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Old 02-25-03, 04:26 AM  
Liz N
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My experience

I worked out with both of my pregnancies, but my first pregnancy I really scaled back. I gained 55 pounds and had an emergency C Section and took two years to get back into shape (albeit a different shape).

During my second pregnancy I trained very intensely - I ran thru to 31 weeks and taught Bodypump and Bodystep through to 36 weeks. I stayed in touch with Dr James Clapp who helped me to monitor my work outs to ensure I was staying "safe". I gained 30 pounds, which is within the recommendations of a 25-35 pound weight gain. Aside from gaining less weight, training really buoyed my self esteem and outlook whilst I was pregnant which was really the greatest gift I could have asked for. Plus, although I had nausea in the first trimester, I had energy to burn. I was climbing up into a tree house with my 3 year old at 39 weeks.

I had a planned C-Section this time and returned to teaching classes 9 weeks post partum. At six months post partum, I'm about 5 pounds above my pre preg weight, and breastfeeding successfully.

Hope that helps anyone contemplating a fit pregnancy.
Liz N

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Old 02-25-03, 09:51 AM  
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Rochester, MN
different experiences

Just like every child is different so is every pregnancy. However, I'm a STRONG believer that while exercise may greatly increase your comfort during pregnancy and speed up recovery, it will have little impact on your labor and delivery.

My first pregnancy was very fit - did run/walk and BodyPump up till 36 weeks, gained 25 pounds. Typical 12 hr labor, 40 min pushing and while weightloss after was quick, I streched the pelvic ligaments which took over a year to recover from. Trauma to the pelvic floor was evident in holding as little as 5 pounds. High impact would cause quite a bit of pain and had a hard time walking for days afterword.

Second pregnancy, I was already 40 pounds overweight -good thing was I only gained 11 pounds. Almost as soon as I got pregnant the ligaments loosened up and I was in pain again so I ceased almost all forms of exercise. I was miserable. Sitting around all day with that extra weight in the abdomin was hard on my body - sore back, scatia, stiff hips, bla bla bla - you get the picture. However, labor and delivery was a breeze! In fact, it happened so fast it caught me by surprise and as we were getting our coats on to go to the hospital I had that overwhelming urge to push - our daughter was born in the bathroom I took of my pants, squatted down, two pushes later I had her in my arms and I stood up. Recovery from that was a breeze! Lifting and walking were no problem after #2, unlike #1.

Hopefully if #3 comes along I'll have a pregnancy like #1 and a delivery like #2! One can hope anyway
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Old 02-26-03, 09:33 AM  
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My Story:
my first baby was 8 years ago. I worked out with a trainer at the health club. I worked there stop working out mid point of 1st trimester. I had morning sickness badly since i worked & had 2 get up at 5am! morning sickness disappeared on the weekends when i slept til 8am! I would have chips at 7am when i work. only thing that helped. I ate & walked to & from work as my belly got bigger. Gained 30lbs on my 5'4 frame. My son took 30 hours of labour & I had a c-section. He's a cute little bugger. . 3 years later *rolls eyes* I hadnt lost the weight & did something bout it. lost 40lbs and was in good shape.

My second baby was almost 4 years ago. I didnt workout due 2 a bad pinched nerve in my leg. I cant walk 2nd trimester on. I gain the same 30lbs. My daughter took 5 hours of labour. I had another c-section, my choice . I didnt start 2 workout til she wasy 1 1/2(both of them dont sleep thru the nite til they r 8 months old) but i ate better. I lost the same 40lbs but its different this time do 2 the fact that they r 5 years apart. But that is life. They r healthy & cute, that is all that matters.
Still working on the last of the jigglies & by Caine's blood, I'll get it done b4 I'm eep! 40. i got 4 years, so it will work

"There ain't no rest for the wicked,
Money don't grow on trees.
I got bills to pay,
I got mouths to feed,
There ain't nothing in this world for free.
I know I can't slow down,
I can't hold back,
Though you know, I wish I could.
No there ain't no rest for the wicked,
Until we close our eyes for good".
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked -Cage The Elephant

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Old 06-11-04, 03:10 PM  
Join Date: May 2004
Location: West Virginia
I've had three pregnancies all within 3 years. My youngest is 15 mo. old now.

1st pregnancy used it as an excuse to stop exercising and gained 50 lbs. Felt and looked absolutely awful during and after.

2nd didn't exercise gained 35 not that great either. Started getting back in shape after this one.

by the third one I got smart:
exercised 6 days a week with walking and JOyce vedral. I did that until 7 mo. along then I still walked but did Joyce's dynamic tension instead of weights. Only gained 18 pounds. I felt soooooooo much better and had A LOT more energy than I had with the first two pregnancies. Keep in mind I was taking care of a 2 yo and another baby while being pregnant so the fact I could keep up with them with out being completely exhausted convinced me more than anything that I will exercise with any subsequent pregnancies.

As for whether it helped with labor, can't tell ya, I have c-sections. Which honestly I prefer. But all my nurses told me it was amazing how quick I could get out of bed and get around so easily after the c-section which I do chalk up to being in good shape.

My husband said after this one that you could not tell I had just had a baby. now I don't know whether he was just being nice but....I was back to working out by 4 weeks post partum. Felt like I could before then but they told me absolutely not. They bargined at 4 weeks because I was already workingout before but ususally its 6 weeks postpartum for c-sections.

A year later I am 10 pounds lighter than I was when I got pregnant with him. I highly reccomend staying in shape, you will feel better for it all the way around.

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Old 12-18-09, 06:43 PM  
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Santa Monica, California
During my pregnancy I walked a lot, and took pregnancy water class(in the pool) and prenatal yoga. So regular exercise, but nothing too intense. My natural delivery was very easy, if you don't count 2.5 hour pushing(over nine pound baby)- totaly 8 hours. Pushing that long actually felt like marathon. Thank goodness I could drink tons of water, because I had him with a midwife.
It seems, that not too heavy exercise helps with delivery, very heavy one(makes the muscles tense) or none- doesn't. That's my theory though.
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Old 02-22-12, 07:01 AM  
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: MA
I was 34 when pregnant with my first. I kept the exercise low impact and used moderate weights. I did a lot of firms and exercised til the day I gave birth. I gained 25 pounds. I was induced after my water broke . Labor was quick, no epideral and with a pushes out came girl #1. I lost most of the weight fairly quickly but held onto 5 pounds while nursing. Once I weaned I lost the 5 pounds plus 5 more. No stretch marks, body back to the same. Pregnancy #2 I was 38. I did more strenuous exercise. Couldn't do my highest impact though since the bladder wouldn't allow. Did my weights. Gained 10 pounds first trimester but it all evened out. Gained 23 pounds total. Did get some vericos veins. Some vaded , some didn't. Labor was quick, still no epideral, 3 pushes and out came girl #2. Overall, body returned.
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Old 02-22-12, 10:13 AM  
Barbara P
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I had my son when I was 39 (he will be 20 on Leap Day next week....) and at that point I'd been a daily exerciser for almost 12 years. I swam (still do) every morning and went to fitness classes at my work's fitness center. I kept up the classes till around 7 months but continued to swim, up until the day before he was born.
I did end up with an emergency c-section, but at my 2 week checkup after that I asked the doctor when I could start working out again. He said when you feel up to it, so I started 3 weeks after the surgery/birth.

I think being fit allowed me to bounce back from major abdominal surgery very quickly.
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