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Old 05-25-07, 01:33 PM  
Join Date: Nov 2001
Where can I find a certified kettlebell instructor (RKC)?

Certified Kettlebell Instructors

You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. — Maya Angelou
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Old 05-25-07, 02:39 PM  
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Maurteen Martone Cardio Fatloss for Women and Interval Training for Women

(This was done by me) Breakdown of Cardio Fatloss for Women
Maureen Martone - Cardio Fat Loss for Women
It isn't a must have. The set is ugly. She is in a large room and all I notice behind her is a ugly white wall.

It is broken down into 3 15 min workouts:

warm up-5min (same in all 3 workouts)

beginner - 5min
2 arm swing
1 arm swing right
1 arem swing left
H2H swing (hand to hand)

intermediate 5 min
1 arm clean right
1 arm clean left
alternating dead clean
alternating clean and jerk

advanced (this is tough) 5 min
clean and snatch right
clean and snatch left
alternating squat thrust /clean/snatch combo

cool down 5min (same in all 3 workouts)
2 arm swing
around the body pass (sling shot)
side step
box squat

H2H bonus section (this is from her husbands dvd)
high pull catch
high pull catch into front squat
high-pull clean-right
high-pull clean left

I did this today. I think there is a way you can mix and match these but I could not remember how to do it. It is a short intense workout but nothing special. If I were you I would stick with getting kettlebell goddess.

Comments from Martha Edington

I have Cardio & Fat Loss for Women, but it's on my swap list. Nothing wrong with it--it's just not the way I'm interested in working out right now. It has a warm-up, a cooldown, and four 5-minute segments that are mixed and matched to create 20 different workouts. The moves are all pretty basic, the instruction is good, the music and set are very, very basic.

I bought Interval Training for Women and sent it back for a refund because it's a DVD-R and also because it wouldn't play properly in either of my DVD players. I was able to preview it on my laptop, and I think the concept and exercises are great. Maureen is going to send me one that's been burned just for me to see if the playability is any better, but I've been e-mailing back and forth with her about the DVD-R issue and about how I'd never knowingly buy one and would never recommend one to any of my kettlebell-using friends, either. Their replicator is insisting that DVD-R is the industry standard (yeah, right) and that the problem is with my players because they're just not powerful enough for the technology (does this sound familiar, Cathe fans?).
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Old 05-25-07, 02:43 PM  
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Dave Whitley-Power Circuit review and breakdown

This was done by me

Power Circuit

I think this is DVD-R. It is chaptered by the workout. There is music, no warm up or cool down, just you and Dave. It is not as professional as the AOS DVDs. It's very basic but I like it anyway.

The breakdown is :

11 minute workout
Turkish Get Up
Hindu Push Up
Hindu Squat

20 minute workout
Hindu Pushup
One Arm Row
Hindu Squat
Clean and Press
Squat Thrust

38 minute workout
Turkish Windmill
Hindu Push Up
Clean and Press
Hindu Squat
Sling Shot and Swing
Squat Thrust
One Arm Snatches
Jumping Jack and Toe Touches
ONe Arm Row
Alternating Floor Press
Pull Over and a Get Up Sit Up
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Old 05-25-07, 03:03 PM  
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Ryan Shanahan's Cardio Firm & Fatburn WKT & AOS Providence

The link below has Cardio Firm and Fatburn WKT (clip of cardio firm) and AOS Providence

Cardio Firm & Fatburn WKT & AOS Providence review and breakdown.
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Old 05-25-07, 03:41 PM  
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Oh my goodness, this is so helpful!!!
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Old 05-25-07, 03:45 PM  
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Revolution Fatloss Vol. 1 breakdown and review

Review by Janzia

Revolution Fatloss

I didn't know if should start a new thread for this but I knew many of you were interested in a review for this workout. I'm terrible at reviews so I'll just give a breakdown and some thoughts.

On the dvd menu there's a choice of Lifestyle Tips, Kettlebell instruction and specific exercises, and Exercise Routine A and Exercise Routine B.

Lifestyle Tips
Just your basic stuff here, eat clean, drink water, get a good night's sleep, etc. If you want the whole diet plan than you have to get the book (I didn't).

Kettlebell Instruction - You can either view all or a specific exercise. The exercises covered are:
1) Intro
2) Lunges
3) Squats
4) Push Ups
5) Cleans
6) Turkish Get Up
7) Windmills
8) Attacks
9) Biceps
10) Triceps
11) Sit Ups
12) Snatches
13) Deadlifts
14) Rows
15) Presses
16) Swings
17) General Preparation Exercises

I followed along with the instructional and have to say I got a little workout just from it, LOL. There wasn't much new here as far as information presented. There was something about the way she instructed the clean that I did think help (at least me) quite a bit.

Okay now onto the workout themselves.
Basic Routine A
Consists of 3 circuits with a minute rest between each circuit of:
Tactical Lunges X 20
Clean and Military Press X 6 each side
TKU X 2 each side

Then you do 3 circuits with a minute rest between each circuit of:
Renegade Rows X 5 each side alternating arms
20 Swings
Bicep Curls X 10
Jumping Jacks for 30 seconds
End of workout

I did this routine today and although it might not sound like much I did find it challenging. It clocked in at about 20 minutes and there was no warm-up, cool down or stretches which at the very least I wish there would have been some stretching. The production value is okay, nothing to complain about but nothing fancy either. I thought the background scenery was very nice, it was filmed outside and all I can really remember is that there was some beautiful flowers around. Music was okay, nothing memorable. Hmmm, what else? Very little talking. Basically just an announcement of what was next and a few reminders on form here and there.

Okay now for Basic Routine B:
Consists of 3 circuits with a minute rest between each circuit of:
Suitcase Deadlift x 8
Fisted Pushups x 10
Snatches x 10 each side

Then you do 3 circuits with a minute rest between each circuit of:
Single Arm Squat Press X 5 each side
Single Arm Swing x 10
Mountain Climbers for 30 seconds
Shuffles for 30 seconds (what they call shuffles I think more of as a cross country skiiing move).
End of workout

All in all I liked the portion of the workout I did and I don't think I'll regret purchasing it even at the price. I think either workout would suffice as a quickie or be great as an add on or you could combine both A and B for a longer workout. I didn't time Routine B since I didn't do it but since it's the same format with maybe an exercise or two more I'd say it's 20 minutes too, at the most 30.

I'll try to at least view Vol.2 and give a breakdown of it within the next couple of days. If anyone has any questions just let me know and I'll try to answer the best I can.
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Old 05-25-07, 04:50 PM  
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Revolution Fat Loss V2

This was done by Janzia (It is not the entire DVD)

Debbie - Great minds must think alike, we did very similar workouts today. I did the Goddess Artemis (the upper body one) and a set of pull ups and chin ups. I added on the basic routine B from the Revolution dvd too. I was smoked afterwards!

I previewed half of Revolution Kettlebell Fat Loss Vol. 2 today. It's the same setup as the first volume minus the instructional segment plus an additional two routines for a total of four, two intermediate, two advanced. Here's the breakdown of the two I previewed today.

Intermediate Routine A

Double Attack, Double Clean, Double Press X 5
Windmill X 3 each side
Single Arm Bent Over Row x 8 per arm
Single Arm Swing Ladder > 5
1 minute rest
Repeat circuit twice with a minute rest between each circuit.

Triceps x 10
Bear Walk x 5
Single Leg Deadlift x 5 per leg
Farmer's Walk 30 seconds
Star Jumps x 5
1 minute rest
Repeat circuit twice with a minute rest
Workout completed.

Intermediate Routine B
Single Arm Overhead Front Lunge x 8 per side
Double Bent Over Row x 8
Single Attack & Single Dead Clean R & L x 8
TKU (no hands) x 2 per side
1 minute rest
Repeat circuit twice with a minute rest between each circuit.

Upright Row Squat x 10
Single Clean Swing & Snatch x 8 per side
Alternating Floor Press x 10 each side
Situps x 10
1 minute rest
Repeat circuit twice with a minute rest
Workout completed.

It looked pretty tough to me. I started to preview the other two routines but got tired so I'll post when I get a breakdown of those.

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Old 05-25-07, 05:16 PM  
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Kettlebell Goddess

Purchase here
Dragon Door

Review of Andrea DuCane's-kettlebell Goddess

Please click here for
breakdown of Kettlebell Goddess

Quick Start Review

Swing, Clean, Military Press, Front Squat, Windmills, Power Breathing

—Goddess Workouts

Artemis: Upper Body
Auxesia: Lower Body
Athena: Full Body Strength
Callipygos: Legs & Butt
Nike: Cardio & Endurance
Odyne: Strength & Cardio Kick-Butt

—Design-Your-Own Workouts

Joint Mobility Warmup

Upper Body A
Military Press
Lat Pulls
Bent Arm Pullovers

Upper Body B
See Saw Press
Renegade Rows

Upper Body C
Side Press
French press
Chest Press & Fly

Lower Body A
Front Squats
Dragon Walks
Side Lunges

Lower Body B
Box Pistols
Step Back Lunges
Suitcase Deadlifts

Lower Body C
One Legged Deadlift
Overhead Squat
Good Mornings

Abdominals A
Standing Power Breathing
Get Up Situps
Slow KB Twist

Abdominals B
Power Breathing Crunch or Situp
Russian Twist
Half Roll Back

Cardio/Conditioning A
Double Swings
Double Cleans
Figure 8s to Catch

Cardio/Conditioning B
1-Swing, 1-Clean, 1-Snatch
Rolling Deck Squats

Cardio/Conditioning C
Swing- Clean-Snatch
Walking Swings

Cool Down Stretches

This DVD is great. It has tons of options. It is great for a beginner. There is no music and she says we all have our own taste in music so you can play your own music once you are comfortable with the exercises. Also I think there is no music so that you can learn how to breathe correctly for each exercise.
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Old 05-25-07, 05:26 PM  
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Stephanie - This looks great! It also reminds me that I need to finish up that breakdown of the Revolution workout, lol. Thanks for all your hard work!


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Old 05-25-07, 05:32 PM  
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Hi Janzia,

I thought I was overlooking it. I looked forevever for it. If you want to PM me I can put it in the review.

Hi Ann,
I added the Agatsu site. Thanks for reminding me.

Great that you rescue too. My rescue is called INKY. Indiana-Kentucky rottweiler rescue.

I think I am done for tonight. I will add both Sarah Lurie's and the two Art of Strengths tomorrow.
Put some bells in your workout.
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