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Old 10-17-22, 01:52 PM  
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AJ cardio barre

buzzer - glad LB isn't too traumatized from the fall, good for her!

hi ebianco!
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Old 10-18-22, 02:54 PM  
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hey buzzer - what package do you use to download off youtube?

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Old 10-19-22, 08:03 AM  
Join Date: Oct 2009
Ran on treadmill for about 15 minutes.. DONE!
Leslie Walk 2 miles.. DONE!

I started out with a program, taking a hike in Switzerland. However the internet apparently wasn't good so it just started buffering. The treadmill part was still working, however stuck on 5% grade at 4.2 mph. So I was adjusting it manually. Well, there was a little sign that said something about pausing the workout so the buffering could catch up or whatever. So I went to pause the workout... my only options were stop or continue. I hit stop, and the treadmill came to a dead stop. then it kept buffering, and I couldn't do anything. I got so frustrated! So I went into my workout room and did 2 miles with Leslie, running diagonally across my room, which is about 4-5 paces. back and forth. So I got some running in.

Which was good, because later I was in the laundry room which is super duper narrow (like, 2 foot wide) and I tripped on a metal wire. It got caught on my foot, and I fell forwards luckily landing on the thin plastic laundry basket. My toe next to my big toe now is very bruised (LB said it looked like a rat's trash can) and I am having trouble walking. I am so annoyed. Don't know if it's another broken toe or just really bruised and banged up. So not happy.

Today I am going to try to do another round of Jari Extremely ripped and Chiseled. Luckily there are not many lunges, and Joyce showed me how to modify lunges (leg lifts on the floor) so I will do those. I'm not gonna let a rat's trash can ruin my workouts!!!

Eventmom: I use clipgrab. It's not failed me and I've been using it for years! I tried a few others before that, and they all would have updates that would suddenly make it stop working for me. Clipgrab I've been using for a few years now and it's always reliable.

Ebianco: Hope your week is going better than expected, and you are using doggos and new doggo for stress relief! they are good at that!
Do-over day for Vidiots Anonymous 2011, 2012, 2013: Aw heck. Never mind. I just can't keep up with my do-over days.
I'm weak and easily influenced
STS GRADUATE! 11/30/10
TA Omni 90 days completed! 7/11/11-ish
Tapout XT1 90 days DONE! 6/29/13
Body Beast: Done 3/14, minus the last week. I started JNL and never looked back!
JNL DONE! 5/12/14
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Old 10-19-22, 11:09 AM  
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yesterday - Jacquelyn Sweaty Sculpt Full body Fat Burn +115 min Christy Taylor cardio
today - Jacquelyn Bridal Barre Burn

her workout names sort of crack me up

buzzer - crap on the fall that sucks! hope it's will get better fast. thanks for the tip on clipgrab. I was doing some free floorbarre classes and they posted them for 60 days only so I'll try to save them.

hi ebianco! hope the new pup is fitting in!
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Old 10-20-22, 12:23 PM  
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Hi everyone,

My work week is exhaustive I am getting stuff done for sure but the work is insurmountable. And my stress is extreme too. But, I still have a day and a half and usually I can get loads of stuff in on Friday because there's no meetings and I can just relax and focus, so I'm still optimistic.

In the meanwhile, I am keeping up with my workouts. It's one of the only things keeping me sane!! Besides yes my lovely doggos who comfort me for sure buzzer.

Yesterday was Epic Heat Day 31 lower body ( and I didn't do the entire thing but I did the majority, about 80%. That's good enough! The hip thrusts remain really hard for me and I continue to be surprised the DOMS isn't bad. I guess not a bad thing!

Today was Epic Heat Day 32 upper body ( and I really liked this one. It covered everything evenly, and the giant sets went really fast much like complexes would. It was over before I knew it! Definitely tough of course but fast is great!

Tomorrow back to lower body, then total body Saturday and HIIT on Sunday.

Eventmom and Buzzer hahaha six dogs is pretty crazy. We've been having work on the house done this week (yet another stressor) and DH let the dogs out yesterday because the workers were in another part of the house, and they saw six dogs when they briefly came up and I'm sure they thought we were crazy LOL. The party I had last weekend proved to me that little Jedi the puppy is terrific around children, not shy around anyone, and very calm and loving!! He was actually seeking out the kids probably because they were energetic and fun. I love that he is fearless and social!
"Feel strong and beautiful. Be a Tonique woman." -Sylwia
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Old 10-20-22, 02:08 PM  
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pulled out TA intermediate mat then tacked on 10 minutes of her cardio
rode my horse, did a short resistance stretch

ebianco - it's great that little Jedi is fitting in so well! hope you're able to get caught up on Friday. We're supposed to leave in the morning but I've had so many interruptions and still have 4 exams pages to grade and 30 essay/open book answers! It's 2pm now. so.. who knows

Hi buzzer!
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Old 10-21-22, 12:13 PM  
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Happy Friday all,

Today I did Epic Heat Day 33 compound leg workout (this one: I did the whole thing but I admit I put my own spin on it by making the staple exercises abs instead of more legs, haha. So it was a legs and abs workout for me today. I'm definitely feeling it!! Tomorrow is total body and looks like pyramids so I know the burnout will be tough, then HIIT on Sunday.

Edited for Saturday: I woke up feeling pretty well rested today! I got a lot during the week although I'm going to have to work some hours next week even though I'm taking off. (Not going anywhere, just a staycation, but still). So I started with Firm Maximum Cardio for a warm up, then Epic Heat Day 34 total body pyramid workout which blew by and I really liked (this one: then an extended stretch for a 65 minute workout!

Tomorrow is HIIT and hopefully I'll still feel energetic haha.

Eventmom Wow that is so much school work to grade!! You are going out with a bang!!

I hope the weather has been good there for horse riding! We have recently become cold enough that it is frosting at night, and it's pretty chilly out during the day, but the air also feels clean and crisp in a very pleasant way!

Buzzer waves!
"Feel strong and beautiful. Be a Tonique woman." -Sylwia
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Old 10-23-22, 06:04 AM  
Join Date: Oct 2009
Did 3 days of my Jari Love Get Extremely Ripped and Chiseled... DONE!

Day 1 was legs. Since I have my sore toe, I did some quasi lunges. They weren't good, but I did them. The rest of the workout was OK for my toe. Even the curtsy lunges, since I went back with a flat foot instead of on my toes. Overall, the workout was great! My toe isn't broken, I can tell because it's getting better day by day. I can walk normally and I'm not noticing it as much! Good news for me!

Day 2 was chest and back. I tried to add on some abs, however Joyce was too mechanical and I just didn't want to, so I tried a Cathe. The music was kinda drab, and it was like an "impending dooooom" feeling. So I stopped. I just didn't want that.

Day 3 was the rest of the upper body. By this time, I kinda knew I didn't want to keep going with this workout, so I didn't push myself as much. I used 4's for the bis, because I knew it's about 200 reps without stopping. The 4's were too light, however 5's sounded like too much! I used 10's for the overhead presses, and the 4's for anterior and lateral delts. The 4's were too much for anterior, but not enough for lateral. She doesn't seem to do much triceps in this. At least not enough to make them as sore as the other muscles! There was abs added onto it also, so I guess that makes up for not really doing abs the day before.

So that's it! I am moving on. I'm not sure what I'm moving on to next, I don't remember if I have something pulled out. But I am ready to move on!

Yesterday was LB's karate tournament. She did not have the best day. She had the option of doing the form she learned before, or doing the one she barely knows. For some unknown reason, she chose the one she barely knows. She choked. A girl passed out, and it took 30 minutes for the ambulance to come take her away (there was a cement floor, so she bonked her head. I'm sure they wanted to make sure her head was OK). She laid there while LB was doing her form, adding to the stress. Plus, it was an instructor LB knows. So that was hard too.

Then her sparring, she lost her first match. Turns out, that was the ONLY match and she didn't get a second chance. That was annoying and disappointing to her. She wasn't feeling very positive when we left, but she quickly turned that around. On the way home, we saw her friend and Dad walking into their house. I asked her "should we stop and pick her up?" (we had told them we'd text when we got home and see if they could hang out together) so we did... then I texted the 'hood kids and they all come over and played. It was a blast! Giggles the whole time! I'm glad the day turned out better for her. She has this perfectionist thing and I'm glad I could pull her away from that.

So today I will find a legs to do. My bruise on my toe is looking better. Hopefully I can get back to the treadmill soon. I will find a leg workout for today, and do that!

Ebianco: I love your doggies name!!! I just always imagine this fluffy short wave around you whenever you walk. I'm not sure how you get anywhere in your house when it's in my mind!! So cute! I'm glad your stress week is over. I hope this week is easier and you can relax more!

Eventmom: We took the absence on the horse show yesterday... I probably shouldn't have, but the thought of heading over there was just stressful. I'm glad LB got a break! It was the last good day before cold and SNOW! We are expecting just a flurry today... then Thursday so far they are saying 1.5". Last night was the last good weather night in the 10 day forecast. That's also why I had LB's friends over (until 8pm! I put out flood lights for them). Anyhow, long story longer... we are expecting flurries today and colder weather, which means you guys probably are too! I hope it's not as cold for you though. And no snow. but at least that means the semester end is getting nearer!!!
Do-over day for Vidiots Anonymous 2011, 2012, 2013: Aw heck. Never mind. I just can't keep up with my do-over days.
I'm weak and easily influenced
STS GRADUATE! 11/30/10
TA Omni 90 days completed! 7/11/11-ish
Tapout XT1 90 days DONE! 6/29/13
Body Beast: Done 3/14, minus the last week. I started JNL and never looked back!
JNL DONE! 5/12/14
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Old 10-23-22, 11:19 AM  
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Hi everyone,

I finished my workout week today with Caroline HIIT Epic Day 35 (this one: So many burpees but also she then did a few bodyweight leg exercises (squat/lunge variations), then onto arms with pushup variations, then onto abs with some pilates style abs variations, then back to burpee variations LOL and some more planks. So lots of burpees but also a lot of not as hard stuff comparatively to make it feel balanced out. I liked that it had a "total body" feel to it. It says total body in the title actually haha.

Eventmom waves!

Buzzer Haha YES I have an entourage of dogs that follow me everywhere, room to room (including the bathroom, I'm sure you get that a lot too as a doggy mom LOL ) and they are very good about not being stepped on, except Jedi who is still learning to get out of the way fast! It really only happens in the kitchen when everyone lingers around hoping for food to fall to the floor or for handouts. Mainly I am always having to watch where I stand or walk in case there are bones or toys that I may slip on.

Oh wow are you expecting snow?? It's gotten colder here but it's still mid-50s or even 60s most days. We don't get really freezing until December and we rarely get snow before January-February.

I'm glad you're able to pull LB's attention away from the perfectionist thing. That is a tough cycle to get out of, and the sooner the better!
"Feel strong and beautiful. Be a Tonique woman." -Sylwia
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Old 10-24-22, 05:53 AM  
Join Date: Oct 2009
Cardio Salsa... DONE!
some Hawaiian name Yoga with Tony Horton... DONE!

OK... almost done on both. I did Cardio Salsa until the last dance, then it got a little more complex and more than I wanted to deal with, so I ended it. It was fun though! I had this one YEARS ago... like, before I was married, so early 2000's. I loved it then, and I don't necessarily love it now, but I liked it. The workout part I did was just over 30 minutes, so I added on the yoga. That was good too. I didn't do the ending sun salutations, so I probably cut off about 6 or 7 minutes of the workout. Overall, I felt like I did OK. for some reason I haven't been very energetic for my workouts these last few days. Like I feel depleted, my body feels like sludge. So the will is there, it's just the body hasn't been willing. So I am kinda taking it easy until my body catches up again. I may have just overdone it and it needs a rest.

However during cardio salsa, she said "remember! You should be able to hold a conversation with the person next to you!" and something in me clicked. I have been so caught up these last few years in chasing that high intensity exhausting, high heart rate exercise, I forgot about the talk but can't sing test! I was always in that zone. I loved that zone! I don't need to be panting and unable to catch my breath to be doing cardio, I just need to move. So I think that is going to change how I do things for a while. I don't know why it was good for me in my 20's and 30's and suddenly not good for me now.

So today I have either a treadmill workout (if my toe cooperates) or I am going to do a leg workout. I like these 30 minute workouts I've found because although I HATE leg day with every ounce of my being, I find 30 minutes tolerable.

Yesterday I decided we would do nothing. I had nothing planned, I read my cookbooks. I cleaned and did some general chores like that, but we went nowhere, we had nothing planned. it was nice. We run around a lot!

Ebianco: we are expecting snow! We were supposed to get flurries last night, I don't know if that ever happened. I woke up this morning and the ground was dry, but I don't know if that's because it didn't flurry or if the wind dried all the moisture overnight. Thursday so far we are expecting 1.5" !! It's like we went from summer, to one week of nice fall weather, to winter. That's how it always is here. 90% of the time, we get our first snowfall before Halloween. Might be closer to 100% of the time. So we are right on schedule! The bummer is that all the pretty leaves blew off the trees yesterday in the crazy wind. Winter is here though

I used to love winter, now I just think it's OK. I love love love spring and fall, and here they are all about a week long. It's either too hot or too cold, except for those 2 weeks of the year!!

Hi Eventmom! Hope things are going well!
Do-over day for Vidiots Anonymous 2011, 2012, 2013: Aw heck. Never mind. I just can't keep up with my do-over days.
I'm weak and easily influenced
STS GRADUATE! 11/30/10
TA Omni 90 days completed! 7/11/11-ish
Tapout XT1 90 days DONE! 6/29/13
Body Beast: Done 3/14, minus the last week. I started JNL and never looked back!
JNL DONE! 5/12/14
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fitprime just right

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