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Old 06-26-19, 06:07 PM  
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: NE Pennsylvania
Originally Posted by wendug View Post
Joan (Ms. Thistlebottom)- I just wanted to tell you that your profile pic of the kitty with the invisible barbell made me laugh out loud. Funny!
Yes, so funny! I never looked at your profile picture closely before. Love it!

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Old 06-26-19, 08:36 PM  
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: South Florida
Lyonmom - I smiled about your dad comment. My dad enroll my contemporary sister and I in sports at early age. He ran track too. I wish you a steady recovery after your surgery.

MsThistlebotttim - Arrrg I want a barbell so bad! I cannot get one because I move frequently for work (by choice bc I want to climb the career ladder as further as I can to get a higher pension and I’m a adventurer) Once I retire my goal is to have my garage gym set up nicely with cool equipment such a squat rack.

Kathy - When I joined VF I was using DVDs for cardio mainly. I read about Cathe a lot, but was still working out at the gym. Once I tried her workouts, I was hooked! I knew about Step from gym classes, but Cathe is another level.

Garrie - First, your avatar is so cute! You must be one of the youngest members here. I have hope that VF is going to be alive for MANY years to come having you with us,

If you want to build muscle THIS is the time! It’s easier when we are younger due to hormones. We can build at a older age but it’s harder. Take advantage now! There are many programs out there that can help you reach your goal. As long as we are challenging ourselves it doesn’t matter the location where we do our workouts.
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Fitness IG @sharazdeleon
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Old 06-27-19, 06:31 AM  
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Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Virginia
I can't remember exactly how I found VF. It was around 2001/2. I really loved the early firm VHS and Kathy Smith.

I don't really have a fitness background. I just love that working out gives me more strength and flexibility.

My favorite instructors are numerous. I will probably always like Cathe and Tracie Long. For early instructors it was Kathy Smith and the Firm. Now I probably do a bit more streaming and paid downloads than DVD.
I really like aloMoves as they have a nice variety of yoga instructors with several different levels. They put out new series frequently that I enjoy.
They are probably my most consistent at the moment. I tried udaya and will probably go back to them off and on.
My favorite for weights/kickboxing is Les Mills.
For courses I have downloaded I have liked those by Erin Kelly and Steph Gongora as well as those based on Anatomy Trains Karin Gurtner.
Another that I do sporadically is Buti Yoga. I have done essentrics as well.
As you can see I just like to move and try new things.

This summer I have been going through a beginner download yoga course by Erin Kelly and Steph Gongora that worked on breath with movement which is fun. I am trying to improve the use of breath linked to movement which makes certain moves more effective.I will also do the course by them that is on Omstars and AloMoves.
I mix that up with yoga from aloMoves Dylan Werner (he is yoga and also background in fascial movement), Caley Alyssa, Bri, Ashley, Patrick...
Another course I will add is the udaya course from Jules Mitchell.

Whenever I just can't make myself do anything I go back and do a few Cathe, Tracie, and Firm workouts. They seem to always get me going.

A bit long winded I know
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Old 06-27-19, 09:29 AM  
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Another lurker here.

I found VF from the Firm Forum about the time the BSS series came out.

Fitness background: I also worked out with Jane Fonda in my 20s as part of a group at work during lunch. I ran in my 30s and early 40s. Was overwhelmed for a while then found Joyce Vedral in my early 40s followed by Leslie and then the Firm BSS series. Have been working out with videos ever since. Now at 61, after a few issues that slowed me down in the last 18 months, I am starting over this summer.

Favorites: I always go back to Joyce Vedral and Leslie Sansone as the combination works for me no matter my age and fits my life and schedule. I Previously enjoyed, but out of reach now are Cathe, KCM and Tracie Long.

Summer workouts: Just began yet again by walking this week, and will add in one of Joyce's workout plans using her videos starting the first. I keep trying various (short) yoga workouts hoping that I will find the right fit to end the day.

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Old 06-27-19, 10:26 AM  
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Denial
Another lurker/rare poster here...

I think I found VF in the early 2000s -- (edited to add: looks like I joined in 2003!) I was in graduate school and had a wacky schedule, so I shifted to working out at home with videos because it was easier to be consistent. I started with The Firm -- my first ones were that pair with Heidi and Pam -- I forget their names. That was right before BSS 1 came out.

I ended up collecting a bunch of Firms on VHS, and did mostly that until I discovered Cathe thanks to this forum. Right now I am alternating Cathe weight training with spinning at the gym. I teach college and have time in the summer to fit in the spin classes, but during the semesters I mostly work out from home with videos.

Current favorites: Cathe's ICE and LITE series, and Tracie Long's metabolic strength series, along with some others of hers. I think Cathe and Tracie are my most used of my collection. Sometimes I go through barre phases, but it's been a few years since I've done much of that.

Last edited by Cerulea; 06-27-19 at 10:27 AM. Reason: added join date
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Old 06-27-19, 10:30 AM  
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Location: Spicer, MN
These threads are always so fun. I semi-lurk, sometimes post, but sure read a lot of the posts in many of the rooms.

1. How do you found VF?
I was a customer on Collage Video and emailed their customer service about trading old workout. They pointed me to VF! Been here ever since 2003.

2. Fitness Background
I played lots of sports as a kid. My dad got me into it. He also was an avid exerciser and I started training to be a female body builder in high school. That kind of went by the wayside when I got married and had kids when I was 20-22. But I never quit working out and when I discovered Gilad and follow along workouts on ESPN, I never looked back. I LOVE lifting weights! I enjoy lots of other workouts, and would probably implode if I didn't have my Yoga and meditation. I like to push myself!

3. Favorite instructor(s)
In no particular order: BJ Gaddour, Cathe, LOVE anything Les Mills, Tony Horton, Autumn C, Kelly C-M, Bob Harper, Eoin Finn, Rudy Mettia...sooooo many more! Sagi, Shaun T, etc.

4. Let us know about your Summer workout plan.
So far it's lots of metabolic workouts. Plenty of weight lifting, both heavy and endurance with blasts of cardio. I'm more active outside too with gardening and yard work. So far July includes MetaShred Extreme, Power Music Group Rx Boot and Axis, Men's Health Spartacus workouts and a few workouts from Tapout XT that I didn't do this month. Plus some Les Mills on Demand and maybe even a Cathe or two. I write out a rotation calendar every month but do tweak it when I feel like something different.

I have exercise ADD and LOVE LOVE LOVE the variety.
HI all!! Very glad to see you all here and glad you posted! I enjoy reading your posts.
Do your BEST and Forget the Rrrrest! Tony Horton

When your body screams, tell it to shut up! Body Pump

"Where I am today is where my mind put me. Where I'll be tomorrow is where my mind put me." - Billy Blanks

I'm a SHOCKING GRADUATE of STS!!!! Feb - May '09!
I did it again! I'm a SHOCKING GRADUATE of STS!!!! Feb - May 2018!
Beachbody On Demand 80 Day Obsession - Full Rotation June - September 2018
Third time's a charm! I'm a SHOCKING GRADUATE of STS!!!! July-Oct 2020!
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Old 06-27-19, 01:20 PM  
Join Date: Oct 2006
Hello all! Agree that this is a fun thread!

1. How do you found VF? Long ago when I found YaYa's Firm Believers Board.
2. Fitness Background Have been exercising on and off since my first clamshell vhs of The FIRM vol. turning back...went to gym worked out with trainers, but always my core was home workouts vhs cds mp3 dvds and streaming
3. Favorite instructor(s) no single favorite, but my current dvds consist mostly of the FIRMS, Cathe and Kettlebell workouts.
4. Let us know about your Summer workout plan. Traveling lots so mostly walking for this summer

Like hearing your stories!
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Old 06-27-19, 09:30 PM  
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Western WA
I post occasionally but I read every day all of y’all’s posts. I am so very grateful for this forum because I have learned so much.

1. I found vf whilst looking for information on step aerobics videos. I had just purchased my step and a compilation of workouts from Cathe. The classics I believe. I spent hours fascinated by what I read here.

2. Fitness background - I did not play sports but I loved p.e. I did play a little racquetball in college but it was mostly aerobics at the gym. I started home workouts with the Firm BSS and also TaeBo. My home video library exploded after I found this site looking for other step aerobic enthusiasts. I’m a constant restarter and my restarting formula is Leslie Sansone/Margaret Richard.

3. Instructors that have inspired me include Margaret Richard, Leslie Sansone, Teresa Tapp and Miranda Esmonde-White. I also have found Sally Edwards’ book on heart rate zone training to be very helpful. Someday I would like to do a Tracie Long rotation.

4. My summer workout plan is T-tapp because I’m dealing with some pain and it’s already helping. I started out the year with Women’s Health and Fitness workouts and had to stop due to muscle pain/tightness/arthritis that will have me at the physical therapist next week. There will also be some classical stretch and foam rolling to do along with whatever the pt gives me.

Thank you VF. I’m a proud vidiot.
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Old 06-28-19, 08:58 AM  
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: South Florida
I enjoy reading about the workouts you have done or are currently doing. Sometimes there are some new to me (e.g. Yoga instructors mentioned by Kathym) or reminders about workouts I own.

Kate – I thought about you because I found that Men Health released a couple of workouts recently or at least I wasn’t aware of I know you like Men Health releases. I am going to start a thread, so you and others chime in.
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Fitness IG @sharazdeleon
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Old 06-28-19, 09:25 AM  
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Just love reading about everyone's fitness backgrounds.
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