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Old 02-20-03, 10:27 PM  
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Thanks for the great thread, Joanna and Deanne and others!

I've noticed that so many discussions on JV center on results, like dramatic appearance changes and reduced inches/clothing sizes. I think it's important to note that Joyce only guarantees such results if you also follow a strict diet, in addition to doing her strength training programs. Of course, we're not allowed to discuss diet details here at VF, but they are available in her books. IMO, her dietary guidelines (based on WTME, which is her only book I've read) aren't anything too extreme or unhealthy, but they are far too strict for me to follow. Others may find it reasonable, but diet is a very ugly 4-letter word as far as I'm concerned .

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Old 02-20-03, 11:31 PM  
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Thanks, you two!

Originally posted by Joanna
From Patricia: “There are at least 250 tall box climbs per leg on that tape, plus over 200 lunges per leg. The difference is that the reps are not all sequential.”

Of course I'm thrilled to be quoted and completely dismayed to have my hasty, somewhat exaggerated and innacurate counting again on display. Not PER LEG (doh!).

Anyway, fabulous summation!
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Old 02-21-03, 02:30 AM  
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Thank you Joanna and Deanne!

This was a very helpful thread and I appreciate the refresher course, and links to past threads! I've been spending lot's of time going back and forth, between Joyce's site, and here re-reading old threads, and trying to absorb as much information as possible.

Would also love to see a Joyce FAQ of some kind. Excellent idea.

Thanks a bunch Joanna, Deanne, and Mandy (and others like Mollie) who have been so patient in answering so many of our questions. The break-downs of many of the workouts have been especially helpful, too!

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Old 02-21-03, 08:55 AM  
Mollie F.
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Originally posted by janetb
IMO, her dietary guidelines (based on WTME, which is her only book I've read) aren't anything too extreme or unhealthy, but they are far too strict for me to follow. Others may find it reasonable, but diet is a very ugly 4-letter word as far as I'm concerned .
I'm with you, Janet! I'm seeing results with Joyce, and I'm not dieting. This month is hardly a model month (that will be quite an installment on the Success Stories in Progress! :rolleyes: ), but I think that you can achieve your goals with Joyce by adding more cardio. Of course, as Joyce herself points out, a lot depends on how much weight you want to lose and how quickly you want to lose it. I know that I'll lose the weight slowly, but I'm putting on muscle fairly quickly, and that helps.
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Old 02-21-03, 09:04 AM  
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Thanks everyone!

for the thanks for that easy job I did (not like Joanna's! She did a fabulous job compiling that info!).

I don't follow Joyce's diet either & definitely need more cardio to "lose weight." My scale hasn't been moving & I'm just now beginning to explore the eating aspect of my journey. Have to say tho that with Joyce (& little cardio - like 2 times a week!), I am still seeing great results. Definitely seeing definition, fat burning & muscle!

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Old 02-21-03, 12:48 PM  
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another thanks!

for this great thread and compiling all of the information for us!
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Old 02-21-03, 01:45 PM  
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I've moved this to the FAQ

I knew this thread would end up in the FAQ, so I've moved it here before I forgot with a redirect in the original location. You will still be able to reply to the thread here. Enjoy!
Wendy Niemi Kremer
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Old 02-21-03, 01:47 PM  
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Amazing job Joanna!

Wow! Do you want to come work for our management company? LOL!You are awesome! Well done!

I wanted to mention that I too think Joyce' diets are very strict and hard to follow. My whole life is centered around food so I have my treats. I've got my workouts down excellent so I'm proud of that fact. But I don't deprive myself in the food department. I just wanted to mention that. I still lost weight using Joyce's workouts and didn't diet extreme. Also, with Joyce's workouts, you put on muscle so you will weigh more than when you did at your normal weight with no muscle. Muscle is amazing in that you look better at a higher weight. I found that since I do like treats, I have to do more cardio along with Joyce to burn off the extra treats I allow myself.

Thanks again for all your hard work!
Mandy Lee
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Old 02-21-03, 03:24 PM  
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THANKS so much for your wonderful responses

And thanks to Deanne, Mandy, Bebop and everyone who posted in the threads I borrowed from. Due to popular request, I have prepared a more direct, consise comparison of every single Joyce tape I know of, that includes more information about the books and DVD options. It's long---I am pasting it below.

I also have a 16-page printable word file with all the Joyce information I posted here. If you want it, please email me.

Also---I think it goes without syaing that a compilation pf this sort is, and always will be, a group effort. My intent here was simply to compile all the useful information from the rest of you into one place, and that remains the goal. I have other instructors I use besides Joyce and hardly consider myself a groupie but I do know thather programs often appeal to beginners who might not want to buy a lot of equipment and invest a lot of time. In fact, I myself started out exercising with Joyce's books. So I am compiling this because I feel it is important to help out beginners with their goals, etc. But I encourage you all to help me continue to keep this information up to date! If you have any SHORT comments (i.e. this is a pithy summary, not a review, for, as Mollie pointed out, we do have those and they are wonderful) you want me to add for any of the workouts, or any topics you feel should go in this FAQ, please email me.

Without further ado, the workouts:


Workout: Workout 101

Pattern: 1 exercise per body part, done for 3 sets: L-M-H

Split: None. You do the whole body in on workout.

Lifting Speed: Fairly slow.

Minimum Plan: 20 minutes

Maximum Plan: N/A

About the book: There is no book for this workout.

About the DVD: This is included on the Weight Training Made Easier DVD.

Comments: Kathy G. says: “I don't know if I'll ever use the Workout 101 section,'s a full body workout that only does one exercise (three sets) per body part. It's only about 23 minutes long but I like more exercises per body part.”


Workout: Dynamic Tension

Pattern: 2 exercises per body part, done for 3 sets of ten using one set of weights

Split: 5 days, or you can combine the sections into an upper/lower split routine

Lifting Speed: Fairly slow

Minimum Plan: 12 minutes for one section

Maximum Plan: Nearly an hour for the whole tape

About the book: Many said they did not understand the concept of dynamic tension until they saw it in the video.

About the DVD: The DVD includes the “Non-Stop” workout

Comments: Cynthia says: “I still have the book. It was how I learned to weight-train. I got it when it first came out -- 1988 maybe? Years later, I bought the video. Traded it here 2 years ago, at a sacrifice, considering how expensive it was. I hated it. Joyce kept saying "dynamic tension" every other word. Plus, about half the book's workouts didn't appear. Instead of 6 different workout as in the book, I think the vid only has 3.” (Note: it has 5 sections).


Workout: Bone-Building Workout

Pattern: 2-3 exercises per body part done for 3 sets of 12 (L)-10 (M)-8 (H)

Split: 2 days

Lifting Speed: Slower

Minimum Plan: 20 minutes

Maximum Plan: 25 minutes

About the book: Bebop says: “Bone Building - the book - It is one of her easier workouts - but you can make it advanced by lifting heavier - in fact - I did the workout yesterday and lifted heavier than I had all week. I have the book, and I have no intention of getting it on tape.”

About the DVD: The DVD includes the instructional “Joyce Explains” tape.

Comments: Mandy says: “I like the Bone Building DVD. It's a nice slow pace with 15 seconds in between exercises. It has a customize your own workout on the DVD so if you want to you can pick and choose what you want. Sometimes I want to do just Bone Upper body so I customize it to my workout that I want to do.”


Workout: Fast Forward

Pattern: Tri-sets---you work 3 body parts per round, for 3 sets of 12 (L)-10 (M)-8 (H).

Split: 3 days (her only 3-day split)

Lifting Speed: Slower---this is one of the “Marthe counts” programs.

Minimum Plan: 20 minutes

Maximum Plan: 40 minutes

About the book: There is no book for this workout.

About the DVD: The DVD includes the “Gut Busters” program.

Comments: Susan P. says: “I got the Fast Forwards in trade and have to say that I really LIKE Joyce! She's such a hoot! She reminds me of Emeril Lagasse somehow. Just the way she talks and is kind of flamboyant.”


Workout: Bottoms Up Gold Plus (replaces the original Bottoms Up series)

Pattern: Superset between body parts---each body part is paired with another, then worked in rounds for 3 sets of 12 (L)-10 (M)-8 (H).

Split: 2 days

Lifting Speed: Slower

Minimum Plan: 20 minutes

Maximum Plan: 40 minutes

About the book:

About the DVD: The DVD has all three videos on one disk, with no extras.

Comments: Bebop says: “I highly recommend BU for anyone who wants to try Joyce but doesn't like to lift fast - or for Joyce fans who want to try something different.”


Workout: Weight Training Made Easier

Pattern: As in Bottoms Up Gold, but pairing different body parts.

Split: 2 days

Lifting Speed: Very fast

Minimum Plan: 20 minutes

Maximum Plan: 40 minutes

About the book: The book is very different from the DVD. It presents four similar workouts in four progressive levels. The video/DVD roughly corresponds to ‘level 4’ in the book. If I were only buying one Joyce book, as a reference to complement her videos, where the instruction is sketchy, I would choose this one. It offers the most bang for your book buck.

About the DVD: There is no menu to select a shorter workout---if you want this option, you are told to simply hit ‘skip’ when you are tired of working the body part set you are on. The DVD Includes the “Workout 101” program.



Workout: Fat Burning Workout, Volumes 1 and 2

Pattern: Supersetting within body part---you do all sets with the lightest weight at once, then all with the middle weight, then the heaviest weight.

Split: 2 days

Lifting Speed: Fast

Minimum Plan: This is the Volume 1 tape---20 minutes

Maximum Plan: This is the Volume 2 tape---40 minutes

About the book: The video/DVD is a fairly faithful live version of the book. If you can stay motivated without the aid of a video, the book alone will suffice.

About the DVD: The DVD is one of Joyce’s best values---both volumes of the Fat-Burning Workout, and the Bathing Suit Workout on one disk.



Workout: Definition

Pattern: True Pyramid. 2 exercises per body part, done for 5 sets of 12 (L)-10 (M)-8 (H)-10 (M)- 12 (L)

Split: 2 days

Lifting Speed: Very, very fast---be careful!

Minimum Plan: 15 minutes

Maximum Plan: 30 minutes

About the book: Leela says: “However, the book workout for Definiton is arranged differently than the video. In the book, the exercises for each body part are grouped together, and, if you're doing the Minimum plan (which is called something else in the book), you just do the first two exercises out of four. On the videos, the Minimum plan is done first, then, if you're doing the Maximum plan, you do the next section, which is composed of the rest of the exercises for each body part. I actually like the video arrangement better, because each body part gets a bit of a rest before getting worked again. i know that Bebop (for example) like the book arrangement better.”

About the DVD: The DVD has all three videos on one disk, with no extras.

Comments: Videogirl says: “Today I did upper body and I was amazed to get such a great workout. It just doesn't look like it can be that challenging. I think it's because you move along so quickly. I just dont'get this fried feeling with Cathe, except with Powerhour. And I was done in about 25 minutes or so. I even had time to do some cardio.”

Martha says: “I have several of Joyce's workouts, and Definition always toasts whatever body part I'm working. I like Joyce's personality, too--very real, very unrehearsed, very funny!”

Bebop says: “I Always feel like I get a great workout with definition! I'm not that crazy about the lower body workout - I guess I get bored doing 5 sets of 15 reps - but I love how you can get a fantastic 15 min upper body work - that leaves plenty of time to add on any lower body workout you want!” Deanne says: “I know the Definition upper body toast all too well. It's all I can do to put the weights away (I'm so busy trying to unflex my biceps!) when I'm done. But then, 10 minutes later, I feel great! I like the whole set - upper, middle & lower. I tend to use only a minimum plan for upper & max for the rest.”


Workout: Non-Stop

Pattern: 3 sets with the usual 12 (L)- 10 (M)- 8(H), but mixing up the exercises for all body parts in the cycle in random order, interval-style.

Split: 2 days

Lifting Speed: Moderately fast

Minimum Plan: 20 minutes

Maximum Plan: N/A

About the book: There is no book for this workout.

About the DVD: The DVD includes the “Dynamic Tension” program.



Workout: Gut Busters

Pattern: 15 sets of ab exercises, one set of each in a round, repeated 3 times.

Split: N/A

Lifting Speed: Very, very fast

Minimum Plan:

Maximum Plan: N/A

About the book: The book is not easily available and may be out of print.

About the DVD: The DVD includes the “Fast Forward” program.



Workout: Bathing Suit Workout

Pattern: Trisets---each ‘round’ has two lower body and one ab exercise. Do one set of each, then move on to next round and do same, etc.

Split: N/A

Lifting Speed: Fast

Minimum Plan: One round is 20 minutes.

Maximum Plan: 60 minutes for all three rounds, but note that each round is just a replay of the same 20-minute first one, so you could make it even longer…

About the book: The book is different_ you do all 3 sets of each round before moving on, instead of giant-setting them. The book also has very convenient pull-out charts featuring each round on its own page, making this an especially easy program to follow without the tape.

About the DVD: The DVD includes both volumes of the Fat-Burning Workout.



Workout: Interval Aerobics

Pattern: One minute of cardio followed by one set each of 3 non-weighted toning moves per cycle

Split: N/A

Lifting Speed: N/A

Minimum Plan: 21 minutes.

Maximum Plan: 42 minutes---the footage from the basic plan, recycled

About the book: There is no book with this program.

About the DVD: The DVD includes the “Easy Stretch” program.

Comments: Bebop says: “it's a hoot - she is having so much fun - again, nothing fancy - 30 second aerobic cycles - do whatever - literally you want - than 3 sets of lower body, non weight work.”

Mandy says: “Joyce is just as silly as ever but I had fun. I just like her goofy style and plain old having fun. She is always going"hoo-hoo" alot in the Interval workout.”


Workout: Easy Stretch

Pattern: N/A

Split: N/A

Lifting Speed:

Minimum Plan: 24 minutes

Maximum Plan: 48 minutes---the footage from the basic plan, recycled

About the book: There is no book with this program.

About the DVD: The DVD includes the “Interval Aerobics” program.

Comments: Bebop says: “This is a nice stretch tape for beginners but anyone can use it - I will alternate it with my "fancier - pilates/yoga - type stretches). This is also a nice add on to any Joyce tape - the upper body stretches are a good add on to any of Joyce's upper workouts.”

Mandy says: “The easy Does it stretch video is wonderful! Finally an athletic stretch video that holds the stretches and uses a towel! The music is really relaxing and Joyce's New York accent is pleasant to listen to as she is stretching. She does alot of nice standing stretches and then floor stretching for each muscle…even the forearms and wrists. This is my favorite stretch video now.”
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Old 02-21-03, 03:43 PM  
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I have also included a whole pile of extra Joyce rotations, culled from various sources, in the word file. Should be fun...

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