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Old 06-24-21, 11:44 AM  
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Originally Posted by Vantreesta View Post
Good call subbing another Jilliam workout for the cardio 1, kat. I may actually do that too. Do each BR cardio once then sub other Jillian cardio. I have almost all her workouts (maybe all?) but have never done most of them. Story of my life!
Yeah, I don't mind the repetition of Workout 1 and 2, but doing the Cardio 1 sooooo many times just made me hate it. It's great to do once or twice, but yeah swapping in a different JM for that seems like it'll work. I also have a bunch of her WOs and her Fitfusion app.
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Old 06-25-21, 01:08 PM  
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Today is the rest day at the end of Week 2 of Phase 1, but instead of fully resting as I did at the end of Week 1, I did one segment of the 10 Minute Solution kickboxing workout with Keli Roberts, followed by Start Up with Jane Fonda (which is basically a 25-minute fusion workout involving stretching, ballet/barre and Pilates-style moves). The kickboxing was all medium-impact cardio, and the Jane video is very slow and gentle. I still managed to get 35 minutes of exercise credit on my Apple Watch without feeling like I overworked myself (no weights were used for either workout).

I am taking the day off weighing and checking my BP, and tomorrow I'll start Week 3 of Phase 1, which switches to Workouts 3 and 4 (although it still includes Cardio 1, which I am going to swap out a few times). I'll be increasing each of my weights by one pound for light, medium, and heavy.

Very, very excited to move on to the second half of this phase!
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Old 06-26-21, 09:39 AM  
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Second half of Phase 1 starts TODAY! I did Workout 3, and hoo boy, that was a wake-up call! I burned 221 calories, which is a new record for the first time through one of these, and that was WITH modifying a bunch. My HR only got up to 165 and it averaged 145, so I feel good about that, but I really did have to modify a lot more than I thought I would. Some moves were easy, like reverse lunges (hello, I've been doing the FIRM for almost 30 years, so dips--even weighted--are zero biggie), and tree pose with standing chest flies was also super easy (due to all my yoga training). But dear lord, there are soooo many planks, and I still can't actually do unmodified push-ups, so I just plan to sort of work my way up to the hardest version that's possible for me and see what I can do.

One thing I didn't love about this particular workout is Jillian says she wants you dropping "crazy" amounts of weight per week, not just 1-2 lbs. Well, I'm averaging about 2 lbs./week, which is faster than I've lost weight in the past, and I'm 46, so. Calm down, Jillian-from-9-year-ago. I'm on a very strict food plan, I'm doing my darndest with the BR workouts, and many days I'm doing some add-ons, so I think my 2 lbs./week is pretty respectable.

Speaking of results, my BP this morning was fantastic, my weight today is the same as it was on Thursday, but that's good and indicates I'm at least not gaining, and based on my plan for the rest of the weekend I should have another drop in weight tomorrow, if all things go as I hope. So I'm still down a total of 5.2 lbs. in 19 days, or still hovering around 2/week.

I'm considering how I could accelerate that just a smidge while still saying safe and sane and not overtraining, but honestly I think I'm going at a reasonable pace.
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Old 06-27-21, 11:08 AM  
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Workout 4! I like this one a lot. Apparently I enjoy the "pull" workouts more than the "push" workouts, because this is very similar to Workout 2, which I really enjoy. As with yesterday, I had to modify a lot more than I did in Workouts 1 and 2, but I feel like it was still really effective, challenging, and I am definitely seeing a lot of improvement in various modalities. For example, I was able to do unmodified plyo skaters this time, I was able to do several ab moves without modification, and weighted good mornings were the default rather than the "up" modification and I did them without even questioning it. Surrenders are pretty impossible for me due to the way my knees feel on the floor, so if I try those on the next time doing this workout, I'll try to anticipate that and put down my FIRM Zip trainer in the domes position to see if the soft surface helps train me to do those instead of modifying to do reverse lunges.

Results: I am down an entire pound today, but I know that's partly because after my Workout 3 session I had some extra time and did an add-on of a 3.5-mile interval power walk outside (the weather is particularly good this weekend). I would not ordinarily add on quite that much; it was a full hour of extra exercise. I'm now down 6.2 lbs. total in 20 days which at this rate is just over 2 lbs./week. I continue to not follow the BR d*et plan and am doing my own thing, which appears to be working.

One concern I have for the upcoming holiday weekend is that I'm going to be out of town with friends who are big foodies, and I do want to enjoy myself, so I may do some add-ons throughout the week and skip/move some rest days so that I don't have to take my DVDs and equipment with me. I will have access to hotel gym, and I think if I move cardio and rest days appropriately I can stay basically on my exercise plan with just some treadmill runs, then quickly get back on plan on Monday the 5th or Tuesday the 6th at the latest. So my check-ins may be a little more sporadic then, but hopefully I won't completely blow all my progress!
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Old 06-28-21, 10:51 AM  
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Happy Monday! Today I did Workout 3 again instead of cardio, in anticipation of my vacation, because I won't be bringing my DVDs with me and will just have a hotel gym, so I'm moving my cardio and rest days to the weekend. This was a little easier for me this time around. I burned 218 calories, my HR average was 140 (113-163), I modified less, and I tried some of the harder moves a few times. I have a lot of trouble with planks and pushups, so this time around I used my FIRM Zip trainer under my knees to start training myself to be able to do them with proper form, even if my range of motion isn't as great. Over time, I want to be able to just stay on my toes without the ball under my knees.

Results: my weight is up 1 lb. this morning from yesterday, but I think that is water retention due to my cycle. I'll try to stay very hydrated today and hopefully that'll bounce back down tomorrow. My husband remarked yesterday that he's really noticing a narrowing of my midsection and thigh area. I also tried on some size 12 jeans yesterday and they were very loose, when I think a few weeks ago they would have fit without a belt.
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Old 06-29-21, 09:30 AM  
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Location: Ohio
Workout 4 again today! (Again, this is slightly out of order because of a vacation.) Love this one still, and I think it's my favorite of the whole system so far. I did MUCH less modifying this time. I used my FIRM Zip trainer in the dome position for the surrenders and was able to do the first set almost totally otherwise unmodified (except that I only used bodyweight, not dumbbells). The second time through, I did not hold my hands up in the air and actually found that harder, so the next time I do this workout, I am going to try to keep my hands up for both sets.

The only other thing I modified was planks with leg raises, which I did in tabletop instead. Next time I'll try using the Zip trainer again told hold my knees up and see if that helps me get better at plank.

Most everything else felt doable at either normal or even modified up to greater difficulty.

For this workout, I love the section where Jillian makes Mimi do a little instruction on the good mornings. I kind of want a whole workout that Mimi leads. They seem to have a very good-natured jokey relationship that just gets more pronounced as the program continues.

Results: I lost .6 lbs. since yesterday, back down to my lowest weight after a little uptick, so now I'm again averaging over 2 lbs./week. BP remains low. Today's WO burned 217 calories, my HR was 102-167 for an average of 144, so I'm seeing a lot fewer very high spikes that concern me. My resting HR is continuing to be much, much lower than it was before I started the program. I can see some slight definition in my upper chest and obliques. I still have just over 28 lbs. still to lose to reach my goal weight, but I'm also starting to really think things are working.

Note on add-ons: In anticipation of my upcoming vacation and being kind of "off plan" for both workouts and d*et, I'm doing extra workouts some days. Yesterday I added Level 2 of Jillian's Six Week Six Pack plus made sure to get to 10K steps through little walks during the day, and I ended the day with over 90 minutes of exercise credit on my Apple Watch. Today I plan to add on Level 1 of Jillian's Beginner Shred and not use weights but just treat it as cardio plus get to 10K steps, so that will actually be taking it a little easier. I may not have time to do add-ons every day this week, but I'm discussing this to make it clear that, even though I do think the majority of my good results are due to Body Revolution, it has also provided me with the stamina to add in additional exercise as my schedule permits, and that extra activity is likely contributing, too. I do also think paying attention to food is important as well. If I had decided to do this system without any extra workouts or changes to my food intake, I honestly don't think it would be as effective as it is. It would still be giving me a lot more stamina and endorphins, however, and provide some good muscle toning.

All this to say that if you want this system to really do some fat shredding, you do have to be really, really focused and stay on plan as much as humanly possible.
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Old 06-30-21, 01:04 PM  
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Back to Workout 3, this time increasing my weight sizes by 1 lb. for each set (light, medium, and heavy). I had to modify a lot more today due to the increased weight and my own DOMS, which started to creep up on me this week (probably because I skipped cardio day). Feeling good, though, and for everything I swapped or modified, I tried to still keep it a move that worked the same muscle groups Jillian was aiming for. I burned 240 calories, my HR stayed between 122 and 170, for an average HR of 149. Not too happy that it went all the way up to 170, but I think that has to do with increasing my weights.

Results: I lost another .2 lbs. as of this morning, for a total weight loss so far of 6.4 lbs. in 23 days (the average is hovering at just around 2 lbs./week most weeks).
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Old 06-30-21, 03:06 PM  
Join Date: Feb 2009
Hey, kat999,

Just popping in to say, You go girl! You are doing so great with this program, and I am impressed!

I don't have this system, but have been tempted to purchase it many times. I am really enjoying reading your posts.

Have fun on your holiday weekend with friends, knowing that you have come this far, planned accordingly, and will get right back on the program after the holiday!
Transformation is a current activity, not a future event. -- Jillian Michaels
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Old 06-30-21, 04:39 PM  
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Thanks so much, Malinda! I really appreciate the support!

I am honestly loving this system, I love that the workouts are short and are easy to make more or less challenging, and I obviously love that they seem to be effective. If you've considered this system, I definitely recommend it so far. Apparently it's all available on her app, if you don't want to try to find the DVDs.

For my weekend away, I am going to give myself permission to relax a bit, but I'm glad I'll have a hotel gym and can get my cardio in!
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Old 07-01-21, 09:33 AM  
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Workout 4! Last go-round with BR before I leave for my trip. Tomorrow will be a rest day. Workout 4 doesn't actually use the cable but I used a Thera-Band on the leg raises instead of a dumbbell and actually snapped the band in half! Fortunately I have others, but I won't be making that substitution again!

For some reason this time through this one, I burned a lot fewer calories, just 186. My HR stayed between 90-159, for an average of 131. That might actually be a little low, but then I do think I'm just better at working the muscles that the even-numbered workouts challenge (back, biceps, obliques) than the odd-numbered workouts (triceps, shoulders, abs), so it has quickly become less challenging. I used fairly heavy weights on a lot of the moves, and even weighted the lunges pretty heavy.

Results: my weight is back up a little bit today, but I think I'm in PMS mode, so hopefully that's just water retention. My BP was crazy, crazy good this morning, and I slept like a baby last night. I think my biceps are showing some definition.

I'm probably not going to log again until Tuesday, when I get back on plan more completely. Tomorrow will be a rest day, then I'm just doing cardio on the weekend.
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body revolution, body shred, check-in, jillian, jillian michaels

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