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Old 01-29-08, 07:25 PM  
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Location: PalmTreeVille
Cindy Crawford Shape Your Body

chapters, description, # of minutes:

1. Introduction [3:16]
2. Workout 1: Buns, Chest, Back and Abs [43:03]
3. Workout 2: Legs, Arms, and Shoulders [38:43]
4. Jump-Start Mini Workout [13:31]

Miyagi: Wax on, right hand. Wax off, left hand. Wax on, wax off. Breathe in through nose, out the mouth. Wax on, wax off. Don't forget to breathe, very important.
[walks away, still making circular motions with hands] ~ Pat Morita, The Karate Kid, 1984

disclosure: in the years 2002-2004 i had a professional relationship with a distributor of fitness videos; see profile.
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Old 01-29-08, 07:27 PM  
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Cindy Crawford A New Dimension with Kathy Kaehler

Chapter, description, # of minutes:

1. Introduction [4:15]
2. Workout A (Flexibility) [12:11]
3. Workout B (Time-Saver Session) [16:00]
4. Workout C (Full-Body Cardio and Strength Training) [42:50]

Miyagi: Wax on, right hand. Wax off, left hand. Wax on, wax off. Breathe in through nose, out the mouth. Wax on, wax off. Don't forget to breathe, very important.
[walks away, still making circular motions with hands] ~ Pat Morita, The Karate Kid, 1984

disclosure: in the years 2002-2004 i had a professional relationship with a distributor of fitness videos; see profile.
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Old 08-27-09, 04:17 PM  
KathAL79's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2004
Barbara Benagh's Yoga for Stress Relief

I'm providing a list of the main poses below, with approximate times in parentheses (the times given on the screen are not always accurate). Note that Barbara does not always name the poses, so I’ve used common or descriptive names in those cases. If anyone would like to give more accurate timings and/or provide times for individual poses, please do so!

Beginning & Ending Your Day
- Begin Your Day Slowly (25): reclining cobbler’s, wave breathing, modified down dog, half sun salutes, arms clapsed behind back - chest & upper back opener (2 variations), cobber’s w/ forward bend, and simple cross-legged w/ focus on breath
- Wake Up! (57.5): wave breathing, forward bend w/ hips on heels & knees wide, sun salutations (B), tree, triangle, side angle, wide-legged standing forward bend w/ twist, cobber’s w/ forward bend, head to knee, seated wide angle, revolved head to knee, quarter dog, and simple cross-legged w/ focus on breath
- Evening Revival (35): forward bend w/ hips on heels & knees wide, standing twist w/ legs wide, triangle, side angle, wide-legged standing forward bend w/ twist, arms clapsed behind back - chest & upper back opener (2 variations), cobra, revolved head to knee, and simple cross-legged w/ focus on breath
- Letting Go of the Day (38): meditation on the out breath, reclining cobbler’s, forward bend w/ hips on heels & knees wide, supported child’s, head to knee (passive, w/ head supported), simple cross-legged seated twist, half lord of the fishes twist, complete yoga breath, complete yoga rest (image of floating, w/ focus on breath)
- Insomnia Issues (36): standing wide angle forward bend, modified down dog, head to knee (passive, w/ head supported), reclining cobbler’s, supported child’s, legs up the wall / deep lake, and complete yoga rest w/ progressive muscle relaxation

Neck, Shoulder & Back Issues
- Easing Neck & Shoulder Tension (Passive) (19): half rest w/ neck roll & hands in prayer over forehead, supine arm behind back, and arm across chest twist
- Easing Neck & Shoulder Tension (Active, Extended) (29): ear to shoulder neck stretch, arm rotation & lift (shoulder alignment), arms clapsed behind back - chest & upper back opener (2 variations), cobra, standing twist w/ legs wide, wide-legged standing forward bend w/ twist, and legs up the wall / deep lake
- Lower Back Tension (35): reclining cobbler’s, wave breathing, reclining leg stretch, crocodile – locust (2 prep. variations), chest opener w/ upper back bolster, quarter dog, and complete yoga rest (image of floating while focusing on breath)
- Hip Pain (SI Joint) (36): reclining cobbler’s, wave breathing, reclining leg stretch, open half lotus, crocodile – locust (2 prep. variations), forward bend w/ buttocks on heels & knees wide, modified down dog, and complete yoga rest (image of drifting on raft)
- Tension Headaches (44): meditation on the out breath, half rest w/ neck roll & hands in prayer over forehead, supine arm behind back, arm across chest twist, supported child, legs up the wall / deep rest, and complete yoga rest w/ progressive muscle relaxation

Easing Your Mind
- Breathing Exercises to Calm the Mind (15): simple relaxed breathing, meditation on the out breath, reclined belly twist, and wave breathing
- Restorative Poses for Relaxation (13): supported resting cobbler’s, supported heart opener, and legs up the wall / deep lake
- Deep Rest (18): simple relaxed breathing, complete yoga rest w/ progressive muscle relaxation
- Mood Uplift (32): wave breathing, half sun salutes, standing twist w/ legs wide, warrior 1, standing wide-legged forward bend w/ standing backbend counterpose, supported bridge / shoulderstand, supported heart opener, and complete yoga breath
- Serenity in Stillness (40): sphinx – crocodile w/ bolster under belly, reclining cobbler’s, reclining leg stretch, open half lotus, forward bend w/ buttocks on heels & knees wide, arm across chest twist, supported bridge / shoulderstand, and simple cross-legged w/ focus on breath
- Anxiety Relief (40): wave breathing, pursed lip breathing, segmented exhalation breathing, extended pause breathing, crocodile, arm across chest twist, supported child’s, head to knee (passive, w/ head supported), and simple cross-legged w/ focus on breath

Stomach & Digestion Issues
- Constipation (27): sphinx – crocodile w/ bolster under belly, child’s, standing wide angle forward bend (head supported), modified down dog, simple cross-legged twist, half lord of the fishes twist, and complete yoga rest (image of floating while focusing on breath)
- Improve Digestion (28): sun salutations (B), wide-legged forward bend w/ twist, simple cross-legged twist, half lord of the fishes twist, and half shoulderstand
- IBS (26): simple relaxed breathing, reclining cobbler’s, cobbler’s w/ forward bend, seated wide angle, half shoulderstand, and legs up the wall / deep lake
- Diarrhea & Indigestion (25): reclining cobbler’s, supported heart opener, chest opener w/ upper back bolster, supported bridge / shoulderstand, and legs up the wall / deep lake
I listen to my body and respond compassionately. - sankalpa from Jill Miller's Yoga at Home level 1, month 5 practice

Note: I have had a professional relationship with a vendor of health and fitness books and media. For details please see my profile.
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Old 08-27-09, 07:39 PM  
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Wonderful, Kath! My breakdowns aren't nearly as detailed as yours (in fact, I'm going to steal some of your info to add to the DVD insert I created for myself!), but here's mine just for comparison's sake. Regarding the times given, the first number is what is listed on the DVD, and the one in parenthesis is what I recorded the actual time to be.

Beginning and Ending Your Day
* Begin Your Day Slowly, 25m (24.5) - starts slowly on the floor and gradually moves into more active postures, including sun salutations
* Wake Up! 60m (58) - nice, slow flow combining seated breath work, sun salutation/standing postures, and seated forward bends
* Evening Revival, 40m (35.5) - starts in child's pose and moves on to standing postures and then shoulder/back stretches on the floor
* Letting Go of the Day, 40m (37) - a series of floor and restorative postures, including reclined cobbler's, supported child's pose, and seated forward bends/twists
* Insomnia Series, 35m (36) - relaxing postures to help prepare for sleep; starts with simple standing poses and moves on to seated forward bends, supported cobbler's and child's pose, and legs-up-the-wall

Neck, Shoulder, and Back Issues
* Easing Neck & Shoulder Tension, passive, 20m (19) - a series of reclined postures allowing passive relaxation of the neck and shoulders
* Easing Neck & Shoulder Tension, active, extended, 30m (29) - more active stretches of the neck, shoulders, and upper back from both seated and standing positions; ends with legs-up-the-wall
* Lower Back Tension, 35m (35.5) - reclined and prone postures to open up the back
* Hip Pain (SI Joint), 25m (36) - a series of gentle hip-opening postures including reclined leg stretch, open half lotus, and prone postures
* Tension Headaches, 45m (44) - a combination of sequences from both the passive and the active neck and shoulders segments above; ends with legs-up-the-wall plus a lengthy relaxation

Easing Your Mind
* Breathing Exercises to Calm the Mind, 15m (15) - a slowly moving series of different breathing techniques while lying
* Restorative Poses for Relaxation, 15m (13.5) - three simple postures to facilitate deep relaxation (supported cobbler's, heart opener, legs-up-the-wall)
* Deep Rest, 20m (18) - reclined breathing combined with a lengthy relaxation segment
* Mood Uplift, 30m (32.5) - offers a combination of calming and more active postures, starting with standing postures and moving to supported bridge and supported heart opener
* Serenity in Stillness, 35m (40.5) - combines elements of the digestive, hips, and neck practices; my favorite so far, especially with the supported bridge
* Anxiety Relief, 50m (40) - focuses largely on breathwork to calm the mind; also includes prone poses, reclined twist, and supportive postures

Stomach and Digestion Issues
* Constipation, 25m (27) - gentle prone postures to stimulate the stomach combined with standing and seated twists
* Improve Digestion, 30m (28.5) - sun salutations plus standing and seated twists; ends with half shoulderstand
* IBS, 30m (26.5) - starts with reclined breathwork and moves on to seated forward bends; ends with half shoulderstand and legs-up-the-wall
* Diarrhea & Indigestion, 30m (25) - nice series of gentle supported postures to open the upper back and release the stomach; includes supported bridge and legs-up-the-wall
Beth aka Toaster (she/her)

Follow me @YogiBethC

And yes, I am Reviewer Dr. Beth on Amazon.
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Old 09-08-09, 03:35 PM  
KathAL79's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2004
Barbara Benagh's AM PM Yoga for Beginners

Please note that Beth's review (available here on the VF Reviews) provides a nice description of each practice. I’ll just list out the included main poses. Please note that while Barbara often gives the name of poses, she does not always, and in those cases I have used common or descriptive names.

AM Practices
*Get Up & Go (16): downward-facing dog, quarter dog, cobra flow, child’s
*Sun Salutation Centering (17): sun salute (B), head to knee, short yoga rest, seated meditation
*AM Breathwork (28): revolved belly twist (both legs together) – wave breathing, reclining cobbler’s, reclining leg stretch, reclining belly twist, seated meditation, savasana
*Gentle Wake Up (35): reclining cobbler’s, arm across chest twist, reclining leg stretch, reclining belly twist, simple seated twist (cross-legged), Bharadvaja’s twist, short yoga rest, seated meditation
*Extended Morning (46): frog, downward-facing dog, quarter dog, cobra flow, standing side bend, tree, triangle, side angle, warrior I, reclining leg stretch, simple seated twist (cross-legged), savasana (corpse)
*Wake Up the Spine (34): sun salute (B), triangle, side angle, warrior I, tree, reclining belly twist, simple seated twist (cross-legged), head to knee, short yoga rest (focus on breath)

PM Practices
*Short Rest (11): reclining belly twist, pursed lip breathing, legs up the wall
*PM Breathwork (20): neck stretch (ear to shoulder), half lord of the fishes, seated meditation, complete yoga breath, savasana
*Unwinding Muscle Tension (30): reclining belly twist, half lord of the fishes, standing side bend, neck stretch (ear to shoulder), wide-legged standing forward bend (head to knee), simple seated twist (cross-legged), shoulder alignment, savasana
*Good Nights [sic] Sleep (24): crocodile, pursed lip breathing, complete yoga breath, supported cobbler’s, legs up the wall, savasana
*Energizing Evening (40): sun salute (B) w/ full lunge & locust, wide-legged standing forward bend (head to knee), reclining leg stretch, bridge (prep), half lord of the fishes, open half lotus (w/ forward bend), reclining belly twist, legs up the wall
I listen to my body and respond compassionately. - sankalpa from Jill Miller's Yoga at Home level 1, month 5 practice

Note: I have had a professional relationship with a vendor of health and fitness books and media. For details please see my profile.
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Old 04-12-11, 10:34 PM  
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Australia
AMY BENTO - Abs & Stretch

All times are to the nearest ¼ minute.

Opening Menu:
• Introduction
• Play Program
• Chapters
• Credits

Opening Menu - Hit 'Introduction', then skip forwards
3.1 - Introduction
3.2 - Abs Section 1
3.3 - Abs Section 2
3.4 - Stretch Section 1
3.5 - Stretch Section 2

Opening Menu - Hit 'Play Program', then skip forwards
2.1 - Abs Section 1
2.2 - Abs Section 2
2.3 - Stretch Section 1
2.4 - Stretch Section 2

Opening Menu - Hit 'Chapters', get menu with:
• Back to Main Menu
• Abs Section 1
• Abs Section 2
• Stretch Section 1
• Stretch Section 2

Opening Menu - Hit 'Credits'
5.1 - Credits for 1min

Chapters Menu - selections take you to Title 3 entries above.

Abs Section 1
15min total, including 1min stretch, need a pair of handweights
(½) Warmup
(13½) Workout, includes 1min stretch throughout
_____(6½) Standing Section
__________(¾)_Side Bend, Bells by sides
__________(2)__Side Bend & Reach, Bells
__________(1)__Twist & drive elbow to rear
__________(½)__Large Figure 8, above move alternating sides
__________(1½)_Side Bend, Bell overhead
_____(7) Seated Section
__________(2¾)_Situp, top end, arms extended
__________(1¼)_Crunch, arms extended, legs lifted
__________(1½)_Leg Raise, Legs straight
(½) Breath

Abs Section 2
15min total, including 1min stretch, need a pair of handweights & stability ball
(13½) Workout
_____(4) Plank Series
__________(¾)_Plank with hip lift
__________(¼)_Child's Pose Stretch=Shell Stretch
__________(1)__Plank, Twist knee to elbow
__________(¾)_Plank, Twist knee to elbow
_____(9½) Stability Ball Series
__________(1¼)_Ball Crunch
__________(1½)_Ball Pullover & Crunch, Bell
__________(1½)_Russian Twist on Ball, Supine:Incline:On Ball, Bell
__________(1¼)_Upper Body Twist, Supine:On Ball, Bell
__________(1½)_Lower Body Twist, Legs on Ball
__________(1½)_Leg Raise, & Hip Lift, Ball between feet, Hands to ball
(½) Breath
(½) Stretch

Stretch Section 1
10min total, includes 8 min stretch, need tubing/band
(1)___Side Bend, arms overhead holding band
(½)__Shoulder Roll
(½)__Forward Reach for back
(¾)__Bent over, shoulder to opposite knee
(1) __Bent over, hand to opposite ankle, other arm vertical
(1)___Quadricep, foot to buttocks
(1¼)_Forward Bend for hamstrings
(1½)_Bent over glute stretch, foot on opposite knee
(1)___Side lunge for inner thigh

Stretch Section 2
16min total, includes 15min stretch, need tubing/band
(½)__Seated, Reach Forward for Back
(¾)__Seated, hands behind for Chest
(½)__Reverse Plank
(¾)__Seated Forward Bend for hamstrings
(¾)__Seated Forward Bend, band around feet
(5½)_One leg raised, band around foot, then take wide
(1)__Supine, curl knees to chest
(3)__Runner's Lunge, then Kneeling Forward Bend for one leg
(1)__Downward Dog
(½)_Child's Pose
2024: 👏 STRIVE rather than settle.👏 💪STRONG rather than soft.💪
• No exercise can compensate for a poor diet. 😖
• Walking is phenomenally good for me. 😊
• Resistance training is critical. 💯

¹ Walk first
² Weights next
³ Cardio for fun
⁴ Add stretch & balance.
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Old 04-13-11, 01:22 AM  
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Australia
Seasun Zieger's The Next Step

(##.##) are durations, not locations
The chapters land 5 or so seconds before the next part starts - which is nice, gives you time to put down the remote & get ready in position.

Title 1 FBI warning
Title 2
2.01 -
2.02 (00:21) Introduction
2.03 (06:02) WARMUP
2.04 - SECTION 1
2.05 (03:34) Combo 1
2.06 (01:01) Combo 1 finished
2.07 (03:35) Combo 2
2.08 (00:54) Combo 2 finished
2.09 (02:07) From Combo 1
2.10 (02:25) Combo 3
2.11 (00:58) Combo 3 finished
2.12 (01:59) From Combo 2, x2
2.13 (01:27) From Combo 1
2.14 (03:14) From Combo 1, spliced, x2
2.15 - SECTION 2 turn step 90°
2.16 (03:56) Combo 4
2.17 (01:07) Combo 4 finished
2.18 (03:18) Combo 5
2.19 (01:00) Combo 5 finished
2.20 (02:10) From Combo 4
2.21 (03:36) Combo 6
2.22 (01:57) From Combo 5
2.23 (01:30) From Combo 4
2.24 (03:13) From Combo 4, spliced, x2
2.25 - END SECTION 2
2.26 (06:15) From Combo 1 'Challenge'
2.27 -
2.28 (03:24) COOLDOWN
2.29 - ABS
2.30 (07:10) Planks
2.31 (00:08) turn over to lie on back
2.32 (04:32) Crunches
2.33 -
2.34 (04:22) STRETCH
2.35 ?? CREDITS
2.36 -

TOTAL = 79min
CARDIO = 54min (not including warmup/cooldown)
MUSCLE = 12min
STRETCH = 5min

(to nearest ¼min)
__________(26½)_SECTION 1
_______________(4½)_Combo 1
_______________(4½)_Combo 2
_______________(2)___From Combo 1
_______________(5½)_Combo 3
_______________(2)___From Combo 2
_______________(1½)_From Combo 1
_______________(2)___From Combo 1, spliced
__________(21)_SECTION 2
_______________(5)__Combo 4
_______________(4)__Combo 5
_______________(2)__From Combo 4
_______________(3½)_Combo 6
_______________(2)__From Combo 5
_______________(1½)_From Combo 4
_______________(3)__From Comb 4, spliced
__________(6¼)_CHALLENGE = All 6 Combos
__________(7)__Planks - rather difficult
__________(4½)_Floor - standard crunches
2024: 👏 STRIVE rather than settle.👏 💪STRONG rather than soft.💪
• No exercise can compensate for a poor diet. 😖
• Walking is phenomenally good for me. 😊
• Resistance training is critical. 💯

¹ Walk first
² Weights next
³ Cardio for fun
⁴ Add stretch & balance.
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Old 04-13-11, 05:56 AM  
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Australia
Amy Bento: Advanced Step Challenge 1

There are no premixes on the video, Combos are self contained, no TIFT.

(##.##) are durations, not locations.

Play: can't avoid
6.1 (00:14) FBI warning
5.1 (00:29) Consult your doctor warning
2.1 (00:16) Opening titles
2.1 (00:54) Main Menu - repeats. It does show as 2.1 as well as previous one. See menu options below.

1.1 (00:33) Introduction
1.2 (03:21) Preview
1.3 (39:58) Warmup, through Combos, to/including cooldown
1.4 (06:43) Powerup

7.1 (00:33) Introduction
7.2 (03:21) Preview
7.3 (05:57) Warmup
7.4 (09:57) Combo 1
7.5 (06:59) Combo 2
7.6 (07:19) Combo 3
7.7 (06:14) Combo 4
7.8 (03:33) Cooldown
7.9 (06:43) Powerup (several HIIT mini combos)

• Introduction__go to 7.1 (if you want the workout with chapters, use this)
• Preview______go to 7.2 (slow break down of particularly complex moves)
• Play Program__go to 1.3 (the no chapter version of the workout)
• Chapters_____go to menu, shown below
• Credits

• Back________go to Main Menu
• Warmup_____go to 7.3
• Combo 1_____go to 7.4
• Combo 2_____go to 7.5
• Combo 3_____go to 7.6
• Combo 4_____go to 7.7
• Cooldown____go to 7.8
• Powerup_____go to 7.9

Durations - to nearest whole minute.
TOTAL = 47
CARDIO = 37 (not including warmup/cooldown)
MUSCLE = 7 (Powerup: Lower body, Intense Intervals, AWT, bodyweight)
STRETCH = 5 (2½min in warmup & 2¾ in cooldown)

Times in () are to nearest ¼min.
(6)_WARMUP, includes 2½min stretch
_____(10)__Combo 1
_____(7)___Combo 2
_____(7¼)_Combo 3
_____(6¼)_Combo 4
(3¼)_COOLDOWN, includes 2¾min stretch
2024: 👏 STRIVE rather than settle.👏 💪STRONG rather than soft.💪
• No exercise can compensate for a poor diet. 😖
• Walking is phenomenally good for me. 😊
• Resistance training is critical. 💯

¹ Walk first
² Weights next
³ Cardio for fun
⁴ Add stretch & balance.
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Old 03-26-24, 02:08 AM  
Exchange Moderator
bzar's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: PalmTreeVille
Vytas Baskauskas - Find Your Practice

Find Your Practice (2016)
Total minutes: 400 (or 3 hours and 40 minutes)
Equipment: yoga mat, yoga block

Minutes for each segment:

Align 1, 58 min
Align 1 Teaching Tip, 12 min
Align 2, 60 min
Align 2 Teaching Tip, 6 min
Stretch 1, 61 min
Stretch 1 Teaching Tip, 8 min
Stretch 2, 58 min
Stretch 2 Teaching Tip, 9 min
Strength 1, 58 min
Strength 1 Teaching Tip, 6 min
Strength 2, 58 min
Strength 2 Teaching Tip, 6 min

Miyagi: Wax on, right hand. Wax off, left hand. Wax on, wax off. Breathe in through nose, out the mouth. Wax on, wax off. Don't forget to breathe, very important.
[walks away, still making circular motions with hands] ~ Pat Morita, The Karate Kid, 1984

disclosure: in the years 2002-2004 i had a professional relationship with a distributor of fitness videos; see profile.
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