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Old 05-21-02, 07:10 AM  
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Massachusetts
Question another question for VF moms

hi everyone!

I posted here a while back asking you all how you fit exercise into your children filled days. You all had great suggestions, and I was very thankful for the encouragement! I haven't had alot of time to get online lately!

My son is almost 2 months old now and he still doesn't want to take any long naps during the day, so I haven't had much success fitting videos into my day. Sometimes I can, but not too often. Those 8 minute Tae Bo tapes have come in handy!

I was just wondering how many of you work out with your baby or kids, and what you do. I know there are some videos out there that include the baby, but I've never used them. Lately I've been putting my son in my front carrier (he loves it) and we hit the trails near my house with our dog. It's not really the intense cardio workouts I was used to, but it's something! The only times I can get in long video workouts is on the weekends when my husband is home or if my mom is available to watch the baby.

And please tell me that this baby weight is going to come off!! I miss my clothes!

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Old 05-21-02, 07:42 AM  
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After bedtime?

Hi Melissa:

It sure is tough to find time to work out with little babies. Fortunately (at least in my case), when they get older their schedule settles down a bit and when that is a little more regular, hopefully you can find some more solid workout time.

I've always exercised late at night after the kids are in bed. I work full time outside the home during the day, and I'm not willing to give up my evenings with my kids, so I do it after they are in bed. Sometimes I don't get started until 9:30 or 10:00 and it makes a very late night. Especially if the little ones get up during the night still. But this way I know that I can do my full workout without getting interrupted.

Another possibility others do, I know, is to get up really early and do it before the kids wake up. For me, I never know when the kids will wake up, so I can't plan my workout schedule very well.

I hope that helps. As far as your clothes go, it takes a while. Remember - nine months up, nine months down! Just be patient, and you'll get there.

Good luck!
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Old 11-17-05, 01:53 PM  
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: IL
Motivation for PM w/O moms


Could you let me know what motivated you to workout after your fulltime job outside home during the day and put kids to the bed? I have one 17 mon and 8 yr old. I used to be able to workout really early AM. (normally, I got up around 4:30am). But recently, my little guy got flu, then he got the habit to wake up around that time. I also had to drive my DD to ice arena at 6:00am 3 days during the weekday. I could no longer w/o at my normal am period. I tried to move to PM. But like you, after long day, I felt I would rather lie down than working out. But I really want to get rid of my last 20 lbs of baby fat. I need aerobic badly. How can you re energize yourself and motivate yourself to workout at 9:00pm, or sometimes at 10:00pm?


Originally Posted by AnnaMarie
Hi Melissa:

It sure is tough to find time to work out with little babies. Fortunately (at least in my case), when they get older their schedule settles down a bit and when that is a little more regular, hopefully you can find some more solid workout time.

I've always exercised late at night after the kids are in bed. I work full time outside the home during the day, and I'm not willing to give up my evenings with my kids, so I do it after they are in bed. Sometimes I don't get started until 9:30 or 10:00 and it makes a very late night. Especially if the little ones get up during the night still. But this way I know that I can do my full workout without getting interrupted.

Another possibility others do, I know, is to get up really early and do it before the kids wake up. For me, I never know when the kids will wake up, so I can't plan my workout schedule very well.

I hope that helps. As far as your clothes go, it takes a while. Remember - nine months up, nine months down! Just be patient, and you'll get there.

Good luck!
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Old 12-18-09, 06:32 PM  
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Santa Monica, California
When my son was 2 months, I was just lucky to survive at all and my only form of exercise was carrying him in the carrier every night around the neighbourhood, because he would scream every night, unless I would carry him or drive without traffic lights(on the freeway). Good luck!
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Old 08-18-10, 07:30 PM  
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Denial
Just echoing what others have already said, I guess, but I wanted to chime in. When both of mine (now 2.5 and nearly 6) were tiny, I used the swing to get in as much of a workout as I could -- as others have said, you learn to be very flexible and embrace imperfect workouts

Also, with my second child I lost nearly all of the baby weight from walking. Not power walking, just plain old walking. In fact, since having children in general I've found that in a way "less is more" when it comes to working out for me -- when I tried to go back to intense workouts like Cathe, P90X, etc. it just wiped me out too much. But if I consistently do less intense stuff, like walks, barre DVDs, Ellen Barrett, etc, I get better results in the long run because I end up getting in more movement overall (both because i am not wiped out and am more likely to move more throughout the day, and because it is easier to fit in things like walks so I log more exercise time). My default workout when the little one is at my heels is a long walk with him in the jogging stroller, weather permitting. I used to walk during his morning nap time when he was a baby.

Another thing I wanted to add: My kids are at the point now where Mommy exercising is something they are very used to seeing and being around, and as a result it's much easier for me to work out with them around. So it gets better, and you are modeling a good habit!
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Old 02-10-11, 09:02 PM  
Join Date: May 2002
Location: South Cackilackey
Congratulations!! Ah, the days of nursing with sweaty boobies, I remember those well!

I agree with walking - and try to find workouts you can trim into smaller segments for when you can sneak in 20 minutes. I also did floor work in the nursery after getting DD down, just to feel like I did something before having to crash myself. Just that much actually made a difference - pushups here, squats there... When Sarah was about 15 months, she would sit on the couch and color while I worked out, and we were golden.
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Old 05-21-02, 07:54 AM  
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First congrats on your baby!! I have faced this twice in the past and will face an even tougher challenge next month when my 3rd child will be born. I have enought trouble getting it in with a 2 and 5 year old adding a newborn to the mix will be trouble but it CAN be done! Oh and yes, I have learned with the past 2 babies the weight will come off but it takes time.

For me, the only time I was able to fit it in without being stressed was/is when DH is either home or out with the kids (weekends). Also, you need to set realistic goals for yourself. When you have a newborn baby you are setting your self up for guilt by expecting yourself to workout 5-6 days a week.

the way I always fit it is was either really early morning when DH was still sleeping- he and I had an agreement that if the kids/baby woke up while I was still working out he would take care of the baby until I was done. OR I would wait until he came home from work because there is nothing more frustrating that being really into a workout, all sweaty and having to stop halfway through because the baby is crying. Sure I was not always thrilled with early dawn or evening workouts but it was amazing to be able to workout untinterupted so it was worth it to me.

Now I am only working out 3 days a week (at 8 months pregnant I am having a serious energy lag!!) but once the baby comes and is a few weeks old, I will aim for 3-5 days a week and those weeks I only get 3 days in, oh well that is pretty darn good considering all my small kids!

So bottom line, be flexible when you are willing to workout and don't be too hard on yourself right now if you don't always make all your workouts.

Enjoy that baby!!!
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Old 05-21-02, 01:31 PM  
Lucy K
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I second the "be flexible" suggestion! My son is 8 months and just a few weeks ago (when I stopped pumping....DS was 9 weeks early and never got the hang of breastfeeding, so I ended up exclusively pumping...but that's another story) I started to do AM workouts. This is a first for me, and I'm doing OK so far. As in I manage to get up most days I set the alarm for a workout. I'm lucky because DS has a pretty set schedule and wakes up between 6:30 and 7:00. Since I workout from 6 to 7, DH will go up and get Patrick and bring him into bed with him until I'm done working out. It's become great quality time for the 2 of them, especially since DH works late many evenings and now that DS goes to sleep around 8, they weren't getting much awake time together. If you're breastfeeding, though, this might not work for you.

Until DS was about 6 months, I could do naptime workouts -- I just had him nap in his bouncy seat which I kept where he could see me if he woke up. He loved watching the barbell go up and down during squats! But I think he may have slept more since he was a preemie. At 6 months, he decided he was done with that and stopped cooperating and that was the end of daytime workouts for me. So I switched to evenings, after DH got home. It worked ok, but I missed evenings with DH.

I also second the realistic expectations suggestion! Pre-baby, I was a consistent 5x/week exerciser. Post-baby, my goal is 4x/week. This way, if I only get in 3x, it doesn't seem as bad and if I get in 5x, it's a bonus.

Good luck! Those first few months before they get into a schedule are really hard!

Lucy K
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Old 05-21-02, 02:25 PM  
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Massachusetts

Sometimes it's just nice to know I'm not alone out there! I really appreciate suggestions from other moms!
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Old 05-21-02, 02:27 PM  
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Silicon Valley
VF mothers


Yes, I remember those days well. I used to live for the weekends when DH would take both kids out and I could exercise with the tv as loud as I wanted, uninterupted.

After my second child was born, I also did a lot of walking and even though my heart rate wasn't way up, I lost a ton of weight. If you're breastfeeding then eat a lot of small meals and just keep getting out and walking because you are moving and with the baby in the carrier, that's extra weight that's toning your muscles. OK, so it isn't like pre-baby or even pre-pregnancy, but it's something and it will definitely help you. If you continue to walk like that as much as you can - every day or a few times a week, and then get one or two good workouts on the weekends when someone is watching baby then you'll be doing great.

I also agree with working out at night. As soon as my kids are down I run to the tv. I knew that even as newborns they'd at least sleep for 1 1/2 hours which would give me time for a tape and a shower.

I have to say one more thing - don't be too hard on yourself now. You really do need to rest after having a baby. After a few months you'll be back where you were before, but you don't want to wear yourself down now. Enjoy your time with your baby and don't worry about it. You WILL get back into shape. All the best, Linda
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