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Old 04-24-06, 01:47 PM  
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Originally Posted by WWWendy
Do you think it makes the most sense to put a link on the reviews entry page? Other suggestions?
I guess that's what I was thinking--maybe as part of the index?
Beth aka Toaster (she/her)

Follow me @YogiBethC

And yes, I am Reviewer Dr. Beth on Amazon.
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Old 04-29-06, 01:20 AM  
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: 10th Planet
I absolutely agree with you! I think this chaptering information of the DVDs is very helpful to all Vfers!

Originally Posted by toaster
I was just thinking--wouldn't it be helpful to have a link to this thread in the Reviews section? First of all, when people search for reviews, I'm sure that they are looking for much of the same information that is contained here, and secondly, I think that many VFers don't even realize that this exists!

WWWendy, is this something you think would be appropriate?
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Old 04-30-06, 01:44 PM  
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Wendy, I saw that you did add the link to the reviews page--it's perfect, thanks!!!
Beth aka Toaster (she/her)

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And yes, I am Reviewer Dr. Beth on Amazon.
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Old 05-16-06, 06:02 PM  
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Kathy Smith Super Slimdown Circuit - May 2006

Originally Posted by bzar

i got my Super Slimdown yesterday from DDD. i had preordered.

each of the 3 workouts is chaptered.
Secrets of a Great Body (SGB) Lower Body (LB) Workout
SGB Upper Body (UB) Workout
Functionally Fit - Peak Fat Burning

LB muscle groups (brief lecture)
Warm Up

UB Muscle groups (brief lecture)
Warm Up

Warm up
Training Zone (target heart rate lecture)
End credits

i own the vhs versions of these. the SGB set is a "classic" Kathy vid and was probably filmed using analog technology. therefore, the DVD version, although clear and true to the original, may not be as clear as had it been filmed using current technology. but it's a really good workout - i usually get DOMS. it has a good description of how to do push-ups for push-up wimps like me.

the FFPFB is extremely clear and just great. i did the workout this morning - haven't done the vhs version in quite a while. i was in my THRZ from the get-go; during the anaerobic phases, it went way up there, and it went down during the recovery phases. it is a well-designed interval workout that doesn't use a step. it ought to be in the VF hall of fame, i think.

if you have functionally fit lower body firming, she uses the moves from this workout in FFPFB during the recovery phases, so you get a toning benefit.
hi - i posted this originally in GD.

Miyagi: Wax on, right hand. Wax off, left hand. Wax on, wax off. Breathe in through nose, out the mouth. Wax on, wax off. Don't forget to breathe, very important.
[walks away, still making circular motions with hands] ~ Pat Morita, The Karate Kid, 1984

disclosure: in the years 2002-2004 i had a professional relationship with a distributor of fitness videos; see profile.
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Old 12-25-06, 10:46 AM  
Katie W
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Barbara Benagh, Power Yoga for Every Body

1. Good Morning—20 min, Poses by DVD Title numbers: 2, 3
2. Good Morning Extended—39 min, #2, 3, 6, 15
3. Invigorating Practice—43 min, #3, 6, 16, 15
4. Strength + Balance—42 min, #3, 16, 9, 19
5. 5. Balanced Energy—56 min, #1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 21
6. 6. Full Work Out---84 min, #1, 2, 3, 6, 16, 9, 12, 20
7. Quieting Energy—35 min, #1, 2, 12, 15
8. Good Night—18 min, #2, 20


1. Good Morning—25 min, #2, 4
2. Good Morning Extended—48 min, #2, 4, 7, 15
3. Invigorating Practice—49 min, #4, 16, 10, 19
4. Strength + Balance—45 min, #4, 7, 16, 15
5. Balanced Energy—64 min, #4, 7, 10, 13, 21
6. Full Work Out—98 min, #1, 2, 4, 7, 16, 10, 13, 20
7. Quieting Energy—38 min, #1, 2, 13, 15
8. Good Night—18 min, #2, 20


1. Good Morning—37 min, #2, 5
2. Good Morning Extended—67 min, #2, 5, 8, 15
3. Invigorating Practice—63 min, #5, 16, 11, 19
4. Strength + Balance—71 min, #5, 8, 16, 15
5. Balanced Energy—90 min, #5, 8, 11, 14, 21
6. Full Work Out—126 min, 1, 2, 5, 8, 16, 11, 14, 20
7. Quieting Energy—43 min, #1, 2, 14, 15
8. Good Night—18 min, 2, 20

Poses in each DVD Title

Title 1—6 min, Relaxation

Title 2—12 min, All Levels, Passive warm up: Reclining Cobbler + blanket and blocks, Supta Padagusthasana sequence, Lying twist with shoulder opener

Title 3, 8 min, Beginner Modified sun salutations with chair

Title 4, 23 min, Intermediate Sun Salutations

Title 5, 25 min, Advanced Sun Salutations: with backbends, jumping, chaturanga

Title 6, 23 min, Beginner Standing poses: Parsvakonasana, Trikonasana, Uttanasana, Vir 1, Vir 2, Tadasana, Uttanasana, Expanded leg forward bend, Revolved triangle, Down dog

Title 7, 17 min, Intermediate Standing Poses: Parsvakonasana, Trikonasana, Parsvottanasana, Revolved Triangle, Down dog, Lunge, Vir I, Vir II, Expanded leg forward bend, rest in Uttanasana; repeat other side. Hand to toe balance pose, Uttanasana, Lunge, Plank, Chaturanga, Up dog, Down dog, Pendant balance pose

Title 8, 24 min, Advanced Standing Poses: Uttanasana holding big toe, jump to plank, Down dog, Trikonasana, Ardha Chandrasana, Parsvottanasana, Revolved triangle, Down dog to chaturanga to Up dog to down dog, Parsvakonasana, Vir II, Revolved Parsvakonasana, Upward Extended Foot (1 leg Uttanasana), Leg balance holding big toe—leg forward and to side, Uttanasana, jump to Down dog, jump through to Dandasana

Title 9, 12 min, Beginner Backbends: Prone on folded blanket Crocodile, Locust variations, Cobra to Upward facing dog, Child, Prayer pose

Title 10, 14 min, Intermediate Backbends: Prone on blanket Crocodile, Locust sequence, Bow, Cobra, Upward facing dog, Down dog, Prayer pose

Title 11, 16 min, Advanced backbends: Supported backbend over bolster (6 min), Setu Bandha/Bridge (2 times), Urdhva Dhanurasana/Upward Bow (3 times), Knees to chest with ankles crossed

Title 12, 11 min, Beginner Seated Twists + Forward Bends: Sukasana, Twist with hand on opposite knee, Marichy (1 leg straight forward bend), Wide Angle forward pose, Dandasana + forward bend, Bharadvajasana Twist, Thunderbolt (sit on heels)

Title 13, 14 min, Intermediate Seated Twists + Forward Bends: Cobbler + forward bend, Revolved Janu Sirsasana, Wide Angled forward bend, Revolved head to knee, Dandasana + forward bend, Thunderbolt (sit on heels), Child

Title 14, 19 min, Advanced Seated Twists + Forward Bends: Cobbler + forward bend, Revolved Janu Sirsasana, Janu Sirsasana, Upavistha Konasana (wide legged), Marichyasana 3 twist, Dandasana + forward to Paschimottanasana, Vadrasana (sit on heels), Virasana (between heels), Paschimottanasana

Title 15, 6 min, Relaxation

Title 16, 16 min, All Levels, Abs sequence: Vishnu’s Couch (lying on side alignment), stick to plank, side plank, curl-ups, Navasana, Bakasana (crane) prep sequence, Child’s pose

Title 17, 14 min, Interview with Barbara

Title 18, 1 min, Introduction and Precautions

Titles 19, 20, 21, 6 min, Relaxation
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Old 12-25-06, 02:20 PM  
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I got the Benagh Stress Relief for Christmas--woo-hoo! I may preview before we go out this afternoon.
Beth aka Toaster (she/her)

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And yes, I am Reviewer Dr. Beth on Amazon.
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Old 12-31-06, 05:15 PM  
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Barbara Benagh Power Yoga for Every Body- "Dummies Version"

With kudos to Katie W.'s list for making this compilation easy. Within each practice, there is a beginning, intermediate, and advanced version and the details of what is included in each section is listed in her post .

1. Good Morning—
  • Warm up
  • Sun Salutations
2. Good Morning Extended—
  • Warm up
  • Sun Salutations
  • Standing Poses
  • Relaxation
3. Invigorating Practice—
  • Sun Salutations
  • Abs
  • Backbends
  • Relaxation
4. Strength + Balance—
  • Sun Salutations
  • Standing Poses
  • Abs
  • Relaxation
5. Balanced Energy—
  • Sun Salutations
  • Standing Poses
  • Backbends
  • Seated Twists and Forward Bends
  • Relaxation
6. Full Work Out--
  • Relaxation
  • Warm up
  • Sun Salutations
  • Standing Poses
  • Abs
  • Backbends
  • Seated Twists and Forward Bends
  • Relaxation
7. Quieting Energy—
  • Relaxation
  • Warm up
  • Seated Twists and Forward Bends
  • Relaxation
8. Good Night—
  • Warm up
  • Relaxation
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Old 03-09-07, 02:01 AM  
Join Date: Jan 2004
Leslie Sansone 5 Mile Advanced Walk Chapters

TT (title): CH(Chapter)


01:01 Mile 1 Chapter
01:02 Walk with Weights (15 1/2 mins.)
01:03 Mile 2 Chapter
01:04 Fast Walk with short jog bursts (9 mins.)
01:05 Mile 3 Chapter
01:06 Walk with Belt (15 mins.)
01:07 Mile 4 Chapter
01:08 Fast Walk (13 1/2 mins.)
01:09 Mile 5 Chapter
01:10 Walk with Bands (12 mins.)
01:11 Stretch
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Old 01-24-08, 05:02 PM  
Join Date: Apr 2002
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The Firm Total Body Time-crunch w/Rebekah Sturkie

Chapter 1: Intro tune
Chapter 2: Warmup
Chapter 3: Sculpt. Biceps, squats and outer thigh lifts, bent rows and dead rows
Chapter 4: Cardio. Low jacks, side-front-side, single leg side hops (mini skaters), ham curls
Chapter 5: Sculpt. Bicep front lifts, plié sweeps, french press, single leg squats, squats
Chapter 6: Cardio. Step knee & rear taps, plyos, front kicks, heel dig hops
Chapter 7: Sculpt. Upright rows, side lunges, front delt lifts, dips
Chapter 8: Cardio. Tristar, lunge 'n arm sweep, turning squat hops, bob 'n weave w/uppercut, twisting knee repeaters, side kicks
Chapter 9: Sculptl Lunge w/upper body chops, chest flyes & butt lifts (also single leg), chest press & and butt lifts (also single leg), tricep extensions, tricep presses & ab crunches, ab work
Chapter 10: Stretch

Express Premix: Chapters 2, 3, 5, 9, 10.
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Old 01-24-08, 06:24 PM  
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The Firm Total Body Toner w/Allie del Rio Pointer

Chapter 1: Intro tune

Chapter 2: Warmup, 2 x 16 pushups, light weight work: Step-touch w/alternating upright rows, alternating side squats w/bicep front lifts, alternating lunges w/hammer curls

Chapter 3: Body turning one arm lat rows R, side lunges R, one arm lat rows R, lunge w/ alternating hammer curls R, one arm bicep preacher curls R, front and side delt lifts, squats, power jumps (or alternating side squats)

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Body turning one arm lat rows L, side lunges L, one arm lat rows L, lunge w/ alternating hammer curls L, one arm bicep preacher curls L, rear delt lifts, alternating front delt lifts, pliés, lunge hops R+L (or stationary lunges R+L)

Chapter 5: French press, 4 count dips R w/overhead presses, triceps kickback, 4 count dips L w/overhead presses, double arm lat rows, wide leg dead lifts, squats w/alternating side leg lifts AND alternating tricep/bicep arms (simultaneous combo), wide leg dead lifts, alternating lunge holds w/upper body twist AND bicep holds, side bends

Chapter 6: Plank w/alternating knee-ins, travelling plank to side plank R, supine oblique work R, butt lifts, plank w/alternating knee-ins, travelling plank to side plank L, supine oblique work L, single leg butt lifts, alternating crunch reaches w/dumbbells, lower body crunches, bicycles, long lever arm crunches w/alternating leg lifts

Chapter 7: Stretch
Never trade what you want at the momemt for what you want the most
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