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Old 05-07-04, 03:03 PM  
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Smile OMG ~ A NEW FABULOUS infomercial from Nautilus ~ the TREADCLIMBER ~ WOW...

Ok, so I was watching the new Bowflex infomercial outlining the machine and the new Bowflex Xtreme XLTU that I want, when afterward, a NEW infomercial came on and I am just dying to get in on this piece of fabulous looking equipment ~~ gym style / quality no less.

From the makers of Stairmaster, Nautilus and Bowflex ~~ comes the all new TREADCLIMBER ~~

Go here for a free video and to watch a video clip ~~

What a wonderful piece that acts just like a treadmill, stairmaster, and elliptical all in one. Top quality like at the gym, and you can adjust the treads to stay stationary and do a regular treadmill workout too. Totally electronic ~~ I can't believe how much I want this now......shhhhheeeesh. It's so darned expensive too, but looks SOOOOOOOO worth it.

I was going to get a Bowflex Xtreme and a treadmill this fall, so I am leaning on this now instead. The Bowflex can wait till next year. Besides, I was on the Bowflex site and all their equipment has assembly manuals to download and it pretty much looks like you have to put the whole darned thing together yourself ~~ what a disappointment.... I eventually wanted the Xtreme too but the assembly part is really putting me off.....

Maybe I'll just get the Treadclimber and worry about the Bowflex and deciding next year. I want equipment that is already assembled properly.....

Check it out and post what you think...... Have you all seen the infomercial yet? Any opinions?

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°~°*~*°~° Tina °~°*~*°~°
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Old 05-07-04, 03:47 PM  
Join Date: Dec 2002
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I would check the reviews for it. About 6 months ago I saw the commercial for the treadclimber and was interested, but someone posted about it at Cathe's website that it was not safe or something like that. I did a quick search and posted the link below.
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Old 05-07-04, 06:34 PM  
Fante Yaa
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Defitnitely check out epinions. I was seriously salivating over this until I read the reviews. The reviews were horrid and I was quite disappointed. It only goes up to 3.something miles per hour and isn't as versatile as you would think. And there were some serious techinical and customer service issues in addition to it being relatively expensive.

Someone asked about it on here a few motnhs ago so you might also want to do a search.

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Old 05-07-04, 07:23 PM  
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Gosh, there is really not much info around about the Treadclimber. Of course the sales rep was singing its praises, but even on there were not alot of reviews. I wonder if they have significantly improved their model of the machine since early last year when these reviews happened? There was only one thread here about it and referred to epinions too. I wish I could see some recent reviews.

Oh well, for the price of that thing, I could still get a good treadmill, the Bowflex Xtreme, and a recumbent bike.... It is really expensive just for one piece of equipment that I can't try first. Too bad about some negative reviews though, as the infomercial on the TC looks phenomenal.

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°~°*~*°~° Tina °~°*~*°~°
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Old 05-07-04, 09:35 PM  
Join Date: Aug 2003
I love my Treadclimber.

I recently purchased a Treadclimber (about 4.5 weeks) and am quite pleased with it. I really like the combined elliptical/treadclimber motion because I can really feel my hamstrings and calves being worked with "tread climb" motion. It's true that it only goes up to 4.0 mph but the point of this exercise is not so much speed as it is how much you put into each "tread climb." It gets my heart rate up as much as spinning does and I am always drenched by the end of the workout. There is a little bit of getting used to with this machine as there are 2 independent belts that you step on so the stance is wider than usual but I got used to it after about 3 workouts. Because of the simultaneous up/down and elliptical motion, you can be a bit off balance if you don't really contract your core to center yourself. Lately, I've been able to wear handweights and do the treadclimber motion without holding on and I can really feel my abs being worked as well. While I love my Treadclimber, the down sides are 1) expensive 2) comes in 3 different boxes and you need to spend about 1-2 hours assembling it and will likely require the help of a 2nd person to do things like lifting the console on top 3) isn't commercial grade in built (although plenty solid for my workout 4-5x/week 30-50 minutes each). The model I have (T5000) comes with a Polar HRM chest strap and the Treadclimber console displays your HR and calories burned. It is not pre-programmed so you have to choose your speed and manually adjust the speed to your liking during your workout. I haven't tried the other 2 modes (stepping and treadmill modes) so I can't speak for them--I probably won't try them either because I think the Treadclimber mode is the most efficient workout out of the 3. It also comes with an informational video (pretty useless in my opinion) and a machine floor mat.
I took a risk in buying it as there are very few user reviews about the Treadclimber as you already know--but I have no regrets. If you are really interested, I know that they periodically do special offers for a paid return policy so if you do not like it, you can return it to them for free (otherwise the shipping fee can be substantial as you can imagine).
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Old 05-07-04, 10:39 PM  
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thanks ~~

Originally Posted by mdbrunner
I recently purchased a Treadclimber (about 4.5 weeks) and am quite pleased with it. I really like the combined elliptical/treadclimber motion because I can really feel my hamstrings and calves being worked with "tread climb" motion. It's true that it only goes up to 4.0 mph but the point of this exercise is not so much speed as it is how much you put into each "tread climb." It gets my heart rate up as much as spinning does and I am always drenched by the end of the workout. There is a little bit of getting used to with this machine as there are 2 independent belts that you step on so the stance is wider than usual but I got used to it after about 3 workouts. Because of the simultaneous up/down and elliptical motion, you can be a bit off balance if you don't really contract your core to center yourself. Lately, I've been able to wear handweights and do the treadclimber motion without holding on and I can really feel my abs being worked as well. While I love my Treadclimber, the down sides are 1) expensive 2) comes in 3 different boxes and you need to spend about 1-2 hours assembling it and will likely require the help of a 2nd person to do things like lifting the console on top 3) isn't commercial grade in built (although plenty solid for my workout 4-5x/week 30-50 minutes each). The model I have (T5000) comes with a Polar HRM chest strap and the Treadclimber console displays your HR and calories burned. It is not pre-programmed so you have to choose your speed and manually adjust the speed to your liking during your workout. I haven't tried the other 2 modes (stepping and treadmill modes) so I can't speak for them--I probably won't try them either because I think the Treadclimber mode is the most efficient workout out of the 3. It also comes with an informational video (pretty useless in my opinion) and a machine floor mat.
I took a risk in buying it as there are very few user reviews about the Treadclimber as you already know--but I have no regrets. If you are really interested, I know that they periodically do special offers for a paid return policy so if you do not like it, you can return it to them for free (otherwise the shipping fee can be substantial as you can imagine).
Thanks so much for the feedback. I was thinking of the T3000 model to save on cash as I don't see the real benefit to having the T5000 if the only difference is the HRM and mat that you get. Although, perhaps the T5000 has a better motor?

I am glad to have your review as the negative reviews were staving me away. I became really hesitant and worried about all of the potential mechanical issues. Perhaps, since you have no mechanical issues, maybe they have fixed the glitches?

Does yours move or feel wobbly at all, or is it super solid and smooth? Does it make noise like some reviews suggest, or is it quiet and smooth like gym quality equipment? I have so many questions as it would feel strange purchasing something for almost 4,000 Cnd. funds if it is not a perfect piece of equipment. I was actually surprised to hear about the mechanical issues as you would think a very expensive piece would be smooth, solid, work like a dream, etc.

Another question, do you feel that the 10% incline is too much, therefore forcing one to go too fast? Or does it feel like less of an incline? I was hoping at a lower intensity, you could just glide on it for more of a slower low impact workout. I was on a treadmill once that had an incline that was too high and it bothered me as I couldn't lower it.

Would you say that it functions just as solid and smooth as a piece of gym equipment? I am so undecided now. I could get this ~ or I could get a good treadmill, the Bowflex Xtreme, and a recumbent bike for the same price.....

????? Plus I am leary about getting something that has no service dept. in town. What if something needs fixing, etc.? Perhaps I would be better off just getting the other items instead from the local fitness store here in town.

Ugh ~ what to do what to do? This TC really does look enticing though. What level of fitness are you? ....advanced? Would you say that a beginner could get good use from the TC also? Or, would it be too difficult?

Thanks ~ sorry for all the questions, but it is so hard to decide when you can't actually try one out first.....

...Come to Me all ye who are weary & heavy-ladened and I will give you Rest...
Matthew 11:28 / KJV ~ "The Holy Bible"

°~°*~*°~° Tina °~°*~*°~°
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Old 05-07-04, 10:44 PM  
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Peoria, IL
You've just NOW seen the infomercial ? Its been running for about a year or so now. I don't think it looks all that great. Its just a cross between a step climber and a treadmill. I personally think it would be unsafe. Here's a site, though, that seems to have mostly good reviews. Somebody else there, though, had a bad experience on it in regards to safety. I LOVE this site for reviews. You may like it, it seems alot of people do. http://www.fitnessinfomercialreview....ad_climber.htm
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Old 05-08-04, 08:23 AM  
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I thought it looked great too, until I read all the bad reviews and found out it costs thousands rather than hundreds. My jaw literally dropped at the price...isn't it something like $2600 for even the most basic model?
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Old 05-08-04, 08:40 AM  
Join Date: Aug 2003
Originally Posted by christinan
Perhaps, since you have no mechanical issues, maybe they have fixed the glitches?
I haven't had any mechanical issues yet. The only thing that bothered me in the beginning was some squeaking noise caused by the "friction block" between the two treads (literally a small block to keep them in place and slightly partly) but I applied some silicone spray as the rep suggested and it hasn't squeaked since. Every once in a while, you have to realign the belt which just takes loosening the screws at the front of treads to shift the belt left or right as you like. I adjusted it once when I set up the Treadclimber but the belts haven't shifted on me yet.

Originally Posted by christinan
Does yours move or feel wobbly at all, or is it super solid and smooth? Does it make noise like some reviews suggest, or is it quiet and smooth like gym quality equipment? I have so many questions as it would feel strange purchasing something for almost 4,000 Cnd. funds if it is not a perfect piece of equipment.
As I mentioned in my previous post, one of the 'cons' for purchasing this machine is that it isn't commercial grade so it does not feel as solid as, say, a commercial treadmill or my spin bike (LeMond Revmaster). Mine does not wobble and it is very smooth. As far as noise goes, you can hear the belt movement (that shoosh sound as it runs around the tread) and at higher speed, it becomes a bit louder. You have to make sure to tighter the 2 support posts tightly or else it can feel wobbly I guess. It is a huge amount of money to spend but I looked around to get a really solidly built commercial grade treadmill and the prices were even higher (something in the mid 4000 USD). I mainly bought it for the treadclimber motion and so far no regrets.

Originally Posted by christinan
Another question, do you feel that the 10% incline is too much, therefore forcing one to go too fast? Or does it feel like less of an incline? I was hoping at a lower intensity, you could just glide on it for more of a slower low impact workout. I was on a treadmill once that had an incline that was too high and it bothered me as I couldn't lower it.
I don't feel like the incline on this machine is too much at all, plus you can adjust the speed so I never really feel like I'm being forced to move too fast or that I'll be flying off the machine. It definitely is a low impact workout (I have a bad R hip from years of ballet and a left knee that has a small amt of effusion chronically and the treadclimber motion doesn't bother me at all). If you do the motion right which is placing your heel lightly and glide from the back to the front of your foot to push off the tread, then there is not much impact at all. Sometimes at higher speeds, though, I like to jog on it (which is pretty tough because it's like jogging on sand) that of course there is impact that way.

Originally Posted by christinan
Would you say that it functions just as solid and smooth as a piece of gym equipment? I am so undecided now. I could get this ~ or I could get a good treadmill, the Bowflex Xtreme, and a recumbent bike for the same price.....
Again, it is not a commercial grade piece of equipment so it is not as solid as my spin bike or a commercial grade treadmill. It is smooth, though. I have never tried the Bowflex so I can't comment on that. For 1/2 the price, you can get the LeMond Revmaster though

Originally Posted by christinan
This TC really does look enticing though. What level of fitness are you? ....advanced? Would you say that a beginner could get good use from the TC also? Or, would it be too difficult?
I would say I am advanced or at least low advanced. I exercise nearly every day for at least 40 minutes alternating between my Treadclimber, spin bike (with stuff like Spinervals), Power 90x and mostly kickboxing videos (Powerstrike, Cathe's KPC and Janis' Kickbox Circuit and Taebo Live Advanced Series). I think this machine is good for any level whether you're a beginner or advanced. Beginners can just choose slower speeds. In addition to speed, you can also adjust how much up/down motion you want on the treads.

I hope this helps a little.
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Old 05-08-04, 11:16 AM  
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Thanks everyone for your help ~~ I really appreciate it. I was just calling around for prices on stuff today to see what I should do. I may go with a really good treadmill, Bowflex Xtreme or Home Gym type, and either a recumbent bike or a RevMaster.....

Thanks MDBrunner too for all of your wonderful info. That was really good. You gave me a good idea too as I have been hearing about how great the RevMaster That would be an option too with the other stuff.

I called the local fitness store and spoke to the owner who suggested it wasn't worth the price tag. On my own, I have become leary enough so I'll pass for now as I can still get good work from the bike and treadmill plus all my vids, etc. I figure, with my local fitness stores, they have in city service and in town warranties so I would never have to deal with technical issues "out of province" which I would have had to do with the TC. And, for that price, I will end up with a solid home gym and treadmill ~ and just have to pay extra for my bike. It's just too much money to take a risk, when all the other equipment I will be getting will be purchased in town with certified technicians who will do all the set up and delivery and service if ever needed. I feel safer I think going with the lower risk option of the fitness store.

Thanks everyone for helping me make the decisions on all this.....

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°~°*~*°~° Tina °~°*~*°~°
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