Sylwia
Don't Compare Yourself to somebody else. BE YOUR BEST! Chalene Johnson

A Spark of Hope

In memory of:
Michael Sparkman
October 11th, 2001-October 21st, 2008
Hope Fimiani
August 26th, 2006-October 13th, 2008
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Old 10-03-07, 10:56 AM  
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Power and Grace

Can be purchase at Agatsu. This is DVD-R and it does state that on the site.

Demo and instruction on the following kettlbell exercises. Not all of the demonstrated exercises are in the workout circuit.

Clean and Press
Good Morning
Turkish Getup

Circuit 1 (2 minutes)
2 handed swing
around the body pass
1 arm swing
around the body pass
1 arm swing (opposite arm)
press up (I think that's what it's called not sure)

Circuit 2 (3 minutes)
Snatch opposite arm
Snatch opposite arm
press up with a squat

Circuit 3 (3 minutes)
2 handed swing
around the body pass with a squat
1 handed swing
1 handed swing opposite arm
around the body pass with a squat
2 handed swing

Circuit 4 (1 minute)
2 handed swing
kettlebell between the legs squat position
kettlebell between the legs lunge position

Circuit 5 (3 minutes)
squat no kettlebell
double clean and press
squat no kettlebell
Alternating clean
squat no kettlebell
1 double clean and alternating presses

There is no instruction or talking during the workout. You do hear a voice in the background letting the girl in the workout know what exercise to do next. I like the circuits but I wish they could have been a little longer.
Put some bells in your workout.
Check out the Everything kettlebells thread
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Old 10-05-07, 06:55 PM  
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Agatsu Second Wind

Second Wind is DVD-R and is clearly stated on the Agatsu Kettlebell site.
The DVD has the following:
kettlebell beginner, intermediate and advanced workout.
It has beginner, intermediate and advanced bodyweight workouts.
There is also an extra dumbell and 15min kettlebell workout.
There is no absolutely no talking-no instruction or pointers. I have never seen some of the advanced exercises in the advanced bodweight so I will just try to explain them.


Short Introduction

Bodyweight beginner (3:41)
Tricep pushups regular pace
Tricep pushups hold on the up and hold on the down
Tricep pushups regular pace
Side plank on one side
Side plank opposite side
Tricep pushups regular pace
Circuit is done 3 times

Bodyweight intermediate (7:50)
1 leg squat
rolling deck squat with a jump
1 leg squat opposite leg
Pushups-He stays in the pushup position but jumps with both feet and hands off the floor.
rolling deck squat
Pushup (variation) On the down of the pushup he has his arm bent on the floor and leans to that side and then comes back up to a regular pushup position.
Circuit is done 3 times

Bodyweight advanced (5:59)
I'm not sure what a lot of these exercises are so you will have to use your imagination as I explain the best I can.
Pistol squat
He is in a frog position and jumps around in a complete circle
Pistol squat opposite leg
He is in a frog position and jumps around in a complete circle
He looks like he is doing a handstand but rest his knees on his elbows. He then moves his left leg to the right and them moves it back. He then moves his right leg to the left side and moves it back. All of this while he is balancing on his hands.
He bends over hands touching the floor bending and straighting his legs, like he is working his quads and calves.
This is done 3 times.

Kettlebell beginner (7:52)
2 handed swing
Around the body pass
2 handed swing
Around the body pass
2 handed overhead press
Circuit is done 3 times

Kettlebell intermediate (13:12)
Clean and press
Clean and press opposite side
Windmill on left and windmill on the right
Squat with kettlebell overhead l/R
Snatch L/R
Circuit is done 3 times

Kettlebell advanced
Snatch left side
2 handed swing
Snatch right side
2 handed swing
Around the body pass
2 handed overhead press
Around the body pass opposite way
2 handed overhead press
squat holding kettlebell
2 handed swing
Circuit done 3 times

Extras on the DVD

Fire and Ice clip-this is an instructional DVD

Dumbell workout (3:07)
All of these are done while holding dumbells
Rolling deck squat holding dumbell
Burpee with a pushup, then stand back up and do an swing straight up with the dumbells.
With hands turned in and dumbells directly at your face squat do an overhead press while turning hand out and doing an overhead press
Circuit is done 3 times

Kettlebell (15:11)-I think this is a great extra!!!
Hand to hand swing
Between the leg pass in squat position
Hand to hand swing
Between the leg pass in squat position
Snatch L/R
Squat holding kettlebell at waist position
Two handed overhead press
Squat holding kettlebell at waist position
Two handed overhead press

I think there are a lot of options on this DVD. I just have two wishes: why couldn't it be a pressed DVD and can you please tell me what exercises I am doing. The advanced viodiots will like the advanced bodyweight exercises but I am not trying to workout that hard.
Put some bells in your workout.
Check out the Everything kettlebells thread
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Old 11-24-07, 06:47 PM  
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Steve Cotter Extreme Kettlebell Workout

This is Steve Cotters Extreme Kettlebell workout series.
There are 4 DVDs in the series. There is no music or fancy set. It is just Steve and you working out. Some of the exercises are the same but each workout is different. This mans has so much information. He tells you what is being worked in each exercise and gives form pointers on most of them. Some of the exercises use two kettlebells.

The upper and lower body workout are heavy weight and low rep, so he says to go heavy. This workout will build muscle and strength. He talks about building fuctional muscle and not just building muscle to build muscle. I guess this can be considered a slow and heavy workout with kettlebells.

The cardio/circuit workouts use lighter weights and are done at a little faster pace. Doing the kettlebell circuit you can never put the kettlebell down.

These are plain and simple workouts. Some moves are advanced but I think I can get a lot of use out of the 4 DVDs. I received these in a trade but I think that the cost 39.99+ shipping is worth the price.

DVD 1 Upper Body workout 30 minutes
Floor press 10 reps
Row- 5 reps each side
Alternating press 5reps each side
Bottoms up press 5 reps each side
Seated one are snatch 5 reps each side
Double clean 5 reps
Double swing 5 reps
Lying pullover 10 reps (chest, ribcage and abdomen)

DVD 2 Lower Body workout 30 minutes
Front squat-10 reps
Good morning-10 reps
1 leg Deadlift – 5 reps each side
Box pistol squat 5 each side
Rack lunge 10 reps
Jump squat-10 reps
Double swing 5 reps

DVD 3 Abs/Core
10 minute Abs and Core standing workout
Around the body pass switch hands 4 times every 15 seconds
Between the leg pass front to back and back to front 1 minute
Standing knee raise 25 reps r/l
Standing ab twist
Lateral crunch
Bottoms up plank
Seated ab twist
Seated Russian twist

10 minute Abs and Core Floor workout
6 movements doing each for 90 seconds
Getup situp (partial range of motion) each side
Kettlebell crunch
Lateral crunch
Alternating jack knife
Kettlebell lying pullover
Steve didn’t give a name to this exercise:Pull your feet underneath you and lay the kettlebell on your stomach. Arch your back up off the floor and then back down on the floor.

Core/Circuit workout 1 about 30 minutes

7 exercises
3 circuits(20 second rest between circuits)
Double windmill 5 each side (2 kettlebells)
Renegade row 5 reps each side
Suitcase deadlift 5 each side(2 kettlebells in one hand)
Double snatch 5 reps
L sit
1 legged deadlift with 2 kettlebells
Double clean and press 5 reps

Core/Circuit workout 2
7 exercises
3 circuits (Steve suggest 1 to 2 minute rest between circuits)
Turkish getup 5 reps each side
Slot press 5 reps each side
Bent press 5 reps each side
Bottoms up clean and press 5 reps each side
Good morning stretch 5 reps
Overhead squat 5 reps each side
Bottoms up pushup

10 min Ab and Core floor workout 2
4 exercises for 90 seconds
2 exercises 1 minute
Seated hot potato
Seated twist (swinging the kettlebell side to side)
Crunch bringing knees in and kettlebell from overhead to your knees
Lying hip rotation
Getup sit up (full range of motion) each side
Side plank each side

DVD 4 Cardio Circuit
Kettlebell Circuit Workout -25 minutes
Around the body pass 10l/r
Swing 10reps l/r
Around the body pass
Clean 10 reps l/r
Around the body pass
Press 10 l/r
Around the body pass
Squat w/kettlebell in rack positon
Around the body pass
Snatch 10 reps l/r
Overhead squat 10 reps l/r
Around the body pass
Windmill arm behind back
Around the body pass
Kettbell lunge 10 reps l/r
Around the body pass
1 leg deadlift 10 reps l/r
Clean and press
Turkish getup 5 reps l/r
Around the body pass

Workout 2 -20 minute cardio workout –This is done for time. Reps are not counted.
Swings single & H2H (darc) swings
Clean and press left side
Kettlebell overhead squat left side
Clean and press right side
Kettlebell overhead squat right side
Row left side
Back lunge left side
Row right side
Back lunge right side
Snatch left arm
Lateral lunge
Snatch right arm
Bob and weave (squat with legs apart and bring them together)
Horizontal row (similar to high pull) left side
One leg deadlift left side
Horizontal row (similar to high pull) right side
One leg deadlift right side
Kettlebell row
Slingshot squat (half squat with kettlebell going around your legs)

Workout 3 - 10 minute cardio workout
Ten kettlebell and 10 bodyweight exercises. Each exercise is 30 seconds
Double clean
Dive bomber pushups
Double snatch
Clapping pushups
Kettlebell front squats
Front kicks
Held squat stance
Double bent row
Jumping lunges
Double swings
Lateral shuffle side to side
Hip switches
Renegade row
Bob and weave
1 leg deadlift with two kettlebells
jumping pushup
Cossack lunge
Horizontal row each side
Put some bells in your workout.
Check out the Everything kettlebells thread
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Old 11-30-07, 04:27 PM  
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VFers favorite instructors, dvd and other questions.
Put some bells in your workout.
Check out the Everything kettlebells thread
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Old 12-03-07, 03:33 PM  
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A long time ago I promised a breakdown of the advanced portion of Revolution Fat Loss Volume 2 and never got around to it. Sorry guys . Anyways I decided to view it today so without further ado:

Advanced Routine A
Renegade Row 1 rep per side, jump forward to Single Arm Overhead Press Squat 5X per side
Jump back to Renegade Row X 1/1, jump forward to Alternating Overhead Press X 5/5
Jump back to Renegade Row X 1/1, jump forward to Double Swing X 5
Jump back to Renegade Row X 1/1, jump forward to Double Clean X 5
Jump back to Renegade Row X 1/1, jump forward to Single Snatch X 5/5
90 seconds rest
90 seconds rest

Advanced Routine B
Double Kettlebell Back Lunge x 5/5
Double Clean X 10
Tricep Push Ups X 8
Burpees X 5
1 minute rest
Renegade Row to Double Clean and Front Squat X 5
Alternating Dead Snatch X 5
Twisters 15 seconds
Slalom Jumping 30 seconds
1 minute rest

I'm also going to edit my original post with the review of the intermediate portion to include the advanced routines.


ETA: For some reason I can't find my original post so I may not add this part to it.

"If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run."~John "the Penguin" Bingham
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Old 02-01-08, 04:43 PM  
Le Cheez
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I hope I'm doing a repeat (I didn't see it listed) but I thought this site has a lot of exercises listed, and other stuff:
straight to the bar
Happy to be exercising again
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Old 07-19-08, 03:44 PM  
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Answers to most asked questions

This thread has a lot of other threads embedded in it. Answers to questions people ask about kettlebells.
Put some bells in your workout.
Check out the Everything kettlebells thread
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Old 07-19-08, 04:50 PM  
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so I can book mark when I get home.


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