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Old 07-03-19, 10:27 AM  
Vintage VFer
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Originally Posted by LAC View Post
One last thing about me - I think I'm a thread killer, so my apologies to the OP if you don't get any responses after this one
It's not dead yet!
Goal:250 / Done 107

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Old 07-03-19, 11:27 AM  
Laura S.
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There's gotta be someone else who wants to keep this thread going...

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Something is better than nothing
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Old 07-03-19, 11:32 AM  
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I found out about the forum when I was looking for reviews on Essentrics/Classical Stretch dvds about 2/3 years ago.

Never athletic but I always enjoyed gym class in HS.
I never clicked with dvds until Miranda and Sahra and pretty much only use Essentrics. I take exercise classes, walk a lot and do Essentrics in the morning.

Favorite instructors are CS/Essentrics since that's all I own!

Summer plan is to keep Essentrics/CS in the morning. Maybe start doing it at work when the heat and humidity keeps me indoors and I can find a space to do it. Walk as much as I can to enjoy the summer weather and stream Essentrics in August when my boot camp is on hiatus.

I usually hang out in the CS/Essentrics checkin.

Happy July 4th!!!
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Old 07-03-19, 01:16 PM  
Join Date: May 2018
I'll play!

1. How do you found VF?
I think researching dvds. Can't really remember but have been reading threads/posts for years. Finally was able to join about a year ago (had tried before but for some reason was unsuccessful).

2. Fitness Background
Active as a child - various sports, dance, drill team in high school, etc. Gym rat in college. LOVED step aerobics and dancing!!! My home workout at the time was popping a cassette tape in my tape player, putting on some ankle weights and "toning" in my parents living room. Now I think it's called Pilates, Barre, or something fancy. Stopped working out for a few years when I had to start adulting (i.e. get a job). My roommate was getting down with the fanny lifter and I was seeing results. She invited me to start doing some of the workouts and that's when I started working out at home. Never thought I could get a good workout at home! Built quite a collection of Firms, then from VF and 2Lazy, I found Cathe and other instructors/dvds. Starting mixing in running a little over 10 years ago, but have given it up. I was having knee trouble and was diagnosed with Plica Syndrome, so I've been careful with running. Now just working out at home with an occasional walk.

3. Favorite instructor(s)
Cathe, Kelly Coffey Meyer, Tracie Long. Will occasionally mix in some others like Michelle Dozois, Chalene, Jessica, Amy Dixon, Patrick G. - all the usual's. I'm working on building my Linda Wooldridge collection to add more variety to my workouts.

4. Let us know about your Summer workout plan.
My plan has been derailed a bit. We're just finishing a remodel (I hope) so my STS/Glute rotation that I started in May lasted about 1 week. Since then I've just been doing what I normally do - mix it up between metabolic, weights, cardio, etc. I'm hoping to try some workouts that have been sitting on my shelf for awhile. I've never done a rotation before, so might try one again.

Thanks for the thread! It's been fun lurking!

Happy 4th!
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Old 07-03-19, 01:56 PM  
Join Date: Jun 2003
Originally Posted by LAC View Post
1. I found VF in 2006 when I was trying to rebuild my stamina after a year of surgeries and chemotherapy. At that time the only instructors I was familiar with were Denise Austin and Richard Simmons from tv. I got on the internet to look for info, stumbled across VF and was introduced to a whole new world!

2. My fitness background is I don't have one. I was a bookworm child and a klutz who never participated in organized sports. Oddly enough, I grew up and married a phys ed teacher who comes from a family of athletes. I guess opposites really do attract, lol!

3. I don't know that I have a favorite instructor. At one time it was Leslie Sansone, but I burned out on her videos a few years ago. Actually, I haven't used videos much since I got hooked on using my elliptical while I watch Netflix. I still lurk here and read about what everyone else is doing in case something new & exciting pops up.

4. I am currently in PT twice a week, so I guess my summer workout plan will primarily be doing prescribed exercises, which currently involves therabands and a foam roller. I'd also like to get back to outdoor walking at lunch time, which I haven't been able to do at all this year due to a lot stressful and exhausting changes at work.

One last thing about me - I think I'm a thread killer, so my apologies to the OP if you don't get any responses after this one

We have the same non-sports background! I despised gym class, and I'm a bookworm klutz. I have greatly improved my coordination for exercise, but I have not tested if that extends to participating in actual sports I took dance classes for a few years, but had trouble catching onto steps. I'm better at it now!

"Say you are tired and you will be. Believe you are strong and you are." (Sean O'Malley)

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Old 07-03-19, 02:40 PM  
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Originally Posted by LAC View Post

One last thing about me - I think I'm a thread killer, so my apologies to the OP if you don't get any responses after this one
Lol, the thread is still going and I thought your post was great!

Certified Level 4 Essentrics Instructor - March 2021

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Jim Rohn

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Old 07-04-19, 06:53 AM  
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Yay, not dead yet - thanks ladies

Sherry, maybe we can form a bookworm klutz group. I have to warn you though, I take klutzy to an extreme. If I tried to take dance lessons, I would probably be asked to leave the room to avoid injury to other people, lol!
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Old 07-04-19, 08:05 AM  
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Chicago burb
Originally Posted by Sharaz View Post

1. How do you found VF?
2. Fitness Background
3. Favorite instructor(s)
4. Let us know about your Summer workout plan.
1.)I found VF back in 98 or 99 when I purchased my first Firm workout on VHS- Maximum Body Shaping with Tracie Long, and I wanted to find out more info on the Firm. I hadn't seen many workout DVDs involving weights and once I found Tracie's workout I fell in love and wanted more weight workouts! I was a lurker for a LONG time and didn't join VF until many years later.

2.)I've always been involved in sports so fitness is in my blood! I was a competitive swimmer as a small child through high school, played basketball until everyone grew taller than me , played golf for a while, did tap dance and acrobatics in grade school, and had a brief bout of being a cheerleader. After college in my early 20s I didn't do much fitness wise and the weight started creeping up on me. In my late 20s I started looking into fitness workouts.

3.) Favorite instructors are Tracie Long, Kelly Coffey Meyer, Chalene Johnson, and recently I've discovered Sydney Cummings on YouTube and really like her workouts, her demeanor, and her enthusiasm and encouragement!

4.)My summer workout plan is to just try to stay consistent! It seems like I'm busier in the summer and it is harder to fit in my workouts. Plus the heat and the humidity seem to affect my workouts...I can't workout as hard as i'd like. I did just order some heavier dumbbells so I'm going to try to increase my strength!

Happy 4th everyone!!!
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Old 07-04-19, 02:38 PM  
Join Date: Mar 2013
Long time lurker chiming in! I can't recall exactly when I found VF, but it has been over 10 years ago. I joined briefly at one point but only made a handful of posts. I've been a ghost participant of a number of bandwagons . I was "actively lurking" for sometime, but dropped off, and have visited sporadically over the years.

My fitness background has been inconsistent over the years; and I've never been a natural athlete. (Clumsy bookworm here too!) I "participated" in some high school sports but I was unskilled and rode the bench during games. Over the years I've kept up a "minimum effective dose" level of fitness, just enough to get by on life and job responsibilities. The only time I truly committed to a full program was the time (just prior to finding VF) that I competed in a novice figure competition. While I don't specifically regret committing to a goal and following through, I do regret how that process (and the environment and community influence in the bodybuilding world) permanently shifted how I saw my own body, resulting in a hyperawareness of perceived defects and such. (I know this doesn't happen to everyone...this was what happened to me). I needed variety and a completely different way to exercise. I was already familiar exercise videos, but my collection grew from experimenting and trying to find something I'd enjoy and offer positive results. Over my lurker years I had a baby who has grown into a kid (who still believes sleep is for the weak), got divorced, job changes, serious injury... common life challenges that can disrupt and overturn your fitness goals.

I'm overthinking the "favorite instructors" question because that answer hinges on "which instructors don't get on my nerves?" which sounds negative! I have an unreasonable, almost comical level of intolerance to many popular instructors because there is just something that I'll find irritating and cannot un-see or un-hear and it ruins the workout for me. Too much talking, too much chipperness, oohss/awes/gratuitous human sound effects, mean coach/drill sergeants, etc etc etc. (I don't feel alone in this as Joni O'd is a verb here and my favorite exercise term of all time.) I've culled my collection *significantly* and I have a lot of Cathe and TA, but a lot of others too. Cathe talks quite a bit but I don't mind (and her workouts are spectacular), but in general, the less vocal excess, the more likely I'll keep the DVD (notice I didn't say "do" the DVD which is what needs addressing ).

My summer plan is to get back into a solid workout habit. The last couple years have rocked me and I just want to get to a place where I'm working out regularly, even if it is just mini-workouts in the morning. Thanks for reading, and Sharaz thanks for starting this thread!
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Old 07-04-19, 09:17 PM  
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: South Florida
Thank you all for playing and sharing your thoughts! Specially long time lurkers. We do want to hear from you

I hope is not dead yet
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