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Old 10-14-20, 02:43 PM  
fanofladyvols's Avatar
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Modify City, State of Fierce
Resurrected rotation: FIRM Balanced Mix Rotation II: Weights, Cardio, Yoga, Pilates

So in trying to look for something else I bumped into several rotations from the Firm forum. I'm not promising the link will work but am posting in case others are interested and want to use to update.

Here's the first of several I was able to find:

Posted in Firmdirect forum by DJ ( VFer DJ*)


Balanced Mix Rotation II: Weights, Cardio, Yoga, Pilates
This rotation combines Weight Training, Cardio, Yoga and Pilates, giving a good mix of workouts geared toward the three key fitness areas: Endurance, Strength and Flexibility. It allows for a 4-Day, 5-Day or 6-Day workout week. It also allows for those who would rather do something other than Yoga or Pilates.
Given first is a generic rotation, so you can plug in your own videos. Following that, I've given a few specific rotations that I've come up with using the generic rotation format, just to give you some ideas.
For specific videos by category, and to decipher any unknown Firm video abbreviations within the specific rotations, see the*Forum Jargon/Reference List*thread on this board.
General Info:
1 --*Yoga and Pilates*full workouts*involve strength training(*), so are not done on consecutive days with Weights workouts. As an option, a Weights workout can be done on the Yoga and/or Pilates full workout day(s), replacing or shortening the Yoga or Pilates full workout(s).
2 --*This rotation contains a fairly even distribution of Yoga/Stretch, Pilates, Abs and Lower Body Floorwork. Adjust the placement of these workouts to best suit your video choice for each day.
3 --*Alternate between whatever weeks suit your goals and preferences, for as many weeks as you'd like.
4 --*Every 2 to 4 weeks, include at least one additional rest day. This is to avoid over-training. Further, always listen to your body. If you're becoming increasingly fatigued and no longer seeing results, it may be time for a rest week. Of course, if you*always*feel this way, you're probably over-training and need to reduce your regular workouts.
5 --*For the Rest and Relaxation Week, use*no*weights! Workouts should be kept somewhat short and light. Walking for cardio is one option, or anything that keeps you at the lower end of your target heart rate. No workouts for the whole week is acceptable, but try to at least do some stretching. This week should be done every 3-12 weeks (depending on your fitness level), and contain at least one more rest day than your regular week. Following a rest week, you will most likely come back to your regular workouts much stronger, since your muscles have had some extra recovery time.
(*) Note: Some Yoga and Pilates workouts involve more stretching than strength-training. As a general rule, as long as you're not overly taxing the same muscle groups on consecutive days, you can do Yoga or Pilates on consecutive days with Weights workouts. If you find that the Yoga or Pilates leaves some part of your body sore the next day, go easy on the weights that day for that body part.
1 -- Cardio*... Workout that primarily emphasizes cardiovascular endurance and fat-burning. May include light weights, or limited strength training. Includes Firm Cardio and Hare categories, or Classic category (but only with very light weights).
2 -- Weights*... Workout that primarily emphasizes muscle shaping. Use heaviest weights possible with good form, for maximum strength training. Since the same large muscle groups should not be worked on consecutive days, Weights workouts should not be done on consecutive days. Includes Firm Classic, Tortoise and Sculpt (a.k.a. Total Body Weights, or Full Dumbbell) categories.
3 -- Floorwork*... Lower body floorwork exercises which target inner thighs, outer thighs, hamstrings and glutes. Includes Firm Floor Hip Thigh category (LBS, SBHT), and Pilates workouts that focus on the lower body. The goal is to do these exercises as often as standing legwork, in order to work the opposing muscle groups. This will ensure that the muscles supporting the knees are kept strong. If another video for the day includes a good amount of floorwork, additional floorwork is optional.
4 -- Abs*... Traditional abdominal workout (i.e. 5DA). If another video for the day includes Abs work, additional Abs workout is optional.
5 -- Pilates-Abs*... Short Pilates-based workout which targets the abs/core. If another video for the day includes Abs work, you can do both or optionally skip the Abs work within the other video.*Options instead of Pilates-Abs:*Traditional Abs, T-Tapp Abs.
6 -- Pilates-Full*... Long Pilates-based workout which, while still focusing on the abs/core, also works the upper body and/or lower body.*Options instead of Pilates-Full:*Yoga, T-Tapp, Balance Ball, or Weights+Abs.
7 -- Yoga-Full*... Long Stretching/Relaxation or Power Yoga workout.*Options instead of Yoga-Full:*Stretch, Pilates, T-Tapp, Balance Ball, or Weights+Abs.
8 -- Stretch*... Short Yoga (or other) workout that's primarily stretching/relaxation. No power yoga! Note that this is stretching beyond what is included in the few minutes at the end of a regular workout video.
9 -- Warmup*... Warmup and stretch from any video.
Notations used within Specific Rotations:
T=nn*... total workout time for the day
C=nn*... cardio time for the day
xxxx:n*... part of a multi-segment video (i.e. "5DA:1" indicates "5DA day/part 1")
Generic Rotation:
*** Week A: Pilates ***
1 -- Weights + Floorwork + Pilates-Abs
2 -- Cardio + Abs + Stretch
3 -- Cardio or Weights(short) + Pilates-Full
4 -- Cardio + Floorwork + Abs
5 -- Weights + Pilates-Abs
6 -- Cardio + Abs + Stretch
7 -- rest
--> 5-Day Option 1 ... Day 1, 2, rest, 3, 4, 5, rest
--> 5-Day Option 2 ... Day 1, 2, rest, 4, 3, 6, rest
--> 4-Day Option 1 ... Day 1, 2, rest, 3, 4, rest, rest
--> 4-Day Option 2 ... Day 1, 2, rest, 3, 6, rest, rest
*** Week B: Yoga ***
1 -- Weights + Floorwork + Abs
2 -- Cardio + Pilates-Abs
3 -- Warmup or Cardio(short) + Yoga-Full
4 -- Cardio + Pilates-Abs
5 -- Weights + Floorwork + Abs
6 -- Cardio + Abs + Stretch
7 -- rest
--> 5-Day Option 1 ... Day 1, 2, rest, 3, 4, 5, rest
--> 5-Day Option 2 ... Day 1, 2, rest, 4, 3, 6, rest
--> 4-Day Option 1 ... Day 1, 2, rest, 3, 4, rest, rest
--> 4-Day Option 2 ... Day 1, 2, rest, 3, 6, rest, rest
*** Week C: Combo ***
1 -- Cardio or Weights(short) + Pilates-Full
2 -- Cardio + Floorwork + Abs
3 -- Warmup or Cardio(short) + Yoga-Full
4 -- Cardio + Pilates-Abs
5 -- Weights + Floorwork + Abs
6 -- Cardio + Abs + Stretch
7 -- rest
--> 5-Day Option 1 ... Day 1, 2, rest, 3, 4, 5, rest
--> 4-Day Option 1 ... Day 1, 2, rest, 5, rest, 3, rest
*** Rest and Relaxation Week ***
1 -- Cardio + Pilates-Abs
2 -- Warmup + Yoga-Full
3 -- rest
4 -- Cardio + Pilates-Abs
5 -- Warmup + Yoga-Full
6 -- Cardio + Pilates-Abs
7 -- rest
--> 4-Day Option 1 ... Day 1, 2, rest, 3, 4, rest, rest
--> 3-Day Option 1 ... Day 1, rest, 2, rest, 6, rest, rest
Specific Rotation #1 - 8-Week Incremental Cardio:
This rotation emphasizes incremental cardio weeks. It uses generic Week A: Pilates and generic Week B: Yoga weeks, so that either a full Pilates*or*a full Yoga workout is done each week, but never both.
The rotation contains the following sequence of incremental pure cardio time each week:
Week 1 - 135 minutes
Week 2 - 152 minutes
Week 3 - 175 minutes
Week 4 - 147 minutes (mid-range recovery week)
Week 5 - 134 minutes
Week 6 - 156 minutes
Week 7 - 175 minutes
Week 8 - 99 minutes (rest week)
Use the 5-Day or 4-Day Options given within the Generic Rotation to reduce each week to less workout days, if you prefer.
*** Week 1: Pilates ***
1 --*T=71, C=10 ... FS + Method Target Specifics:1
2 --*T=75, C=30 ... FB + LBS + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
3 --*T=76, C=22 ... Tae-Bo Live Basic #2 + Method Precision Toning:2
4 --*T=77, C=41 ... Cathe Interval Max + 5DA:1 + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
5 --*T=76, C=0 ..... BBB + Method Target Specifics:3 + Yoga Zone CSR(17min)
6 --*T=87, C=32 ... Keli Roberts Ultimate Step + Karen Voight P&S; Stretch
7 --*rest
*** Week 2: Yoga ***
1 --*T=75, C=25 ... Vol 2 + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
2 --*T=70, C=25 ... MC + Method Target Zones:1
3 --*T=78, C=23 ... Vol 5(first 29min w/rewind,stop at floorwork) + Bryan Kest Power Yoga #1
4 --*T=83, C=38 ... Cathe Cardio Kicks + Method Target Zones:2
5 --*T=79, C=0 ..... MBS + SBHT
6 --*T=92, C=41 ... Cathe Mega Step Blast + Keli Roberts Abs:1 + Yoga Zone CSR(30min)
7 --*rest
*** Week 3: Pilates ***
1 --*T=79, C=34 ... Cathe Circuit Max + Method Target Specifics:1
2 --*T=76, C=49 ... SC + Method Dynamic F&F;:1
3 --*T=76, C=22 ... Tae-Bo Live Basic #2 + Method Precision Toning:2
4 --*T=77, C=45 ... Cathe Power Max + 5DA:2 + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
5 --*T=71, C=0 ..... SS(43min,skip abs & final stretch) + Vol 5(start at floorwork/abs and finish)
6 --*T=89, C=25 ... Method Step Up to Dance + Method Dynamic F&F;:2 + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
7 --*rest
*** Week 4: Recovery ***
1 --*T=70, C=33 ... Gin Miller AeroStep + Method Target Zones:1
2 --*T=76, C=24 ... Vol 4 + SBHT
3 --*rest
4 --*T=75, C=25 ... Kathy Smith Kickboxing Workout + Method Target Zones:2
5 --*T=72, C=24 ... Vol 6 + LBS(10min) + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
6 --*T=96, C=41 ... Cathe Mega Step Blast + Keli Roberts Abs:2 + Method Dynamic F&F;:3 + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
7 --*rest
*** Week 5: Yoga ***
1 --*T=77, C=9 ..... FC + LBS(10min) + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
2 --*T=69, C=30 ... FB + Method Target Zones:1
3 --*T=77, C=22 ... Tae-Bo Live Basic #2 + Yoga Zone Flex & SR
4 --*T=74, C=41 ... Cathe Interval Max + Method Target Specifics:1
5 --*T=76, C=0 ..... BBB + Method Target Specifics:4 + Yoga Zone CSR(17min)
6 --*T=87, C=32 ... Keli Roberts Ultimate Step + Karen Voight P&S; Stretch
7 --*rest
*** Week 6: Yoga ***
1 --*T=72, C=30 ... Vol 3 + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
2 --*T=71, C=25 ... MC + Method Target Zones:2
3 --*T=77, C=22 ... Vol 1(first 28min,stop at floorwork) + Bryan Kest Power Yoga #1
4 --*T=73, C=38 ... Cathe Cardio Kicks + Method Precision Toning:1
5 --*T=76, C=0 ..... TT + SBHT
6 --*T=95, C=41 ... Cathe Mega Step Blast + Keli Roberts Abs:3 + Yoga Zone CSR(30min)
7 --*rest
*** Week 7: Pilates ***
1 --*T=79, C=34 ... Cathe Circuit Max + Method Target Specifics:1
2 --*T=76, C=49 ... SC + Method Dynamic F&F;:1
3 --*T=76, C=22 ... Tae-Bo Live Basic #2 + Method Precision Toning:2
4 --*T=76, C=45 ... Cathe Power Max + 5DA:3 + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
5 --*T=75, C=0 ..... SS(43min,skip abs & final stretch) + Vol 1(start at floorwork/abs and finish)
6 --*T=89, C=25 ... Method Step Up to Dance + Method Dynamic F&F;:2 + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
7 --*rest
*** Week 8: Rest ***
1 --*T=70, C=33 ... Gin Miller AeroStep + Method Target Zones:1
2 --*T=61, C=0 ..... Cathe Cardio Kicks(12min warmup) + 5DA:4 + Yoga Zone Flex & Tone(40min)
3 --*rest
4 --*T=75, C=25 ... Kathy Smith Kickboxing Workout + Method Target Zones:2
5 --*T=60, C=0 ..... Keli Roberts Ultimate Step(7min warmup) + 5DA:5 + Yoga Zone CSR(47min)
6 --*T=99, C=41 ... Cathe Mega Step Blast + Keli Roberts Abs:4 + Method Dynamic F&F;:3 + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
7 --*rest
Specific Rotation #2 - 8-Week Incremental Cardio, Weekly Yoga:
This rotation emphasizes incremental cardio weeks. It uses generic Week B: Yoga and generic Week C: Combo weeks, so that a full yoga workout can be done every week.
The rotation contains the following sequence of incremental pure cardio time each week, making it a bit less intense than Rotation #1.
Week 1 - 130 minutes
Week 2 - 146 minutes
Week 3 - 158 minutes
Week 4 - 123 minutes (recovery)
Week 5 - 141 minutes
Week 6 - 152 minutes
Week 7 - 162 minutes
Week 8 - 96 minutes (rest week)
Use the 5-Day or 4-Day Options given within the Generic Rotation to reduce each week to less workout days, if you prefer.
*** Week 1: Yoga ***
1 --*T=76, C=24 ... Vol 6 + Method Target Zones:1
2 --*T=75, C=30 ... FB + LBS(20min) + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
3 --*T=66, C=0 ..... Keli Roberts Ultimate Step(7min warmup) + Bryan Kest Power Yoga #1 + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
4 --*T=75, C=25 ... Kathy Smith Kickboxing(first 41min,skip final stretch & abs) + SBHT
5 --*T=71, C=10 ... FS + Method Precision Toning:1
6 --*T=85, C=41 ... Cathe Mega Step Blast + Keli Roberts Abs:1 + Method Dynamic F&F;:2
7 --*rest
*** Week 2: Combo ***
1 --*T=77, C=22 ... Vol 1(first 28min,stop at floorwork) + Method Precision Toning:2
2 --*T=75, C=25 ... MC(43min,skip final stretch) + Vol 1(start at floorwork/abs and finish)
3 --*T=68, C=22 ... Tae Bo Live Basic 2 + Yoga Zone Flex & Tone(40min)
4 --*T=74, C=45 ... Cathe Power Max + Method Target Specifics:1
5 --*T=72, C=0 ..... BBB + SBHT(27min,skip first set of abs)
6 --*T=87, C=32 ... Keli Roberts Ultimate Step + Karen Voight P&S; Stretch
7 --*rest
*** Week 3: Yoga ***
1 --*T=72, C=30 ... Vol 3 + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
2 --*T=74, C=49 ... SC + Method Precision Toning:1
3 --*T=66, C=0 ..... Keli Roberts Ultimate Step(7min warmup) + Yoga Zone Flex & SR + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
4 --*T=77, C=38 ... Cathe Cardio Kicks(52min,skip final stretch) + Method Target Zones:2
5 --*T=72, C=0 ..... TT(38min,skip final stretch) + SBHT
6 --*T=86, C=41 ... Cathe Mega Step Blast + Keli Roberts Abs:1 + Method Dynamic F&F;:3
7 --*rest
*** Week 4: Recovery ***
1 --*T=72, C=24 ... Vol 4 + LBS(20min) + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
2 --*T=71, C=25 ... MC(43min,skip final stretch) + Method Target Specifics:1+2
3 --*rest
4 --*T=70, C=25 ... Method Step Up to Dance + Method Target Specifics:3
5 --*T=71, C=16 ... Tae Bo Original Basic + Yoga Zone CSR(47min)
6 --*T=84, C=33 ... Gin Miller AeroStep + Method Target Zones:1 + Method Target Specifics:4
7 --*rest
*** Week 5: Yoga ***
1 --*T=75, C=25 ... Vol 2 + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
2 --*T=74, C=41 ... Cathe Interval Max + Method Precision Toning:1
3 --*T=66, C=0 ..... Keli Roberts Ultimate Step(7min warmup) + Bryan Kest Power Yoga #1 + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
4 --*T=71, C=25 ... Kathy Smith Kickboxing(first 46min,skip abs) + Method Target Zones:2
5 --*T=72, C=9 ..... FC + Yoga Zone CSR(15min)
6 --*T=88, C=41 ... Cathe Mega Step Blast + Keli Roberts Abs:3 + Method Dynamic F&F;:2
7 --*rest
*** Week 6: Combo ***
1 --*T=78, C=23 ... Vol 5(first 29min w/rewind,stop at floorwork) + Method Precision Toning:2
2 --*T=73, C=30 ... FB + Vol 5(start at floorwork/abs and finish)
3 --*T=68, C=22 ... Tae Bo Live Basic 2 + Yoga Zone Flex & Tone(40min)
4 --*T=74, C=45 ... Cathe Power Max + Method Target Specifics:1
5 --*T=72, C=0 ..... MBS + SBHT(27min,skip first set of abs)
6 --*T=87, C=32 ... Keli Roberts Ultimate Step + Karen Voight P&S; Stretch
7 --*rest
*** Week 7: Yoga ***
1 --*T=75, C=34 ... Cathe Circuit Max + LBS(10min)
2 --*T=74, C=49 ... SC + Method Precision Toning:1
3 --*T=66, C=0 ..... Keli Roberts Ultimate Step(7min warmup) + Yoga Zone Flex & SR + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
4 --*T=72, C=38 ... Cathe Cardio Kicks + Method Target Specifics:1
5 --*T=77, C=0 ..... SS(43min,skip abs & final stretch) + SBHT
6 --*T=89, C=41 ... Cathe Mega Step Blast + Keli Roberts Abs:4 + Method Dynamic F&F;:3
7 --*rest
*** Week 8: Rest ***
1 --*T=66, C=25 ... Method Step Up to Dance + Yoga Zone CSR(10min)
2 --*T=64, C=16 ... Tae Bo Original Basic + Yoga Zone Flex & Tone(40min)
3 --*rest
4 --*T=57, C=22 ... Keli Roberts Ultimate Step(first 30min,plus cooldown/stretch), Method Target Zones:1
5 --*T=59, C=0 ..... Cathe Cardio Kicks(12min warmup) + Yoga Zone CSR(47min)
6 --*T=71, C=33 ... Gin Miller AeroStep + Method Target Zones:2
7 --*rest
Specific Rotation #3 - 6-Week Firm/Yoga/Pilates:
I've got another version of a FIRM/Yoga/Pilates rotation on Susie F's website -**. It was created before the generic Balanced Mix Rotation, but is another semi-generic option for combining weights, cardio, yoga and pilates
Don't just work hard, work smart....Pat Head Summitt

Never give up on your body!-- Miranda Esmonde-White

Word/Guiding Principle for 2024: Embrace: embrace my faith, my family, my friends, myself, the process, the progress, the hard work, the strength program I choose, the recovery methods and rest I need, my life, the good times, and the memories of good people.
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Old 10-14-20, 02:45 PM  
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Modify City, State of Fierce
Firm Forum Jargon

*** New Firm Category Descriptions ****(as of Nov 2000)
1.*Cardio*... Workouts designed to build cardiovascular endurance and burn fat.
2.*Cardio+Sculpt*...Total body workouts containing weight training, interval training, cardio intervals, and floor work. This workout should be the core of your workout whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced exerciser.
3.*Sculpt*... Workouts designed for total muscle shaping. For maximum results, increase amount of weight as your form improves.
*** Old Firm Category Descriptions ***
1.*Cardio*... Workouts designed to build endurance and burn fat.
2.*Hare*... 75% Aerobic, 25% Weight - Fast & Light. Workouts include aerobic intervals and weight training, with primary emphasis on aerobic intervals.
3.*Classic*... 50% Aerobic, 50% Weight. Workouts consist of aerobic intervals and weight training with equal emphasis on each. They include intense body sculpting exercises that work at least two muscle groups at the same time.
4.*Tortoise*... 25% Aerobic, 75% Weight - Slow & Heavy. Consist of aerobic intervals and weight training, with primary emphasis on total body muscle sculpting.
5.*Total Body Weights*... (a.k.a. Full Dumbbell) Workouts designed for total muscle sculpting. For serious results, increase amount of weight as your form improves. Works both upper and lower body.
6.*Split Weights*... Same as Total Body Weights, but works only upper body, or only lower body.
7.*Floor Hip Thigh*... (a.k.a. Lower Body / Floorwork). Highly specific floor exercises which target inner thighs, outer thighs, hamstrings and glutes. Also include pelvic diaphragm contractions.
8.*Ab Workout*... Complete abdominal workouts for upper abs, lower abs, and obliques. They include pelvic diaphragm contractions.
9.*Stretch Workout*... Entire body, stress-reducing stretch routines lengthen muscles and increase flexibility. Stretching is the most neglected component of fitness.
10.*Audio Workout*... Workouts ideal for traveling or for workout variety. They provide a complete workout and can be used with or without weights.
*** Videos by Category ***
*** Cardio ***
BA ... Ballroom Aerobics ... Firm Parts
CC1 ... Core Cardio 1 ... Blast Set
CC2 ... Core Cardio 2 ... Blast Set
CSM ... Cardio Step Mix ... Firm Parts
FB ... Fat Blaster ... Tri-Trainer
---> formerly: AC ... All Cardio
NSTA ... Not So Tough Aerobic Mix ... Firm Parts
---> formerly: Light Aerobic Mix
SC ... Super Cardio ... Super Shapers
TAM ... Tough Aerobic Mix ... Firm Parts
TCM ... Tough Cardio Mix ... Firm Parts
*** Cardio+Sculpt ***
Cardio+Sculpt, formerly Hare
BFB ... Basics Fat Burning ... Basics
CB ... Cardio Burn ... New Cardios
Hare ... The Hare ... Cross-Trainers
MC ... Maximum Cardio ... New Cardios
PC ... Power Cardio ... New Cardios
Cardio+Sculpt, formerly Classic
Vol 1 ... Body Sculpting Basics ... Classics
Vol 2 ... Low Impact Aerobics ... Classics
Vol 3 ... Aerobic Interval Training ... Classics
Vol 4 ... Time Crunch Workout ... Classics
Vol 5 ... Abs, Hips & Thighs Sculpting ... Classics
Vol 6 ... Complete Aerobic Weight Training (a.k.a. Boomers Workout) ... Classics
Cardio+Sculpt, formerly Tortoise
ABT ... Basics Abs, Buns & Thighs ... Basics
CS1 ... Cardio Split 1 ... Super Shapers
FC ... Firm Cardio ... Cross-Trainers
---> formerly: SH ... StrongHeart
FS ... Firm Strength ... Cross-Trainers
---> formerly: SB ... StrongBody
SwW ... Basics Sculpting with Weights ... Basics
TBSM ... Total Body Shaping Mix ... Firm Parts
Tort ... The Tortoise ... Cross-Trainers
Cardio+Sculpt, Upper Body
PPFB ... Prime Power - Fat Burning ... Prime Powers
Cardio+Sculpt, Lower Body
PPLB ... Prime Power - Lower Body Shaping ... Prime Powers
*** Sculpt ***
Sculpt, formerly Tortoise
BBB ... Better Body & Buns ... Tri-Trainers
---> formerly: BB ... Better Buns
MBS ... Maximum Body Shaping ... Tri-Trainers
---> formerly: AW ... All Weights
---> formerly: MBS ... Maximum Body Sculpting
Sculpt, formerly Total Body Weights, or Full Dumbbell
B&B; ... Bust & Butt ... Blast Set
BC ... Boot Camp 3-in-1 Mix ... Firm Parts
SS ... Super Sculpting ... Super Shapers
TT/TT1 ... Tough Tape ... Firm Parts
TT2 ... Tough Tape 2 ... Firm Parts
Sculpt, Upper Body
UB ... Upper Body ... Firm Parts
UBSp ... Upper Body Split ... Split Set
Sculpt, Lower Body
LBSp ... Lower Body Split ... Split Set
SL ... Standing Legs ... Firm Parts
Sculpt, Lower Body Floorwork
LBS ... Lower Body Sculpting ... Firm Parts
---> formerly: FL ... Floor Legs
SBHT ... Sculpted Buns, Hips & Thighs ... Firm Parts
---> formerly LDWO ... Lie Down and Workout
Sculpt, Abs
5DA ... 5 Day Abs ... Firm Parts
M5DA ... More 5 Day Abs ... Firm Parts
*** Stretch ***
5DS ... 5 Day Stretch ... Firm Parts
*** Audio Workouts ***
Firm Abs & Pelvic Diaphragm
Firm Easy PowerWalk with Weights
Firm Hard PowerWalk with Weights
Firm Universal Cardio Trainer
Don't just work hard, work smart....Pat Head Summitt

Never give up on your body!-- Miranda Esmonde-White

Word/Guiding Principle for 2024: Embrace: embrace my faith, my family, my friends, myself, the process, the progress, the hard work, the strength program I choose, the recovery methods and rest I need, my life, the good times, and the memories of good people.
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Old 10-24-21, 10:49 AM  
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Modify City, State of Fierce
Don't just work hard, work smart....Pat Head Summitt

Never give up on your body!-- Miranda Esmonde-White

Word/Guiding Principle for 2024: Embrace: embrace my faith, my family, my friends, myself, the process, the progress, the hard work, the strength program I choose, the recovery methods and rest I need, my life, the good times, and the memories of good people.
fanofladyvols is offline  

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