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Old 11-23-01, 03:36 PM  
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It's About Time I Introduced Myself!

I started coming to VF for the reviews about four years ago and began lurking on the forum and exchanging with other VFers about two years ago. I am not shy by any means, but I just never got around to posting. I have received a lot of advice, information and encouragement from this forum, and I appreciate everyone's perspective.

I am 40, have been married 2+ years, and have a 1 year old daughter. In June, my husband took a job in the Washington, D.C. metro area, so we sold our house in Ohio and purchased one in Northern Virginia within 6 weeks (talk about stress and sticker shock!).

I have been an elementary teacher for the past ten years, but I am lucky enough to be a SAHM for now. It has brought unexpected joy to my life! I decided that along with the many new changes in my life, that I would begin particpating in the new forum.

Given a chance, I would do step or circuit workouts all the time. I've also discovered kickboxing (I know I'm way behind!) this year. I have developed a healthy respect for core strength workouts because I had absolutely no core strength after my pregnancy. I workout 3x a week for 45 to 90 min. balancing cardio, strength, and yoga/stretch. I am finally beginning to make progress on my pregnancy weight, and am regaining my prepregnancy fitness level!
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Old 11-23-01, 03:49 PM  
Emily B
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As you can see from my log in name, I am Emily, a 25 year old SAHM to a gorgeous baby girl, Anna. I have been married for a little over 2 years to my best friend who is in his second year of law school in Little Rock, AR. I love being married and being a mom, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am from South Carolina, but I have lived in Utah, Idaho, New York, and now Arkansas. I have a degree in English from BYU in Utah, and I plan to go back to school one day (when kids are older) to do something - but I don't know what.

I have been working out since I was 15 years old. That's when I got my first gym membership and started running cross country. I was a gym-a-holic until we got REALLY poor with DH in law school and me staying home with a baby. I discovered videos in January 2000 (Cathe's BodyMax was my first), and I have been visiting VF since around that time, I think. I really miss going to a gym, but it is so much more convenient to work out at home now that I have a baby. Our dream is to build a big fitness room one day - DH loves to workout, too.

I'm excited because DH will be clerking for a firm in Columbia, SC this coming summer, so I plan to join the Firm for the summer. I love Cathe, Franny, Christi, the Firm, and anything else intense and complex. I love to think when I workout, so that's why I love choreography. Working out is my number one passion and probably always will be. I hope to keep it up until I die!
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Old 11-23-01, 04:13 PM  
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Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: California (yay!!)
Hi everyone

I'm mostly a lurker also, but I have posted a couple of times. I'm single, early 40s and I now live in New Jersey - I can't wait to get back west. I lived in Nevada for 10 years & I miss the desert. I'm in the east doing a phd in computer science (if my genie isn't working, I'll be quite embarassed).

I discovered VF last summer when I was looking for more challenging videos. I like strength training best, but I also do step. Hi-lo is hard because I'm space challenged. Right now I'm in a Cathe phase (week 3 of slow & heavy) and before that I was loving the Firm. I also belly dance (hence the genie), though not as much as I did when living in Reno.
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Old 11-23-01, 04:19 PM  
Celia M
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Location: Sacramento area, California
Hi de hi, all!

I'm 41 - 42 in a couple of weeks . Married for just over two years to a man I went steady with in high school, then didn't see for 20 years. Also have a wonderful 13 year old stepdaughter, and 2 cats, Aloysius and David Ann (Al and Dave) round out our happy home. We all live in the Sacramento CA area.

Work-wise, I run a small obscure government agency that, contrary to Todd trippers assertions, is NOT the CIA. We plan and fund major transportation projects, like freeways and train service.

I've been on VF since sometime in late 1996 or early 1997 - never much of a lurker, but not the most consistent poster in the early years. Now I'm just a junkie, both for VF and videos. Current stock is around 120, plus another 100+ I've traded or given away.

I'm a step fiend, love the complex stuff. Christi, Andre, Franny, and the Anderson sisters get a lot of use, but I love lots of variety, too. But from this forum I've learned the importance of cross training, so I also do strength at least twice a week (FIRM or Cathe, mostly), plus hi/lo. I've even added a couple of yoga tapes.
__________________ Celia
star of my own living room
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Old 11-23-01, 04:22 PM  
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Location: Toronto!
Since I helped inspire this thread, I should probably participate :-) My name is Joanna, I am 24 and I live in Toronto. I am living with parents until I finish school in April (finishing up a post-grad journalism program) and cannot wait to be a "real" grown-up and move out again (I did my undergrad out of town and loved the freedom). I have been posting on VF for two years. I started with Joyce Vedral's tapes, and although I don't use them anymore for various reasons, I am grateful to Joyce for getting me started. I have almost 100 tapes, although I have seen/tried/traded at least as many more. I love strength training best of all, and although I am a very, very bad stretcher (NO natural flexibility at all) I have been trying to work on that more. I have a few cardio tapes I enjoy, but I am a huge choro-klutz and tend to prefer machines for cardio work.

One of the highlights of my VF experience has been having the opportunity to meet several VFers in person, at Canfitpro two years running, and when various VFers have been in Toronto for vacation and business and have looked me up. On one occasion, I got to go somewhere else for work, and on very short notice, Abbe went out of her way to meet me for coffee in downtown New York. I always enjoy meeting VFers, it is so much fun! Although...Abbe had just come from video shopping and was all "oh, it's too bad you couldn't come with me" and I only had two hours to spare and several PR people babysitting me and not letting me do anything fun :-)

I also met Christi Taylor, twice, at Canfitpro. She is EXTREMELY nice, and very generously had dinner with us and hung out with us and told us lots of cool stories. She seems to plan to make Canfitpro a regular thing, so I hope I will see her again. If anybody else has not met her in person and has a chance to do so, do it! And if you are in Toronto, call me and we can meet :-)

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Old 11-23-01, 04:32 PM  
susan p
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We've gota bunch of Klingons here. . .

Love to see all you lurkers "de-cloaking" (haha!). LOVE lurkers, y'all are great. Although now that I'm a Pennsylvanian I'm going to have to learn to say "youse guys" instead of "y'all."

At any rate, I'm 38, mom of three daughters, SAHM, exerciser on and off since my Bodies In Motion with Gilad days back in 93 (when my honey and I got our first TV after 8 years of marriage). I found VF, which greatly expanded my horizons, the week before Thanksgiving in 1998 and have enjoyed MANY get-togethers with fellow VFers. I'm a cardio kinda girl, love choreography, especially hi-lo! I'm the world's worst over-poster (like Loretta, it's just not my nature to lurk! I gotta TALK!) but now that we have a forum with an "ignore" feature, that shouldn't be a problem, LOL!! Y'all (or youse guys, take your pick) can just TURN ME OFF!!
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Old 11-23-01, 04:38 PM  
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Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Starting back on track

I have just started posting in the last week (mostly questions), though I have been lurking for about a year.

I am also in Toronto, Canada. My husband and I moved back here after 6 years working as chefs in the mountains of Banff, Alberta. I used to exercise at home a lot, but living in such a beautiful place inspired me to hike instead. Moving back to the city meant no more mountains to climb and I gained weight rapidly.

Now, I am back on track with the exercise and not being a chef anymore has taken away a lot of the food temptations. Although my husband still does it and cooks fabulous meals for me. I hope I can find the time to post some of our healthier recipes.

I work out about 5 times a week for an hour and since we don't have a car, I walk a couple of miles per day. My favourite instructor is David Snively, who has a show in syndication here in Canada. I tape the episodes and mix and match depending on what I want to accomplish. I have been picking up more tapes based on the advice on this site. Thanks for all the reviews!!
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Old 11-23-01, 04:44 PM  
Becky D
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Join Date: Nov 2001
Cool Cool!

Wow--how cool to log-on and see replies to my post!!

[Edited to remove personal info]

Anyhow, I hope more newbies and VF regulars continue to post. This is FUN!!
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Old 11-23-01, 04:57 PM  
Kelly D
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Location: Birmingham, Alabama
It's hard to remember exactly when I found VF but I thnk it was around the Summer or Fall of 1999. I actually began exercising consistently in January of 1999. I only had about 5 or 6 videos at the time. Times have changed. I probably have at least 75 to 80 videos now. I love step but have begun to love hi/lo since I discovered Christi. My favorite instructors are Cathe, Christi, and Andre with a little Mindy thrown in.

I stay home with my 2 1/2 year-old son. I do medical transcription work at home part time. I have been married for 6 years and we have two dogs, a lab and a mutt (Tucker and Shelby). I have lived in Birmingham, Alabama all of my 32 years but plan on moving next year as soon as we get a house built. The move will be only about 30 minutes from where we live now but it's definitely a different kind of place (country). We bought 15 acres and, although I will miss my little house, I am looking forward to the move.

I love crafts and I crochet, crossstitch, and draw. I love to play the piano and have played for my church for about 17 years. (WOW, I'm getting old) I also like to read mysteries and LOVE to cook.

Nothing exciting but it's me!
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Old 11-23-01, 06:00 PM  
Barbara P
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Location: MiddletownCT
Oh I love these threads
I've been coming to VF since I got my first home computer, which was May 1996. I found VF shortly afterwards, so it's been 5 1/2 years here for me. Thanks to VF I have all of Cathe's tapes and all the Firms also! And Christi's! I don't know that I would have tried them without VF.
I'm 49, married (16 years TODAY) have a 9 1/2 year old son, 2 cats, 7 fish and live in CT. I work part time (thank GOD) at the old insurance company in Hartford CT.
I also swim every day and go to the fitness center at work and take classes. I have now, let's see, 200 tapes??? And with the new firms and SuZan and Tracies tapes coming out...hmmm..

I've also had the opportunity to meet many other vidiots, many of whom frequent VF, HI JOANNA! Joanna and I got together when I was on vacation in Toronto in August. Last year I also got to meet Christi Taylor in Toronto but missed the VF get together by 1 day
I've also been on 4 Firm trips, including the recent infomercial one, which Joan Boadway was also on, we had a GREAT time! All night long!

Also thanks to VF, as I mentioned, I started the Firm, joined their email list, and in October several of us ran the Hartford CT 1/2 marathon, my very first race. 2 firmies came from NY area, and 1 flew in from Detroit for the race. It was awesome.
VF has really added a lot to my life and I'm very grateful!!
Barbara P
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