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Old 01-05-02, 04:53 PM  
Join Date: Nov 2001
Thoughts from a relative newcomer

I found VF through the list of links on Paula Z's site, which I found while web-surfing during lunch one day. It took me a while to find my way to the forum and then a while longer to do more than lurk on occasion. What transpired on this forum on September 11 and in the days after bonded me to this site for the duration. Posts on other online forums I was visiting took some fairly quick nosedives into the political and the religious and the downright selfish. VF, on the other hand, was an island of caring and sanity (the sort that one finds only at VF) in a sea of confusion, chaos and hurt. It was okay to work out to deal with the stress of those days, and it was also okay not to workout. What was most important was finding out if everyone was okay and then helping each other find ways to deal with feelings. I'm getting teary-eyed just thinking about how often I came to VF looking for comfort during those difficult days. And then of course I became a VF addict.

I love the wonderful mixture of good advice, great support, and different opinions. I love the way someone new can post a question and the troops rally with a multitude of answers along with a warm welcome and a lot of encouragement. I love Joan Boadway's weenies, Celia's star, and all the other neat ways people have of identifying themselves. I love the way we can all be serious without taking everything too seriously and then lapse into the ridiculous at just the right moment.

VF is unique--no doubt about that. I absolutely love hanging out here! And even if I never get to meet any of you in person, I'll always feel like I have many friends here.

You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. — Maya Angelou
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Old 01-05-02, 05:29 PM  
Daphne M
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Northern Virginia
VF Memory Lane

I can never quite remember when I found VF. It's either been 4 years or 3 years. I read the reviews for a long time, then ventured into the forum. I was terrified. I thought some invisible Video Fitness Matrix Person Techonology Thing could see me at my desk and read my mind. I halfway expected a knock at my front door that night and then I would disappear forever. The unsolved mystery would haunt local detectives forever. Even Norm might notice my disappearance. (After college basketball season ended.)

My clearest VF memories:

The first day I visited the forum, a huge flame war had broken out between this poster named Clare and another poster named Dan. It was as clear as the nipples in a FIRM video that I should avoid meeting either Clare or Dan in real life. These people were scary! They cared so deeply about their videos. What was up with THAT? I mean, they're only videos, right? That is, if the whole thread was for real and not just some weird internet code kind of thing to disguise a transvestite espionage caper involving plots to dominate the world through white slavery. It was all so confusing. I had to come back again the next day ... and the next and the next. A few months later, I went on my first Cathe trip and found out that Clare is one of the dearest, most genuine people in the world.

My first VF get-together. WWWendy was there and we met at a local restaurant. I sat in my car outside the restaurant for about 5 minutes before I got the nerve to go in. I had a great time. Our local group gets together about every 6 months and each time it's as if we just talked on the phone yesterday.

The underground forum. One of the early software incarnations kept crashing. The only way to get into the forum to read messages was to select "new messages." Those of us who figured it out could communicate with each other. But there were fewer and fewer of us communicating. Every now and then an unsuspecting VFer would get in through the regular software and start a new thread, "where is every one?" They couldn't see the new messages, which weren't really assigned to any thread through a quirk in the software. Then dear Susie F, up in Alaska, must have posted 20 times in one afternoon. Each post got increasingly panicked. They got shorter and shorter. Where was everyone? Clare kept trying to email Susie, but Susie must not have been getting the emails. At the same time, Lydia started posting about the aliens coming to get us. It was a VF call to arms and we responded by manning our barbells and crouching behind our steps. The sequence of the posts -- going back and forth between Susie's panicked "where are you all?" and Lydia's "I just got one right between his 3 eyes" still brings tears of laughter to my eyes.

PaulaGate and the various imposters. Gullibly thinking, "wow, how does she have the time to be a rocket scientist, a fitness model AND a personal trainer? Goodness." Yeah, right.

Learning that some women wear underwear under their workout clothes. It had never even occurred to me.

Giving yoga a try because I wanted to be able to join in the conversations at VF. I knew I wouldn't like it: I can't even sit still to watch a whole television show. What do you know -- I loved it.

Waiting and worrying for word from WWWendy on the birth of Lucas. There was a snowstorm in Washington and she had developed xjxmxmemia (forget what it's called.) I was terrified for her.

Laughing helplessly through the very first VF "chat." It was like being on an old fashioned party line. Nothing made sense, but it was more fun that way.

Logging on to VF on Sept 12th and learning that many people had been worried about me. My phone ringing on Sept 11th -- after a very frightening and draining 3+ hour journey from my office next to the Capitol to my home 22 miles away -- and it was Judy SP calling to check on me. I couldn't believe that Judy -- who works on Wall Street! -- was actually worried about ME! But VFers are really special people. We're more than your usual "community," we're really a family.

Thanks for starting this thread, Donna Marie. I didn't realize how many great memories I had of VF until I started reading other people's.
Daphne M
Gone anaerobic one time too many.
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Old 01-05-02, 05:40 PM  
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Yes, Sept. 11th brought many of us together.

That evening I was mindlessly trying to bake cookies without any of the right ingredients -- anything to take my mind off what had happened for a few minutes -- when the Squeeze called me to the phone. It was Elisa saying she had promised to report to VF -- I hadn't checked in that day. I was so touched.
(You can get to my sketchblog through my profile page.)
I'm what I am, and what I am,
Is back on Boogie Street.

Leonard Cohen/Sharon Robinson "Boogie Street" 10 New Songs.

(I have a professional/personal relationship with an instructor who produces video and book material relevant to this site.)
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Old 01-05-02, 06:19 PM  
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Location: Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
ROTFPMP! Daphne, you never fail to crack me up!

And Sharon, I remember being very worried about you that day. A good friend of mine whom I work with doesn't know about my VF addiction, but she could tell I was particularly worried about something. Finally, I said that I was just anxious to hear from this person I knew in NY. She asked me how I knew this person in NY. Not wanting to explain the whole VF thing, I just said "She's a librarian at NYPL", knowing that she would fill in the blanks in her mind - however wrongly those blanks would be filled. But it certainly did bring home to me the power of the internet to shrink the world. Global village, indeed.

And Martha, I had no idea you were new to VF. You are one of the kindest people I've met here. Thinking of you gives me one of those warm fuzzy VF feelings ( and I'm not a warm, fuzzy person by nature, so that's quite an accomplishment).

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Old 01-05-02, 06:45 PM  
Lisa :o)
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Finding friends who share your same weird interests.........


I rarely post but have been a member here since 1997. Over those past 4-5 yrs, I have moved 3 times and had 3 kids and let me tell you that this website/forum has definitely been a stress reliever for me!! Sometimes I'm here faithfully for months and then I'll get off track and not visit for a few weeks but I ALWAYS come back. It's so nice seeing familar names and new friendly faces as well.

I definitely remember the good and bad, all the software changes, the Firm-flaming threads and all the Road Trips that I was never able to make. This yr was a close one though with the Kari Road Trip because we live in the Seattle area. Of course then I have a baby a week before.....maybe next time, right??

The best thing for me though has definitely been the camaraderie. There is not a lot of places where I can go and people listen, give advice, make me smile/laugh plus discuss power lunges! It has been invaluable to me and I thank you all!!

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Old 01-05-02, 06:46 PM  
Loretta S.
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I've been coming here for 2 years and have so many great thought about VF. You all really do feel like family and I'm constantly amazed that we've been able to build this wonderful community. There's no place else like it.

My favorite VF memories are the times I've been lucky enough to met fellow VFer's in person. If you've ever ridden through downtown Seattle with Tami Skelton at the wheel and Norma backseat driving, then you know what I mean. The Seattle get togethers we have had have been terrific. What an intelligent and fun group! The Kari Anderson Trip was amazing. I loved meeting people from all over the country that I've never seen before and feeling like old friends right away. I think Kari was bowled over by all these fans who she graciously invited to her beautiful home.

I feel so lucky to be a part of this unique phenomenon, this freindly little village, this supportive community!

OK someone get me a kleenex!
"The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing, would suffice to solve most of the world's problems."- Gandhi
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Old 01-05-02, 07:35 PM  
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Upstate NY
Re: VF Memory Lane

Originally posted by Daphne M
Logging on to VF on Sept 12th and learning that many people had been worried about me. My phone ringing on Sept 11th -- after a very frightening and draining 3+ hour journey from my office next to the Capitol to my home 22 miles away -- and it was Judy SP calling to check on me. I couldn't believe that Judy -- who works on Wall Street! -- was actually worried about ME! But VFers are really special people. We're more than your usual "community," we're really a family.
I remember the relief I felt when Judy told me she'd reached you, Daphne. She and I were tag-teaming your phone number...I must have tried it 40 times and kept getting that terrible fast-busy. I had your number memorized after about the 5th time. It was so surreal to find out that the spot where the Pentagon was hit was right where Judy and I had driven past it with you just 5 or so weeks before. Wow.

One of my first and fondest VF memories is of my first post, in November 1998. I asked for advice on what Kari Anderson and Karen Voight tapes to get next, since I loved New You and Your Personal Best and wanted to branch out. (Can you believe I had less than dozen videos then!!) One of the replies was from Amy Brier, who offered to loan me some of her Kari tapes. I was blown away! I couldn't believe someone to whom I was a complete stranger -- an INTERNET stranger, no less -- was willing to send me some of her videos to try. Again, wow.
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Old 01-05-02, 07:46 PM  
Susan G.

A few valleys and many more peaks

. Paula-gate and our accompanying doubts who was real and who was fictitious.
. The graduate school check-in spat. Good grief.

. The delightful day I met VFers in NYC last March and felt instantly part of the group, live and in person.
. Ego here, but the time I started a well-answered thread about not being my mother's 50.
. Animation oneupmanship.
. Barb L's graceful poem.
. WWWendy's wise moderation of the forum.
. Those quirkyoff-topic threads. I know they're not politically correct, but I'm sorry they're dwindling.

Happy New Year.
Susan G.
Old 01-06-02, 12:40 AM  
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Talking A Chrissy update plus

Karen N & others,

Chrissy is alive & well & enjoying her vacation! Yippee!

VF is such a wonderful place. I consider you all friends although I've only met a few DC area VFers in person. Wow, I remember the first DC get together I attended at Daphne's house. (Yes, she's a marvelous person as you all suspected) My husband & daughter were very reluctant to let me out of the house to meet these strange people who they thought were men masquerading as women. If they only knew. This same daughter is attending the same college Mistress Satanica graduated from. (Should I be worried?) To think other people knew just who & what The Firm were. I was so overjoyed to find VF & people who understood & shared my video obsession, which has only become more obsessive with every post I read.

I can't thank WWWendy & the moderators enough for making this the kind, sharing & caring place it is as well as informative & addicting.
"If you're going to have a big butt; have a GREATbig butt!" Gin Miller
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Old 01-06-02, 10:36 AM  
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Memoriessss, light the corners of my minnnnnnddd

Hee hee.

Well, for a start, I remember waiting VERY nervously when I posted that first thread because I wasn't sure how much of a sense of humor the board as a whole had and I figured if you all didn't get the kidding, I was in for a hiney flaming. I also remember being overjoyed that you all were so funny and nice in response. Then I KNEW that VF was a place I wanted to be.

The late night silly threads, usually in cahoots with Rainy. I think the Butt-y Putt-y thread went on into the wee hours before we threw in the towel. As I recall, I had a migraine (this was before Suzanne turned me on to Imitrex, for which I worship her daily) and I was typing with a garbage bag full of ice cubes on my head. hahaha

Being able to write a VF version of the "Night Before Christmas" filled with VF references and have it be understood. A few times I tried to read it to other people and then realized it was futile. They would NEVER get it. We speak our own language. Which I LURVE.

I remember driving over to my Mom's house to use her computer VERY frequently. Especially for chat nights. (I didn't have my own computer until my 2nd year at VF). The fact that I was so attached to VF to drive across town that often says a lot about the people here. When I got my own computer, it seemed so indulgent. Now I could wile the day away at VF. It was better when I went back to work and found out I WASN'T behind a firewall!

Paulagate. "Nuff said.

The Underpants thread. I had NO idea what commando was and I picked up a new expression - "butt floss." Ah, the high cultural tone of VF. hahahahahaha

Getting to meet the DC area VFers and Abbe at DCAC and waiting nervously in the hotel lobby hoping I would be able to find them. I remember Wendy and I exchanging a glance or two before she said "Joan??" What a great time we had.

Staying with Clare in Chicago and meeting Suzanne, Sharon and all the other Chicago area VFers. Hands down, that is the most fun weekend I've had in years. The best part is that I got to spend it with two people who have become very close friends - Suzanne and Clare!

Experiencing the freedom to slap people with a fish and have them enjoy it. Where else?

Getting great advice from everyone when I was first starting out and also generous loans of tapes. I honestly don't think I would have kept the habit up if I hadn't found VF. I have to give it credit for allowing me to establish a lifetime commitment to fitness. The amount of knowledge here is staggering.

The Bite Me girl. And the Spammer. Ah, I love the smell of fresh spam in the morning.

Everyone's gifs. They crack me up. Oh, and I like roasting them. Mmmmmmm

And one thing in particular that I have to mention, because it is, in large measure, what allows VF to be such a place apart in the world of the Net. The fact that Wendy and the moderators don't allow the ugliness, cattiness and abuse that can be so common on Internet forums to flourish here. Sure, we have had our moments, but they are short and handled quickly, not allowed to proliferate. THAT is the reason that I feel like VF is my home. It's a safe place, a mature place and a kind place. That means a lot! The nasties do come, but they take a few good looks around and they leave. They can tell this is not a place they can spew their venom.

Oh, and Kay. Yes. You should be worried. UT is where I was turned from an innocent, sheltered schoolgirl into the woman I am today. Be very afraid! hahahaha

"We all want the looooove...without the handles!" Tracy Effinger

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