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Old 11-23-03, 11:58 PM  
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The "Everything New to VF" Thread :-)

Hi everyone

And welcome to all VF newbies! You'll find nearly everything you would ever want to know about exercise on this lovely site, and in this particular FAQ, you'll (hopefully) find everything you need to know about finding out everything you need to know :-) VF is a special resource for video consumers because it is "non-denominational"--it's not focused on just one instructor or topic, and it is self-run by consumers who are there to help their fellow home exercisers make the best video choices they can. You’ll find both positive comments AND constructive ones here because none of us have a marketing agenda here.

There is a lot of information to be found, but don't panic---it really isn't that complicated :-) Let's start with some basics...

1) What can I find at Video Fitness?

There are two main components to VF---the reviews, and the forum. In the review section, you will find thousands of reviews for practically every exercise video there is. These reviews are all written by people who use the site---consumers, like you. New reviews are added all the time, and you are very welcome to post some of the tapes you have. There are several ways to find reviews for the tapes you want to learn about. You can do a search from the VF homepage. Just type the name of the instructor or title you are interested in. Or, you can browse the review section, which can be found here:

The page sorts the videos by category, for example strength videos, or yoga videos. You can also follow links to the site search engine, a page that indexes all titles by instructor instead of by type, and a page that lists all newer reviews that have not yet been filed on their proper page. Many Vfers have that particular page bookmarked so they can check the latest updates easily. That page is:

Sometimes people post reviews on the forum too, so if you are searching for information about a newer title, you might want to look there. People will often post their first impressions there before they write a formal review, and a quick search of the forum posts can often yield a lot of great comments. The forum also hosts the general discussion topics, the VF exchange and the challenges and check-ins (more on all of that later).

Your first stop on VF (after this FAQ!) should be the Beginner's Corner
where Wendy, the site owner, offers a handy tutorial that quickly walks you through your first moves:

Step One: Are videos for you?
Step Two: Choose the right activities
Step Three: Choose the right videos
Step Four: Get the right gear
Step Five: Set realistic goals
Step Six: Create a rotation
Step Seven: Just do it!
Step Eight: Stay motivated
Step Nine: Evaluate your progress, reevaluate your program and goals
Step Ten: Keep coming to Video Fitness
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Old 11-23-03, 11:58 PM  
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2) What if I don't know what video I want?

No problem! There are many ways to narrow down your choices. You can try the Personal Video Selector tool here:

Or you can post a question in the VF Forum. The forum is the main hang-out at VF, and it has a special section called "Getting started with videos"where newcomers can post their questions and get answers from the veterans.

There is some information you can include in your post that will make it easier for others to help you find the perfect tape. What tapes have you done before, and did you like them? Do you have trouble learning complicated or 'dancy' moves, or do you prefer a little complexity? Do you own a step, weights, a stability ball or other fitness equipment? How long do you have to workout each day? What other activities are you doing? All of this information can influence what kind of tape you might enjoy. Once you have these suggestions, you can hit the review section ( for further research. Additionally, you can find short video clips of many workouts at Collage Video website, You can also purchase tapes there. We’ll be talking more about where to purchase tapes later :-)

Lately, the question has also come up regarding whether to purchase VHS tapes or DVDs. DVDs can be a great value sometimes because some of them contain more than one workout on them. Also, if the different sections of the workout are divided on the dvd into separate chapters, those with programmable dvd players can mix and match the chapters to customize the workout (you will often hear Vfers question others about the "chaptering" of a DVD---this is what that term refers to). On the other hand, VHS tapes are extremely inexpensive now, and many Vfers are happy to unload their old copies on newcomers for merely the price of postage.

3) How many tapes should I get?

Some Vfers like to keep a small collection of only tapes they truly love. Others see their collections as more like a library---you don't just buy one book and keep reading it over and over again, but you have a variety so you never get bored. You probably will need more than one, though, simply because there are different kinds of exercise. A well-rounded program will generally include a strength routine, a cardio routine and a stretch routine. Some of these tapes might require equipment. A strength workout will generally require some form of resistance equipment such as weights, a barbell or a resistance band. Often these tapes can be modified, for example, if you do not have a barbell you can use hand weights instead. A cardio tape that is labeled "floor"or "dance" aerobics will not require equipment, but a "step" tape will require an aerobic step. Many stretch or yoga videos feature mats, blocks or straps, but these are not required.

Can you buy one of each and just keep doing them over and over? Yes---but there are some drawbacks to never varying your routine. First of all, your body can adapt to doing the same routine over and over again, and you might stop seeing progress. Also, you can develop over-use injuries from doing the same thing over and over. And you might get bored and give up your routine altogether. A variety keeps things interesting and keeps your body challenged.

One valuable resource is the VF Exchange section of the forums, where you can swap workouts you own for fresh ones from other Vfers. A post to this forum will have two parts: the trade list (what the person has to trade) and a wish list (what they are looking for). You can post your own list there, or you can browse the existing lists to see if anyone is looking for something you have. Also, be on the lookout for anything that says "SASE" on it---this means you can have the tape for FREE as long as you provide the owner with a self-addressed stamped envelope so they can send it to you. Two final thoughts about the VF Exchange: many Vfers have admitted they tend to skip over posts that have vague subject lines such as "trade list"or "exchange list." So you will probably have better luck if you use the subject line like a mini-ad to describe other what you have (e.g. "Kathy Smith dvds to trade" or what you want (e.g. "Looking for Leslie Sansone." And secondly, please be aware that you are NOT ALLOWED to buy and sell on the VF exchange---it is solely for swapping. The exchange is, like the rest of the VF forum, moderated, so if it any point you run into difficulties with a trade you can contact the moderators for help.
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Old 11-23-03, 11:59 PM  
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4) Where can I buy the tapes and dvds?

The top 3 spots seem to be Collage Video (, and CK Sales ( Collage Video is the most comprehensive site and has a catalogue that comes out several times a year which Vfers eagerly anticipate. It is an American company and all prises are in American dollars. They also pay you $100 in free videos of they use your success story in their catalogue :-) CK Sales is a Canadian site and their prices are in Canadian dollars. They specialize in some of the advanced hard to find videos like Cathe and Body Bar. Many instructors sell their products through their own websites and some of these websites have forums as well (although many of these are restricted to only comments and messages about that instructor). Be aware also that some of these instructors have less reliable customer service records than a big site like Collage or Amazon. Save all your email communications with them. The top 3 I just mentioned are generally very receptive to customer concerns and have very good records.

Although VF is not a for-pay site, it does cost money to run, and there are several ways you can support VF. One of them is by shopping---the site gets a kickback on purchases made at all the above-mentioned sites and many others provided you enter them via our VF portal. This affiliate list is also a fairly decent index of the best places to shop for video gear :-) You can find that list here:

5) What information can I find in a typical video review?

The reviews are written by many people, so there is no set template. Some reviews will be very long, and will talk about the writer's thoughts on a tape and also offer a detailed breakdown of the moves. Others will be shorter and focus more on the reviewers impressions of the tape. Some people prefer to read shorter reviews whereas others like the long detail. Generally most tapes will have more than one review, and hence, a mix of the two.

Here is a sampling of the type of information reviews might discuss:
- Vital statistics such as the length of the tape, type of music and set, equipment needed
- Whether the instructor is alone or working out with a class
- What level the tape is at---if it is advertised as beginner, could a beginner really follow?
- If the tape can be modified (made harder or easier) and does anyone do it on-screen?
- For weight tapes, which body parts are worked, for how many sets, and what exercises
- For cardio tapes, how complex is the choreography and what is the impact like?
- For stretch tapes, is the stretching yoga-style or athletic?
- Does the box make any claims (e.g. all levels, low-impact) that are not accurate?
- How does the workout compare to others by the same instructor?
- How does the workout compare to others that are similar to it?
- How fun is the tape? Would you do it again?
- If the review is for a DVD, are there are extras? Chapters? Mix and match features?
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Old 11-23-03, 11:59 PM  
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5) What information can I find in the forum?

Most of the forum sections are fairly self-explanatory, but I’ll comment on some of the special ones below/

General Discussion. General questions on videos and fitness go here. Feel free to talk about non-video forms of fitness such as gyms, running, triathlons, sports etc. Off-topic posts do some up from time to time, but they are not encouraged, and be aware too that Video Fitness is a "diet-free zone" so please avoid discussing or debating specific diet programs. General food comments (e.g. "what are some good post-workout snacks?") are permitted, but these should go in the Recipe Box section.

Challenges and Check-Ins: a Challenge is a VF "event" that many people might participate in. For example, during "Virgin Week" each participant is required to do at least one tape they have not done before, and during "Dust Bunny Week" they are required to do a neglected and forgotten tape. A check-in is small group of Vfers who unite under a common goal or purpose to share their workouts and cheer each other on. For example, the Mom to Mom check-in is for Vfers with children, or the Strength Check-In is for people who are concentrating on strength workouts. Generally, each check-in will have a day of the week it is usually started on e.g. Sunday, and the first person in the group to get there on that day will start the thread for that week. Then others will arrive and post their workouts and comments. Any Vfer can join or leave a check-in at will---they are all completely open. And new ones are always being created. For example, rebounding is a relatively new workout form and that check-in was only recently started.

Combinations, Rotations and Modifications: People will post rotations here, but this section is also significant for being home of the DVD chaptering topics. A devoted group of generous Vfers have taken it upon themselves to post the chapter contents of the DVDs they own, to allow Vfers who are capable with the programming feature of their player to customize their workouts. A complete and carefully updated index of every title that has undergone this treatment can be found here:

Vfer News and Events: Although off-topic posts are generally discouraged, one thing Vfers do like to hear about is babies---and weddings, promotions, new jobs, moves and fun things like that. If you have any big life news you want to share, it goes here.

Frequently Asked Questions: These sections feature a variety of topics that come up often at VF. It is a huge resource that many Vfers often forget about in the midst of all the other goodies :-) It is also home to the "Everything" threads, wherein VF volunteers take on a hot-button instructor, workout style or hot topic and attempt to compile the useful posts, comments and questions into one mega-topic. A complete list of "Everything 'Everything'" can be found here:
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Old 11-24-03, 12:00 AM  
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6) What other resources exist at VF to help me?

The history of VF:

A primer on choosing a DVD player:

VF Lexicon (jargon, lingo etc.)

VF success stories:

Interviews with some popular instructors:

Downloadable workout logs in a variety of formats:

7) What other resources exist on-line to help me?

The Firm "Ya Ya" forum is an exercise forum created by fans of "The Firm" exercise videos. They allow off-topic posts, and they allow buying and selling on their swap.

This site has many exercise reviews written by certified personal trainer Paula Z, who also publishes a newsletter.

This site has consumer reviews for many fitness infomercial products:

The end! Questions? Additions? Comments? Post away! :-)

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Old 12-02-03, 09:40 AM  
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Quick update to let you all know that I've done an edit and cleaned up some formatting glitches, and added a few clarifications to things. I'd love some feedback from the group on this :-)
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Old 07-04-10, 09:04 PM  
Join Date: Feb 2010
Using 'search'

Sometime when using the search function, I get a message that says the word is either too long or too short. Is there a way to include these words in the search anyhow? Thanks.
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Old 07-05-10, 07:24 PM  
Join Date: Aug 2006
Yes, the search tool here is not the best.

One thing that you can do is use google to search the forum. I'm not sure that it will show recent posts, however.

For the google search, type your_search_word

I believe that you can also request that search terms that you would like to use be added to the list of acceptable searches, even if they are too short.

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